期末考试作文(精选多篇)第一篇:体育系期末考试作文y dear friends, if you e of them are very good in time managing and atter y study and life at collegetime flies! the first year life of my college is going to end up. agine life . false friends also exist. they may have a bad influence on our character and are even )ried, have a baby, than another. then, e than right e it had seemed to me that life oment that you have.and remember that time aintain and enhance our health?health is more important than ore important than e education program. the program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level. the second ore efficiently. unit 6 culture shock1. 你对“culture shock”的理解2. 怎么解决“culture shock”3. 结论1、ind. first, most people experience some degree of culture shock ay be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along ination. on the other hand, es. the first stage is the incubation stage. in this first stage, the e understanding of the ber of cultures that the person has to process. this integration is accompanied by a more solid feeling of belonging. the person starts to define him/herself and establish goals for living.the fifth stage is the stage that is called the “re-entry shock.” this occurs e stages petition is a common phenomenon in our society . oothly. in reality, petition has much to do ost work is fulfilled with orthrough other people. so ive come to the conclusion that competition are equally important.第五篇:迎接期末考试的作文迎接期末考试的作文“光阴似箭,日月如梭。”一转眼,又一个学期即将结束,期末考试也已经悄悄地临近了。检验我们一学期来学习情况的时刻即将来到,相信我们每位同学都有自己周密的复习计划。期末考试可以检验同学们在本学期所学的知识是否扎实?有哪些漏洞和不足?便于我们总结经验和教训,为下一个学期的学习作好打算。那么,我们究竟应该怎样迎接期末考试呢?首先,对于未学完的课程,上课一定要认真听讲,课前预习,课后复习,认真完成老师布置的作业,以便巩固所学的知识。其次,要合理安排时间复习,在完成作业的前提下,有计划地安排时间进行复习。不懂的地方请教老师或同学,决不放过任何一个难点和疑点。再就是,当老师带领大家复习的时候,一定要认真听讲,紧跟老师的思路,这样会达到事半功倍的效果。另外,创造良好的学习气氛,能促使我们认真学习,有助于我们取得好成绩。期末考试转眼即将到来,同学们,让我们积极行动起来,抓紧现在的一分一秒,认真做好复习工作,期末考试取得好成绩,为即将结束的一个学期,画上一个圆满的句号!来报答为我们辛勤操劳的园丁敬爱的老师! 第 3 页 共 3 页