Lesson 1 On the Farmfarmar - far arm Whats on the farm?The animals are on the farm.The _ is/are on the farm.I can see _ on the farm.His name is MacDonald.farmer Good news! You can have baby animals on the farm! (好消息!你可以认领好消息!你可以认领农场上的小动物!)农场上的小动物!)通告通告(Notice)First: Try to find the animals! (试着找到小动物)(试着找到小动物)Oink,Oinkpigblack and white grass (草)(草)Four legsgive milkMoo, Moocowsheepee- see - tree - three - sheep eightBaa,BaaPig, pig. Its a pig. Oink, Oink._, _. Its a _. _, _.Cow, _. Its a _. Moo, _.Farm, farm. Its a farm. Wow! Beautiful.Pig, pig, Its a pig . Oink, Oink._, _, Its a _ . _ , _.Cow, _, Its a_ . Moo, _.Farm, farm, Its a farm . Wow! beautiful. Wolf is coming!Game “Wolf is coming” When we see the animals, please shout out loudly! (狼来了,请大声的喊出来提醒动物逃走!)(狼来了,请大声的喊出来提醒动物逃走!)cowsheeppigsheepSing the song ”Old MacDonalds farm”Q: What animals can you hear in the song? (在歌曲中你还听到了那些动物?)(在歌曲中你还听到了那些动物?)Meow,MeowCluck, Cluck.Woof,Woof.Quack,Quack Second: What animals do you like? Say something about it! ( 请描述你喜欢的动物!)请描述你喜欢的动物!)Congratulations!祝贺你!祝贺你!_同学:同学:你在游览你在游览“MacDonalds农场农场”的过程中,的过程中,表现优异!凭此卡可认领一只小动物!表现优异!凭此卡可认领一只小动物! You did a good job in visiting “MacDonalds Farm”! You can have one baby animal with the card! 认领卡认领卡