2022年关于中英文辞职报告4篇关于中英文辞职报告4篇随着个人的文明素养不断提升,须要运用报告的状况越来越多,写报告的时候要留意内容的完整。那么你真正懂得怎么写好报告吗?下面是我细心整理的中英文辞职报告4篇,希望对大家有所帮助。中英文辞职报告 篇1敬重的领导:我想辞去工作的理由有三,望批准:一、工作的时间长,个人所能利用的自由时间少。安排着去做一些自己喜爱做的事情,可时间总是不够,尤其是工作紧须要加班的时候。二、对工作的爱好浓度不高。这是我来杭州的第一份工作,很想把它做好。可是尽管我努力去做了。依旧是时而热忱,时而懒散。我不能保持许久的主动性。因此表现得也不好。这对公司还是个人都有不利。三、今年已经24岁了。还有很多事没有去经验。我想去经验更多的人和事。不管是好是坏,是华蜜还是艰辛,我都要去尝试。向前走才不会懊悔!偏安一地的心事不安静的。在这里我不仅学会了装机器的基本操作,而且还将公司朴实、严谨的作风深化脑海,感谢领导对我的关切照看,祝公司兴盛发达!此致敬礼申请人: xxx20xx年xx月xx日中英文辞职报告 篇2November 24, 19xxDear Mr. Bao:敬重的包先生:By this letter I am resigning my position as Quality Engineer, effective immediately.我写信目的是通知您我要辞去质量工程师的职位,并且马上生效。Recent circumstances incompatible1 with my personal beliefs and styles require that I change my employment.最近公司发生的一些事情有悖我个人的理念及风格,驱使我更换工作。I appreciate the opportunity to work and learn at ABC Company.能有机会在ABC公司工作学习,我感到不胜感谢。Sincerely,xxx中英文辞职报告 篇3Dear "老板的名字"As required by my contract of employment, i hereby give you "自己看你合同" weeks' notice of my intention to leave my position as "你现在的职位" i have decided that it is time to move on and i have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration. However, i am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals i have for my career.please be assured that i will do all i can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving.i wish both you and "你现在的公司" every good fortune and i would like to thank you for having me as part of your team.sincerely,签名敬爱的“xx”依据我的雇佣合同,我在此给你“xx”周的通知我准备离开我的地位“你现在的职位“我确定现在是时候接着前进,我已经接受了一个位置。这不是一个简单的确定,把大量的考虑。然而,我信任,我的新角色将帮助我走向我对我的职业生涯的一些目标。请放心,我将尽我所能帮助在离开之前的顺当转移我的责任。我希望你和“xx”每一个好运和我想感谢你让我作为你的团队的一部分。真诚地,中英文辞职报告 篇4Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board: It is with infinite sadness that I feel compelled today to present to the Executive Board my resignation from my post of Managing Director of the IMF. I think at this time first of my wife - whom I love more than anything - of my children, of my family, of my friends. I think also of my colleagues at the Fund; together we have accomplished such great things over the last three years and more. To all, I want to say that I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me. I want to protect this institution which I have served with honor and devotion, and especially - especially - I want to devote all my strength, all my time, and all my energy to proving my innocence. Dominique Strauss-Kahn委员会同仁: 我被迫向(国际货币基金组织)执行委员会递交辞呈,辞去国际货币基金组织总裁职 务,我感到非常哀思。 此刻,我最先想到的是我的妻子,她是我的最爱,我的孩子们,我的家庭以及我的挚友 们。 我同时还想到我在国际货币基金组织的同事们,在过去三年多里,我们一道携手取得了 非凡的成就。 我想对全部人说,我万分坚决地否认对我的任何指控。我必需以我的荣誉和奉献来捍卫 我所服务的这一机构,尤其是,我要竭尽全部力气、时间和精力来证明我的清白。 多米尼克·施特劳斯-卡恩第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页