背景音乐用英文怎么说背景音乐的英文说法1: background music 英 bkraund mju:zik 美 bkrand mjuzk 背景音乐的英文说法2: BGM背景音乐相关英文表达: 爱听背景音乐 Favorite Backround Music 播放背景音乐 Play Background Sound 背景音乐英文例句: 或许在某些特定的时刻你须要一些背景音乐来集中留意,或者须要一些点心或小睡。 Maybe you need background music to keep you focused or a snack or napat a specific time. 他们不仅可以自己做主,还可以在给客人做芳香按摩的时候闻到各种香味,倾听很多能使人安静下来的背景音乐或是大海的声音。 Not only are most massage therapists self employed, but they also get tosmell smoothing aromatherapy scents and listen to calming backgroundmusic or ocean sounds all day while they work. 假如没记错的话,我曾间或提到我和妻子都是老电影迷,只要一有时间,我们就可能开着经典电影频道,哪怕只是听听背景音乐而已。 As I think Ive mentioned on occasion my wife and I are old movie fans and at any given moment are fairly likely to have Turner Classic Movies on, ifonly for background music. 那些古典的、减缓疲惫的背景音乐呢我是指,我知道你工作时的莫扎特效应,和我们聊聊这个。 FLATOW: But what about soothing, classical music in the background Imean, I know you worked with the Mozart Effect. Tell us about that. 整个专辑缺少了一点自己的特性,使得它只能成为一些节日派对活着购物商店里用来调整气氛的无聊的背景音乐。 The album lacks a personality of its own, making it pleasant but often boringbackground music for tempered holiday parties or shopping at the upscalemall. 新的背景音乐-有些是伦敦交响乐团专为苹果录制的。 Includes new scores for background music - some done by LondonSymphony just for Apple. 现在,假装您正在听着鼓舞人心的背景音乐,然后听我说:协作使我们能够以卓越、高效的方式完成必要的任务。 Pretend you hear inspiring music playing in the background as I now say,together we can get done what needs to be done and in an excellent,efficient manner. 背景音乐本身并不是学习程序的一部分,但随着学习信息也一并走进记忆里。 Background music in itself is not a part of the learning process, but it doesenter into memory along with the information learned. 肯定要让他们带来合适的用餐背景音乐而不仅仅是聚会上的舞曲。 Be sure to ask your DJ to bring appropriate background music for diningand not just dance music for the party. 那些古典的、减缓疲惫的背景音乐呢 FLATOW: But what about soothing, classical music in the background 但照旧有一个忠告:不要试图在处理困难问题时开启你的背景音乐。 A word of warning though: dont use background music while youre trying to do something complicated. 检查棺材的颜色和设计,逝者的服装,背景音乐和椅子的摆放等,以及确定供应葬礼服务的预定时间。 Check the coffin color and design, the deceaseds apparel, the backgroundmusic, and the chair set-up, as well as plans for the funeral service at thescheduled time. 背景音乐在脱衣舞中起着关键的作用。 Background music plays a critical part in striptease dancing. 关掉背景音乐。 Eliminate background music. 在面包与枪快餐店,你可以从一份子弹形态的菜单中点一份卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪三明治,这里的厨师身着迷彩服,餐厅的背景音乐是隆隆的炮火轰鸣声。 At Buns and Guns you can order a Kalashnikov sandwich from a bullet-shaped menu, prepared by chefs in military fatigues with the roar ofexplosions as background music. 可以随意谈谈你身边的时事,例如当时响起的好玩的背景音乐或是酒吧里供应的美味马丁尼鸡尾酒。 Bring up casual points about your current surroundings, like the funny musicplaying in the background or the tasty martinis the bar is serving. 这种声音已经不仅仅是背景音乐了,而是和好戏融为一体。依据探讨表明,这种叫鸣声能够让雄性兴奋。 The music isnt just background; its part of the show. The song seems toturn the males on, according to the research. 爵士乐绝不仅仅只是背景音乐。 It is certainly much more than mere background music. 第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页