2022年管道方案(中英文对照版) Contract Title 合同标题 Shanghai Secco Petrochemical Company Limited 上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司 Integrated Project Management Team 一体化项目管理组 Caojing, Shanghai, P R China 中国 上海 漕泾 Document Title 文件标题 PIPING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT DETAIL RULES 管道工程施工质量管理工作细则 PR-00-CIJ-PP-0001 A00 朱诚钢 30.12.02 P00 Issue Rev 版本号 Issue or Revision Description 签发或版本说明 Origin by 制文人 Date 日期 Check by 审核人 Date 日期 Approve by 批准人 Date 日期 Approve by 批准人 Date 日期 This Document is Owned by 本文件持有人 IPMT Authority IPMT授权批准 管道工程施工质量管理工作细则 PIPING CONSTRUCTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT DETAIL RULES 书目 Content 1.0 编制目的及适用范围 Purpose for Preparation and Scope of Application 2.0 编制原则 Principles for Preparation 3.0 执行标准及有关规定 Applicable Standards and Relevant Regulations 3.1 中国政府的相关法规和政策 Relevant laws, regulations and policies issued by Chinese government: 3.2 SECCO项目IPMT质量体系有关文件 Documentation related to IPMT quality system of SECCO project: 3.3 SECCO项目IPMT规定和要求 IPMT regulations and requirements of SECCO project: 3.4 施工验收标准及规范 Standards and codes for construction acceptance: 4.0 冲突和协调 Conflict and Coordination 5.0 专业技术经理与专业工程师 Specialist Technical Manager and Specialist Engineer 5.1 专业技术经理 Specialist technical manager 5.2 专业工程师 Specialist engineer 6.0 HSE 7.0 施工过程中工程施工质量的限制 Quality Control in the Process of Construction 7.1 主要依据 Main basis 7.2 熟识现场管理体系、建立工作接口 Acquaintance with site management system and establishment of working interface 7.3 技术打算 Technical Preparations 7.4 组织设计交底 Organization Design Briefing 7.5 图纸与设计文件会审 Joint Check-up of Drawings and Design Documents 7.6 审查施工组织设计和施工方案 Check-up of Construction Organization Design and Construction Plan 7.7 施工过程的质量限制点的制定和检查程序 Procedures for the Establishment and Inspection of Quality Control Points in the Construction Process 7.8 施工过程中的质量限制 Quality Control During the Construction Process 7.8.1 原材料的检查与验收原则 Principles for the Inspection and Verification of Raw Materials 7.8.2 管子抽检的内容和比例 Contents and Percentage of Pipe Spot-check 7.8.3 其他管道组成件抽检的内容和比例 Spot-check Contents and Percentage of Other Pipe Components 7.8.4 阀门的检验与试验(包括管道视镜、过滤器及阻火器检验) Valve Inspection and Experiment 7.8.5 采纳的主要管道器材标准(规范) Major Piping Specifications Standards 材料标准 Material Standards 无缝钢管 Seamless Steel Pipe 焊接钢管 Welded Steel Pipe 管件 Pipe fittings 联接件 Pipe joints 阀门 Valves 应用规范 Application specification 管子 Pipe 管件 Pipe fittings 联接件 Pipe joints 阀门 Valves 7.8.6 管道防腐 Pipingcorrosion prevention 7.8.7 管道的预制加工工艺 Pre-fabrication process for pipe 7.8.8 碳素钢管道焊接、热处理及质量检查 Welding, heat treatment and quality inspection for carbon steel pipe 7.8.9 阀门安装 Valve installation 7.8.10 低温材料检验及安装 Cryogenic material inspection and installation 7.8.11 静电接地安装 Static grounding erection 7.8.12 管道系统试验、吹除与清洗 Test, purging and cleaning for piping system 7.8.13 工程中间交接 Engineering intermediate takeover 7.8.14 竣工验收 Completion acceptance 7.9 专业工程师应保存的资料 Documents to be retained by specialist engineer 附录1: 管道安装工程质量限制点 Appendix 1 Quality Control Points for Piping Installation Project 附录2: 工业管道施工管理台帐 Appendix 2 Industrial Piping Construction Management Record Book 1.0编制目的及适用范围: Purpose for Preparation and Scope of Application 1.1 本规定适用于上海SECCO 90x104t/a乙烯项目(以下简称SECCO项目)的现场施工质量管理工作。 These stipulations are applicable to the site construction quality management of Shanghai SECCO 90x104t/a Ethene Project . 1.2 本规定是为了明确SECCO项目的现场施工质量管理工作的职责、工作内容、工作流程、方法以及设计、选购、施工的协调,推行现代化、科学化、规范化的项目管理模式而编制的。 These stipulations are prepared for the purpose of defining the responsibilities, working contents, operating process and procedures for the site construction quality management of the SECCO project and for coordination among the design, procurement and construction, so as to pursue the modernized, scientific and standardized mode for project management. 2.0 编制原则 Principles for Preparation 2.1 本细则在项目质量管理目标合理分解、项目质量管理组织已经确立的前提下,以项目的规律效应性和操作好用性为原则编制的。 These rules are prepared on the principle of the law effectiveness and operating practicability of the project, under the precondition that the objectives of the project quality management have been reasonably decomposed and the organization of project quality management has been established. 2.2 本细则留意到质量检验评定中工程划分与WBS分解结构在施工管理中的内在联系,我们强调将两者的划分尽量统一。 These rules have given full attention to the inherent links between the project component division in the quality inspection and evaluation and WBS decomposed structure in the construction management. We emphasize that the two divisions should be unified as far as possible. 2.3 为加强主动限制的力度,本细则建议建立专业施工管理台帐,将施工质量限制纳入现场施工管理体系,专业工程师应参与重要的材料和设备的招标订货会议,了解产品质量、合同技术要求、厂家售后服务及到货状况。以便在施工管理台帐中列出每月到货清单,使材料报检及工程报检工作系统化。 In order to strengthen the power of active control, it is recommended by these rules that a specialized construction management record book is established to integrate the construction quality control into site construction management system. It is also suggested that specialist engineers should participate in the bidding and ordering meetings for important materials and equipment to get acquainted with the product quality, the technical requirements of the contract, after-sale service provided by manufacturer and the delivery status. And then it is possible to put the monthly goods-arrival list in the construction management record book and to realize the systematization of material acceptance and engineering inspection procedures. 3.0执行标准及有关规定 Applicable Standards and Relevant Regulations 3.1 中国政府的相关法规和政策: Relevant laws, regulations and policies issued by Chinese government: 压力管道平安管理和监察规程 Regulations for Pressure Piping Safety Management and Supervision 压力管道安装平安质量监督检验规则 Rules for Pressure Piping Installation Safety and Quality Supervision and Inspection 3.2 SECCO项目IPMT质量体系有关文件: Documentation related to IPMT quality system of SECCO project: 规划管理安排 PL-00-IIJ-PM-0001 Program Management Plan 质量管理策略 ST-00-IIJ-QU-0001 Quality Management Strategy 质量管理组织体系 PL-00-IIJ-QU-0002 Quality Management Organization System 工程质量管理规定 PR-00-CIJ-QU-0001 Regulations for Project Quality Management 质量审核程序 PR-00-IIJ-QU-0001 Quality Check Procedures 承包商质量(QA/QC)标准 SD-00-IIJ-QU-0001 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Standard for Contractors 施工管理细则 Construction Management Detail Rules 3.3 SECCO项目IPMT规定和要求: IPMT regulations and requirements of SECCO project: 装置布置原则 PH-00-TSC-PP-0001 Plant Layout Philosophy 管道材料规定 SD-00-TSC-PP-0001 Specifications for Piping Materials 工艺及公用工程管道设计要求 SD-00-TSC-PP-0002 Process and Utility Piping Design Requirements 地下钢管涂层及包覆标准 SD-00-TSC-PP-0003 Standard for Coating and Wrapping of Underground Steel Pipe 管道制作 SD-00-TSC-PP-0004 Fabrication of Piping 蒸汽伴热管要求 SD-00-TSC-PP-0005 Steam Tracing Piping Requirements 管道支撑标准 SD-00-TSC-PP-0007 Standard for Piping Support 管道柔性-设计标准 SD-00-TSC-PP-0008 Piping FlexibilityDesign Criteria 管道的现场试压 SD-00-TSC-PP-0009 Field Pressure Testing of Piping 隔离材料及应用热保温 SD-00-TSC-PP-0010 Insulation Materials Application -Hot Service 隔离材料及应用冷保温 SD-00-TSC-PP-0011 Insulation Materials Application-Cold Service 管道及设备的隔音爱护 SD-00-TSC-PP-0012 Sound ControlInsulation of Piping and Equipment 标准详图 SD-00-TSC-PP-0013 Standard Detail Drawing 管道焊接标准 SD-00-TSC-MS-0025 Standard for Piping Welding 3.4 施工验收标准及规范: Standards and codes for construction acceptance: 石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范 SH3501-2001 Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Hypertoxic and Combustible Medium Piping Engineering in Petrochemical Industry 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 GB50235-97 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metallic Piping 现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范 GB50236-98 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Field Equipment and Industrial PipingWecontractorng 工业安装工程质量检验评定统一标准 GB50252-94 Unified Standard for Checking and Evaluating the Quality of Industrial Installation Engineering 工业金属管道工程质量检验评定标准 GB50184-93 Standard for Checking and Evaluating the Quality of Industrial Metallic Piping Engineering 工业管道、设备绝热工程施工及验收规范 GBJ126-89 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Piping and EquipmentThermalInsulationEngineering 石油化工工程焊接工艺评定 SHJ509-88 Welding ProcedureQualification for Petrochemical Engineering 石油化工钢制管道工程施工工艺标准 SH3517-2001 Construction Process Standard for Petrochemical Steel Piping Engineering 阀门检验与管理规程 SH3518-2000 Code forValve Inspection and Management 石油化工钢制通用阀门选用、检验及验收 SH3064-94 Selection, Inspection and Acceptance of Petrochemical General Steel Valves 石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范 SH3022-1999 Technical Specification forthe Coating anticorrosion of Equipment and Piping in Petrochemical Industry 石油化工企业设备管道表面色和标记 SH3043-91 Equipment and Piping Surface Color and Marking for Petrochemical Industry 埋地钢质管道石油沥青防腐层施工及验收规范 SYJ4020-88 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Petroleum Asphalt Corrosion Protection Layer for Undergrand Steel Piping 工艺管道 ASME B31.3-2002 Process Piping 无损检测 ASME Section V Nondestructive Examination 焊接和钎焊评定 ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualification 阀门检验及试验 API Std 598 Valve Inspection and Testing 4.0冲突与协调 Conflict and Coordination 中国政府法规、SECCO项目规定、标准和规范(包括国内的和国外的): Laws and regulations issued by Chinese government and the stipulations, standards and codes of SECCO project : 当在项目执行过程中,中国政府法规、SECCO项目规定及标准、规范间有冲突时,执行的依次应当是:中国政府法规、SECCO项目规定、标准和规范要求。 When a conflict occurs in the process of project implementation between the laws and regulations issued by Chinese government and the stipulations, standards and codes of SECCO project, the priority order for implementation should be firstly the laws and regulations issued by Chinese government and then the requirements of the stipulations, standards and codes of SECCO project. 5.0专业技术经理与专业工程师 Specialist Technical Manager and Specialist Engineer 5.1 专业技术经理 Specialist technical manager 5.1.1负责分管专业的施工技术与施工质量的管理工作; To be responsible for the construction technical and quality management of the specialty he/she is assigned to take charge of; 5.1.2 指导专业工程师的工作,监督和支持设计、选购、施工、监理、检测承包商的有关工作; To give instructions to the specialist engineer, to supervise and support the design, procurement, construction and supervisory management and to check the contractors work. 5.2 专业工程师 Specialist engineer 5.2.1 各包专业工程师是由建设部核心组派出,干脆接受专业技术经理的指导和考核,同时在各项目包接受各施工经理的领导。 Specialist engineers of different component packages are sent by the core group of the Ministry of Construction and directly subject to the instruction and examination made by the specialist technical managers. At the same time they should be under the leadership of the construction managers of the respective component packages. 5.2.2 各包专业工程师在项目执行过程中所发生的重要技术变更及工程量确认,向施工经理汇报的同时应抄报建设部核心组专业技术经理。 The specialist engineer of a package shall report to the construction manager about the major technical changes and engineering volume verification in the process of project implementation and simultaneously send a duplicate to the specialist technical manager of the core group in the Ministry of Construction. 5.2.3 各包专业工程师的专业技术及质量周报、月报和工作报告,向施工经理汇报的同时应抄报建设部核心组专业技术经理。 The technological information of the package specialist engineer, as well as the quality weekly report, monthly report and working report shall be submitted to the construction manager and a copy shall be simultaneously made to the specialist technical manager of the core group, Ministry of Construction. 6.0 HSE 6.1 HSE要求 HSE requirements 详见SECCO的HSE文件 Refer to SECCO HSE document for details. 6.2 SECCO 项目中,无论业主还是承包商都应遵守和执行SECCO的HSE文件要求,专业工程师在详细的工作中应帮助HSE工程师落实和监督SECCO的HSE规定。 In SECCO project, both the Client and contractor should observe and follow the requirements of SECCO HSE document. The specialist engineer should assist HSE engineer in the implementation and supervision of SECCO HSE stipulations in the specific work. 7.0施工过程中工程施工质量的限制 Quality Control in the Process of Construction 7.1 主要依据 Main basis 7.1.1各承包合同条件及项目前期技术函件 Various contract conditions and technical correspondence at the initial phase of the project; 7.1.2图纸、相关设计文件 Drawings and relevant design documents; 7.1.3规范及检验、试验标准 Codes and standards for inspection and test; 7.1.4项目施工质量安排 Construction quality plan of the project. 7.2 熟识现场管理体系、建立工作接口 Acquaintance with site management system and establishment of working interface 7.2.1 专业工程师应了解行业质量监督制度,熟识本次项目的监督机构-中石化质量监督总站发布的质量监督方案,在制定工程质量限制点时,应将质量监督方案及质量评定的要求纳入质量管理体系。 A specialist engineer should be acquainted with quality supervision system of his/her specific industry and familiar with the quality supervision program issued by the supervisory institution of this project, i.e., Chinese Petrochemical Quality Supervision Station. When quality control points are set up, the quality supervision program and the qualification requirements should be included in the quality management system. 7.2.2专业工程师应充分了解工程监理制度,熟识监理规划及监理实施细则内容。 A specialist engineer should fully know the project supervisory management system and be familiar with the contents and provisions in the supervisory management plan and the supervisory management implementation detail rules. 7.2.3 选购质检接口:理顺管理体系,加强组织互动,专业工程师应与选购质检工程师和选购工程师亲密合作,刚好了解材料、配件到货状况及抽检安排。Interface of procurement to quality inspection: To rationalize the management system and strengthen the organizational interaction, a specialist engineer should make a close cooperation with the procurement