2022年有关银行资信调查的情景口语资信 口语 情景 A: Hello! So,youre back. Do you have everything with you 您好!您果真回来啦。您把全部的东西都带来了吗 B: I think so. 我想是的。 A: We will need detailed information regarding the full name of the company,the company address. 我们将须要具体的信息,例如完整的公司名称、公司地址 B: Yes,yes. Ive got all of that here. 是的,是的。我已经全带到这里来了。 A: And also, the bank and branch name the company holds an account with and the account number. 还有,该公司开户的银行及分行名称和账号。 B: Check, check and check. 有了,有了,有了。 A: Whats the purpose for this check Would you like to know its repayment capacity 这次资信调查的目的是什么您想知道它的还款实力方面的状况吗 B: Yes, thats one of the main things we are interested in. When do you think I can get hold of this report 是的,这是我们感爱好的主要方面之一。你认为我们什么时候可以拿到这份报告 A: As its confidential there is a certain amount of red tape, but it shouldnt take too long. There is,of course a service fee of 300 RMB to be paid. 由于它是保密的,会有肯定的例行手续,但不应当花太长时间。当然,您须要支付300元的手续费. B: No problem, Ill settle that now. You can take it from my Business Account. 没问题,我现在就付。你可以从我的企业账户中支取。 第2页 共2页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页