DSP数据采集论文TCPIP协议通风机远程监控系统研究报告 .docx
精品名师归纳总结DSP数据采集论文:基于 TCP/IP 协议的通风机远程监控系统争论【中文摘要】众所周知 , 近年来发生的重大煤矿事故大部分都是由于瓦斯爆炸引起的。然而瓦斯的爆炸 , 与巷道里的通风是否顺畅 , 风量大小与否都有着必定联系。对于煤矿巷道通风系统来说, 它的关键设备是通风机。通风机具有“矿井肺腑”之称。众多的煤矿事故给我们敲响了警钟 , 在煤矿安全生产过程中 , 通风机运行的好与坏直接关系到煤矿的安全生产和经济效益。因此, 一个比较完善、操作便利的把握系统对其运行过程进行监控变显特别重要, 也是保证通风机安全、牢靠运行的正确途径。我们必需对通风机的运行状况进行实时监控。本文争论的是的面的主扇通风机, 其运行状态直接影响整个生产系统的正常运行和安全生产 , 一旦发生故障将造成巨大的停产缺失和安全问题。主扇通风机担负着向井下不断的输送新颖空气、排出粉尘和污浊气流以及确保矿井生产安全的重任。据统计, 煤矿事故70%以上是由于通风设备故障、通风治理不善等所造成。另外 , 通风机多数运行工况点偏离设计点 , 致使运行效率偏低。为此 , 必需对运行中的通风机进行有效的监测和把握 , 对通风机的各个参数和运行的工况建立一个完备的档案 , 为现场的治理和爱护供应依据 , 以解决通风机运行中的安全性和经济性问题。本监控系统就是在此背景下提出的。基于 TCP/IP 协议的通风机远程监控系统能无间隔的进行设备运行状况监视 , 具有超限把握、报警等功能 , 提高了风机的自动化程可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结度。本系统接受基于 TCP/IP 的协议的以太网把握系统 , 有设备把握层和网络监管层组成 , 接受 VB6.0 编写上位机监控界面 , 实现 DSP系统与 PC机之间通过以太网进行数据传输的具体过程。系统接受一种以 DSP为核心的新型数据采集系统 , 主要采集的数据有风机负压、入口负压、电机轴承温度、电机绕组温度、电机垂直振动参数等。利用 DSP数据采集系统对各个主要参数进行高速实时采集, 由 DSP完成对基本参数的测量 , 运算与分析工作 , 并完成基于 TCP/IP 协议的以太网接入的 DSP实现技术。图表参【英文摘要】 As we all know, a major coal mine accidents occurred in recent years are mostly caused by the gas explosion. However, gas explosion, the ventilation and theroadway is smooth, air volume or have a necessary connection.For the coal mine tunnel ventilation system, itis the key equipment fan. The fans have“ the heart of mine,“ said.A large number of mine accidents to us sounded the alarm in coal mine safety production process, the fan isrunning good or bad is directly related to coal mine safety and economic benefits.Thus, a relatively complete and easy to operate control systems to monitor the change of its operation was very important, but also protect the fan safe and reliable operation of the best way. We must fan the operational status of the real-time monitoring.In this可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结paper, the main fan fan the ground, the operation directly affects the normal operation of the entire production system and production safety in the event of failure wouldcause huge loss and stop security issues. The main mine fan to fan charged with the continuous delivery of fresh air, exhaust air and dust and dirty task of ensuring the safetyof mine production. According to statistics, over 70% of coal mine accidents was due to ventilation equipment failure, ventilation caused by mismanagement. In addition, the fan point of most operating conditions deviate from the design point, resulting in low efficiency. To this end, the operation of the fan must be on effective monitoring and control of the fan running all the parameters and conditions to create a complete file management and maintenance for the site to provide the basis to solve the fan running Security and economic issues. The monitoring system is proposed in this context. Based on TCP/IP protocol remote monitoring system can not fan the interval of equipment health monitoring, with gauge control and alarm functions to improve the automation of the fan.The system uses the Ethernet control system based on TCP/IP protocol.It is composed of device control layer and the可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结network monitoring layer and preparing PC monitoring interface by VB6.0 to achieve specific process via theEthernet between the DSP system and PC.The system uses thenew data acquisition system that selects DSP as the core, The data were collected from a blower vacuum, vacuum inlet, the motor bearing temperature, motor winding temperature, the electrical parameters of the vertical vibration. UsingDSP data acquisition system can collect each of the major parameters in high-speed real-time. The DSP completes the measurement ,calculation and analysisof basic parameters and then completes Ethernet access based on TCP/IP protocol.Figure 41 table 7 reference 45【关键词】 DSP数据采集 TCP/IP 协议 以太网 风机监控【英文关键词】 DSP Data AcquisitionTCP / IP protocolEthernetFan Monitoring【目录】基于 TCP/IP 协议的通风机远程监控系统争论摘要5-6Abstract6-7目录 8-10Contents10-121 绪论12-151.1选题的背景和争论意义 121.2风机监控系统的国内外争论现状及展望 12-131.3风机监控系统存在的不足和改进方法 13-141.4通风机监控系统所实现的基本功能14-152 轴流式通风机运行特性和理论15-252.1轴流式通风机的工作特点152.2轴流式通风机性能曲线15-182.2.1轴流式通风机的可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结主要技术指标15-172.2.2轴流式通风机的特性曲线17-182.3本系统所涉及的参数 182.4通风机性能参数的运算18-253 风机监控系统的硬件设计25-433.1监控系统的硬件组成结构图 253.2 DSP 的概述及其特点 25-273.2.1 DSP 的概述 25-263.2.2 DSP 芯片的选型及特点 26-273.3硬件电路设计 27-283.3.1电源输入单元电路设计 27-283.4 DSP 电路设计 28-313.4.1时钟电路 293.4.2复位电路 293.4.3电平转换电路 29-303.4.4储备器扩展电路 30-313.5以太网接口电路设计 31-383.5.1 RTL8019AS 的介绍 31-333.5.2RTL8019AS的硬件连接 33-383.6风机状态的检测 38-413.6.1风机测点分布383.6.2传感器的选择 38-413.7模数转换模块 ADC> 41-433.7.1模数转换模块 ADC>概述 41-423.7.2模拟信号输入及调理模块42-434 监控系统软件设计43-564.1以太网技术概述43-474.1.2以太网数据帧的封装格式 44-454.1.3以太网底层的数据发送和接收45-474.2 TCP/IP 协议简介 47-484.3 TCP/IP协议栈在 TMS320LF2407上的实现 48-564.3.1数据链路层 ARP协议 49-514.3.2网络层 IP 协议 51-534.3.3传输层 UDP协议 53-565 上位机 VB监控界面的设计 56-735.1 Visual Basic 6.0介绍 56-575.2操作界面的设计57-736 系统的调试与运行 73-766.1上位机接收下位机传送的数据 73-746.2 显示数据 74-76 7 总结与展望76-77 7.1 总结 76 7.2 展望 76-77 参考文献 77-80 致可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结谢 80-81作者简介及读研期间发表论文情形81可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载