2022年小学英语教师学科教学知识小学英语教师学科教学知识竞赛题一、学科教学基础理论1、填空(1)按照义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标要求,课程标准对 、 、 、 、和 等五个方面分别提出了级别要求。(2)语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。语言技能主要包括 、 、 、 等方面的技能以及这些技能的 。听和读是 的技能,说和写是 的技能。(3)语言技能目标以学生 为主要内容,这不仅有利于 ,促进 ,也有利于 。(4)英语学习策略包括 、 、 和 策略等。教师应在教学中,帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略。2、简答(1)请就学习英语的目的、目标与价值做简单表述(2)语言有丰富的文化内涵,请简述你理解中的外语教学中的文化内涵及意义。二、学科基础知识1、口语In English,we use linking,pauses,and pitch changes to mark a group of information.linking = joining words together in one smooth flowpauses = brief stoppitch = the way the voice moves up or downGenerally, it is true that at the end of each group of information,if the voice goes up or stays level,it signals that the information is unfinished; the speaker is going to add more. If the pitch of the voice goes down,it means that the information is finished. - Look at the passage in the box and mark the shout pauses between groups of information with /, and you can mark longer pauses with / .whether they should do something else. They could check prices for their produce so they would know whether the buyer was offering them a fair price. Another thing that would be really useful would be all kinds of information such as medical advice and farming advice of course but I suppose the most important thing would be access to education. You know children and not just children in remote village could have school lessons. Also if poor peole in the countryside needed to move to town to find work they would be able to check on jobs in the nearest town.2.写作1) Use some of the words from the list above to fill in the gaps in these paragraphs. Pay attention to the word forms.2A. Cell phones and cell emit , and there is a aboutwhether this is dangerous for human health. Scientists are the health of mobile phones. However,so far they have found nothat the radiation that cell phones poses a health risk for human.B. Cell phones should not be used while driving, because drivers can loseif they are and this can be dangerous. However, they are very usefulin and also to help people to get for their ifthey are lost.2)Find at least 5 differences in the pictures and write it down.三、学科教学知识理论框架下的教材解读1)以下是2级读写的一个评价案例,根据本案例解读教材。请分析本案例主要用什么手段考查了学生哪些语言知识和哪些能力?(分别就本题两个部分设计来分析)2)如要根据学情变化在此基础上做提高难度或降低难度的修改,你如何修改?(选其一)31. Fill in the blanksIts Sunday today. We are at home. My mother is _the dishes in the kitchen. My fatheris_ the flowers in the garden. My grandpa is _ TV in the living room. Imis _. _ in the study. Whats my cat doing? Shes _ a fish in the kitchen. Everyone 2. Match the pictures第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页