社交网站英语怎么说 社交网站的英语说法1: social networking site 社交网站的英语说法2: the social network 社交网站的相关短语: 屏蔽社交网站 Ban Social Networks 美国社交网站 Facebook 社交网站密码找回 Social Password Decryptor 社交网站用语 Social networking sites language 现实生活社交网站 Real Life Social Network 社交网站的英语例句: 1. Share This via email AIM, social bookmarking and networking sites, etc. 可通过电子邮件,即时通软件, 社交网站书签, 其它网站等方式共享它. 2. MOG isnt trying to be a social - networking site that enables all things. MOG没想成为一家无所不包的社交网站. 3. The New York Times has aggressively promoted its content on social sites. 纽约时报在社交网站上大力推广其内容. 4. Social networking may end up being everywhere, and yet nowhere. 社交网站可能最终会无处不在, 但是现在还早得很. 5. When using gregarious website, should make full use of its safety mechanism. 在运用社交网站时, 要充分利用其平安机制. 6. In social networking, this evolution is just beginning. 在社交网站中, 这场革命才刚刚起先. 7. The story is no different with social networking. 社交网站领域的境况也别无二致. 8. Accordingly, gregarious website also is known as the greatest Internet application after afterwards searches engine. 因此, 社交网站也被誉为继搜寻引擎之后最宏大的互联网应用. 9. Probably doubt says, why to compare the user amount of browser and gregarious website 或许有疑问称, 为何比较阅读器和社交网站的用户数量 10. That also means limiting the amount and type of information included on social networking sites. 这也意味着限制的数量和类型的信息,包括对社交网站. 11. Cheng Lehua: Gregarious website may suit to at the person the character conveys more. 程乐华: 社交网站可能更适合擅长文字表达的人. 12. The real test comes from the social networking site on short - term and - term interests of the choice. 真正的考验来自于社交网站对 短期 和 长期 利益的取舍. 13. Dozens of popular social networking sites provide all sorts of services to suit kind of person. 很多热门的社交网站供应各种各样的服务,以满意各种人的需求. 14. Xinhua this month started offering Chinese - language TV news on Kaixin 001, a social networking site. 本月,新华社在社交网站快乐网(Kaixin001)开通了中文电视新闻服务. 15. Smaller social networking sites have decided to partner up to increase their user database. 小型的社交网站确定相互合作,以增加他们的用户数据库. 第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页