三年级上册英语教案-Unit4We love animals-人教(PEP)(2014秋) (24.doc
PEP小学英语三年级上册unit4we love animals教学设计 课标分析 本课时为一节三年级的单词课,英语课程标准中指出三、四年级学生需要达到的语言技能标准为一级,其中听做技能里有能根据指令做事情,如指图片,做动作能;玩演技能中要求能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏并在游戏中进行简单的交际,同时能做简单的角色表演;读写技能中有能看图识词,能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语。根据英语课程标准本堂课中我设计了多种英语小游戏,TPR,小测验,实物展示,情境创设等活动,以期能达到课程标准中的目标要求,培养学生认读单词的能力,增强学生学习英语的兴趣。 教材分析单元教学内容分析本教材是人教版小学英语三年级上册,本单元是第四单元,以认识保护动物为主题,重点内容是学习有关动物名称的英语表达。能够在图片,实物或情境的帮助下运用句型whats this? Its a 询问并回答动物的名称。并能够建立单词音、义、形之间的联系,整体学习单词。同时本单元中贯穿一条主线就是培养学生热爱动物,保护动物的意识。课时分析: 本课时包括A部分的Let's learn和Let's chant,其内容主要是学习常见的动物单词。在日常生活中学生会接触到很多小动物,如何让学生学会用英语来表达这些动物的名称是本单元所要学习的教学内容。本课时的重点和难点是:建立单词音、义、形之间的联系,整体学习单词。培养学生认读单词的能力。为以后的单词学习奠定基础。 学情分析共性分析三年级的学生对所学的5个动物概念已相当熟悉,同时他们求知欲强烈,对英语学习充满了兴趣,也有极强的表现欲望。对这几个动物的特征、习性等都有了一些了解,有一定量的常识知识储备。因此教师在本课可以紧扣课本手影游戏的语境,还可借助动物的动作、声音、图画等形式教学5个单词,并滚动复习whats this?句型,强化学生对单词的认读以及运用能力。个性分析通过使用调查量表并结合我对学生的了解,学生个体分析情况如下:由于拍摄场地局限,本课共用学生 30 人:其中模仿优势的20人,动手优势4人,表演优势5人,绘画优势10人,语言优势15人。 教学目标 知识目标1. 90%的学生能够在图片和老师的帮助下听懂、辨认图片中所学的动物;50%的学生能够辨认单词的书写形式; 80%的学生听懂会说句子:whats this? Its a.并能在情境中运用。2. 80%的学生能根据所学单词,认读big fat truck pear log这几个单词。能力目标1.80%的学生能听说认读duck pig cat dog bear这5个单词。2.60% 学生能够在创设的情境中正确运用所学功能句whats this? Its a.来询问动物名称。3.50%的学生能够建立单词音义形之间的联系,整体学习单词。情感目标1.培养学生合作意识、合作能力,增强学生对动物的保护意识。2.了解英语中部分动物声音的拟声词。3.学生能够在看、听、想、说、写、做中发展多元智能(本课主要发展学生的语言智能,视觉-空间智能,运动智能,涉及音乐智能,表演智能),养成认真倾听的好习惯,并在小组讨论中体验合作竞争所带来的收获与快乐。教学重、难点:1. 教学重点:5个动物单词的发音。2. 教学难点:1)如何使学生建立单词音义形之间的联系,整体学习单词;2)创设真实情境,让学生灵活运用所学单词和句型。教学准备 PPT教学过程:Step1.Preparation1. Good morning boys and girls. Today Miss Fang will take you to a happy farm. Well see some animals there。First, Ill divide you into two groups. If you did a good job you can get a fence for the farm to protect the animals, Ok? (边说边在黑板上贴上两个篱笆,给学生示范)这个为整个板书设计做准备,整体黑板设计为一个大型的心形农场,两边的篱笆墙既是增强学生保护动物的意识,也是激励学生的一个评价方式。2. Now,boys and girls “look at me” please.(做动作辅助理解) You can say “look at you”(做动作)!在真实的课堂中渗透 Look at 这个词组的意思,排除lets chant中的一个障碍。同时也为课堂纪律的调控做好准备。3教师呈现老麦克唐纳的照片,听老麦克唐纳有个农场的歌曲,让孩子们听歌抓词,初步感受农场上有什么动物。带着问题去听,更有侧重点。T:Look at the screen,This is my friend Old Macdonald. Let's say hello to him.S: Hello!T: He has many animals. Then what animals are they? Listen to the song. And you will know it. Listen carefully.播放歌曲,学生拍手跟唱。可以不用全部会,重点目地在于激活学生已有的生活经验,调动学生的学习兴趣。Step2. 4. 单词教学教师提问孩子们,刚才的歌曲中有些什么动物,并进行教授新单词duck, pig, dog, cat等。歌曲中的象声词,能帮助学生理解单词的意思。(听完歌曲)T: What animals are on his farm? Ss: pig, dog. duck,同学可以用汉语。方案1:如果学生之前接触过,会说英语,老师可以表扬一下他,然后继续学习。方案2:如果学生不会就可以鼓励学生用汉语说。T: Yes, there is a cat on the farm. 板书单词并进行绘画。教读,开火车读。 练习句型whats this? Its a画完画之后问学生Look,Whats this?板书画好之后,问 whats this? 并教读。同时教学句型whats this? Its a 教师在教授新词的过程中,通过图片渗透let's chant的内容,如look at the cat. Its fat. Where is the dog? It's on the log.并有意识地通过动作表情等帮助学生理解chant的内容。(2)T: 黑板画dog Look! Whats this? Its a dog.板书单词,领读,用头顶卡片的方式练习单词的发音。出示log,领读。课件出示单词并进行练习句型。Look at the dog .Its on the log.(3)画duck。T: whats this? Yes, there is a duck on the farm.板书单词,用大小声音的游戏练习单词。出示truck。课件出示练习句型。(4)画 pig。提问,板书。领读出示big并练读,用动作手势练习句型。It is big。(5)画bear。提问,板书单词。领读,出示课件练习句型。5. Let's chant(看图唱韵律诗)T: Look at them! They are so happy. Look at the cat, it is fat. Look at the pig, it is big. Look at the dog, on the log. Look at the duck, on the truck. Let's say it together.(唱之前教师领学生看几个红体词,注意这几个词的发音并领读,让学生建立单词间有联系的这样意识。)Step3、practice6.You chant very well. Look at the screen. whats this?课件呈现手影图片,让学生猜一猜是什么?.并奖励。You are so clever. Now, please open your books, turn to page 39.(1)listen and repeat. (2)listen and number. 7.Look, and read (看图读单词)(1)教师出示单词卡片,请学生快速认读。(2)然后小组内快速认读单词。通过快站快做的游戏规则。答的又对又快的同学可以得到这个动物图片。组长给分配。8.教师教授bear单词,教师创设故事情节熊来了。通过紧张刺激的故事引出新词,并进行教授。同时,引起孩子们的思考,熊来了,其他动物怎么办? 提示学生逃跑。T: I see you you are very happy in this game. They are happy too. But today something happens. Listen! Look! Here comes the . Who is coming?Ss: a bearT: Oh, no! Help! A bear. What will they do? Just stay here and wait for the bear to eat?Ss: .T: Yes, they run away. Help! Help!9.教师播放逃跑中的动物的声音,让孩子们说出动物的名称,检查学生对单词的掌握。T: Listen, who is running? (猫的声音) What's this?Ss: It's the cat. T: What's this?Ss: It's the dog. (cat-dog-duck-pig-gun sound)T: What's this? Yes, it's the gun's sound. Oh, Old Madonald shoot the bear, yeah, the bear is run now. but OM is worrying now. Where are my animals? Where are my animals? Can you help him?Ss: Yes.T: Let's help him look for the animals.10.教师让孩子们帮助老麦克唐纳找失散的动物,学生通过观察动物们留下的痕迹脚印、树丛中露出的尾巴、腿等,说说那个地方藏起来的动物是什么。T: Look! They all hide themselves up. Old Macdonald is looking for his animals. Can you help him?SS: Yes. (出图)T: Look at No. 1, what's this? Ss: It's a pig.T: Right?Ss: Yes.T: What is No.2?Ss: It's a duck.T: Great!T: What's No.3?Ss: It's a dog.T: Right?Ss: Yes.T: What's No. 4?Ss: It's a cat.T: Yes,2 cats.Step4 production11.教师让孩子们帮助老麦克唐纳把动物们送它们自己的房间,但是动物们的房间的房牌都掉到地上了,老师先让孩子们根据房门上的特征,辨别这些房子是谁的,如门上有条鱼骨头,那应该是猫的房间,如房门上有个猪鼻子猪的房子,房门上是根大骨头狗的房子,房门上是一些鸭子的脚印鸭子的房间, T: Wow, all the animals are here now. Look, here are the rooms for them. Whose room is it? (告诉学生可以说汉语)Ss: Dog.T: Why?Ss: Because of the bone, so it's for the dog.T: Bingo. And this? Look at the door.Fish, it's for the cat. Pig's nose? It's for the pig. And the foot print, it's for the duck. You are so clever. T: Look! What's on the floor? The name cards for the room. What's this? Ss: dog.T: Great. Can you help them find their own room card? Discuss with your partner and try to match the right name with the right animal. 小专家在组内进行批改,组长给批改,并指出改正。T: Let's check the answer. Dog, right? Cat, right? Pig, right? Duck, right? (check the answer)T: If you are the same, please hands up! Thank you. Step5 ProgressT: Look, this is my farm.把黑板拉起来组成一个农场,并画成心形。 What's on my farm? A cat, a dog, a duck,复习一遍单词。I love the animals。Do you like this farm? Do you like the animals? If you have a farm, what kind of farm do you want? What animals do you want? Now ,lets make a farm in your own way.If you did well.You will get animals picture from us,ok?选择自己喜欢的形式进行农场的表演,其他同学会给投票。根据学生的学习优势,和个性特征进行重新分组。1. who likes pictures?(组员拿出水彩笔进行图画,并把喜欢的小动物黏贴在上面,并给同学介绍This is our farm It is a )2. who likes acting?(模仿小动物的叫声和动作,并介绍自己是什么小动物组长介绍,this is our farm. Im a )。3. who likes toy animals? (把玩具摆成一个农场的形状,学生给配音,this is our farm, its a )最后一起做动作说We love animals.4. who likes imitating animals?(学生模仿小动物,蹲在地上或是趴在地上,或是吃草,或是懒洋洋的 或是在梳洗,大熊来了大家都很害怕) 5. who likes hand shadow?(组长介绍,组员做一个动物的手势,组长用手电筒给照着,然后其他同学问whats this ? 做手影的同学回答,Its a)回顾本节课所学主要句型和单词。学生完成,展示学生作品T: perfect! I like your performance!12.小结评价T: Great. Today we have a lot of fun on the farm. Let's see which group makes more fences. So today's winner is . Boys and girls, stand up, please follow me, we love animals .we are friends. we love each other,too.(学生起立,手拉手一起说) That's all for today. And today's homework is