. .英语中的动物习语英语中的动物习语1. 名词 1) ant 蚂蚁 have ants in ones pants (因焦急、气愤等)坐立不安,急于行动2) bear 熊、粗鲁的人、笨拙的人;股市中的空头一方;be a bear for punishment 能忍受粗暴待遇的、顽强的、倔强的;Sell the bears fur before one has caught the bear. 做事过早乐观了。3) bug 臭虫,狂热、癖好、迷;(贬)要人、名人 have a bug about 热衷于; a camera bug 摄影迷; a big bug (贬)大亨put a bug in sb.s ear 事先给某人暗示、警告4) bird 鸟,(俚)人、家伙、姑娘;(讽)非凡人物an old bird 老家伙、精明鬼; What a queer bird! 真是个怪人!a bird in the bush 未到手的东西、未定局的事(与a bird in the hand相对);a bird of ill omen 猫头鹰、报凶讯的人; a bird of Jove 鹰; a bird of Juno 孔雀;a bird of paradise 极乐鸟; a bird of passage 候鸟、飘泊不定的人;a bird of wonder=a secular bird 凤凰; a jail bird 囚犯; an early bird 早起的人;birds of a feather 一丘之貉; Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。A little bird told me/whispered to me. 有人私下告诉我。for the birds 荒唐可笑、毫无意义; get the bird 被喝倒彩、被解雇;It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. 家丑不可外扬。kill two birds with one stone 一石双鸟;the birds and the bees (口)关于两性关系的常识;a ladybird 瓢虫;5)bull 公牛, 空话、蠢话;难事;(贬)人a lot of bull/throw the bull 胡说八道; a bull in a china shop 说话或行事鲁莽的人;shoot (the) bull 吹牛、空谈、说大话; take the bull by the horns 不畏艰难;bull-work 苦差事6) cat 猫, 撒旦的化身、巫婆的守护神、可悲的女人、恶妇; an old cat 脾气坏的老太婆; a black cat 令人深恶痛绝的人; a cat walk 狭窄的人行道、村道; a cats paw 被人利用的人; let the cat out of the bag 泄露XX That cat wont jump. 这一手行不通。 See which way the cat jumps. 视情形再作决策。 A cat may look at a king. 小人物也该有些权利。7) chicken 小鸡、鸡肉,懦夫、胆小鬼;没有经验的人,年轻的女子a chicken head 笨蛋、蠢才They are some chickens. She is no chicken.Dont be a chicken, and you can do it. 别害怕,你能行的。Never count your chickens before they are hatched. 你千万别过早乐观了。8) cock 公鸡,首领、头目,神气十足的人,弟兄; Their cocks were making a project to rob the bank. Old cock! (旧时的称呼)老兄! a cock of the loft 在小天地里称王称霸的人;a cock of the walk/school称王称霸的人; go off at half cock 仓促行动,超之过急; live like fighting cocks 吃得好,吃最好的东西; set (the) cock on (the) hoop 纵饮、放荡不羁; That cock wont fight. 这话讲不通(那一手行不通)。9)dog 狗,无赖汉、坏蛋、废物;不受喜爱的人 a dirty dog 卑鄙的家伙、下流货; a sly dog 奸贼; a cat and dog life 争吵不休; a lucky dog 幸运儿; a dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎的人; be top dog 处于支配地位=be under dog(反); Dont be a sad dog! 别做放荡的人! go to the dogs 堕落、毁灭; a sly dog 暗中寻欢的人; a jolly dog 有趣的家伙; He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。 Love me, love my dog! 爱屋及乌。 Let sleeping dogs lie. 别惹是非。 He is always putting on (the) dog. 他老爱摆架子/摆阔/摆威风。 Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意的日子。 That day he was really in the dog house. 那天,他确实蒙羞了。 rain dogs and cats 飘泊大雨、倾盆大雨;10) donkey 驴,笨蛋,固执的人、顽固的人 as stubborn as a donkey 非常固执; What a donkey act! 太失策了!(蠢举之至!) I met him donkeys years back. 很久很久以前,我遇见过他。 11) duck 鸭,有吸引力的、可爱的物/人, 宝贝儿,零分a dead duck (注定)要完蛋的人; chance the duck 好歹要干一场;in two shakes of a ducks tail 立刻、马上;like a duck to water 如鱼得水、很自然地;make ducks and drakes of 浪费、挥霍=play ducks and drakes withWill a duck swim? 那还用问吗?当然愿意啦!a lame duck 残废之人、破产者、落选者,坏了的飞机、舰船、车辆等12)elephant 大象,(美俚)世面、世故;大壕沟/防空洞 What you did has really made us see the elephant. 你的所为真让我们长见识了。 The American soldiers were digging elephants.13)fish 鱼,冷血的人,对周围事物漠不关心; (贬)家伙;生手、笨蛋; a cold fish 泠漠的家伙; as mute as fish 噤若寒蝉; a queer fish 怪人; a big fish in a little pond 矮子里的高子a loose fish 放荡者 She is really a fishwife/fish-woman. 她简直就是个骂街的泼妇。 Alls fish that es to his net. 他这个人是来者不拒。 cry stinking(臭了的) fish 拆自己的台; drink like a fish 牛饮; have other fish to fry 另有他图 Fish begins to stink at the head. 上梁不正下梁歪。 Never offer to teach fish to swim. 别班门弄斧! like a fish out of water 感到不自在; neither fish, flesh, nor fowl 不伦不类 The best fish smell when they are three days old. 久住招人嫌。14)fly 苍蝇,美中不足的人/事,(贬)人; a fly in the ointment 使人扫兴的小事; a fly on a wheel 自高自大的人; break a fly on the wheel 浪费精力、杀鸡用牛刀; Dont let flies stick to your heels. 别拖拉了! There are no flies on him. 他很能干(他不会上当)。 a firefly 萤火虫;15)fox 狐狸,诡计多端的、狡猾的人/事 as sly as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾;play (the )fox 行为狡诈 An old fox is not easily snared. 老狐狸是不会轻易被抓的。 When a fox preaches, take care of your geese. 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心。16)goose 鹅,傻瓜 All his geese are swans. 他总是言过其实。 a wild-goose chase 徒劳的搜索、无益的举动;be sound on the goose (美)抱正统观点; cook sbs goose 干掉某人、毁人名誉;kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵;make a goose of someone 愚弄、欺骗某人; shoe the goose 徒劳无益;The goose hangs high. (美口)前景、形势好。The old woman is plucking her geese. (儿语)下雪了。be goose flesh all over 浑身起鸡皮疙瘩17)hare 野兔,(英俚)坐车不买票的人; First catch your hare (then cook him).勿谋之过早。 run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 两面讨好; make a hare of somebody 愚弄某人;18) hen 母鸡,(美俚)爱管闲事的女人、泼妇,阴谋; This is a hen on. 这是一个策划中的阴谋。 He suspected there was a hen on. 他怀疑其中有诈。 (as) mad as a wet hen (美俚)非常生气; a wet hen 令人讨厌的女人、泼妇; like a hen on a hot girdle 极不舒服、安静的; like a hen with one chicken 大惊小怪、唠唠叨叨; sell ones hens on a rainy day 亏本出售19)horse 马,(美俚)粗鲁的家伙、笨蛋,(美俚)恶作剧;(贬)人 a dark horse 黑马、竞争中出人意料的获胜者; a horse of another/different color 完全另一回事; a horse on somebody 针对某人的恶作剧; as strong as a horse 壮如牛 back the wrong horse (赛马中)下错赌注、支持失败一方; be on ones high horse 趾高气扬; hold ones horse 忍耐、镇静; flog a dead horse 白费力、事后再作无益的议论; e off ones high horse 不再骄傲自大; hitch horses together 情同意合; put the cart before the horse 本末倒置; talk horse 说大话、吹牛; You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink. 你不要逼迫一个人做他不愿做的事。 Are you speaking horse-feathers! 你不会是在讲梦话吧!20)lion 狮子,勇猛彪悍的人、难办的事、名人、名胜(复数) a lion in the way/path 拦路虎; beard the lion in his den 太岁头上动土; twist the lions tail (美政治家言论)触犯英国; see the lions (英)游览名胜; the lions share 最大最好的份额; the lions skin 假勇气21)mouse 耗子,(俚)胆小害羞的人,(俚)姑娘、女人,眼部上的青肿块, (as) poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗; like a drowned mouse 样子狼狈的、处于窘境的; Mouse and man is born equal. 众生平等。 When the cat is away, the mice will play. 没了管制者,局面就要乱。23)pig 猪,自私、迟钝、贪婪、肮脏的人 pigs in clover 卑鄙、粗鲁的有钱人; the pig forces (美俚)警察; bring ones pigs to a fine market 卖得吃亏、失败、失算; buy a pig in a poke (未见实物而)瞎买东西; drive ones pigs to market 打鼾; please the pigs 如果运气好的话 teach a pig to play on a flute 赶鸭子上架、做荒谬的事; when pigs fly 永不、绝不可能23)pigeon 鸽子,(俚)傻瓜、易上当受骗的人,特别关心的人/事,(美)少妇/少女 Football is not his pigeon. Your sister is rather a lovely pigeon. He lives on by plucking a pigeon. 他靠诈骗傻瓜的钱财过日子。 make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎咽、大吃大喝;24)rat 鼠,讨厌鬼、告密者、密探,工贼,下流的女人I can smell a rat. 我觉得事情有蹊跷。 You are really a rat. 你真是宵小鼠辈之人。a rat leaving a sinking ship 不能共患难的人; die like a rat 被毒死;have a rat in a garret 不安,近于疯癫;like a rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖;He is really a rat face. 他可真是个阴险卑鄙之徒。25)sheep 绵羊,害羞扭捏的胆小鬼;goat/ram(公羊) 色鬼、淫荡之人,替罪羊、牺牲品a black sheep 害群之马; a lost sheep 误入歧途的人cast/make sheeps eyes at 向愚蠢地送秋波;play/act the giddy goat 行为如小丑; milk the ram 做徒劳的事26)snake 蛇,阴险狡诈的人a snake in the grass 潜伏的敌人; a snake in ones bosom 恩将仇报的人;warm/cherish a snake in ones bosom 姑息养奸、养虎贻患;have snakes(=see snakes) in ones boots 喝醉了;raise/wake snakes 引起骚动27)tiger 虎,凶恶的人;凶性、残性;比赛中的劲敌;(英)穿制服的马夫 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tigers lair? 不入虎穴,焉得虎子? They are working like a tiger. 他们正生龙活虎地工作着。 They shall be our tigers in the ing match. 他们会是我们下一场比赛的劲敌。 His father used to work as a tiger in the palace. 他父亲曾经是王宫里的马夫。 That fellow finally showed his tiger. 那家伙终于显露出凶残的本性。28)whale 鲸,巨大的人/物,极好的人/物 a whale at(for/on) 善于的人、热心于的人; a whale at table tennis, a whale for work, a whale on sports a whale of (口) 极大的、极好的、了不起的 a whale of a difference 天壤之别, a whale of a story 极妙的故事, have a whale of a good time 玩得很愉快29)wolf 狼,狡诈的人、贪婪的人、色鬼、追逐女性的人、 have/hold a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下、进退两难; keep the wolf from the door 免于饥饿、勉强度日; see a wolf X口结舌; the big bad wolf 大坏蛋、大色鬼; wake a sleeping wolf 自找麻烦; a wolf in sheeps clothing 伪君子,阴险狡诈的人; Dont listen to his soft words. I was cheated by him last year. He is a wolf in lambs skin. 别听他的甜言蜜语,我去年才被他骗了,他是条披着羊皮的狼。2形容词1)a bear cat 力大勇猛的人、熊猫; bear-garden 嘈杂的场所、喧闹的景象;2)bird-brained 愚蠢的; a bird brain 笨蛋、没头脑的人; a bird dog 兜揽生意的人、挖掘人才的人;3)bullish 公牛般的、股市行情看X的、乐观的; 3)catty 狡猾的、阴险的; 4)chicken-hearted 胆小的;5)crocodile 假慈悲的人 shed crocodile tears 猫哭耗子假慈悲;6)the dog-ear (书的)折角; with dog eye 用哀求的目光;7)dovelike 纯真可爱的、温柔的; dove-eyed 双眼纯真无邪的;8) duck-legged 短腿的;9)eagle-eyed 眼力明锐的、目光炯炯的;10)fishy 可疑的、靠不住的;呆滞的、无光彩的; This is the fishiest story that I have ever heard. 这是我所听过的最不靠谱的故事。 Theres something fishy about it. 这里面有鬼。 He sat there with a fishy stare. 他呆滞地坐在那里。11)foxy 狡猾的、变了色的、(酒)变酸了的、吸引人的;12)hare-brained 轻率的、浮躁的; hare-hearted 胆小的、易受惊的;13)hen-hearted 胆小的; hen-pecked 受老婆虐待的;14)lion-hood=lion-ship 社会名流的地位; lion-hearted 非常勇敢的 lion-hunter 巴结社会名流的人;Lion-heart 英王查理一世15)pig-headed 顽固的Ive given him advice, but hes too pig-headed to accept it. 16)pigeon-hearted 懦怯的; pigeon-livered 温柔的17)ratty 易怒的 Mother got a bit ratty when I broke those plates. 18)snaky(=snakey) 弯曲的, 阴险的,蛇性的19)sheepish 困窘的、局促不安的He felt rather sheepish about what he had done. 20)tigerish 残忍的、凶暴的、虎一般的; tiger-like 似虎的 21)wolfish 残暴的、贪得无厌的、狼似的3. 动词1) ape 模仿 He said that the new building, merely aped the classical traditions.2) bug 打扰、使厌烦 That guy really bugs me.3) bull 吹牛;企图抬高的价钱 e in and bull a while. 进来随便聊一会儿。Some ill persons are bulling the market.4) cock 歪戴;翘起 cock ones hat 歪戴帽子; cock ones nose 翘起鼻子(表示轻蔑)5) dog 使困扰,尾随Ever since we came to live in this town, misfortune had dogged our footsteps.6) duck 突然/迅速潜入,闪避,躲避 Todd ducked into the rejected clothes. He used to duck away from the troubles he met with.7)fish 搜索寻找、间接探听 fish for information 摸出、掏出 fish a needle out of the ocean Fish or cut bait! 要么全力以赴,要么干脆放弃!8)fox 欺骗,使上当 He was foxing sleep.9)hen (美俚)聊天(尤指女人间)、传播流言蜚语; Some idle women enjoy henning together. 一些闲着没事干的女人喜欢聚在一起聊天。 Dont hen it here.别在这儿传播流言蜚语。10) monkey 玩弄,胡闹Dont monkey with the radio or you will break it.10)mouse 窥探、蹑手蹑脚地走动,仔细搜索、探出(out);He moused so as not to awake his wife.Some people are always mousing over others.They have moused out that Jenny has been promoted.11) parrot 鹦鹉学舌,不动脑筋地仿效She parrots every view her husband has. 13) rabbit 唠叨、抱怨 He keeps rabbiting on about his health.14) rat 叛变、变节,告密 Its said that Jackson has already ratted. Ive been told that she ratted on you. 有人告诉我说,她把你给卖了。15) wolf 狼吞虎咽 The tram(流浪汉) wolfed down the scraps(剩饭菜) in a minute. 容易“望文生义”的英语短语 一、与“衣、食、住、行”有关的短语表述1. be like a fish out of water (正译)(因处于生疏环境而)不自在 (误译)生命垂危、危在旦夕;1. in birthday suit (正译) 赤身裸体、一丝不挂 (误译)着生日礼服; 2. bring down the house (正译) 博得全场喝彩、使全场倾倒 (误译)拆除房屋; 4. a day bed (正译) 沙发床 (误译)白日床; 5. dry goods (正译) 纺织品、谷物 (误译)干货(=dried goods); 6. a drawing room (正译) 客厅 (误译)画室; 7. a dressing room (正译) 化妆间 (误译)试衣间、更衣间; 8. high-hat somebody (正译) 高傲、瞧不起人 (误译)吹捧、给人戴高帽; 9. hit the ground (正译) 启程、动身 (误译)撞倒在地;10. pull up ones socks (正译) 提心吊胆、鼓劲、加紧努力 (误译)穿袜子、提起袜子;1. a rest room (正译) 洗手间(=bathroom/toilet) (误译) 休息室(=a lounge/lobby/anteroom)1. a skeleton in the cupboard(正译)家丑 (误译)橱柜里的骷髅; 2. sweet water (正译) 淡水、饮用水 (误译)糖水(=sweetened water) 14. the apple of ones eye (正译) 掌上明珠 (误译)某人眼中的苹果; 15. a wet blanket (正译) 令人扫兴的人/事 (误译)湿毛毯;二、与“人”有关的短语16. a blind date (正译)相亲 (误译)盲人之约(会);17. a busybody (正译) 爱管闲事的人 (误译)闲不住的人、大忙人;18. call somebody names(正译) 骂人 (误译)叫喊某人的名字;19. have the conscience to do (正译)竞厚着脸皮做 (误译)有做的良心、良知;1. keep up with the Joneses (正译) 与人比排场、赶时髦 (误译)比肩琼斯一家人;21. lazy Susan (正译)餐桌上的旋转盘 (误译)懒惰的苏珊;22. lady chair (正译) 两人双手搭成的座椅 (误译)女士专用座椅;23. lover (正译) 情人、情夫、情妇 (误译)爱人(丈夫、妻子);24. make ones hair stand (up) on end(正译)令人毛骨悚然/恐惧 (误译)令人发指/气愤;25. read faces (正译) 相面 (误译)察言观色:26. say to oneself (正译) 心想、思考 (误译)自言自语(=think aloud);27. a street girl (正译) 妓女 (误译)街道上的女环卫工;28. Tom、Dick or Harry(正译)X三李四 (误译)汤姆、狄克或哈瑞;29. think a great deal of oneself (正译) 高看自己 (误译)为自己考虑得太多了; 三、与“文字”有关的短语1. eat ones words (正译)收回前言、认错道歉 (误译)食言(break ones words);1. have words with somebody (正译) 与某人吵架、争论 (误译)跟某人说几句话; 1. language of the fish-market (正译) 下流的粗话 (误译)卖鱼人的话、鱼市语言;1. play with words (正译) 作文字游戏 (误译)卖弄口才、搬弄是非;1. the language of the eyes (正译) 眉目传情 (误译)顾影流盼四、与“国家”有关的短语1. American beauty (正译)(一种玫瑰)美国丽人、红蔷薇 (误译)美国美女、美洲美女;36. China policy (正译) 对华政策 (误译)中国政策;37. Dutch act (正译) 自杀 (误译)荷兰宪章、行动;38. Dutch uncle (正译)谆谆教诲、爱唠叨的人 (误译)荷兰大叔;39. Dutch wife (正译) 枕头、竹夫人 (误译)荷兰籍老婆;40. English disease (正译)气管炎、软骨病 (误译)英国人得的疾病;41. French chalk (正译)滑石 (误译)法国造的粉笔;42. French doors (正译) 落地窗 (误译)法国式房门;43. Greek gift (正译) 存心害人的礼品 (误译)希腊人送的礼物;44. Indian summer (正译)小阳春、幸福的晚年 (误译)印第安的夏日;45. Irish bull (正译)荒诞的、自相矛盾的说法 (误译)爱尔兰公牛;46. Scotch cousin (正译) 远亲 (误译)苏格兰表亲;47. Spanish athlete (正译) 好吹牛的人 (误译)西班牙运动员;48. take French leave (正译) 不辞而别 (误译)进行法式休假;五、与“数字”有关的短语49. at sixes and sevens (正译) 乱七八糟地 (误译)六六七七50. be dressed up to the nines (正译)打扮得绝顶漂亮、穿着很时髦华丽 (误译)身着九折裙;