8-D Problem Solving 8-D 问题解决方式问题解决方式Sauer-Danfoss ShanghaiNovember, 2005Sauer-Danfoss strives to be a Six-Sigma company, using lean concepts, building to customer order, delivering less than 250 DPM product, 97% on-time through a High-Performing Organization!萨澳丹佛斯努力成为6西格玛公司,通过高性能的组织结构, 运用精益生产的概念,满足客户要求,达到250以下的百万分之废品率、97的准时交货率.OUR DESTINATION 我们的目标我们的目标To be the preferred global supplier and partner in our chosen markets by: 我们要在国际市场中成为全球首选的供应商及合作伙伴:Providing the highest value solutions to our customers, 为我们的客户提供最高价值的解决方案,Being recognized as the most competent supplier, 被客户公认为最优秀的供应商,Being seen as the company easiest to do business with. 被客户视为最易于合作的公司。OUR GUIDING VALUES 我们的价值观我们的价值观We are a rich mixture of PEOPLE of diverse nationality, culture and thought. This diversity is a major source of our strength. Each individual has the unique ability and responsibility to contribute, and each has the opportunity to participate, grow and develop. 我们是融合了各民族文化及思想的大家庭。人是我们力量的主要源泉。我们每个人需要贡献自己独特的能力并肩负自己的责任,而每个人也都有机会参与、成长与发展。 We are bound together as a TEAM by trust, common goals and mutual respect. We know that when the team wins, we all win. We do what we say we are going to do. 我们通过彼此的信任、共同的目标与相互的尊重团结一心成为团队。我们明白团队的胜利就是我们个人的胜利。我们言必出,行必果。We treat assignments from our CUSTOMERS as expressions of trust. They can count on us to provide them with solutions that meet or exceed their expectations. 我们将客户交付的每一项任务都视为是他们对我们表达的信任。客户相信我们能提供解决方案以达到甚至超出他们的期望。We value people, organizational focus, innovation and technology as the means of achieving global LEADERSHIP. We insist on quality in everything we do. Besides courage, leadership demands never-ending improvement. We are a dynamic company that embraces change to achieve new opportunities and lead our global markets. 我们将人才、团队、创新及技术看作完善全球性管理的方法。我们坚持质量第一。领导层除了需要具备勇气之外,还必须不断改进。我们大家充满活力,迎接每一次新的挑战与机遇,争取在国际市场上占据领导地位。As a good CORPORATE CITIZEN we demonstrate concern for the interests and well-being of our communities. We conduct our business with integrity and in a manner which protects the environment of our employees, our community and our customers. 我们作为社会的一员,密切关注社会与人民的利益。我们以诚经营,并力求保护员工、社会及客户的环境。OUR JOURNEY 我们的旅程我们的旅程To create value for our customers and shareholders by providing systems, products and services relating to propel, work and control functions, as we meet the needs of mobile equipment manufacturers globally.我们提供具备驱动、运作及控制功能的系统、产品及服务,为客户与股东创造价值,满足全球行走机械设备制造商的需要。OUR FOUR POINTS OF STRATEGY 我们的四大战略重点我们的四大战略重点CUSTOMER FOCUS 以客户为中心以客户为中心Ensure customer intimacy by truly understanding our customers needs with the goal of meeting or exceeding their expectations in all areas, including quality, innovation, flexibility and total value. 与客户保持良好关系,真正理解他们的需求,在质量、革新、适应度及总体价值等各项领域中达到并超越客户的期望。Expand our systems offerings by including the engineering of complete solutions, and acting as system integrator regardless of product source.将我们的系统供给范围扩展到工程整体解决方案,并且成为任何产品来源的系统集合体。 Support our customers globally, adding local structures and facilities where necessary to provide the expected level of Sauer-Danfoss product and service support. 进行全球性客户支持,必要时在当地市场增加人员及生产设施以满足客户对萨澳丹佛斯产品和维修服务的需求。PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATION 人员机构人员机构With an emphasis on teaming, organize around the work to be done, engaging the flexibility and talent of all of our employees. 我们重视团队合作,并力求使员工的能动性及才能得到充分发挥。Reward initiative, recognizing that taking risks will, at times, result in failure; and value innovation, knowing that only by doing something different will we achieve different, and better, results. 我们鼓励主动进取精神,同时也必须认识到冒险有时也会带来失败。我们提倡创新精神,知道只有以不同的方法才能将事情做得更好。 Create an employee development structure that expands the knowledge base of all employees, growing the capabilities of individuals in all functions, building our overall organizational strength, and ensuring leadership continuity. 创建员工发展结构以扩展所有员工的知识面,使他们在各自的岗位上发挥各自的能力,加强我们整体组织的力量,并确保领导层的连贯性。OPERATIONAL APPROACH 运作方式运作方式Create a change environment where we sustain our competitive advantage by continuously reviewing and renewing our business processes, methods and technologies to achieve lowest total cost in all activities. 不断回顾并更新我们的业务流程、方法与技术,将运作成本降到最低,这样才能确保我们在日益变化的市场环境中都保持竞争力。Instill a sense of urgency in, and responsibility for, everything we do to keep us ahead of the ever increasing expectations of our customers. 向员工慢慢灌输紧迫感与责任感,使大家认识到自己所作的每一件事都必须满足顾客日益增长的要求。FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 财务状况财务状况Focus on shareholder value by driving both top line growth and profitability. 将重点放在股东利益上,推动公司的发展与盈利。Achieve continuous improvement on the returns on each and every investment made (machine tools, facilities, new products, distribution channels, etc.). 争取在每一项投资上不断提高投资回报率(机械工具、设施、新产品、分销渠道等)。OUR DESTINATIONTo be the preferred global supplier and partner in our chosen markets by: Providing the highest value solutions to our customers,Being recognized as the most competent supplier,Being seen as the company easiest to do business with. OUR GUIDING VALUESWe are a rich mixture of PEOPLE of diverse nationality, culture and thought. This diversity is a major source of our strength. Each individual has the unique ability and responsibility to contribute, and each has the opportunity to participate, grow and develop. We are bound together as a TEAM by trust, common goals and mutual respect. We know that when the team wins, we all win. We do what we say we are going to do. We treat assignments from our CUSTOMERS as expressions of trust. They can count on us to provide them with solutions that meet or exceed their expectations. We value people, organizational focus, innovation and technology as the means of achieving global LEADERSHIP. We insist on quality in everything we do. Besides courage, leadership demands never-ending improvement. We are a dynamic company that embraces change to achieve new opportunities and lead our global markets.As a good CORPORATE CITIZEN we demonstrate concern for the interests and well-being of our communities. We conduct our business with integrity and in a manner which protects the environment of our employees, our community and our customers.OUR JOURNEYTo create value for our customers and shareholders by providing systems, products and services relating to propel, work and control functions, as we meet the needs of mobile equipment manufacturers globally.OUR FOUR POINTS OF STRATEGYCUSTOMER FOCUSEnsure customer intimacy by truly understanding our customers needs with the goal of meeting or exceeding their expectations in all areas, including quality, innovation, flexibility and total value. Expand our systems offerings by including the engineering of complete solutions, and acting as system integrator regardless of product source.Support our customers globally, adding local structures and facilities where necessary to provide the expected level of Sauer-Danfoss product and service support. PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONWith an emphasis on teaming, organize around the work to be done, engaging the flexibility and talent of all of our employees. Reward initiative, recognizing that taking risks will, at times, result in failure; and value innovation, knowing that only by doing something different will we achieve different, and better, results. Create an employee development structure that expands the knowledge base of all employees, growing the capabilities of individuals in all functions, building our overall organizational strength, and ensuring leadership continuity. OPERATIONAL APPROACHCreate a change environment where we sustain our competitive advantage by continuously reviewing and renewing our business processes, methods and technologies to achieve lowest total cost in all activities. Instill a sense of urgency in, and responsibility for, everything we do to keep us ahead of the ever increasing expectations of our customers. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCEFocus on shareholder value by driving both top line growth and profitability. Achieve continuous improvement on the returns on each and every investment made (machine tools, facilities, new products, distribution channels, etc.).CUSTOMER FOCUS以客户为中心以客户为中心Win-Win Negotiations双赢谈判Customer Awareness关注客户QFD8D Problem Solving8D 问题解决方式Effective Customer Service Skills有效的客户服务技巧Dealing with the Disappointed Customer处理失望的客户Value Analysis价值分析FMEA实效模式分析System Modeling and System Knowledge系统建模及系统知识EOs/SDs Desired Outcomes EOS/SDS 所期望的成果所期望的成果 Increase usage of 8Discipline Problem Solving增加使用8D解决问题Develop usage in all parts of our business发展到各个领域“It is now a Sauer-Danfoss Quality Policy that the 8D format be the standard tool to communicate and solve significant problems in the company.” EO February 2004萨澳丹佛斯的质量方针规定8D是用来进行沟通和解决公司出现的重大问题的标准工具。EO February 2004EOs/SDs Desired Outcomes EOS/SDS 所期望的成果所期望的成果Create a common vocabulary创建一个共同的词汇Improve Sauer-Danfoss cycle time and quality in solving problems改进萨澳丹佛斯在解决问题方面的周期及质量EOs/SDs Desired Outcomes EOS/SDS 所期望的成果所期望的成果Emphasize the documentation of solved problems强调已解决问题的归档Understand how 8D relates to Sauer-Danfoss quality objectives and goals.理解理解8D与萨澳与萨澳-丹佛斯质量目标之间的相互关系丹佛斯质量目标之间的相互关系Encourage personal growth鼓励个人发展Problem Solving问题的解决问题的解决 You and a friend are enjoying a friendly (but competitive) round of golf. As you approach the 16th hole, you hit an amazing drive that lands just short of the green. As you walk up to where your golf ball landed, you notice that the ball has rolled into a paper bagcarelessly left on the ground by someone. 你和朋友正在进行一场高尔夫球的友谊赛。当你打到第16个洞时,你作了惊人一击,球刚好停在草坪外。可当你走到球的旁边,却发现这只球滚进了一个纸袋里Problem Solving问题的解决问题的解决 The rules of golf say that you will lose a stroke if you remove the ball from the bag. Striking the ball while it remains in the bag, may cause you to mis-hit the ball. What are your ideas for solving this problem? 根据高尔夫球赛的规则,如果你把球从纸袋里拿出来,那你将会失去一次打球的机会,如果不去移动这个纸袋,你有可能打不到球.对于解决这个问题你有什么想法?Problem Solving & Introductions问题的解决和介绍问题的解决和介绍What is your name?你的姓名?What company do you work for?你所工作的公司你所工作的公司?What are you desired outcomes for this training?你期望在这个培训中学到什么?What are your ideas for solving the golf ball dilemma?你对于解决高尔夫球这种进退两难局面的想法?8-D Problem Solving 8-D 问题解决方式问题解决方式Started at Ford as TOPS-Team Oriented, Data Driven在福特公司最先开始实施,以TOPS 团队导向,数据驱动。Proven tool for solving manufacturing, assembly, and office problems.解决制造、装配、办公室问题的经验证的工具。Includes IS / IS NOT and many other technical tools包括“是/否”和许多其它技术工具。8-D Problem Solving 8-D 问题解决方式问题解决方式Excellent planning, tracking, and documentation tool.优秀的计划、跟踪和文件管理工具。Recognized industry standard (Internet search 8d problem solving)公认的行业标准。(网上搜索 “8d problem solving”)Sauer-Danfoss Problem Solving Toolset萨澳丹佛斯解决问题的工具萨澳丹佛斯解决问题的工具CQAR Standard problem tool to record and solve customer perceived defects CQAR是解决客户质量问题的标准工具8D Problem Solving8步法解决问题Sauer-Danfoss Problem Solving Toolset萨澳丹佛斯解决问题的工具萨澳丹佛斯解决问题的工具 - Tool to go to for more difficult problems. The CQAR solution can not be determined within 4 hours. - 用于解决更困难的问题。CQAR解决方法不能在4小时内确定。Six Sigma Complex problem solving tool. When 8D has multiple potential root causes and requires more complex tools. 复杂问题的解决方式。当8D发现多种潜在的原因需要更复杂的工具。8D Problem Solving Process0. Become Aware of the Problem1. Assemble a Team if Necessary2. Describe the Problem and the Expectation3. Implement and Verify Interim Containment Actions5. Define and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions6. Implement Permanent Corrective Actions7. Prevent Recurrence8. JOB WELL DONE!4. Define and Verify Root Causes8-D 问题解决方式问题解决方式0. 意识到问题意识到问题1. 必要的话,成立一个小组必要的话,成立一个小组2. 描述问题和期望描述问题和期望3. 贯彻和核实贯彻和核实“临时围堵临时围堵”行行动动5. 确定和核实永久性纠正行动确定和核实永久性纠正行动6. 实施永久性纠正行动实施永久性纠正行动7. 防止复发防止复发8. 圆满完成工作!圆满完成工作!4. 确定和核实问题根源确定和核实问题根源Step 0 第第0步步Become Aware of the Problem意识到问题How We Become Aware of Problems 我们如何意识到问题我们如何意识到问题CQAR CQARCustomer call 客户的电话First Pass Yield 首次通过率Quality 质量Cost (Excessive scrap, etc.) 成本(过多的报废,等)Delivery 交货Warranty Data 质保期成本? ?Step 1Assemble a Team if Necessary第一步第一步若必要组成一个团队若必要组成一个团队Form a small team of people with the interest and the necessary skills to effectively work through the 8-D process.组成一个小组,小组成员对8-D 有兴趣并具有必要的技能,以便能够有效地完成8-D 的工作Assemble a Team: Steps成立一个小组:步骤成立一个小组:步骤Select a small number of people选定一小部分人组成一个小组Determine roles确定角色Develop ground rules发展基本规则Determine customer确定客户Determine scope, timetable, deliverables确定范围、时间表、可交付使用的结果Step 2Describe the Problem and the Expectation第二步第二步描述问题和期望描述问题和期望Specify the internal/external customer problem by identifying in quantifiable terms the who, what, when, where, why, how, how many (5W2H) for the problem.用可量化的术语:来详细说明内部和外部客户的问题Describe in quantifiable terms the customer expectation and the vision.用可量化的术言说明客户的期望和前景“who (何人), what (何事), when (何时), where (何处), why (为何), how (怎样), how many (多少)” 5W2H 。Describe the Problem: Steps描述问题:具体步骤描述问题:具体步骤Describe the problem描述问题Refine problem statement进一步描述问题Write problem statement写出问题陈述Write customer expectation写出客户的期望Write vision statement写出前景陈述Keys to Problem Statement问题陈述的关键问题陈述的关键The Problem Description phase involves as complete of data collection as possible.描述问题阶段涉及到尽可能收集相关的数据。May require time to collect the data可以规定时间来收集数据。It is key to get the Problem Statement accurate.准确描述问题是关键。Tools for Problem Description描述问题的工具描述问题的工具Data Collection数据的收集5Ws & 2 Hs“who (何人), what (何事), when (何时), where (何处), why (为何), how (怎样), how many (多少)”Charting图表5 Whys5 个为什么5 Ws & 2 HsWho(Customer, end user,)What(What product, What p/n, s/n,)Where(Location, On what machine, )When(On what dates were failures, After how many hours, )Why(Include any partial conclusions.)How(Under what circumstances, what type of failure)How many(How many failures, Out of how many total)5 Ws & 2 Hs谁(客户、最终使用者,)什么(什么产品, 什么零件号, 系列号,)哪里(位置, 在哪台机器, )何时(实效日期, 故障前的运行时间, )为什么(包括一些部分结论,)程度(失效时的工况, 失效类型,)多少(多少故障, 百分比。)Whats wrong with what?Why?_Can you prove it? (if yes, proceed. If no, go back 1 step)YNWhy?_Can you prove it? (if yes, proceed. If no, go back 1 step)YNWhy?_Can you prove it? (if yes, proceed. If no, go back 1 step)YNWhy?_Can you prove it? (if yes, proceed. If no, go back 1 step)YNWhy?_Can you prove it? (if yes, proceed. If no, go back 1 step)YNProblem Investigation WorksheetAsk Why Five Times什么出了什么问题什么出了什么问题?为什么?_你能证实吗? (若肯定,继续,若否定,回到上一步)是否为什么?_你能证实吗? (若肯定,继续,若否定,回到上一步)是否为什么?_你能证实吗? (若肯定,继续,若否定,回到上一步)是否为什么?_你能证实吗? (若肯定,继续,若否定,回到上一步)是否为什么?_你能证实吗? (若肯定,继续,若否定,回到上一步)是否问题调查表问题调查表问问5遍为什么遍为什么5 Whys ExampleInitial problem statement M46 pumps are leaking at pressure decay.Why? The fastener torque is low.Can you prove it? Yes, the torque was measured below spec.Why? The torque tool is not calibrated.Can you prove it? No, there could be many reasons for low torque.Final problem statement The fastener torque is below spec on some M46 pumps prior to pressure decay test.5个为什么的范例个为什么的范例最初的问题描述最初的问题描述 M46 泵在压力测漏试验中泄漏.为什么为什么? 紧固件扭矩低.你能证明吗你能证明吗? 是的,经过测量此扭矩没有达到规定要求.为什么为什么? 这个扳手没有被校准.你能证明吗你能证明吗? 不,很多原因可能造成低扭矩的.最后的问题描述最后的问题描述 在一些M46泵中的紧固件扭矩在测漏试验前低于规定要求Customer Expectation and Our Vision客户的期望和我们解决的前景客户的期望和我们解决的前景Customer Expectation客户的期望 What will the situation look like to the customer after