2022市中小学教学工作计划-教学工作计划 市中小学教学工作安排-教学工作安排 市中小学教学工作安排/教学工作安排 年学年是我们中小学教研教学,电教工作充溢机遇、希望和挑战的一年。本学年教学教研和电教工作的总体要求是:以德育为首,全面推动素养教化,坚持“巩固、提高、深化、发展”的方针,接着贯彻执行教化局“抓管理、保稳定,德育为首;抓素养、保质量,教学为主”的二十字方针,以课程改革为中心,以科研为先导,进一步加强教学工作的管理与指导,把工作重点转移到抓管理、抓教学、抓质量上来,主动开展教学改革探讨,促进现代教化技术进课堂,大力提高老师实施素养教化的实力,全面提高基础教化的教学水平和质量。 一、大兴学习探讨之风,创建学习型、探讨型学校,努力提高老师为基础教化改革与发展服务的实力。 1、加强老师队伍的思想、文化建设,注意教学人员的学习、培训、提高工作,营造教学科研的良好环境。学校领导要着力提高老师的管理,探讨和指导教学的水平,办家长、师生满足,总校信任的学校教化事业。 2、校长要以身作则,深化教学第一线,走进教室、走进课堂,和老师一起学习、一起探讨、一起探讨课堂教学的改革与发展、教学质量的巩固与提高。 3、要加强新课改理论的学习,老师每年写学习笔记不少于1万字。要变更只学教材,不钻课标的学习风气;变更只钻教法不探讨学生的备课方式;变更只重教学不重探讨甚至教而不研的局面。要使每个老师学会学习,学会备课,学会发觉问题,学会探讨,学会合作沟通,学会写作。 4、接着加强素养教化理论的学习,坚持德育为首、以德治教的方针,坚持育人为本,开展新形势下的德育探讨,特殊加强中小学思想品德、品德与生活、综合实践活动课的开设及教学探讨,充分发挥课堂主阵地的作用,深刻挖掘教材的思想内涵,在备课中写明德育渗透点,以达到素养教化的要求。 二、以“新理念、新课程、新技术”为办学宗旨,接着全面深化推动中小学课程改革。 1、接着实行不同形式开展对老师的全员培训,重在校本培训,要加强校本培训制度的落实。各校要拟订培训安排、明确培训任务、规定培训内容、开发培训资源。培训应由原来的通积培训和学科培训转变为“在线培训”,即“六步培训法”:理论指导教学,发觉突出问题,分析详细缘由,变更课堂策略,实践检验理论,解决详细问题。要做好教学策略的培训、听说讲评写的培训、校本教研的培训、培训者的培训。 2、切实加强对课改的调研与指导。各校要依据实际,实行分类要求,分类指导,校长要常常深化课堂,对课改实行全程跟踪探讨指导和管理,总结和反思,刚好解决课改中出现的新状况、新问题、新困惑,把理论研讨向课堂实践转变,进一步提升课改试验水平。 3、以课堂教学为主阵地,强化教学方式的变革。目前我们课改试验的最大难题就在于课堂教学方式的改革,这也是制约各校教学质量提高的重要因素,我们必需仔细加以探讨和解决,主动探究探讨新课程背景下课堂教学方式的改革,教学程序的编制,即提倡大胆创新,又注意科学理性;既摒弃陈旧的教学模式,又反对形式主义的花架子,使课堂教学回来到“朴实、真实、扎实”的轨道上来。 4、大力加强校本教研制度的建设和落实。仔细实行总校关于大力开展校本教研的指导看法把校本教研作为今年工作的大事来抓,一是要落实校长是第一责任人的校本教研制度;二是要求各校制订合理可行的校本教研活动安排,做到时间、内容、活动方式、参加老师等全部落实,必要时,按学期可设计校本教研活动支配表或一览表,活动时间、内容、主持人、探讨焦点、参与人数等状况要一目了然;三是细心组织,加强指导,注意实效,不流于形式;四是以课例为载体,针对“小现象、真问题”开展切合本校本学科实际的校本教研活动;五是接着开展和推广集体备课形式,提倡中心校的“同课异构”,课要常备常新,促进各学校在集体备课方面出成果、出方法、出阅历;六是接着开展校本课程的探讨与开发,落实校本教材的课堂教学;七是要实行“走出去,请进来”的内引外联方式,以促进联校联片教研和相互沟通;八是要广泛开展丰富多彩的课堂教学竞赛活动,以促进“三新”在课堂教学中的重点落实;九是要大力提倡反思,反思教学、反思学生,写好教学随笔;十是要克服惰性,确保校本教研坚持不懈地开展下去,具有许久的生命力。 5、主动探讨和探究教化教学评价、学生综合素养评价和考试评价制度改革。仔细贯彻实施总校拟订的课改评价实施看法,促进学校师生健康发展。 三、端正教科研工作方向,扎实有效地推动教科研工作的开展。 1、实行有效措施,切实落实“科研兴校、科研兴学,科研兴教”战略,坚持“立足校本、好用实效”的原则,克服“假、大、空”倾向,卓有成效地开展教科研工作。本阶段中小学教科研主攻的课题应以课程改革为主,特殊是要注意教学中出现的现实问题、真实问题进行探讨,突出“小问题、真课题,小课题、大作为”,努力提高教科研工作的针对性和实效性。 2、接着深化开展小语整改试验、魏书生教化思想和洋思阅历的探讨,重心要放在提升试验层次和水平上,从学校实际动身,比照课改要求,进行仔细总结和反思,使试验更加符合课改理念,更加符合课改理念,更加贴近学校的自身实际。年终各校要将“小语整改”、学魏书生教化思想、学洋思和其它课题试验的总结上报总校。 3、跟踪探讨和指导国家级、区、市、旗立项课题的试验,加强教科研课题的过程化管理,使教科研工作进一步规范化和科学化。 四、加强中小学教学常规管理,关注老师成长,努力提高教学整体水平和教化质量。 1、接着广泛开展“达标课、优质课、创新课”活动,并使之走向常态化,从而助推课堂教学方式的变革,不断提升老师的业务水平。今年要求各校达标课过关率不少于学校老师的4/5,优质课不少于2/5,创新课不少于1/5。总校要主动举荐优质课、创新课老师参加上级教化部门的基本功大赛和教学能手赛。 2、进一步加强中小学教学常规管理和教学质量监控,制定符合新课改要求的中小学教学常规,加强教学过程的全程管理。从备课、讲课、反思、探讨、批改、考试等方面加强监控,特殊是薄弱学科的教学,如音、体、美、综合实践活动课、劳技/劳动课,要坚决开齐、开足、开好,该考的科目肯定要考,不行分科,不行偏科,课堂教学要以听、说、想、议、做、讲、练多方入手,必要的讲授不行淡化更不行取缔。 3、关注老师成长,打造一支献身教化、富有激情、勇于创新、团结协作的老师队伍。建立健全中小学专任老师档案,对老师的工作状况、专业技术职称、个人成长及考核状况登记造册,使每一个老师努力做到“六有”:即有目标感、有约束感、有责任感、有主动感、有专业感、有成就感。 五、接着加大远程教化设备、资源的管理和运用力度,加强图书装备和试验室建设,充分利用优质教化教学资源,实现现代教化技术与学科教学的有机整合。 1、随着远程教化设备的普及,今年工作重心应当全力转移到远程教化设备的管理维护和资源的应用上来。一要狠抓管理,逐步完善各项管理制度,建立健全各种档案,加强日常管理,美化远程教化环境;二要加大培训,强化运用,提高老师的信息技术学问和运用水平,保证设备运用率的提高;三要做好设备的维护以及资源的整理和应用;四要加大考核力度,将远程教化作为常规考核纳入学校管理和老师的业务考核。 2、加大图书装备和试验室建设力度,一是争取资金,逐步更新老化仪器,试验室配套设施标准要提高一个档次,保证上课时两人一台试验仪器,完善试验档案;二是要加强试验室管理,强化在教学中的应用,应当上的试验要开齐、开足;三是进一步规范小学自然试验教学,接着加大中学试验考核力度,切实组织好“实考”考务工作;四是加强图书装备建设,依据中小学图书装备书目要求,摸清底数,按一类标准,实实在在做好现有数量和差缺数量统计;五是做好图书室建设工作,完善档案资料的管理工作。 市中小学教学工作安排it jumped to catch the rabbit, swallowed it.Survival of the road 2: if you want to stand and do nothing, then you must stand tall, very high.3, a bird bird fly to the south for the winter. The weather is very cold, and almost frozen bird. So, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung in the small bird, frozen bird lying on the dunghill, feel very warm, gradually gradually wake up, it is warm and comfortable lying, and soon began to sing songs, only a passing wildcat hear voices in the past and see, follow the voice of the wild cat soon found lying on the dunghill bird, pull it out to eat.Survival 3: not everyone often lead the dung upon your people are your enemies. Each of you is not pulled out of the dung midden people are your friends, and, when you lying on the dunghill lane, it is best to keep your mouth shut.4, there is a bottle bottom, this bottle is a troll storm. It is a five hundred years ago to check into the bottle fairy troll. The devil once made a wish, who can put this bottle picked up, opened the cork, and rescued him out, he would give this man a gold Jinshan. However, over the past five hundred years, no one has put up the bottle. Troll very annoyed. He said: "after the curse, if who rescued me, I will swallow up one of this individual." a young fisherman, he cast his net fishing, when he received the time, found an old bottle, the net, he hit the cork Open! A thick thick smoke blown out, slowly spit out a bigger than the mountain troll. "Ha ha!" Troll laughter, the earthquake shook up the turbulent sea. He said: "young man, you saved me, I should thank you, but do you get too late, if you put me in my early years saved, you can get a golden hill! Oh, I waited for five hundred years, I was too impatient, I have many of the evil is willing to help me out, take one bite!" the young man to eat a surprised, but immediately calm and said: "Yo, such a small bottle, how could you hold it, you must lie, You go back to the bottle and show me!""Ha ha ha ha, I will not be fooled! Arabian Nights had this old story before, if I go into the bottle, then you plug the plug, and the story does not finished?" "what do you see? Arabian Nights you are a learned enough" ah! You have seen the philosophy of Socrates philosophy? "" ha! The five five hundred years I hid in the bottle, poor reading day classics, to practice, not to mention Western masterpiece, the Oriental University, the doctrine of the mean, the Analects of Confucius, Mencius I have read well done. "Ah, in Chinese Taishigong records rather you research Mo-tse? The book has covered "meme" don"t say,? No one after the history subset closed! "" but I think you must have seen the hand written copy of a dream of Red Mansions, which is a rare version of it! "" ha ha ha, you this guy too I underestimated this. The book collectors is me! Let me take you out to take a look! "Troll magic immediately into a smoke slowly into the bottle. This time Xu, the green years no longer hesitate fisherman, took a bottle of bottle stopper blocked.5, once before, there are two hungry people has been a gift of the elderly: a fishing rod and a basket of live fish. Among them, one to a basket fish, another person a fishing rod, so they get the fish people. Part company each going his own way the original place dry wood put up the bonfire to boil the fish, he devoured, did not taste a fish meat flavor, instant, and fish soup with which he ate, and soon, he starved to death in the empty fish creel. Another one is carrying the fishing rod to starve. Step by step difficult difficult to go to the sea, but when he has not seen the blue sea Yang, he was the last bit of strength and make out, he can only afford to Pakistan zone endless regret left the world.There are two hungry people, they also received the elderly gift of a fishing rod and a basket fish. But he they did not, but the producers agreed together to find the sea, they each only cook a fish, they passed away the distant journey, came to the sea, from since then, two people start a fishing day, a few years later, they built a house, have their own family, son of children, have built their own fishing boat, and live a happy and healthy life.Only the immediate interests of a person, it will eventually get the joy was short-lived; one lofty goal, but also to face the reality of life. Only when the ideal and reality combine, it may become a successful person. Sometimes, a simple truth, but a full life give meaningful enlightenment.6 Confucius, a student in the porridge, found things falling into the dirty pot. He went quickly with a soup spoon it up, just want to put it away, suddenly thought of a porridge meal are not easily won. He took it eat it. / you Confucius into the kitchen room, that he was to see, they taught the students for cooking. Through the explanation, we only see light suddenly. The hole Confucius regrets say: "I have to see things not really, not to mention is listen to road?"Enlightenment: push the sale is a kind of organizational nature of business students, because many people, the personnel problem is also too much. We often hear is non resolution to distinguish words, such as a company against another company, such as is often confusing, is not, affect confidence. Therefore to find out the truth. Not easily believe the rumors, hard to establish the cause of industry will not be destroyed on one day.7, there is a scholar third performers, live in a regular store to live. Test two days before he had three dreams, the first dream is a dream on the wall white cabbage, second dream is a rainy day, he was also wearing a bamboo hat umbrella, third dream. Is the dream with the beloved cousin stripped the clothes lying together, but the back to back.This dream seems to have three deep meaning, born on the second day of the dream telling. To find a fortune telling, lianpai thigh, said: "you still go home now. You see, the high walls of vegetables is not in vain? Wearing hats umbrella umbrella did not make an unnecessary move? Dudu naked lying with my cousin in a bed, but back to back, did not?"One scholar, downhearted, back to the shop to pack up and prepare to go home plate. The shop owner is very strange, ask: "tomorrow is not genius exam today, how do you go back home?" the scholar said such a music shop owner: "Yo, I would dream of, I think. And, this time you must stay. You want to think about it, the wall is not high not that you wear hats umbrella once prepared against want with your cousin? Naked in bed on the back, not to say that when you have to stand up to you?"A scholar, more reasonable, thus encouraging the spirit to take the exam, even in a third overall.The positive pole of people, like the sun, according to where where bright, negative people, like the moon, the first fifteen are not the same. The idea of a decision to set our lives, what kind of thinking about the law, there is what kind of future.8, one day the zoo keepers found kangaroos run away from the cage, and then met to discuss, that is the height of the cage is too low. So they decided to cage height from the ten meters to twenty meters higher. The results of the second day they also found the kangaroo or come out, so they decided then to the height of thirty meters.I did not expect the next day and actually see kangaroos run to an outside, so the tube administrators are nervous, decided not to do two endlessly, the height of the cage to one hundred meters high gaga.One day a giraffe and a few kangaroos in the chat, "you see, these people will no longer continue raising your cage?" asked the deer neck long necked."It"s hard to say," said the bag kangaroo. "If they continue to forget to close the door!"In fact, a lot of people are like this, only know that there is a problem, but can not grasp the core and foundation of the problem.9, in a small village and, under a very large storm flood, floods submerged the whole village began, a priest in the church to pray the father, seeing the flood has was up to his knees knees. A lifeguard driving a sampan came to the church hall, with the priest said: "father, please hurry up! Or will you Flood flood drowned!" the priest said: "no! I am confident that God will save me, you better start to save others"Not long after, the floods have father"s chest chest, the priest stood on the altar to sacrifice. At this time, and a police police speedboat drove over with the priest said: "father, hurry up, otherwise you really will be drowned!" the priest said: "no and I would like to keep my church, I believe that God will save me. You"d better start to save others"After a while, the floods have submerged the whole church, the priest only had to seize cross cross the top of the church. A helicopter flying over slowly, after the pilot dropped a rope ladder shouting: "father, come on, this is the last chance, we don"t want to see you by the flood of cocoa drowned!" the priest or strong willed said: "no, I want to keep my church hall! God will save me. You"d better start to save others. God will be with me were the emperor!"The flood water poured in, the priest finally drowned. The priest went to heaven hall, saw God angry in the matter to ask: "Lord, I give their life, the fear serve you, why what you refuse to help me!" God said: "I do not want to the first time you save? I sent a sampan to rescue you, you do not, I think you are worried about the risk sampan second times; I sent a yacht to you, or not; second, I, Ambassador of etiquette when you send a helicopter to rescue you. If you are unwilling to accept the results. So, I thought you wanted to hurry back to my side. Come, can be good with me ""In fact, too many obstacles in life is all right, because of excessive stubbornness and ignorance ignorance. In helping others out of the occasion, don"t forget, when we are also willing to reach out to, and help other people get on the busy!10, five year old Hank and father mother brother work together to the forest, suddenly began to rain, but they only took a poncho. Dad will rain poncho to mom, mom gave my brother, brother to Hank. Hank asked and asked: "why my father to the mother. And my mother gave my brother, brother gave me?" the father replied: "because the father than the mother, mother and brother brother than strong, powerful than you. We will compare the protection of small weak people. Hank looked around, and ran to put up the rain open in a wind fluttering delicate little flower.The real strong does not necessarily is effective, or more money, but he was there to help others. Liability allows us to complete the matter, love allows us to do a good job.11, one night, already very late, an older couple walked into a hotel, they want a room. The waiter replied: "sorry, our hotel is full, no one room is left." look at the old couple looked tired, the waiter said. "But let me think of a way"Described here, you want to continue to have a mathematical following, or are willing to get a literary outcome, but no matter how, mathematics and literature will break up here.This is the story of the development of Mathematics: the good start is the waiter hand for the elderly to solve the room: he wakes up the hotel has been sleeping under the housing tenants, ask them to change the place: room 11 for guests to room 2, room 2, room 3 to room for guests and so on., until each tenant from their room to the next room. Then the miracle: Room 1 was empty. The waiter will pleased the old couple and arranged in. Without increasing the room, did not reduce the guests, two elderly people a