. .SC200/200TD施工升降机Builders Hoist使用说明书Instruction manualXX恩利斯机械设备XXChengdu Earnest Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd2021 03. .word. . .word. .目录CATALOGUE0 前言PREFACE30.1设备信息Machine information30.2正确使用本说明书Correctly using the manual30.3 平安提示及平安标识Safty tip and mark30.4 平安风险提示General indication about safety30.5 保修说明Warranty description50.6 免责声明Disclaimers61 产品概述OUTLINE AND FEATURE71.1 升降机型号说明Model description71.2升降机性能参数Performance parameters71.3 升降机构造综述Summary of the structure81.4 平安装置Safty device132 基 础FOUNDATION162.1根底载荷计算Foundation Load Calculation162.2 根底技术要求Foundation requirements162.3 根底图Foundation drawing173 附墙装置MAST-TIE183.1附墙架作用于建筑物上力Force acting upon the building183.2附墙架构造Mast-tie structure183.3附墙座联接方式Connection way of mast-tie193.4 附墙架间距Interval between mast-tie194 升降机操作 OPERATIION204.1操作平安规程Safety regulations for operation204.2司机室操作面板及笼顶操作盒Running in driver cabin or on top214.3 操作方法Method of operation224.4 紧急处置Emergency action235 坠落试验DROP TEST255.1适用X围Scope of application255.2坠落试验方法Method of drop test256 防坠平安器及重量限制器ANTI-FALLING SAFTY DEVICE AND LOAD LIMITER276.1防坠平安器使用要求SAFTY DEVICE OPERATION REQUIREMENT276.2防坠平安器调整Adjusting safety device276.3重量限制器Load limiter307 定期检查REGULAR INSPECTION317.1每天检查Inspection everyday317.2每周检查Inspection weekly317.3季度检查Inspection quarterly327.4年检Check yearly337.5齿轮的检测Check gear337.6齿条的检测Check the rack338 润滑LUBRICATION349施工升降机的安装INSTALLATION OF HOIST359.1施工升降机安装前的准备Preparation for installation359.2需用户自备的零部件User - owned parts369.3安装平安规程Safety regulations for installing369.4外笼与吊笼的安装Installing the enclosure379.5电气连接与调整Electrical connection429.6外笼吊笼安装后的调整Adjustment after installation439.7导轨架的安装Mast sections installation439.8附墙架的安装Mast-tie installation459.9电缆桶及其安装Cable barrel installation469.10电缆滑车的安装Installation of the cable car479.11限位开关安装Installing position limit switch499.12层门安装Installing landing doors5010故障检查TROUBLESHOOTING5110.1常见电气故障mon electrical failures5110.2常见机械故障mon mechanical failures5111易损件更换WEARING PARTS REPLACEMENT5311.1齿轮更换Gear replacement5311.2齿条更换Rack replacement5311.3导轮更换Back roller replacement5411.4滚轮更换Roller replacement5411.5限速器更换Safty device replacement5511.6减速器及电机更换Gearbox and motor replacement5611.7电机制动器块更换Motor Brake block replacement5612维修平安卡具及维修门MAINTENANCE FIXTURES AND GATE5912.1 维修门Maintenance gate5912.2 平安卡具Secure fixtures5913 附录APPENDIX6113.1易损件明细表Spare parts list6113.2电气原理图Electrical circuit drawing61. .word. .0 前言Preface. .word. .0.1设备信息0.1.1设备名称:施工升降机0.1.2设备编号:0.1.3制造商:XX恩利斯机械设备XX0.1.4出厂日期:0.1Machine information0.1.1Machine name: Builders hoist0.1.21Machine No.: 0.1.3Manufaturer :EARNEST0.1.4Production date:. .word. .0.2正确使用本说明书首先感谢您使用XX恩利斯机械设备XX生产的施工升降机。在安装、使用施工升降机前,必须认真详细阅读本说明书,以确保平安。该说明书应随机携带,以备查阅。任何不符合说明书要求的安装、操作或维修都可能引发意外或平安风险。本说明书中的图例仅为了说明,可能与您订购的产品有所不同。由于产品升级或变更,本说明书在随时更新中,恕不另行通知或更正。0.2 Correctly using the manualThank you for using the builders hoist made by EARNEST.Before installing and using the hoist,readthemanualcarefully.This manual should always acpany the machine in order to be available to the operator.Any uncorrect assemble,usage and maintenance may lead unexpected risks.Sketches in this manual are only used to explain the principle ,they may be not consistent with your machine.Because of the machine upgrading or altering,content of the manual is always changing .We will not inform . .word. .0.3 平安提示及平安标识0.3.1说明书中提示平安的用语采用了突出显示或使用“注意“警告等用语,请仔细阅读。0.3.2产品上印刷或粘贴有黄色警示标识,请注意查看和区分。0.3 Safty tip and mark0.3.1Security terms of the instruction manual prompted a highlight or use " notes " " warn " terms, please read carefully.0.3.2Printing or paste with a yellow warning identified on the product, please note that to view and identify. .word. .0.4 平安风险提示使用升降机时,可能存在以下风险。应对安装、操作、使用和维护保养人员进展平安告知和平安教育,并采取措施降低可能存在的风险。0.4General indication about safetyUsing the machine exist risksas follows. All the people involving ininstall,operating and maintenance shoud be informed the risks,and protection procedures shoud be adoped. .word. . .word. .从层门或通道口滑到、绊倒或坠落;Sliding,stumbling or falling from the landing gate. .word. .外围栏入口、层门入口、吊笼出入口开关门时可能引起挤压、碰撞、夹伤;Hurt by squeezing,crashing or clipping in the entrance of guardrail,landing and cage. .word. .启停会产生冲击,限位失灵可能发生猛烈的坠地冲击;Shocking caused by sudden starting or stopping,especially violent shocking caused by the cage landing on the ground because of limiters in error. .word. .升降运行时产生不规那么的振动;Irregular vibration during the machine running. .word. .座椅与操作台的上下或间距可能引起操作者身体不适;Disforty caused by a wrong ergonomic drawing. .word. .机械或电器噪声可能导致听力障碍;Mechanical or electrical noise can cause hearing impairment. .word. .装载物品倾覆可能从吊笼围壁挤出; cargoes extrud out of cage. .word. .电器电线漏电导致触电;Wire leakage causes electric shock. .word. .变频器产生电磁辐射或干扰;Electromagnetic radiation or disturbing cause by inventer. .word. .齿轮齿条传动可能缠绕、吸入或卷入异物引发意外事件;Something pulling into between gear andrack. .word. .突然停电可能引起机器零部件损坏或功能混乱导致危险;Sudden losing power may lead to function chaos or damages of parts. .word. .观察运动部件的视线不良引起危险;Riskscaused by the poor sight of observing moving parts. .word. .运行通道有障碍物引起危险;Riskscaused by obstructions in hoist way. .word. .触摸到电机或制动电阻时可能引起烫伤;Scalded when touch the motor or the braking resistance. .word. .减速器内热油或蒸汽喷出;Thermal oil or steam erupt out of reducer ;. .word. .超载装置、限位装置在安装调整时出现人为过失可能导致平安装置失效;Risks caused by human error when installing or adjusting overload device, limiting device. .word. .扶靠护栏时栏杆缺失或失效导致跌落的危险;Rely onthe fence railing which is missing or invalid . .word. .启、停、上、下标志或符号装置未调整到与实际一致;Start, Stop, upper and lower flags or symbols appliance is not adjusted to the actual consensus . .word. .装载时严重偏载导致构造稳定性丧失;Serious unbalanced loading results in the loss of structural stability . .word. .超载引起失速失控或构造失稳;Stall ,out of control,instability caused by overloading. .word. .零部件脱落导致的倾覆、出轨;Parts falling off lead to overturning, or go off the rail. .word. .人或货拥挤时从联锁失灵的门处意外坠落;Crowded passengers or goods fall out from the unexpected openning gate;. .word. .顶部操作时,头手伸出护栏外可能与护墙装置等碰撞。Running the hoist at the cage top, hands and head outside the fence may collide with the attachment. .word. .0.5 保修说明0.5.1本产品保修期为十二个月,保修期内按照使用说明书正常使用情况下,产品发生故障或损坏,我公司负责免费维修。齿轮、齿条、滚轮、轴承、按钮、操作手柄、接触器、中间继电器、滑轮、电缆、灯具等易损件换件收取本钱费。外观的划伤及油漆脱落等不在保修X围内。0