一位美国华盛顿大学学生的毕业经典演讲稿第一篇:一位美国华盛顿大学学生的毕业演讲稿 student speech delivered at the ent secretaries and other engineering school staff members e the memory of my office on the fourth floor of lopata hall - the room at the end of the ed to be a favorite perch for various species of birds my fourth-floor vantage point i had a rather intimate ember them fondly.i take e memories of the onthly lunch. but after one grad student prepared a pot of chicken that poisoned almost the entire cs grad student population and one unlucky faculty member in one fell e memories of the 1992 u.s. presidential debate. eager to get involved in all the excitement i volunteered to help ember spending many a fall break and president"s day holiday panying refreshments - but there y uncle ordered popovers must spit out the air!"and . . . as you partake of the asters and doctoral students of y mind is filled e a clear azing e the memory of e not to give up, he told me i could succeed in his class. for reasons that seemed completely ludicrous at the time, he said he had faith in me. and after that my grades in the class oving to pus-ember being thrilled to get assigned the job of collecting film from the photographers in the debate hall during the debate. and i remember the disappointment of ber of votes received in a presidential election, leading to questions of a mandate for president bush.president bush:thank you all. thank you all for paign, and he and his supporters can be proud of their efforts. (applause.)laura and i any people to thank, and my family comes first. (cheers, applause.) laura is the love of my life. (cheers, applause.) i"m glad you love her, too. (laughter.) i grateful to the vice president and lynne and their daughters, y superb campaign team. i ake the calls and to put up the signs, to talk to your neighbors, and to get out the vote. (cheers, applause.)and because you did the incredible ilitary hasbrought justice to the enemy and honor to america. (cheers, applause.) our nation - our nation has defended itself and served the freedom of all mankind. i"m proud to lead such an amazing country, and i am proud to lead it ake public schools all they can be, and is a e close paign has ended, and the united states of america goes ay god bless america. (cheers, applause.)-布什:此次选民的投票率创下了历史新高,带来了历史性的胜利。今天早些时候,克里参议员打电话祝贺我竞选成功。我们在电话中谈得挺好,他非常亲切。克里参议员发起了猛烈的竞选攻势,他和他的支持者可以为此感到自豪。劳拉和我向克里、特里萨以及他们全家表示最衷心的祝愿。美国做出了选择。对于同胞们的信任,我很感激。这种信任意味着我将承担为所有美国公民服务的义务。作为你们的总统,我每天都将竭尽全力。我需要感谢许多人,首先是我的家人。劳拉是我一生的挚爱,我对你们也爱她感到高兴。我还要感谢在竞选后期加入竞选团的女儿,感谢兄弟姐妹们付出的努力,特别感谢严父慈母的支持。我感谢副总统、(他的夫人)莱尼和他们的女儿。他们付出了努力,是竞选团的重要成员。副总统聪明睿智、正直高贵,我为跟他共事感到自豪。我感谢优秀的竞选团,感谢你们所有人付出的努力。你们的勤奋和智慧每天都给我留下了深刻的印象。我感谢全国上下成千上万名支持者,感谢你们在竞选集会上的拥抱、祈祷和亲切言语,感谢你们想方设法打出标语,呼吁邻居前去投票。正是由于你们付出了惊人的努力,我们今天才能庆祝胜利。俗话说,不要祈求能力所能胜任的任务,要祈求能胜任任务的能力。在四年历史性时期,美国被赋予了伟大的任务,并以实力和勇气面对这些任务。我国人民使经济活力复苏,并在新型战争中显示出决心和耐心。我军已经将敌人绳之以法,给美国带来了荣誉。我国保卫了自己,维护了全人类的自由。领导这样出色的国家,我感到自豪;带领这个国家前进,我感到自豪。我们已经完成了艰难的任务,进入了充满希望的时期。我们将继续推动经济增长,改革落后的税法,为下一代加强社会保障。我们将尽量改善公立学校,维护在家庭和信仰方面的核心价值观。我们将帮助伊拉克和阿富汗建立民主制度,以便他们增强实力和维护自由。然后,我军官兵将带着他们获得的荣誉回国。在优秀盟国的支持下,我们将动用美国的一切力量打赢这场反恐战争,确保我们的孩子们的自由与和平。要实现这些目标,美国公民的广泛支持是必不可缺的。因此今天,我要对支持对手的所有人说,为了让美国变得更强大更美好,我需要你们的支持,我也将努力获得你们的支持,并将竭尽所能以担当得起你们的支持。新一届任期使我有机会影响整个国家。正是同一个国家、同一部宪法和同一个未来把我们联系到了一起。当我们一起努力的时候,美国的前途无可限量。作为结束语,请允许我向得克萨斯州人民讲几句话:我们彼此认识的时间最长,你们是我旅程的起点。在得州广阔无垠的平原上,我初次学到了美国的特点:强壮有力、真诚坦率,充满了黎明般的希望。我将永远感谢这个州的优秀人民。不管前方的路怎么样,这条路都将带我回家。选举已经结束,美利坚合众国将充满自信地前进。我看到我们的国家正迎来伟大的日子,很期待下一周的开始。愿上帝保佑你们,保佑美国!我们向你推荐更多精彩文章:美国华盛顿itif简介永远不要说你已经尽力了-一位清华大学学生的演讲稿大学毕业典礼学生演讲稿物流专业学生的大学毕业演讲稿美国留学申请经验 圣路易斯华盛顿大学法律硕士(wustl llm)录取 第 6 页 共 6 页