International Settlements国际结算 国际结算课程的性质 国际结算是国际金融学的一个分支,从微观角度探讨国际间货币运动的理论与实务问题,主要研究结算工具,结算方式和以银行为中心的资金划拨清算,其主要目的在于以最科学,最有效的方法来清算国与国之间以货币表现的债权债务关系.国际结算课程的性质 国际结算商业银行国际结算业务紧密相关的,注重理论在实际业务中应用,具有很强的专业性和实务可操作性,也是一门适应我国银行业务与国际银行业务接轨需要, 与国际惯例紧密联系,具有很强国际性的专业课程.国际结算课程的目的 通过国际结算的教学,要求学生能够掌握国际结算的基本理论,基本知识和基本技能;做到理论与实际相结合,能够运用理论知识为指导进行国际结算的实务操作的实用型、实践型、实干型人才。国际结算课程所处的位置 先修课程为货币银行学、货币金融学、国际金融学;后续课程包括外汇银行会计,国际融资实务、进出口单证实务等国际结算的教学重点 以课堂讲授为主 课程的重点有两个: 一是国际结算方式,即汇款,托收,信用证; 二是国际结算单据.通过案例教学,实训室软件模拟操作,习题练习等办法解决.About the course International settlements is a course of integrated theory(一(一体化理论)体化理论) with practice. It puts emphasis on the application of theory into actual business operations.Importer/ Importer/ Buyer Buyer ExporterExporters sbankbankFundsFundsGoods/commoditiesGoods/commoditiesExporter/ Exporter/ Seller Seller ImporterImporters sbankbankBasic procedure of international settlementsShipping Co.FundsFundsGoodsGoodsAbout the course International settlements is also a course of our country s banking business linking up with the world s banking business , it lays stress on handling international business in English in accordance with international practice . Our Purpose For the sake of helping students to learn international settlements and to have a good grasp of basic theory , elementary knowledge and fundamental technical ability of this course ,so we teach partly in English .What will you learn in this course?1. Three financial instruments: bill of exchange(汇票)(汇票), promissory note(本票)(本票), check (cheque支票支票)2. Three main international settlement methods remittance(汇款)(汇款), collection(托收)(托收), letter of credit(信用(信用证)证)3. Other documents commercial invoice(发票)(发票), transport documents(运输单(运输单据)据), insurance documents(保险单)(保险单)4. International customs and practice for international settlements URC522(托收统一规则)(托收统一规则), UCP600(跟单信用证惯例)(跟单信用证惯例)How to study this course? 提前预习与课后复习结合; 理论知识与实务操作结合; 考勤和平时作业考察与考试相结合.Outline Chapter 1. Introduction to International Settlement Chapter 2. Instruments Chapter 3. Remittance Chapter 4. Collection Chapter 5. Letters of Credit Chapter 6. Documents Related to International Settlement and Examination Chapter 7. Other Methods of Settlement System Chapter 8. International Non-Trade Finances 1国际结算概述 2国际结算票据 票据基本知识 汇票及案例 本票及案例 支票及案例 3国际结算方式 汇款及案例 托收及案例 信用证及案例 银行保函、备用信用证及案例 5国际非贸易结算资 单据的基本知识 单据的审核及案例 单据制作及范例 4国际结算单据 Chapter 1. Introduction to International Settlement国际结算概述In this chapter,you will learn: 1.1 Definition 1.2 Types of International Settlement 1.3 History and Development of International Settlement 1.4 Major Points Concerning International settlements 1.5 Bank relationships in international SettlementsThe origin Most international settlements originate from transaction in the world trade. International political, economic and cultural exchange inevitably leads to credits and debts owed by one country to another. 是一个国家由于对外贸易和经济合作以及政治稳获交流活动而发生的以货币表现的款项收付或债权债务结算。Importer/ Importer/ Buyer Buyer ExporterExporters sbankbankFundsFundsGoods/commoditiesGoods/commoditiesExporter/ Exporter/ Seller Seller ImporterImporters sbankbankBasic procedure of international settlementsShipping Co.FundsFundsGoodsGoods1.1 Definition International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts,debts,claims,etcfinancial financial intermediaryintermediaryconvertible convertible currencycurrency所谓国际结算,是指为清偿国际间的债权债务关系而发生在不同国家之间的货币收付活动 Principle for International settlementsEach currency is cleared within the boundary of the issuing country. A Co.(exporter)USAB Co.(importer)JapanChemical BankUSASumitomo BankJapanCurrency: Convertible Currency (1) Convertible currency in export country. (2) Convertible currency in import country. (3) Convertible currency in third country, generally referred to US currency. Absolutelyconvertible currencyLimitedConvertiblecurrencyUnconvertible currency?Convertible Currency 可兑换货币也称自由外汇,是指一种货币只要不受限制可以自由兑换成其他货币,即为可兑换货币。作为可兑换货币必须具备以下三个条件: (1)它能自由兑换成其他货币; (2)它对国际性经常项目(即贸易与非贸易项目)的支付不受限制; (3)该货币国的管理当局不采用或不实行多种汇率制度或差别汇率制度。 国际结算中货币的使用原则: 出口“硬币”, 进口“软币” 非贸易收款“硬币”, 非贸易付款软币; 引进外资软币也就是 收入“硬币” 支出“软币”预先付款预先付款 装运时付款装运时付款 装运后付款装运后付款 交单后付款交单后付款 交单前预付交单前预付 交单时付款交单时付款 国国际际结结算算方方式式付付款款时时间间 1.2 Types of International SettlementMost international payments originate from transactions in the world Trade. They are money transfers as a result of international clearing, such as: International trade settlement国际贸易结算 International non-trade settlement国际非贸易结算 .Current Account1. Goods & Servicea. Goodsb. Serviced2. Income3. Current Transfer/Unilateral Current Transfer.Capital and Financial Account1. Capital Account2.Financial Account(1) Direct Investment(2) Indirect Investment(3) Portfolio Investment(4) Other Investment.International Reserve .Net Error & Omission(1) International trade settlement国际贸易结算 With the expansion of global trade amongst countries, the role of banks, in international trade finance is becoming more and more important. Most transactions must be settled through banks. Without the banks participation,international trade would not have been developed to the stage we have reached today. International Trade1.Major participants :buyer sellerbanksquality clausequantity clausepackage clauseprice clausedelivery termsinsurance clausepayment clauseCommodity inspection clause3. Trade terms:Incoterms 2010, 13 terms2.Sale contract:Sale contractSeller: address, telex/fax; Buyer:address, telex/faxGoodsQuality clause:the goods description, quality,specificationsQuantity clause:weight, numbers, length, dimension, volume, capacityPacking clause:mode of packing, and its materialPrice clause:unit price, pricing currency , price terms usedDeliver terms:time of delivery, port of loading and destination, transshipment, partial shipment ,mode of transportationInsurance clause:risks to be covered, the percentage of insurancePayment clause:payment method and its contentCommodity inspection clause:how the right of inspection is determined,k the time, place and organization of inspectionClaim clause , arbitration clause & force majeure clausesEXWEX WORKS(named place)工厂交货条件工厂交货条件FCAFREE CARRIER( named place)交至承运人条件交至承运人条件FASFREE ALONGSIDE SHIP ( named port of shipment)船边交货条件船边交货条件FOBFREE ON BOARD ( named port of shipment)装运港船上交货条件装运港船上交货条件CFRCOST AND FREIGHT ( named port of destination)成本加运费条件成本加运费条件CIFCOST, INSURANCE AND FREIGHT ( named port of shipment)成本成本加运保费交货条件加运保费交货条件CPTCARRIAGE PAID TO ( named port of shipment)运费付至运费付至交货交货CIPCARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO ( named port of shipment)运保费付至运保费付至交货条件交货条件DATDelivered At Terminal ( named place)目的港目的港交货条件交货条件DAP (new delivery term) Delivered At Place 特定地点交货条件特定地点交货条件DDPDELIVERED DUTY PAID ( named port of shipment)完税交货条件完税交货条件(2) International non-trade settlement国际非贸易结算 There are many ways by which funds can be transferred from one country to another under trade service. When the tourists, merchants, delegations or other people go abroad, they need money to spend, to buy something, or to pay for various expenses and charges there. The most common means for them to carry funds are cash , travelers check, travelers letter of credit and credit card. These are within the scope of non-trade settlement. How many international transactions can you list? visible trade有形贸易 invisible trade无形贸易 financial transaction金融交易 overseas remittances 海外汇款 educational expenses教育开支 inheritances遗产继承How many international transactions can you list? technology transfer技术转让 patent 专利 copyright contract版权合同 foreign exchange market transactions金融市场交易 export credits出口信贷 syndicated loans辛迪加贷款 international bond 国际债券1.3 History and Development of International Settlement (1) From cash settlement to non-cash settlement从现金结算到非现金结算 (2) From direct payment made between international traders to payment effected through a financial intermediary从贸易商之间直接支付到通过金融中介进行支付 (3) From payments under simple price terms to payments under more complex price terms从使用简单贸易术语结算到复杂贸易术语的结算 (4) Internet era互联网的结算 (1)From cash settlement to non-cash settlement13 century A.D.InstrumentsBill of exchangePromissory NoteCheque/checkNon-Cash Settlement非现金结算非现金结算Exchange for GBP1,250.00 Beijing,1 April,2003At sight pay to the order of DEF Co.the sum of Pounds one thousand two hundred and fifty onlyTo XYZ Bank, For ABC Co., Beijing London (signature) End of 18 centuryExpensiveRiskyTurnover of funds slowForeign exchange bankNon-cash settlement非现金结算 From the thirteenth century A.D., bills of exchange were created, gradually taking the place of coins in international payments, and the bill of exchange market began to develop.Bill of exchangeForeign exchange bank13 century A.D.end of 18 century A.D.Foreign exchange market(2)From direct payment made between international traders to payment effected through a financial intermediary With the worldwide banking network and modern banking technicality, banks can not only provide easy and quick transfer of funds needed for conducting international trade but also furnish their customers with valuable economic and credit information. (3)From simple price terms to more complex price terms In the past, international trade payments were settled on very simple price terms, such as cash on delivery, cash on shipment, cash with order, cash before shipment, etc. In modern international trade, a more comprehensive and exact set of terms has been developed. As indicated in INCORTERMS2010(International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms)ICC Publication, the price terms available for use are multifarious and more complicated than before.多种的,各式各样的(4)Internet era With the development of computer technology, business is done and payments and settlements are effected by means of all kinds of payment systems, which makes it quicker and safer and more convenient for both the Buyer and Seller. Nowadays, Internet is developing very fast. This new type of business transaction is called net banking. Although there are a lot of problems to be solved,net banking is very promising. P P R R环球银行间金融环球银行间金融电讯协会电讯协会纽约清算所交换银纽约清算所交换银行相互收付系统行相互收付系统伦敦交换银行伦敦交换银行自动收付系统自动收付系统联邦储备联邦储备清算系统清算系统 communication meshwork/networkSWIFT:The Society For Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications(环球环球银行间金融电讯协会银行间金融电讯协会) 19731973年年5 5月成立月成立, ,总部设在布鲁塞尔。目前,全总部设在布鲁塞尔。目前,全世界已有超过世界已有超过200200个国家的个国家的70007000多个银行在使用多个银行在使用SWIFT SWIFT 。计算机数据通讯网在荷兰和美国设有运。计算机数据通讯网在荷兰和美国设有运行中心,在各会员国设有地区处理站。行中心,在各会员国设有地区处理站。 20022002年,年,SWIFTSWIFT报文承载量达报文承载量达8 8亿,日均亿,日均7 7百万条百万条,金额超过,金额超过6 6万亿欧元。万亿欧元。 中国是中国是SWIFTSWIFT会员国。中国银行作为中国的外汇会员国。中国银行作为中国的外汇外贸专业银行于外贸专业银行于19831983年年2 2月加入月加入SWIFTSWIFT,成为中国,成为中国第一家会员银行,第一家会员银行,19851985年年5 5月月1313日,中国银行正式日,中国银行正式开通开通SWIFTSWIFT。 2020世纪世纪9090年代开始,中国所有可以办理国际金融年代开始,中国所有可以办理国际金融业务的国有商业银行、外资和侨资银行以及地方业务的国有商业银行、外资和侨资银行以及地方银行纷纷加入银行纷纷加入SWIFTSWIFT。 19961996年中国年中国SWIFTSWIFT发报增长率为发报增长率为42.2%42.2%,在,在SWIFTSWIFT全球增长率排名第一,中国银行在全球增长率排名第一,中国银行在SWIFTSWIFT前前4040家大家大用户中排名用户中排名3434位。位。 中国银行每日中国银行每日SWIFTSWIFT发报量达发报量达3 3万多笔,采用万多笔,采用SWIFTSWIFT方式进行收发电报已占到全行电讯总收付量方式进行收发电报已占到全行电讯总收付量的的90%90%。SWIFTSWIFT网络是国际结算、收付清算、外汇资金买卖、网络是国际结算、收付清算、外汇资金买卖、国际汇兑等各种业务系统的通讯主渠道,部分业国际汇兑等各种业务系统的通讯主渠道,部分业务实现了自动化处理。务实现了自动化处理。chaining(SWIFTchaining(SWIFT study): study):http:/ 1.SWIFT needs member qualification. 2.SWIFTs charge is low. Its about 18% of that used by telex, and 2.5% of that used by cable.3.SWIFT is safer. (SWIFT authenticate key)4.SWIFT has standard uniform format.Bank Identified codeBank of ChinaBKCH CN BJThe Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaICBK CN BJThe Agricultural Bank of ChinaABOC CN BJThe Investment Bank of ChinaIBOC ON BJThe Communication Bank of ChinaCOMM CN BJChina Construction BankPCBC CN BJThe Peoples Bank of ChinaPBOC CN BJChina Citic BankCIBK CN BJAmerica Bank , Shanghai BranchBOFX CN SXHongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Ltd. HSBC CN SX加入加入SWIFTSWIFT的中国境内银行的中国境内银行 19701970年年4 4月成立月成立, ,国际美元支付系统。它是一个国际美元支付系统。它是一个著名的私营跨国大额美元支付系统,是跨国美元著名的私营跨国大额美元支付系统,是跨国美元交易的主要结算渠道。交易的主要结算渠道。 通过通过CHIPSCHIPS处理的美元交易额约占全球美元总交处理的美元交易额约占全球美元总交易额的易额的95%95%。 CHIPSCHIPS成员有纽约清算所协会会员、纽约市商业成员有纽约清算所协会会员、纽约市商业银行、外国银行在纽约的分支机构等。银行、外国银行在纽约的分支机构等。 CHIPSCHIPS是一个净额支付清算系统,它租用了高速是一个净额支付清算系统,它租用了高速传输线路,有一个主处理中心和一个备份处理中传输线路,有一个主处理中心和一个备份处理中心。每日营业终止后,进行收付差额清算,每日心。每日营业终止后,进行收付差额清算,每日下午六时(纽约时间)完成资金转账。下午六时(纽约时间)完成资金转账。CHIPS:Clearing House Interbank Payments System.(跨国美元支付系统)(跨国美元支付系统)CHAPS: Clearing House AutomatedPayment System 英国大额英镑清算系统。在英国大额英镑清算系统。在CHAPSCHAPS下,下,1212家交换家交换银行成为结算银行,由八条信息通道把它们和该银行成为结算银行,由八条信息通道把它们和该系统的一个信息转换中心连接起来。系统的一个信息转换中心连接起来。 CHAPS用于英镑资金交换的当日用于英镑资金交换的当日 结算结算,主要由英主要由英国大型清算银行和英格兰银行使用。国大型清算银行和英格兰银行使用。 它归美联储所有,它归美联储所有,19131913年建立,年建立,FEDWIREFEDWIRE将全将全美划分为美划分为1212个联邦储备区、个联邦储备区、2525个分行和个分行和1111个专门个专门的支付处理中心,主要用于金融机构之间的隔夜的支付处理中心,主要用于金融机构之间的隔夜拆借、行间清算、公司之间的大额交易结算,美拆借、行间清算、公司之间的大额交易结算,美国政府与国际组织的记账债券转移业务等等。国政府与国际组织的记账债券转移业务等等。 由于该系统有专用的实现资金转移的电码通讯由于该系统有专用的实现资金转移的电码通讯网络,权威性、安全性较高。此外它还承担着美网络,权威性、安全性较高。此外它还承担着美联储货币政策操作及政府债券买卖的重要任务。联储货币政策操作及政府债券买卖的重要任务。 它每日运行它每日运行1818个小时,每笔大额的资金转账从个小时,每笔大额的资金转账从发起、处理到完成,运行全部自动化。发起、处理到完成,运行全部自动化。FEDWIRE: Federal Reserves Wire Transfer System(全美境内美元支付系统)全美境内美元支付系统)1.4 Major Points Concerning International settlements (1) International settlements methods (2) The financial instrument that facilitate International settlements (3) Documents used in International settlements (4) The currencies used in international settlements. (5) Rules and regulations on international settlements.make sure they are differentURC522:Uniform Rules for Collection UCP500:Uniform Customs and Practice for documentary creditDomestic SettlementDomestic Settlement International settlementsInternational settlementssettlementsettlementInternational Trade SettlementInternational Trade SettlementInternational Non-Trade SettlementInternational Non-Trade SettlementInstrumentsInstrumentsMethodsMethodsDocumentsDocumentsRulesRulesBill ofBill ofExchangeExchangeMain methodsMain methodsOther methodsOther methodsbasicbasicAdditionalAdditionalPromissory Promissory notenoteCheckCheckRemittanceRemittanceLetter ofLetter of credit creditCollectionCollectionFactoringFactoringLetter of Letter of guaranteeguaranteeForfeiting Forfeiting Standby letter Standby letter of creditof creditInvoiceInvoiceBill of Bill of LadingLadingInsurance Insurance documentsdocumentsPackingPacking list listWeightWeight memo memoCertificate ofCertificate of Original Original All kinds ofAll kinds of Certificates CertificatesURGURGUCPUCPURCURC国际结算的基本要素国际结算的基本要素 1、银行合作是办理国际结算业务的关键所在。(结算路径) 2、现代化的支付和通讯系统保证了资金顺畅、快速地跨国流动。(结算路径) 3、票据是国际结算中主要支付工具。(结算工具) 4、单据是实现物权转移与债务清偿的重要依据。(结算工具) 5、国际结算方式是最终实现货币跨国收付的手段。(结算方式)1.5 Bank relationships in international Settlements (1)Sisters Bank/overseas branch海外分行 (2)Representative Bank (Correspondent)代理行 (3)Accounting Bank账户行 The Worldwide Network of Banks1、 Representative Office(代表处代表处)2、 Agency Office(代理处代理处)3、 Overseas Sister Bank/Branch, Sub branch(海外分、支行海外分、支行(境外联行境外联行)4、 Correspondent Banks(代理银行代理银行)5、 Subsidiary Banks(附属银行附属银行(子银