--AC第二课核电英语第二课 .docx
精品名师归纳总结Part BReading PracticeChina s Nuclear Industry: Its Past and Future可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结The discovery of natural radiation in 1896 marked a new milestone in modern science and technology. Since then, great development has been achieved in nuclear science and technology and the nuclear industry. The transition from fundamental theory research to applied technology research and from the militaryuse to the peaceful use of nuclear energy has also taken place. Today, nuclear technology has penetrated into all fields.It is widelyused ineconomic construction, scientific research and social life and the benefit it brings about is significant.Alargenetworkofnuclearindustrial production and international trade has now been formed all over the world.China started to develop its nuclear industry in 1955.In the past 35 years, mainly relying on our own effort, we have established a fairly completed system ranging from uranium geology and exploration, uranium mining and processing, nuclear fuel production, reprocessing of spentMilestone 'mailst.un 里程碑可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结fuel elements, development of nuclear weapons, and the peaceful use ofnuclear energy, isotopes and nuclear technology. The system also includes research on nuclear science,engineeringdesign,industrialconstruction, personnel training, etc. Our nuclear industry has grown into a considerable size and is armed with a team of well- qualified and enthusiastic technical workers and staff. All these formed a sound foundation for future development of China s nuclear industry.China nsuclear industry, as in developed countries,grew out in national defence. After the birth of nuclear weapons in the world, China had no choice but to start its own research and development of nuclear weapons so that it would not be bullied by any nuclear monopoly andblackmail policies or become powerless in case a nuclearIsotope 'ais.t.up 同位素bully 'bulivt. 恐吓 , 威逼 ,欺负blackmail可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结war was launched by the hegemonists. So far, China s 'bl.kmeil可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结success in producing atom bomb and thermonuclear weapons has attracted attention throughout the world.The Chinese government has laid down new principles for the development of the nuclear industry, i.e. to place the emphasis of the industry on national敲诈,勒索hegemonist hi'gem.mst 霸权主义者可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结economic construction and improvement of people s life.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结China snuclear industry has therefore enters a new historic epoch.To improve the national economy and people lifse, the first thing to do is to develop and use nuclear energyin order to provide new energy sources for the country. Secondly, isotope and nuclear technology will be applied extensively in various sectors of the national economy to improveexistingtechniques,increaseproduction, upgrade product qualityand economic benefit. China plans to achieve a nuclear installed capacity of up to 10 GW by the end of this century by importing technology andequipmentwhilemakingfulluse ofourown facilities.The Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant withan installedcapacityof300MWeinHaiyanCounty, Zhejiang Province, is being built. We are also taking part inprojectinvolvingtheconstructionoflarge-sized nuclear power plants with foreign assistance, including the nuclear power station with two 900-MWe unit being built in Daya Bay, Guangdong Province. More nuclear power plants willbe built in the east and northeast of china. As far as the application of isotope and nuclear technology is concerned, considerable progress has beenEpoch 'i:p .k时期, 时代, 新纪元GW=gigawatt 'd .aig.w .t 十亿瓦特可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结made. Techniques such as irradiation breeding, radiological analysis, radiochemical processing and radiation instrumentation have been in extensive use and have already achieved significant results.Although much success has been achieved in the constructionofthe nuclear industryinChina,when compared with advanced countries, we still have a long waytogo. We are ready todevelop extensive co- operation withfriendlycountries inany fieldofthe nuclearandnuclearscienceandtechnology.The technicalandeconomicco-operationinthenuclear industrybetween Chinaand foreigncountries has a bright future.ExerciseAnswer the questions:1) What marked a new milestone in modern science and technology.2) When did China start to develop its nuclear industry.3) What principles has our government laid down for the development of the nuclear industry.irradiation breeding放射育种可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结4) Why are we ready to develop extensive co-operation with friendly countries in any field of the nuclear industry. Could you give an example.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载