DIN EN 17460-2022-10 ENG原版完整文件.docx
DIN EN 17460:2022-10EN 17460:2022 (E)ContentsPageEuropean foreword6Introduction71 Scope82 Normative references83 Terms and definitions94 Competences of adhesive bonding personnel144.1 General144.2 Competences of coordinators154.3 Competences of the adhesive bonding operators175 Design and verification of adhesively bonded joints on rail vehicles175.1 General175.2 Design process175.2.1 Flow chart175.2.2 List of requirements185.2.3 Preliminary design and general design parameters195.3 Design195.3.1 General195.3.2 Risk analysis and safety classification195.3.3 Adhesive bonding joint list205.3.4 Qualification of an adhesive205.4 Validation of the design245.4.1 General245.4.2 Identifying of the influences/loads245.4.3 Calculation2 55.4.4 Proven design285.4.5 Component test285.4.6 Combination of calculation/component test/proven design285.5 Proof of conformity286 Workmanship316.1 General process requirements6.1.1 Transport and storage of adhesives, auxiliary materials and adherends6.1.2 Manufacturing environment6.1.3 Preparation of work stations and acclimatization of materials6.1.4 Occupational health and safety, environmental protection6.1.5 Checking for fitting accuracy concerning shape, position and dimension6.1.6 Checks prior to start of production6.1.7 Treatment of the adherend surfaces6.1.8 Dosing, mixing and application6.1.9 Joining the adherends6.1.10 Fixing6.1.11 Solidification6.1.12 Packaging and transport of adhesively bonded components6.2 Work instructions6.3 Production-accompanying work-samples as a proof possibility of application quality.6.4 Rework386.5 Quality assurance386.5.1 General386.5.2 Quality planning386.5.3 Quality inspection396.5.4 Corrective action406.5.5 Imperfections in adhesive bonds407 Maintenance and repair407.1 General407.2 Documentation417.3 Execution rules417.4 Maintenance and repair instructions418 Subcontracting41Annex A (informative) Adhesive bonding personnel42A.lPersonnel42A.l.lCompetencies of adhesive bonding operators42A.1.2(Responsible) Adhesive Bonding Coordinator (rABC/ABC)42A.2 Organizational integration of adhesive bonding coordination - further details in addition to 4.245A.3Monitoring and testing personnel45Annex B (informative) Explanation of comprehensive, specific and basic competencies, knowledge application, practical application, and experiences468.1 Competence - subject468.2 General definitions of competencies, knowledge application, practical application,and experiences defined in Table 1 of this document478.2.1 Comprehensive478.2.2 Specific478.2.3 Basic488.3 Detailed definitions of competencies, knowledge application, practical application,and experiences with respect to the subject contents defined in Table B.l of this annex488.3.1 Comprehensive: detailed definitions488.3.2 Specific: detailed definitions558.3.3 Basic: detailed definitions61Annex C (informative) List of requirements65Annex D (normative) Determining the stress limit67D.lGeneral67D.2Characteristic values and the permissible stress limit67D.3Testing low-modulus (flexible) adhesives69D.3.1General69D.3.2 Determining the modulus of elasticity, the Poisson,s ratio and the stress/strain characteristic using adhesive test pieces69D.3.3 Testing the quasi-static adhesive bond strength for adhesive bonds formed with low- modulus adhesives69D.3.4 Testing the compression of adhesive bonds using low-modulus adhesives70D.3.5 Testing the elongation at break after relaxation of adhesive bonds using flexible adhesive71D.3.6Testing the creep behaviour of adhesive bonds using low-modulus adhesives71D.3.7Testing the fatigue strength of adhesive bonds using low-modulus adhesives72D.3.8Measurement of pH value of cured adhesives exposure to moisture72D.4Testing high-modulus (very stiff) adhesives72D.4.1Determining the modulus of elasticity, the Poisson,s ratio and the stress/straincharacteristic using adhesive test pieces72D.4.2Testing lap shear strength72D.4.3Testing the creep behaviour of adhesive bonds usinghigh-modulus adhesives73D.4.4Testing the fatigue strength of adhesive bonds using high-modulus adhesives73D.4.5Other tests: measurement of pH value of cured adhesives exposure to moisture73Annex E (informative) Criteria for choosing an adhesive bonding system74Annex F (informative) Description of non-destructive anddestructive testing methods78F.lGeneral78F.2Non-destructive testing78F.2.1Preliminary remark78F.2.2Visual inspection78F.2.3Ultrasonic testing78F.2.4Thermography78F.2.5Shearography79F.2.6Tap test79F.2.7Water drop test79F.2.8Ink test79F.2.9Test for adhesion at edges or flanks79F.2.10Suction cup test79F.2.11Test using a feeler gauge79F.3Destructive testing79F.3.1Preliminary remark79F.3.2Fracture patterns79F.3.3Lap shear test (EN 1465)80F.3.4Floating roller peel test (ISO 4578 55)80F.3.5Bead peel test (ISO 21194) 54803DIN EN 17460:2022-10EN 17460:2022 (E)Annex G (informative) Description of accelerated ageing tests81G.lGeneral81G.2Ageing factors and its effects81G.3Selection of accelerated ageing test82G.4Examples of accelerated ageing tests82G.4.1General82G.4.2Constant climatic conditions82G.4.3Alternating climate test82G.4.4Salt spray test83G.4.5Cataplasma test83G.4.6Exposure to light respectively UV radiation83G.4.7Exposure to contaminants and media83G.4.8Appropriate combined test83G.4.9Weathering84Annex H (informative) Examples of non-decorative and decorative imperfections of adhesive bonds85H.lGeneral85H.2Examples of non-decorative imperfections85H.3Criteria and different decorative areas86Annex I (informative) Adhesive bonding symbols 87LlAssemblies information on drawings87Annex J (informative) Clarification of further vocabulary associated with adhesive bonding technology88J.lGeneral88J.2Vocabulary88Bibliography9769European forewordThis document (EN 17460:2 0 2 2) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 2 5 6 “Railway applications,the secretariat of which is held by DIN.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2023, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 2027.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users' national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.IntroductionHistorically, the production of railway vehicles and their components, for the main part, comprises such materials as steels and aluminium alloys. Their methods of construction and assembly include such processes as bolting, riveting, and welding.Railway vehicles within the meaning of this document are defined in EN 15380-1 47.Technological developments have led to the availability of other materials, e.g. composites, and some of these traditional methods of construction as bolting, riveting, and welding and assembly are not necessarily appropriate or suitable for such materials.For this reason, a process of adhesive bonding can be essential for the production of certain railway vehicles and their components, not only in the case of composites but for steels and aluminium alloys as well as glass and other materials.The confirmation of the quality and integrity of the final adhesively bonded joints do not readily lend themselves to traditional inspection and testing techniques such as non-destructive testing.Therefore, it is essential that the quality and control of the adhesively bonded joints of assemblies and components is managed to the best possible level by means of an appropriate process control procedure.Whilst there are standards that deal with Quality Control and are taken into account, this document aims to give the correct framework and includes additional detail necessary for all adhesive bonding and sealing activities performed on railway vehicles and its components as a special process.NOTE EN ISO 9001 41 is such an example.Against this background, this document refers to definitions as well as organisational, management, contractual and technical principles to be followed in production of adhesively bonded joints in analogy to welding technology. Thus, comparable focal points are also the focus here:Focal point 1: Classification of each adhesively bonded joint according to safety requirements (see 53.2)Focal point 2: Designation of supervisory personnel (Adhesive Bonding Coordinators - ABCs) and execution personnel (Adhesive Bonding Operators) who can objectively demonstrate that they have the necessary and required skills, knowledge, and experience in the field Ofadhesive bonding (see Clause 4).Focal point 3: Verification that the actual loading (stress, strain, and strain energy) of an adhesively bonded joint during the use of an adhesively bonded product is in any case less than the maximum load capacity (see 5.4 and Annex D).Another focus of this document are the principles of workmanship of adhesively bonded joints (see Clause 6).1 ScopeThis document defines terms and specifies requirements for adhesive bonding and sealing work in rail vehicles and their components independent of the material of the adherend and the solidification mechanism, strength, and deformation properties of the adhesives.This document is applicable to adhesive bonding and sealing adherends in the:development (pre-production);production (in-production; maintenance including repair (post-production); quality assurance of production, inspection, maintenance including repair of rail vehicles and their components.This document is not applicable to: screw retention by the usage of adhesives, if a screw assembly without further safeguard of identical joint design is sufficient for the purpose; hybrid joints, if the expected function is given exclusively by another joining technology e.g. welding, screwing, riveting; production of vulcanizates; production of plywood; production of fibre reinforced plastic composites (FRP-composites); production Oflaminated safety glass; pure encapsulating of electronic parts; application of single-sided adhesive decorative films.2 Normative referencesThe following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.EN 1465, Adhesives Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of bonded assembliesEN 923, Adhesives Terms and definitionsEN ISO 10365, Adhesives Designation of main failure patternsISO 16269-6:2014, Statistical interpretation of data Part 6: Determination of statistical tolerance intervalsEN 14869-2l Structural adhesives Determination of shear behaviour Ofstructural bonds Part 2: Thick adherends shear test (/S。11003-27ISO 12107, Metallic materials Fatigue testing Statistical planning and analysis of data3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 923, and the following apply.NOTE An additional clarification of vocabulary associated with adhesive bonding technology is given in Annex J.ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:/www.iso.org/obp IEC Electropedia: available at https:/www.electropedia.org/3.1adhesiontechnical term for the interactions between the adhesive polymers and the adherend/substrate surfaceNote 1 to entry: Adhesion occurs in nm-dimensions.3.2cohesioninternal strength of a material, e.g. an adhesiveNote 1 to entry: Cohesion forces keep for example the molecules of an adhesive together and are based on attractive physical forces between the polymer chains, entanglement of the polymer chains, and chemical bonds inside and between the adhesive polymer chains.3.3adhesivenon-metallic material which bonds two adherends/substrates together via adhesion and cohesion3.4adherendsubstrateobject or semi-finished product (e.g., sheet metal, wires, metal extruded, moulded plastic, fabrics, glass, coated substrate, etc.) on which an adhesive is appliedNote 1 to entry: In adhesive bonding processes, the term adherend is often used as a synonym for substrate.3.5adhesion promotorliquid used in surface treatment to improve the adhesion of the adhesive to the adherendNote 1 to entry: Adhesion promotors often are named as primers, accelerators, or activators (see also J.2.2).3.6adhesive bondingprocess of joining together the adherends by an adhesive or sealantNote 1 to entry: The adherends/substrates can be made of the same as well as of different materials and can have different surface characteristics.3.7adhesive bonding areaarea which is used to join one or more adherends/substrates using an adhesiveNote 1 to entry: The adhesive bonding area is usually the product of the overlap length and overlap width of the adherends/substrates.3.8Adhesive Bonding CoordinatorABCqualified person with proven expertise in adhesive bonding technology responsible for the supervision of the adhesive bonding processes and for all linked activitiesNote 1 to entry: The responsibilities of the Adhesive Bonding Coordinators ABCs are shown in Table 1.3.9responsible Adhesive Bonding Coordinator/deputyrABC/dqualified person with level of competence according to Table 1 in adhesive bonding technology to supervise the full scope or a part of the full scope as the highest instance regarding bonding technology including announcements of deputies according to scope and class3.10adhesive bonderpersonnel with