精品名师归纳总结The dream of ChinaA poet ever said,“The dream of China will be remembered in the heart all the time; the poem of mine will be forgot in the history long time.”I knew thewords when I was in high school, and thence I have been holding“the dream of China ”.So what is the dream of China. To explain it, we should research its history in China at first. And its history is related to the history of Chinese culture. We are often pride of saying that we have more than 5,000 years history of civilization.That is true. But it s not the only or the most important side to value one culture.What the most important thing for one culture is the spirit and the tradition of it. Thoughspiritandtraditionaretwoconcepts,theyareconsistentinbasic principles of culture. The following words are my ideas about them.About the spirit of Chinese culture. It is hard to explain it by one word. But there still some words to express it on the very important things. The first word is that man should improve himself for often. For ancient Chinese people, the general life road is to improve themselves in knowledge and morality at first.Thenharmonizeand unifytheir familiesand friends.And if one doesthese things very well, he could become a governor of a place. By doing his best inthis way, he will achieve the goal that bring the country prosperity, peace and happy. So there comes the second word: one should have deep loves for his可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结country and work hard foe her. For countries, they are formed by people for the purposeof protectingtheirsafetyin livesandwealthand assuringrightsof human.Finallyis the third word:oneshouldbe in harmonywithothers and human as a whole should be in harmony with nature. For people could live wellinthesocietybyharmonizingwithothers,andlivewellintheworldby harmonizing with nature.About the tradition of Chinese culture. Tradition is something like custom, opinion, or belief that handed down to posterity. From the concept of tradition, we could know following points about the tradition of our culture. One of the points is that the interpersonal relation is taken as the very important thing. For it is the foundation of our traditional society. And Chinese had been ruled byemperorbut by law for thousandsof yearsin past,that s mostlydue to thegreat power of the interpersonal relation. Now we have built a new society that chargedbylaw,butwestillfindthattheinterpersonalrelationhasmuch influence on many areas. Another point is that put people at first, this is really a good tradition. For people is first before society and history. Like as westernpeople,ChinesealsobelievetheGod.ButthisGodisnotthatGod, westerners God is Christian God, while Chinese God is general God. Evenwe have Taoism and Buddhism, but people who have enthusiasm to them arenotmuch,andgovernorsinChinahistorydidn t putthematanimportantposition.The last pointI wantto sayis that Chinesetendto combinetheir personal dreams with social dreams, especially to the class of intellectuals. It可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结is apparent that governors encourage those who pursue the social dreams. No matter in any time, we still need many people who hold the social dreams and spend their lifetime in pursuing it.I have written so many words about spirit and tradition of our culture, but little words about the dream of China. Because in my opinion, it is just deeply rooted in them. And I believe that only the dream of a nation deeply rooted inthe spiritandtraditionof its culturecanbe great,and canbe longsurvive.What the most important is that dream will encourage the majority of people to achieve it. So China really needs such a dream. Thata dream of China. That s a dream that will make China greater. Thats a dream that all Chinese hope itcometrue.Fortunately,maybewe couldsayit is in fact,thatthe dreamof China has been in Chinese hearts for thousands of years. In the period beforeQin dynasty, thinkers of China had designed an ideal society. In that society,thenationbelongsto all.Andsuchpeoplewhohaveexcellentabilityand morality will be selected to serve people; the good quality such as honesty andthe harmonious relation among people will be valued very much by people. Inthat society, people care not only their families, but also others; the old can be cared in their needs and the young can grow up in their wills; those people who are single, unable and ill wont worry to live well. In that society, there are nocriminals,noevilsandnowars.Afterknownthosethings,wemayfeel surprisedthat our wisefathershaddesignedwhata perfectsocietyfor us.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结That s indeed an ideal society, and may a little visionary. But thats indeed the earliest dream of China which is dreamed by our fathers. Its the dream that lighting the later dreams of China, till to today.However, we have come into a modern society today, and the dream of China has changed in some sense. I say it changed in some sense because I believe that there is something basically will never be changed. Just like the basic spirit and tradition. What the dream of China has changed is in modern points, such as its modern theories. About one hundred years ago, there camea great movement which called“The movement of new culture”. Its purposewas to create a new culture or a modern culture in China. What they admired is“Democracy ”and“Science ”. Weknowthatbothofthemarebroughtfrom western culture. And the most important reason is that we havent this traditionin our culture. We have ever been first in culture for a long history, and we ever fell behind the modern world for hundreds of years. And now we are running tocatchupwiththewesterncountries.Andwehaveachievedgreat achievements by great endeavors in more than sixty years especially in recent thirty years. Those achievements involve economy, science, politic and culture.Amongthem,achievementsin economyandsciencearegreaterthantwo others. Following I will explain the dream of China on those four sides in detail.For economy, it is not directly related to the dream of China. But economy可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结canbringsone of the foundationsof it. Forif a nation s economyis highly developed, it will own enough wealth and it will has the ability to make peoplelivewellin thebasicsense.NowChinaisstilladevelopingcountry.That means our people are not wealthy in most respects. To be wealthy collectivelyis a dreamof China.That snot to confinepeople wealth,but to makethedifferencebetweenthepoorandthewealthnottoolarge.However,the station of poor and wealth has already terrible in China today. So we shouldnot only stare at the speed of developing of economy, but also pay more andmoreattentiontohowmuchbenefitthatpeopleobtainfromeconomy developing. Because the essential purpose of developing economy is to make people live better.For science, I have not many ideas. The one is that science should be the effective mean to assure the safety of our country and our people. Another is that science should not be used unlimitedly.For politic, I have some ideas. Now China is a democratic country. But we should acknowledge that our democracy is far to perfect. For a real democratic country, its creed is that all men are created equal. That means everyone owns the rights as any others in law. So there come two questions: how to undertakethedemocracy.Howto assurethe democracy.Thereonlyoneanswerto both questions. And theres something very important should be pointed, thatis the democracy is the first to law.For culture, there is much to say. It is an apparent comparison that our可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结culture of ancient China has conquered the world, while our culture of new China find it hard to even influence the world. That s a problem. And that s a problem that we ourselves have made. So it can be solved only by us. What Iwant to say is, it is ourselves who confined have our culture. So the first thing we should do is to free the culture. Then the first thing to do that is to solve the problem that the control of politic to culture. I believe that culture should not be controlled by anyone or anything. Culture is independent. Sure it is developed by human, but we should develop it according to will of people and the correct direction of history.Finally I want to say, no matter men and women, the young and the old, the dream of China is the duty on all Chinese shoulders. So what we should do is to pursue it with doing all our best and expect it come true someday.I'm ChineseDistinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen:With great honor to stand here,in front of you,Today my topic isI'mChinese .When I was born, my parents told me, I am a Chinese, is a descendant of Huang, inheritors of Chinese culture.When I gr0w up, my grandpa tells me, China has an aera of 9,600,000 square kilometers, which is alike a head of cockto stand in the east of the world .From now on ,these two words with shining golden light -" China", memorizing in my heart with the print of eternal record.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结When I began to go to school, hoping the The Five-Starred Red Flag rises in the sky gradually, filled up with the kindness in my heart, filled up with heavenliness , and filled up with my profound love to her. Along with the age,I knew that what had happened to my motherland and her scar is filled with clusters ofexertion ,with her strugglewithout stops.In all developed nations for now, the speed of the fastest developedcountry is not as nearly as China, why.Because there isa great Communist Party in China, because the socialism is a great progress in society, it has the strong vitality and great prospects.Take a wide view of the history , take a viewof the world-wide locations, the thriving source of vitality that a performance of socialism has come out, who can match with it.Needless to say,the communist leads the Chinese people to stand up, and needless to say China feeds7%of the land in world to share 22% of the population in the world, needless to say ,our comprehensive national strength is strong in the whole world , only in a city,for example, looking at the buildings of the row upon row, you have to admire the Communist Party of China leads Chinese people to obtain the achievement that the whole world focus on,which is a shock.The development of China make the world shock, also being good enough to conceive the people of this world , otherwise why most nations support one inside country policy, why Chinese can resist financial crisisall these explains a point- China is increasing.As the country is strong, so someone predict THAT THE 21 centuries will be in the Chinese world.I firmly believe that THE Communist Party will lead our country to stand itself in the world.When the five starred red flag rises IN Beijing OLYMPIC GAMES last year gradually, the emotional and clear national anthem rings out in the ear side, I have a kind of impulse, a kind of sacred feeling, a kind of surge in emotion,which I can't express myself in this speech .Because the pride and solemn is called- ”My Chinese heart".Im a Chinese.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Let us use our hands to make up the future of our country more and more prosperous.Dear friends,as a member of QTUQC,LET US work together TO build up the more brilliant FUTURE,AND MAKE IT more glorious.Finally,Let ussing the song together: Love my China.爱我中华各位老师,各位同学:大家好 .今日我演讲的题目是爱我中华.当我吖吖学语的时候,爸爸妈妈告知我,我是一个中国人,是炎黄的子孙, 龙的传人。懂事的时候,爷爷告知我,拥有960 万平方公里,像一头雄鸡傲立于世界东方的大国就是中国。从今“中国”这两个金光闪闪的大字,在我的心中烙上了永恒的印记。上学后, 望着明艳的五星红旗在空中冉冉升起,我的心中就装满了亲切, 装满了神圣, 也装满了对祖国妈妈那份深深的爱。随着年龄的增长我才渐渐知道发 生在祖国母亲身上全部的故事,才知道她的伤痕累累和自强不息。在现在全部的发达国家中,进展最快的国家其进展速度也远不及中国, 为什么 .由于中国有宏大的中国共产党,由于社会主义相对于资本主义是一个宏大的进步, 它有着强大的生命力和远大的前途。无论纵观历史上下, 仍是横观世界各的,社会主义中国所表现出来的勃勃生气,谁能与之抗衡.且不说共产党带领中国人民站起来了,且不说中国以占世界7% 的土的养活了占世界 22% 的人口,也不说综合国力由最终到世界前茅,单单是站在一个城市中,看着鳞次栉比的楼群, 你就不能不为中国共产党领导下的中国人民取得的举世瞩目的成就所震动。 回想五十多年前那破旧的茅草屋,那战后的废墟, 那成百万、上千万的流浪的人群,到处荒芜,到处萧条,到处冷清,凛凛的寒风吹着那屋顶上夭折的干草, 面对着眼前这样的情形, 谁又能想到几十年后就在这废墟上建起了一座座高楼大厦了.于是,楼上楼下已不再是幻想,电灯电话也早已变成现实。中国的进展使世界震动, 也足以让世人折服, 不然为什么中国能取得联可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结合国的合法席位, 为什么大多数国家支持一个中国政策,为什么中国能抵拦住亚 洲金融危机这一切不都在说明一个问题中国正日益强大吗.正由于强 大,所以有人预言 21 世纪将是中国的世界这些成就怎能不让人心动、震动。十六届四中全会的召开,中国共产党人以清醒、深厚、高度的历史自觉,通过丰富执政才能的内涵,在执政理念、政治方略、执政体制、执政方式等方面都实现 了重大突破, 为中国共产党紧紧抓住改革进展的关键时期,切实肩负起执政兴国这一宏大使命奠定了坚实的基础,执政走出了一条新路。 连续领导我国矗立于世界先进民族之林。当五星红旗在北京奥运会会场上冉冉升起,激扬、响亮的国歌在耳畔响起, 我有一种冲动,一种神圣的感觉,一种心潮澎湃。不,我说不清晰,那是一种无 法用言语表达的感觉。兴奋、骄傲、骄傲、庄重都无法表达我的“中国心”。我为我们的体育健儿而骄傲, 我为国人综合素养的提高而骄傲。但我又想到祖国的将来应当由我们把握时,我又深感责任的重大,特别作为琴岛学院的一分子, 身上的担子更应比别人重,更比别人沉。因此,让我们发奋学习,刻苦钻研,以 自己的努力使明天的祖国更加富强、富强!同学们 .回忆过去,我们雄心激扬;盛世年华,我们信心百倍;展望将来,我们豪情满怀。同学们努力吧,用我们自己的双手把祖国的明天打扮得更加辉煌,更加辉煌.让我们绽开响亮的歌喉齐声唱歌爱我中华.My Chinese dreamHello, everyone. Today I am glad to share my Chinese dream with you.In the past several years, many Chinese have left their home and families fortheUnitedStates,pursuingtheirAmericandreams.Astimewentby,the prosperous economy, diverse culture and harmonious atmosphere in societyhave attracted many overseas Chinese back to China from all over the world. Chinese people are now very proud to say we have our own Chinese dreams可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结instead of American dreams.ChinesePresidentXiJinping,whobroughttheconceptofthe“Chinese dream ”to the wholeworld,saidin his speech, ”In myopinion,the greatestChinese dream in modern China is to realize the rejuvenation of our nation.Andto achievethe greatestChinesedreamwitharduouseffortsis justmy dream.“Parents take their childrens happiness and health as their Chinese dream.Teachers wish their students could realize their own Chinese dreams and make great contributions to the whole society. Many youngsters including some foreign young men, explore their career in China, saying their Chinesedream is to be able to raise enough money to buy an apartment, get married and have a happy family.Everybody has his own aspirations and pursuits. As a college student with great ambition, I have my own Chinese dream.I dream that every child in our nation can have a fair chance to go to schooland get great education. With the fast development of