. .Part. Fill in the blank with suitable content.1.Seven themes recur throughout the study of international economics. These arethe gains from trade, the pattern of trade ,protectionismthe balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international policy coordination, international capital market. 2.Countries engage in international trade for two basic reasons :parative advantageandeconomics of scale.3.A country has a parative advantage in producing a good ifthe opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries. 4. Labor is the only one factor of production. 、and 、are the unit labor requirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. If aLC/aLW<aLC*/aLW*, Home has a parative advantage in cheese. /is the relative price of cheese, whenaLC/aLW< Pc/Pw<aLC*/aLW* Home and Foreign specialize in producing cheese and wine , respectively.5. Labor is the only one factor of production. 、and 、are the unit labor requirement in cheese and wine at Home and Foreign, respectively. L and L*are Homes and Foreigns labor force. If /</</, the world relative supply of cheese equalsL/aLC/(L*/aLW*) . Homes gains from indirectly producing wine can be shown as(1/aLC)(Pc/Pw)1/aLW 6. In specific factors model(QM=QM (K, LM); QF=QF (T, LF); L=LM+LF), if Home produces and trades manufactured goods for food , the overall parison of the five change rate of goods price and factor price 、inside Home is. That is, the real ine of capitalists increase, it can be shown as .7. There are two main reasons why international trade has strong effects on the distribution of ine. First,resources cant move immediately or costlessly form one industry to anotherSecondIndustries differ in the factors of production they demand.8. In the Heckscher-Ohlin model,parative advantage is influenced by the interaction betweenrelative abundanceandrelative intensity9.According to stolper-sammelson effect if the relative price of a good rises, the real ine of the factor which intensively used in that good will rise, while the real ine of the other factor will fall.10.According to罗布津斯基效应Rybczynski effect, at unchanged relative goods price, if the supply of a factor of production increases, the output of the good that are intensive in that factor will rise, while the output of the other good will fall.11.According to H-O模型H-O proposition, owners of a countrys abundant factors gain from trade, but owners of a countrys scare factors lose.12.According to要素价格均等化命题Factor price equalization proposition, international trade produces a convergence收敛 of relative goods prices. This convergence, in turns, causes the convergence of the relative factor prices. Trade leads to plete equalization of factor prices.完整的要素价格均等化13. Three assumptions假设 crucial to the prediction of factor price equalization are in reality untrue. These assumptions are (1)两个国家都生产两种产品both countries produce both goods(2)两国技术一样technologies are the same(3)存在贸易壁垒:天然壁垒和人为壁垒There are barriers to trade: natural barriers and artificial barriers.14.“U.S. exports were less capital-intensive than U.S. imports is known as里昂惕夫悖论Leontief paradox .15.The Ricardian Model , the Specific Factor model and the H-O model may be viewed as special cases特殊情况 of标准贸易模型standard trade models16.The standard trade model derives派生 推导 a world relative supply curve曲线 fromproduction possibilitiesand a world relative demand curve frompreferences.17.To export-biased growth, if the decline下降 of the welfare caused by the deterioration恶化 of the terms of trade swap over交换 the rise of the welfare caused by growth, the growth isimmiserizing growth (贫困化增长).18. Some economists argued thatexport-biased growth by poor nations would worsen their term of trade so much that they would be worse off than if they had not grown at all. This situation is known as immiserizing growth (贫困化增长) .19.Immiserizing growth demands strict conditions, these conditions areeconomic growth is strongly export-biased,thegrowing country is large enough to affect the worldprice,RS and RD must be very steep.20.According to “梅茨勒悖论Metzle paradox, tariffs and export subsidies补贴 might have perverse有害的 effects on internal price.21.In the model of “Monopolistic垄断 petition and Trade, firms of an individual nation face the trade-off betweeneconomies of scaleandvariety of products .22. Marshall argued that there were three main reasons why a cluster of firms 企业集群may be more efficient than an individual firm in isolation:specialized supplies,labor market pooling, knowledge spillovers(知识溢出)23.The pattern of intraindustry产业内 trade itself is unpredicted, history and accidentdetermine the details of the trade pattern.39. When there is external economies外部经济, the pattern of international trade is determined byeconomics of scale interact with parative advantage.24. The indexes指标of intrainindustry trade of a industry can be calculated by the standard formula: 25. Interindustry trade and intrainindustry产业内 trade are the sources of gains from trade . Whencountries are similar in their relative factor supplies、scale economies and product differentiations areimportant, intrainindustry trade is the dominant source主要来源 of gains from trade, everyone gains from trade.26.The argument of temporary暂时的 protection of industries to enable them to gain experience is known as幼稚产业论the infant industry argument27. If we add together the gains and losses from a tariff, We find the net effect on national welfare can be separated into two parts: terms of trade gainandefficiency loss28.Why do countries adopt trade policies such as tariff or import quota, which produce more costs than benefits?trade politics29.In the political economy of trade policy贸易政策的政治经济学 , government are assumed to被假定为maximize政治成功political successrather than 国家福利national welfare.30.Deviations from free trade can sometimes increase national welfare. These arguments includethe term of trade argument for a tariffandthe domestic market failure argument31.According to “Specific rule (对症规那么), domestic market failure should be corrected by domestic policies aimed directly atthe problems sources.32. Although market failures are probably mon, the domestic market failure argument against free trade should not be applied too freely.Firstdomestic market failure should be corrected by domestic policies aimed directly at the problemssources;Secondeconomists cannot diagnose market failure well enough to prescribe policy.33. International trade often produces losers as well as winners. In the actual politics of trade policy, ine distribution is of crucial importance. 集体行动问题The problem of collective actioncan explain why policies that not only seem to produce more costs than benefits but that also seem to hurt far more voters them they can help can nonetheless be adopted.34.The WTO includes four aspects content: GATT 1994,GATS, TRIPS , TRIMS 35.“Nondiscriminatory principles 非歧视性原那么includemost favored nationprinciple andnational treatment principle36.For preferential优惠 trading agreements, such ascustoms union , countries must cede part of their sovereignty to supranational entity必须放弃局部主权的超国家实体37.Whether a customs union关税同盟 is desirable可取 or undesirable depends on whether it largely leads to trade creationor trade diversion .38.Trade policy in developing countries is concerned with two objectives涉及两个目标:promoting industrializationandCoping with the problem of the dual economy.39. Trade policy in developing countries is concerned with two objectives: promoting industrialization and coping with the problems of the dual economy. Correspondingly, there are two main arguments for developing countries to pursue policy of import-substituting industrialization. The two arguments arethe infant industry argumentt andmarket failure justification for infant industry protection.40. Sophisticated proponents of the infant industry argument have identified two market failures as reasons why infant industry protection may be a good idea:The imperfect capital markets justificationandThe appropriability argument.Part. True or False (true and false are denoted by “T and “F, respectively)1.If aLW*/aLC*<aLW/aLC, Homes relative productivity in cheese is higher.(T )2. According to the Ricardian model, it is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good.The good for which />/ will be produced in Foreign.(F )3.It is precisely because the relative wage is between the relative productivities that each country ends up with a cost advantage in one good.( T)4.Long-run convergence(长期收敛) in productivity生产力produces long-run convergence in wages. ( T)5. “Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You cant import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage that goes with it. (F )6.The proposition that trade is beneficial is unqualified(不合格). That is, there is no requirement that a country be “petitive or that the trade be “fair. ( T)7.Free trade is beneficial only if your country is strong enough to stand up to foreign petition. ( F )8.Foreign petition is unfair and hurts other countries when it is based on low wages. F9.Trade exploits a country and make it worse off if its workers receive much lower wage than workers in other nations. (F ) 10.The Ricardian Model predicts an extreme degree(预测一个极端的程度) of specialization(专业化). ( T ) 11.The Ricardian Model neglects(忽略) the effects on ine distribution. (T )12.The basic prediction of the Ricardian model has been strongly confirmed by a number of studies over years. ( T )13.The Ricardian Model predicts that countries tend to export those goods in which their productivity is relative high. ( T )14.We can think of factor specificity as a matter of time. ( T )15.The opportunity cost of manufacture in terms of food is denoted by(表示) MPLM /MPLF.( F )16.A equal proportional change in price have no real effects on the real wage, real ine of capital owner and land owner. ( T )17.Trade benefits the factor that is specific to the import-peting sectors of each country but hurts the factor to the export sectors, with ambiguous effects on mobile factors. ( F )18.It is possible in principle for a countrys government to use taxes and subsidies(补贴) to redistribute重新分配 ine to give each individual more of both goods. ( T )19. Although international trade has strong effects on ine distribution, there are still possible in principle to make each individual better off. ( T )20.Typically, those who gain from trade in any particular product are a much more concentrated, informed, and organized group than those who lose. ( F)21. Conflicts of interest(利益冲突) within nations are usually more important in determining trade policy than conflicts of interest between nations. ( T )22.Generally, economists do not regard the ine distribution effects of trade as a good reason to limit trade. ( T )23.The formulation of trade policy(贸易政策的制定) is a kind of political process(政治进程). ( T)24. “The worlds poorest countries cant find anything to export. There is no resource that is abundantcertainly not capital or land, and in small poor nations not even labor is abundant. ( F )25.Wage inequality in U.S. increased between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, economists attribute the change to the growing exports of manufactured goods from NIEs. ( T )26.If the factor-proportion theory was right, a country would always export factors for which the ine share exceeded the factor share, import factors for which it was less. ( F ) 27.The H-O model can predict not only the direction but the volume of trade(贸易量). ( T)28.Factor trade in general turns out to be much smaller than the H-O model predicts. ( T )29. According to an influential recent paper, the H-O model can predict not only the direction but the volume of trade. Factor trade in general turn out to be the same as the H-O model predicts. ( F ) 30. Only by dropping the Heckscher-Ohlin assumption that technologies are the same across the countries can the overall pattern of international trade be well predicted by the H-O model. ( T )31.If a country want to maximize its national welfare, the consumption point is where the highest isovalue line is tangent to the highest reachable indifference curve. ( T)32.A rise in the terms of trade increases a countrys welfare, while a decline in the terms of trade reduces its welfare. ( T )33.Export-biased growth tends to improve the growing countrys terms of trade at the rest of the worlds expense.( F )34.If the two countries allocate(分配) their change in spending in the same proportions, there will not be a terms of trade effect. ( T )35. If the country receiving a transfer spends a higher proportion of an increase ine on its export good than the giver, a transfer raises world relative demand for the recipients export good and thus improve its terms of trade. ( T )36.A transfer worsens the donors terms of trade if the donor has a higher mariginal propensity to spend on its export good than the recipient(受体). ( T )37.A transfer improves the donors terms of trade, worsens recipients terms of trade.( F )38.A transfer of inesay foreign aidcould conceivably leave the recipient worse off. ( T )39.A tariff improves Homes terms of trade and worsens Foreigns, while a Home export subsidy worsens Homes terms of trade and improve Foreigns. ( T )40. Where there is economies of scale, there is imperfectly petitive market structure. ( F )41.If intraindustry trade is the dominant source of gains from trade, everyone gains from trade. ( T )42.Effect on the distribution of ine within countries often weight more heavily on policy than terms of trade concerns.( T )43.The usual market structure in industries characterized by internal economies of scale is monopolistic petition. ( F )44.Today, antidumping(反倾销) may be a device of protectionism. ( T )45.Reciprocal(相互) dumping tends to increase the volume of trade in goods that are quite identical一致. ( F )46.It is possible that reciprocal dumping increase national welfare. ( T )47.Strong external(外部) economies tend to “locked in the existing patterns of interindustry trade, even if the patterns are run counter to(背道而驰) parative advantage.( T )48.A trading country can conceivably lose from trade is potentially justify protectionism.( T )49.Like static external e