2022典范英语6篇一:典范英语6全 免费 典范英语6 1、海象加入了“表演” 2、吵闹的邻居 3、皮皮公主的假期 4、哦!奥托 5、科密特船长与紫色星球 6、丛林短裤 7、来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工 8、蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 9、蒙面清洁女工面对海盗 10、水母鞋 11、花朵街的狗老大 12、玉米片硬币 13、幽灵船 14、机器狗 15、球王贝利 16、北极英雄 17、拓荒女孩 18、我的朋友曼德拉 1. 海象加入了“表演” 每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋,因为这里即将举行一场人人都可以参加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪”北极狐说,“我对此很在行”。 “我要表演翻筋斗”,北极熊说,“没人翻筋斗能比我好” “我唱歌吧”,海豹说,“每个人都说我嗓音很优美。 “那我就表演潜水吧”鲸鱼说,“你们知道,我以前在学校可是拿过潜水奖牌的” 之后大家都看着海象,问他:你表演什么呢? 但是海象什么都不擅长,既不会滑雪也不会翻筋斗。 他的歌唱的很糟糕,而他潜水时,鼻子也是露在水面上的。 于是海象难过的坐在那里,嚼他的胡子。 “没关系”,北极狐说,“你可以看我们表演啊”。 北极狐,北极熊,海豹和鲸鱼都在为那场大型远处而努力练习着,而海象却躲在一个雪堆后面边看着他们,边嚼着他的胡子。 他真希望自己能擅长些什么。 2、盛大的夜晚 终于,表演的盛大夜晚到来了,每个人都坐下来等待演出的开始。 还想坐在最前排,他很激动,狐狸走到冰上向大家示意,众人都欢呼着。 狐狸开始表演滑冰了,他时而前滑,时而后退,时而向两边滑去,他滑出一个优美的圆圈,并8字型的滑着,她的表演简直是无与伦比的完美,海象非常喜欢她的表演,狐狸表演这一切似乎都是那么的简单轻松。 海象认为如果自己也真正的去尝试,一定也能像狐狸表演的那么好。 海象情不自禁的跳到冰上和狐狸一起滑冰“我能滑冰了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我” 然而,海象并没能滑多久,他只是把一切都搞砸了,摔了一跤,他撞到狐狸,狐狸摔倒,压在他的脸上,真糟糕! 狐狸被他搞得心烦。 “海象搞砸了我的演出”狐狸悲叹说 接下来,到了北极熊表演了,他蜷缩起来像一个雪球一样在冰面上滚动,众人都为他鼓掌,然后他就开始准备翻筋斗了,他又跳又滚,翻着筋斗,又倒立。 海象看着北极熊的表演并被深深吸引,他觉得这是时候了,如果他去表演,他也能像北极熊一样翻筋斗。 突然,海象又情不自禁的跳到冰上 “我能翻筋斗了”他叫嚷着,“快,看我” 但是海象并没能翻筋斗,他只是把一切都搞砸了,摔了一跤,搞砸了北极熊的表演。 当然,北极熊也非常生气,“海象搞砸了我的演出”他悲叹的说。 ? 2、吵闹的邻居 Nosiy neighbours. 英文概述 There are two people who are the rich man's neighbours. They are very clever, they got lots of money from that man, and stay together.The rich man only got money, but he don't know how to enjoy this life, he is lonly.He always thought about his money not other people. In the future, I want to be the person who like Poppy Plink or Carl. Their heart are full of happyness, they are hopeful. 以下是翻译(编辑过了) 1.Flinch 先生 在一是严峻的,灰色的城镇中,有一座严峻的,灰色的的房子,房子中又生活了一个不快乐的男人。 不是因为他的灰色房子,Flinch如此。Flinch先生是一个吝啬鬼。他从未给过别人一个便士(他从未给过别人一个微笑),他是一个吝啬和凄惨的人。 Flinch很悲惨,是因为他的邻居。 Flinch先生那灰色的,严峻的房子的一侧,有一座朱红色的房子,那是属于Carl Clutch修理工的。 Carl,Flinch先生工作时,不断的听到锤子声和发动机加速运转起来了的声音。 另一侧,在明亮的蓝色的房子里,住着一位叫Poppy Pink的音乐教师。每天早上,Poppy坐下来,在她那架高大的钢琴上弹了一首盛大的舞曲。早餐后,他的学生陆陆续续到达了。 低音管在咆哮着,Flinch先生关上了窗子,但这声音还是穿透了墙壁。Brum-brum ,totle-toot,bang!H他的整个房子都在颤抖着 他把手指放在他的耳朵旁边 他在墙上敲击以表示抗议。但邻居不听 他们实在是太高兴了。他们修理汽车和做音乐,以及他们喜欢的工作。 Brum-brum ,totle-toot,bang! Flinch Flinch先生曾把自己锁在壁橱里,他用毛巾把头包起来。 他愤怒的写了许多信,但又把它们全都撕碎了,?他说。 甚至到了床上,他戴着一顶帽子来阻止噪音 但是发动机还是在加速旋转,音乐还是在不断的加重 Flinch 这不能再继续了!Flinch对自己说 他甚至响亮的吼了起来 2拙劣的伎俩 Flinch先生去敲Carl先生的房子,Carl在修汽车,他很容易的溜进了他的厨房,把一只死老鼠放在了他的冰箱里。 就要摆脱他了 Flinch说 还贱兮兮的笑了一下没有人愿意住一间有老鼠的房子 在午夜 Flinch爬上了屋顶 Poppy家的烟囱 沿着墙壁学鬼叫 把她处理掉了 他咧嘴一笑没有人愿意住一间有鬼的房子 然后 他爬了下去 回家睡觉了 第二天一早 Flinch醒来听到一声巨响 汽车和卡车停在外面 他看了看窗外 Carl坐在外面有一张桌子 (牌子上写着:这里卖早餐) Carl 对Flinch先生喊道:今天不能用我的厨房了,呃,我妈妈正在打扫,她让我到外边来吃我的早饭。那就是我为什么想到这个好主意:早餐在外边吃,司机们可以在这里停车并且买早餐。 就在这时,Poppy跑了过来 噢Flinch 噢Carl 我想告诉你们昨晚发生的事情 我放弃 Flinch自鸣得意的说你继续 Poppy高兴的眉开眼笑昨天晚上 天使在我的烟囱里唱歌了 他们唱了 我发誓他皱皱眉但这音乐 我很想写下来 而且我一定写哦 我一定写! 她做到了 Poppy还不得不又教了一天的音乐 但是在夜里,她写出了天使音乐她对此大肆的敲锣打鼓 真让人吃不消对Flinch来说 3Flinch的计划 Flinch去敲Carl的门 他拿出大把的钞票这个给你 他说 都按你说的做Carl 只要我能修理小汽车 让我去那里都行当我把房子卖了我将马上搬走,Flinch又去敲Poppy的房子 给了她很多钱只要你搬家 当然 ! 如果这是你想要的结果亲爱的 Poppy叫喊道 她从没见过这么多钱只要有我的音乐 我去任何地方都行 都会是快乐的 当我把房子卖了我将马上搬走 Flinch快乐的回了家 怎么说呢,Flinch先生这样的人还从来没有这么高兴过。 他把手伸进空空的口袋里摸了摸,深吸一口气说:所有的钱都没了!但是很快的那些噪音邻居,也会离去的! 没有过几天,Flinch先生的邻居们,都卖掉了他们的房子。 现在,他终于得到了和平与宁静,除了来自空仓房的老鼠的噪音,就什么也没有了。 4 搬家日 Flinch先生在Poppy 搬家时观察着,蹦-叮当的响着,当她将钢琴跌跌撞撞的推下楼梯时。 你终于去了,你这个害虫?! 看见Flinch他在窗口, Poppy挥舞着(告别)。 运气太好了,Flinch先生!几天前,我遇到了一个人,他也想搬家,于是我们同意将房子互换。 就在这时,拿着两个沉重的工具箱。他看见Poppy正吃力的搬运着竖琴,便过去帮她,准备好了吗,Poppy?”他问道。 都 准备好了,卡尔!这不是很有趣!她答道。 然后卡尔搬进了Poppy的明亮的蓝色的房子 Poppy搬进了卡尔的朱红的房子。 他们互相帮助搬运着大件的的东西, 然后卡尔办了个暖居聚会。他与Poppy唱,因为他们都很高兴:没有 地方比得上家! Flinch,就是用毛巾裹在头上(也能听见)。 3皮皮公主的假期 第三节 3 The road home If you stayed here a bit longer ,you might start liking the seaside ,said Daisy. 篇二:典范英语6-16 Arctic Hero - the Story of Matthew Henson By Alison Hawes Introduction In 1909 a black American explorer called Matthew Henson helped to discover the North Pole. This story tells you how Matthew became an explorer and the dangers he faced in the bitter cold of the Arctic. Chapter 1: Running Away As a boy, Matthew always longed for adventure. When he was about 12 years old, he ran away to sea. He joined a ship as a cabin boy, peeling potatoes and cleaning the decks. When he left, at the age of 18, he had already traveled the world. Chapter 2: Matthew Meets Robert Peary A few years later Matthew was working in a shop when he met an explorer called Robert Peary. Robert offered him a job, as his servant, working in the jungles of Central America. Matthew was keen to travel again, so he took the job. While they were in the jungle, one of Roberts survey team fell into some quicksand. The man was so frightened, he left the expedition. Matthew asked if he could take over the mans job, and he never worked as a servant again. After working in the sticky heat of the jungle, Roberts next trip was to the bitter cold of the Arctic. He asked Matthew to come with him as a member of his team. He and Matthew then spent the next 18 years exploring the Arctic together. Chapter 3: Matthew in Greenland They began by making several trips to Greenland, where the Inuit people (因纽特人,过去称为爱斯基摩人,居住在北美北部严寒地区) helped them to learn the skills they needed to survive in the Arctic. Matthew quickly learned to speak Inuit and became good friends with the people. They called him “Matthew-the-kind-one”(好人马修). They learned how to fish for charr(嘉鱼) and hunt for seals. They learned to build igloos(雪屋)and make clothes and boots from animal skins. They also learned to build sledges(雪橇)and drive teams of husky dogs. In fact, Matthew soon became an expert(专家)sledge driver. Matthew and Robert traveled across the unexplored ice fields in the north of Greenland. They made maps and helped to show that Greenland is an island. They also found three enormous(巨大的)meteorites(陨石). But even with help from the Inuit, the Arctic was a dangerous place for Robert and Matthew to be(生存). Once they were out hunting when a musk ox suddenly charged at(向冲去)Robert. Just in time, Matthew saved Roberts life. He shot the ox with his last bullet. Another time they were hundreds of miles from camp when they ran out of food. They were cold and weak, and a man traveling with them was dangerously ill. In the end they had to eat their dogs or(否则)starve to death. Chapter 4: To the North Pole Despite(尽管 =in spite of)the dangers, Robert and Matthew bravely went back to the Arctic again. This time they wanted to do something no one had ever done before. They wanted to try to reach the North Pole. But on their first attempt Roberts feet became badly frostbitten(严重冻伤). Robert was in such pain that he couldnt walk or even stand. As soon as they could travel, Matthew strapped(捆绑) Robert to a sledge and rushed 250 miles to base camp(大本营), where there was a doctor. The doctor had to take off eight of Roberts toes. But still Robert and Matthew would not give up. Three more times they tried to reach the Pole. Each time they got closer than before. But each time they were beaten back by blizzards(暴雪) or melting ice. Chapter 5: One Last Chance In 1908 Robert and Matthew sailed from New York to make their fifth attempt to reach the Pole. But they agreed(达成共识), because of their age, that they would make this their last trip to the Arctic. This would be their last chance to reach the North Pole! On their way north, they stopped in Greenland to buy the huskies, furs and equipment(设备)that they needed. They also visited several villages to hire Inuit men and women to come with them and help them on their last journey. As their ship sailed further north, the sea began to freeze over. At first the ship was able to cut through the ice, but as the ice got thicker they sometimes had to use dynamite(炸药)to help them break through. In the end the sea ice was just too thick and they could go no further. So they set up their base camp on an island off the coast of Canada(靠近加拿大海岸线的). They spent the winter getting ready for their last attempt to reach the Pole. In the spring they were ready to set out. Robert put the men into teams and they began setting up a line of camps across the sea ice. At each camp they left food, equipment and igloos for Robert and Matthew to use on their way back from the Pole. But this was not easy. Time and time again they were held up by the ice and the bad weather. At times the ice was so jagged it broke their sledges. Other times it was so high that they had to drag their heavy sledges over it by hand. The ice creaked and moaned and cracked open without warning. Once Robert was going to sleep when he heard a noise. Looking outside, he saw a crack open up around one of the other igloos! He and Matthew shouted to the men who just had time to leap to safety(差点来不及跳到安全的地方). When they were 130 miles from the Pole, they set up their last camp. Robert sent the last support team back to base camp, as they were no longer needed. Then, with Matthew and four Inuit men, he set off on the last leg of their journey to(踏上他们去往的最后一段路程)the Pole itself. For once the ice was smooth and the weather good, and for the next few days the six men made good speed. But, just a few miles from(就在离几英里的地方)the Pole, Matthew suddenly fell through the ice. Luckily one of the men was close by and pulled him out before he drowned. Later that day the six men reached the Pole. It was 6th April 1909. After years of hard work, disappointments and danger, Robert and Matthew had done it(成功了)at last. They were the first people ever to stand at the North Pole! Chapter 6: Back Home Matthew and Robert arrived back in New York months later, expecting to be treated as heroes. But this was not to be. While they were away, a man called Frederick Cook had claimed to have reached the North Pole before them! In the end, Cooks claim was shown to be a hoax. Robert, being the leader of the expedition, was rewarded with the fame and medals he deserved(配得到,应得的). But sadly in America at that time, black people were given little respect. So, at first, Matthew was not rewarded for his part(发挥的作用)in the expedition. Chapter 7: Rewarded at Last It wasnt until(直到才) he was an old man that Matthew was given any rewards for his part in reaching the North Pole. And even now, years after his death, the world is still only just learning about this great explorer. In 2000 the greatest medal an explorer could ever wish for - the Hubbard medal - was awarded to Matthews niece on Matthews behalf. Matthew Henson - the man who helped to discover the North Pole - would now be remembered by people all over the world! More information about Matthew Henson In 1998 a film called Glory and Honor(光荣与荣誉,中文译名又为极地悍将) was made, claiming to be the true story of the search for the North Pole. Then, in 2001, a radio programme called Stealing the Glory was produced. You can find more information about Matthew Henson on these websites: 篇三:典范英语6-16 Arctic Hero: the Story of Matthew Henson Introduction In 1909 a black American explorer called Matthew Henson helped to discover the North Pole. This story tells you how Matthew became an explorer and the dangers he faced in the bitter cold of the Arctic. Chapter 1 Running Away As a boy, Matthew always longed for adventure. When he was about 12 years old, he ran away to sea. He joined a ship as a cabin boy, peeling potatoes and cleaning the decks. When he left, at the age of 18, he had already travelled the world. Chapter 2 Matthew Meets Robert Peary A few years later Matthew was working in a shop when he met an explorer called Robert Peary. Robert offered him a job, as his servant, working in the jungles of Central America. Matthew was keen to travel again, so he took the job. While they were in the jungle, one of Roberts survey team fell into some quicksand. Then man was so frightened, he left the expedition.Matthew asked if he could take over the mans job, and he never worked as a servant again. After working in the sticky heat of the jungle, Roberts next trip was to the bitter cold of the Arctic. He asked Matthew to come with him as a member of his team. He and Matthew then spent the next 18 years exploring the Arctic together. Chapter 3 Matthew in Greenland They began by making several trips to Greenland, when the Inuit people helped them to learn the skills they needed to survive in the Arctic. Matthew quickly learned to speak Inuit and became good friends with the people. They called him “ Matthew the- kind - one”. They learned how to fish for charr and hunt for seals. They learned to build igloos and make clothes and boots from animal skins. An Inuit man fishing for charr. (match for a picture) They also learned to build sledges and drive teams of husky dogs. In fact, Matthew soon became an expert sledge driver. Matthew and Robert travelled across the unexplored ice fields in the north of Greenland. They made maps and helped to show that Greenland is an island. They also found three enormous meteorites. ?miti?ra?t A meteorite found by Matthew and Robert is now in the American Museum of Natural History. (Match a picture) But even with the help from the Inuit, the Arctic was still a dangerous place for Matthew and Robert to be. Once they were out hunting when a musk ox suddenly charged at Robert. Just in time, Matthew saved Roberts life. He shot the ox with his last bullet. Another time they were hundreds of miles from camp when they ran out food. They were cold and weak, and a man travelled with them was dangerously ill. In the end they had to eat their dogs or starve to death. Chapter 4 To the North Pole Despite the dangers, Robert and Matthew bravely went back to the Arctic again. This time they wanted to do something no one had ever done before. They wanted to try to reach the North Pole. But on their first attempt Roberts feet became badly frostbitten. A frostbitten toe (match a picture) Robert was in such pain that he couldnt walk or even stand. As soon as they could travel, Matthew strapped Robert to a sledge and rushed 250 miles to base camp, where there was a doctor. The doctor had to take off eight of Roberts toes. But still Robert and Matthew would not give up. Three more times they tried to reach the Pole. Each time they got closer than before. But each time they were beaten back by blizzards or melting ice. Chapter 5 One Last Chance In 1908 Robert and Matthew sailed from New York to make their fifth attempt to reach the Pole. But they agreed, because of their age, that they would make this their last trip to the Arctic. This would be their last chance to reach the North Pole. On their way north, they stopped in Greenland to buy huskies, furs