2022年Unit,23,A,famous,person:afamousperson 教学目标 学问目标: 1词汇 1.Words and phrases: person, speed, though, technology, best-seller, interested, be interested in, future, in the future, large, spend, unusual, in the end, work out, programme, university, develop, tool, personal, improve, golf, bridge, pleased, T-shirt, disease, TB, million, decide, billon, lucky, unlucky, size, almost, speaker, joke, play a joke on, lose, hide, conductor, check, lie, deaf, Seattle, Washington, software, Harvard, BASIC, microcomputer, Microsoft 2日常交际用语: It must be very interesting. I dont think youll like it. It seems to be an interesting book. I am sure I am not sure if I am not sure what to 3语法: 冠词的用法: Here is a book. The book is not mine. Mine is an English book. 实力目标: 1使学生能够依据老师设计的情景对有关闻名人物进行口头和笔头的介绍。学会书写有关“人物”的文体,要特殊留意所用时态和文段的设置。 2使学生能够娴熟驾驭冠词的用法,分析其中的差别。 3使学生能够读懂第91课的文章,回答课后的问题,并能依据上下文推断诞生词的大意。 4使学生能够听懂与课文难度相当的听力材料。 5使学生能够在详细语境中运用I am sure that/ I am not sure if 句型。 情感看法目标: 通过本单元教学,使学生在简要了解比尔·盖茨生平的基础上,得到一些有益的启迪。 1年轻人从小就要树立远大的志向,同时要坚忍不拔、持之以恒为实现志向而努力。 2一分耕耘,一分收获,只有不畏艰辛的人,才能摘取绚烂的明珠。 3现代科学的发展日新月异,作为一个胜利者,必需有科学的预见性,才能恒久立于不败之地。 教化学生努力学习,以名人为榜样,为社会做贡献。 教学建议 教学内容分析 本单元的主要话题是介绍名人,围绕这一主题, 教材设计了听说读写等各种教学活动。除此而外,本单元冠词也是本单元的重点语法项目。第89课中主要从一个谈论爱好的对话讲起,介绍比尔盖茨和他的著作,引出本单元的日常交际用语项目:确定和不愿定。第90课中主要是介绍本单元名人比尔盖茨的生平,文中涉及许多单词,须要学生在阅读中驾驭。第91课中主要是通过几个练习使学生驾驭I am sure that/I am not sure if 句型另外,本课还涉及到冠词的用法。老师可以设计详细的语境,使学生驾驭,其中微小的差别。第92课中除了复习巩固日常用语外,还补充了一个有关马克吐温的小故事以提高学生的阅读实力。 阅读课文教学建议 初中学生对比尔·盖茨和马克·吐温有不同程度的了解。对于介绍他们生平事迹的文章学生肯定感爱好。老师可预先让学生利用课余时间看一些有关比尔·盖茨和马克·吐温的资料。让学习基础比较好的学生在课上进行演讲,熬炼他们口头组织和表达实力。 Lesson 90的教学方法如下: (1)第90课课文篇幅较长,生词较多。建议老师在阅读前设计练习突破难点。 老师可以出示下列句子,请学生猜诞生词的意思。 1)I am six, I am going to be a teacher, of course, not now, not past, in the future. 2)In the end, our team won the game. Finally, our team won the game. 3)Whenever you ask your teacher, the teacher always answers your questions. The teacher will answer your questions at any time. 老师可先复述课文,在复述中把一些重要的单词和短语写在黑板上,同时列出下表: ,帮助学生理清故事情节发展的脉络。 然后让学生依据黑板上的时辰表听录音l2遍,进一步加深对课文内容的理解。最终老师用幻灯打出若干问题,要求学生依据问题进行阅读。通过回答问题检查学生的阅读效果。 (2)老师可让学生阅读课文内容并将本课内容用表格的形式归纳如下: Name Bill gates Date of birth Oct 28, 1955 Hobby playing golf and bridge Favorite subject at school science, maths What did he do at 17 He worked out a software and sold it. In 1973 He went to Harvard University. In 1975 He began the company Microsoft with his friends In 1994 He married Melinda In 1999 He wrote the book "Business the speed of thought" 老师还可以组织学生依据本表对本文进行复述。 (3)比尔·盖茨是一位世界电脑巨星,是中国家喻户晓的美国企业家和亿万富翁。老师应在同学们简要了解一些比尔·盖茨的经验的基础上,比较有系统地介绍一些电脑方面的学问及电脑在当今高科技发展突飞猛进的年头所起的主动作用。一方面激发学生对学习电脑的爱好,同时也呈现给学生一个丰富多彩的网络世界。 第92课课文内容含蓄、幽默、生动。文章脉络清楚,学生易懂易记。最终通过做第92课第三部分的练习,检查和巩固阅读效果。 写作建议 本单元以介绍名人为主题,给学生描述人物供应了较大的空间。老师可以设计多种写作练习,但是留意不要过多。应由易到难,由简洁到困难进行。 (1)老师可以先在黑板上贴上一张照片,先让学生进行自我介绍如下: I am Lily. I was born in 1990. I started to learn English at the age of eight. I like English very much. Now I can say a lot of English and sing a lot of English songs. I also like singing and dancing. I am clever and quick in doing things. I am kind and quite. I want to be an English teacher in the future. 然后组织学生就上面的介绍写一篇短文。 (2)组织学生给自己喜爱的名人用英语写一封短信, 介绍自己的状况,请其回答自己感爱好的问题。 口语教学建议 (1)老师可以将几张不同名人的照片贴在黑板上,先将图片盖住,找一名同学先看一下,然后用英语介绍上面的人物,请其他同学们猜出照片上的人物是谁。例如: He is a great man. He is a state man. He created new China with his comrades. The people all of the world admired him. He is the first primary minister of the new China. Who is he? He is very tall. He is a player. He became the second Chinese basketball player in NBA. He is the best basketball player in China. Who is he? (2)组织学生两人对话,介绍自己喜爱的一本书。 例如: A: Hi, Tom. What book are you reading? B: It is a story about Superman. A: Is it very interesting? B: Yes. Who wrote it? A: It was written by an American. B: What books do you like best? A: I like novel best. B: Which novel do you like? A:I like the novel written by Mark Twain .His work is very wonderful. 背景人物介绍 Lesson 90主要记述了Bill Gates 的成长过程,及他的胜利经验。比尔·盖茨1955年10月28日生于美国西北部华盛顿州的西雅图。父亲是律师,母亲是老师。盖茨从小聪慧活泼,酷爱数学和计算机,在中学时就是出名的“计算机迷”。1973年盖茨考上了哈佛高校,与好友保罗·艾伦探讨计算机问题,并看出了计算机的发展前景。1975年标记着计算机新时代开端的世界上最早的微机的出现,使还在哈佛上学的盖茨看到了商机,他和艾伦一起在哈佛计算机中心为这种微机编制了BASIC程序,开拓了个人计算机软件的新路,奠定了软件标准化生产的基础。1975年,他们两个创立了自己的微软 公司。此后,经过短短的20多年的经营和运作,微软成为世界上最胜利的公司之一,被称为微软帝国,盖茨本人也无疑是胜利的商人之一。 将来之路(The Road Ahead)是盖茨的第一本书,1995年问世,书中预言了信息技术的将来。 将来时速一数字神经系统和商务思维Business the Speed of Thought是盖茨的其次本书,内容谈的是盖茨对互联网的看法和互联网会怎样变更商务决策人的业务。 学法建议 1本单元共有单词49个,集中记忆比较困难。学生可以把单词放在课文中,结合课文内容进行记忆。 2对于冠词的用法不能教条式记忆,而应当通过阅读、视察,逐步进行理解。通过做练习册中的有关练习,正确驾驭和运用不定冠词a,an和走冠词the的用法。 3第92课内容幽默、生动、好玩,篇幅不长,学生最好能背诵。 4第90课是一篇较长的阅读课文,它主要介绍一些有关比尔·盖茨的状况。通过本单元的教学,老师应当培育学生快速阅读的实力。学习书写有关“人物”的文体。 冠词 歌诀 名词为好看,习惯把帽戴。 可数名词单,常戴a 和an 辅音前戴a,an戴元音前。 特指与无二,头上见定冠。 复数不行数,泛指the不见。 代词前面站,帽子全不现。 禁止戴帽子,另见场合看。 说明 冠词是一种虚词,为英语里的特有的词类,习惯上应用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或物。虽然冠词仅有a, an和the三个,但运用起来比较困难。 不定冠词a和an必需用于单数可数名词之前。如:a book, an orange等。 不定冠词虽然有a和an两种形式,但事实上它们是一个意思。须要记住的是,a只用于以辅音音素(并不是辅音字母)开头的单词前,an则必需用于以元音音素(并不是元音字母)开头的单词前。如: 1)Thats a desk. 那是一把椅子。 2) Shes an old woman她是一位老妇女。 3)There is an “s” in the word “bus ”.单词bus中有一个s. 不定冠词的用法: 1用于单数可数名词之前,指人或物的某一种类。如:This is a book 、This is an orange(这是一个桔子)等。 2指某人或某物,但不详细说明何人或何物。如: A girl is reading a book over there. 3表示“一”这个数量,但数的概念没有one 剧烈。如: They had a maths class yesterday afternoon. 4用于某些固定词组中。如: a few, a little, a lot , a moment later. etc. 定冠词的用法: 1特指某(些)人或物。如: The picture on the wall is new. 墙上的画是新的。 2指交谈双方都熟知的人或物。 Where is the teacher? 老师在哪里? 3世界上独一无二的事物前。如: We can see the sun during the sunny day. 晴天我们能看到太阳。 4指上文提到的人或事物。如: I have a book. The book is very interesting. 5用在序数词和形容词的最高级前。如: The second lesson is more interesting than the first one. 6用在由一般名词构成的专出名词前。如:the Great Wall, the USA 7用于一些习惯用语中。如:in the morning, on the right/left, the day before yesterday等。 不用冠词的场合 1复数名词表示类别或泛指时不用冠词the,不行数名词也常不用。如: 1) Were students.我们是学生。 2) Oranges are orange.桔子是桔色的。 2假如名词前已有作定语的代词this, that, my, your 和some, any 等限定词时,不行再用冠词。如: 1) My friend is an American girl. 我的挚友是一位美国女孩。 2) This kite is Lucys. 这是露西的风筝。 3) I can see some birds there.我能望见一些鸟在那里。 3在专出名词前不用冠词。如:China, America, Class等。 不用冠词的场合还必需留意下面几种状况: a.称呼及头衔名词前;b.球类和三餐名词前;c.节日、星期及月份名词前;d.某些个体名词意思抽象化时;e.某些固定搭配词语中。如: 1) Good morning, sir! 先生,早上好! 2) Lets play football. 咱们踢足球吧。 3) Today is Monday. 今日是星期一。 4) Is your sister at school today?今日你妹妹去上学了吗? 5)I think hes at home. 我认为他在家。 词汇辨析 1. interest/interesting/interested interest, interesting和interested三者的含义均与“爱好”有关,它们的用法: 1)interest用作名词(不行数)时意为“爱好”、“趣味”;用作动词时意为“使(人)发生爱好”,其主语多为事物。如: The work is of great interest. 这工作很好玩。 Theyre all places of great interest in China. 它们都是中国的名胜。 Your story interests me. 你的经验引起了我的爱好。 2)interesting是形容词,意为“好玩味的”、“引起爱好的”,着重于主动意味,可作表语或定语。能修饰人,也能修饰物。如: This new TV play is very interesting这部新电视剧很好玩。 Hes a most interesting man他是个很好玩的人。 3)interested也是形容词,意为“感爱好的”“对有爱好的”,着重于被动意味,其主语一般为人,且多在系动词be,get,become等后作表语。如: At the age of eight, the girl became interested in boating.八岁时,这女孩就对划船感爱好。 2. cost/ spend/ pay/take 以上这几个词都可以当“花费”讲,但意义和用法有较大差别: l)cost指某东西“值钱”,“须要花费钱”等。它的主语一般为表示东西的名词,不能是表示人的名词。如: The chair cost me thirty yuan. 这把椅子花了我30元。 2)spend的主语常常是人,用来表示花钱买东西常用的句型有: 人+spend+时间/金钱+on sth. 或人+spend+时间/金钱+doing sth. 如: I spent 5 yuan on the book. 我买这本书花了5元钱。 The little boy spent 10 minutes drawing a dog. 小男孩花了l0分钟画了一条狗。 3) pay意为“支付,花费”,主语只能是人,且只用于花费金钱,结构为:人+ pay + sb. + some money + for sth. 意为“为付给某人多少钱” 如: I paid him 5 yuan for the book. 我买那本书花了5元钱。 4) take也用于“花费时间和金钱”,常用于结构 It takes sb. + time/ money + to do sth. 如: It took me three hours to finish the work. 我花了三个小时完成那项工作。 3.make sure/ be sure make sure意为“务必”,“肯定要弄清”;be sure意为“确信”,“肯定”,二者均可接of短语,不定式或that从句。但be sure of与be sure to不同,前者接名词或动名词,表示主语对某事“确信,有把握”。如: Im sure of finishing the work. 我有把握完成这项工作。 be sure to do sth. 表示说话者对某事的看法。如: She is sure to win the match. (说话人信任)她肯定能赢这场竞赛。 而make sure of 与make sure to do意思基本一样。 疑难解析 1. Its written by Bill Gates. 它是比尔·盖茨写的。 此句是被动语态,由be动词+动词的过去分词构成。表示主语是动作的承受者,介词by后跟动作的执行者。如: (1)These planes are made by the students. Its very good. (2)Desks are made by workers. 2. It seems to be an interesting book. 好像是一本很好玩的书。 seem在此表示“看上去”,示意有肯定依据,这种推断往往接近事实。而look着重于由视觉得出的印象,在搭配上两者都可接形容词、名词(前面常有形容词修饰)、动词不定式to be、介词短语。如: He looksseems a nice man他看上去是个好人。 You look/seem tired. Let"s have a rest. 看来你很累了,我们休息一会吧。 The boy looked/seemed to be very ill. 那个男孩看上去病得很重。 但以下几种状况,只能用seem,不能用look: l)后面接动词不定式to do时。The new teacher seemed to know all his students新来的老师好象相识他全部的学生。 2)用于It seems the that结构时。It seemed that he lost something看来他丢了什么东西。 3)用于There seemed +不定式结构时。There seemed to be hundreds of people on the playground. 运动场上好象有好几百人。 3.It tells us how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways. 这是一个以how引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序,不能用疑问句语序。如: Could you tell me how I can get to the station? 您能告知我怎样到达车站吗? 4.Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. nameafter意为“根据的名字来命名”,这是英国人常用的说法,美国常用namefor.如: He is named for his uncle. 他被根据他叔父的名字命名。 5.It was one of the best-sellers of the New York Times list. bestseller意为“畅销品”,在这里的意思是指“畅销书”。 New York Times 是专出名词纽约时报。 纽约时报是美国有声望的报纸,该报重视国内、国际重要事务的新闻报道,现在该报纸作为美国图书馆的主要参考资料,外交官、学者和政府官员的权威读物。 6.He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it. spend 在表示“花费”时,可以表示花费时间、金钱等。它可用于两个不同的句式中: (1)spendon 在上花费 Each student spends 100 yuan on food every month. 在伙食上每个学生每个月花一百元。 Bill spent 3,000 on a new car. 比尔花了三千英镑买了一辆新车。 (2)spendin doing sth 花费做某事,其中的介词in 可以省略。 She didnt spend all her time doing the work. 她没有把全部时间用在工作上。 7.In the end, they worked out a software programme with the old machine.最终,他们利用这台老式计算机编出了一个软件程序. in the end 是固定短语,意思是“最终;最终”,相当于at last. 留意:at the end of 意思是“在末”,of 后必需跟名词或代词。如: In the end, They won the relay race. 最终,他们赢得了接力赛. At the end of last month, we finished the work.我们在月底完成了这项工作. 句中的worked out a software programme意思是“编出了一个软件程序”。Work out的意思 是“制订出、编制出、想出”。如: We want to work out a new plan.我们想要制订一个新的安排。 8. They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers. 他们改进了该软件,使人们能更简单地运用计算机。 句中make的句型是:make it+形容词(+for sb)+ to do sth. 的结构。句中的it就是替代后面的不定式做make的宾语,该形容词既可以用原形,也可以用比较级。如: How can we make the classroom clean? 我们怎样才能使教室干净呢? We want to make our country more beautiful.我们要使我们的国家变得更加漂亮。 Lesson 89教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives: 1. Grasp the new words and expressions as well as the main idea of the dialogue. 2. Grasp the expressions of Certainty or Uncertainty Language focus: 1. Passive voice: be done 2. new words and useful expressions: be back, must be. . . , solve, in many ways, have a look, one of. . . .best-seller, It seems. . . ,take. . .to. . . ,be interested in. . . , Im sure. . . Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision 1. Check the writing tasks: a report about the sports meeting. 2. Revise the comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Step 2 Leading-in There are some famous people in the world, or in a country, or in a city, or only in a school. These people are known by most of us and we talk about them very often. There also have famous people in different fields, eg. famous singers, famous politicians, or maybe they are famous for a book, etc. Who is a famous person that you like? Why? Get the students to guess the meaning of the word person and talk about famous people. Step 3 Read and act Show the students some pictures of Bill Gates and his book Business the Speed of Thought. Tell them its a book written by Bill Gates. Then ask: “Who is Bill Gates?” The teacher can tell the students some information about Bill Gates. Play the tape for the students to listen and read the dialogue . Ask the students to answer the question: Why does Jim like Bill Gates? Explain some difficult words and useful expressions. 1. be interested in. . Many young girls are interested in popular songs. interest, interesting和interested三者的含义均与“爱好”有关,它们的用法: 1)interest用作名词(不行数)时意为“爱好”、“趣味”;用作动词时意为“使(人)发生爱好”,其主语多为事物。如: The work is of great interest. 这工作很好玩。 Theyre all places of great interest in China. 它们都是中国的名胜。 Your story interests me. 你的经验引起了我的爱好。 2)interesting是形容词,意为“好玩味的”、“引起爱好的”,着重于主动意味,可作表语或定语。能修饰人,也能修饰物。如: This new TV play is very interesting这部新电视剧很好玩。 Hes a most interesting man他是个很好玩的人。 3)interested也是形容词,意为“感爱好的”“对有爱好的”,着重于被动意味,其主语一般为人,且多在系动词be,get,become等后作表语。如: At the age of eight, the girl became interested in boating.八岁时,这女孩就对划船感爱好。 2. Im sure. . . Im quite sure shell like the gift. 3. Its written by Bill Gates. 此句是被动语态,由be动词+动词的过去分词构成。表示主语是动作的承受者,介词by后跟动作的执行者。如: (1)These planes are made by the students. Its very good. (2)Desks are made by workers. 4. It seems to be an interesting book. seem在此表示“看上去”,示意有肯定依据,这种推断往往接近事实。而look着重于由视觉得出的印象,在搭配上两者都可接形容词、名词(前面常有形容词修饰)、动词不定式to be、介词短语。如: He looksseems a nice man他看上去是个好人。 You look/seem tired. Let"s have a rest. 看来你很累了,我们休息一会吧。 The boy looked/seemed to be very ill. 那个男孩看上去病得很重。 但以下几种状况,只能用seem,不能用look: l)后面接动