精品名师归纳总结文档森林公安局年度工作总结(Forest Public Security Bureau annual work summary document)ForestPublicSecurityBureau annualsummaryof thework ofthis year, I Bureau of forest public security organs at a higherlevel, the forestry bureau, under the correct leadership of the Public Security Bureau, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 17th Party Congress, with Scientific Outlook on Development as a guide, closely around the county's economic and socialdevelopmentsituation,toenhance learning,strengthenteam Wu Jianshe,conscientiouslyperformtheirduties,and promote the forestpublicsecuritywork and activelycarryouta seriesof combat forestcrimesinvolvingspecialactiontocrackdownon the destruction of forest resources and wild animal crimes,preventingand fightingforestfires,foresttomaintainorder and stability, effectively protect the forest ecologicalsecurity in our county, for the construction of ecologicalcivilization in our county and peace forest, to create a goodlaw theenvironmenttomakea positivecontribution.The annual work summary report as follows: first, strengthen themanagementofeducation,tofurtherenhance theoverallquality ofForestPublicSecurityteam.My bureau,accordingtothenew period, new tasks and new requirements of the situation,continue to strengthen the management and education of forestpublicsecurityteam,continuetostrengthentheforestpublic securityteam building.The 2 group won two,2 personwon three awards 2.The firstistoadheretothe"politicalconstruction of the police", strengthening police political culture.Throughout the year, always adhere to the "political construction of the police", "loyal to the party countries,people,loyaltothelaw"ofthepolicethroughoutthepolitical可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结education,tocarryout thestudyand buildchapteractivities, strengthen the police of political culture, to enhance theawareness and consciousness of public servants, consciously practice the police for the public, "the purpose of law enforcement for the people. In accordance with the unifiedarrangementsoftheMount Huangshan municipalpolice,thecity actively involved in learning activities in the practice ofScientific Outlook on Development, the initiative toparticipateinthe"bigdiscussionlearning"theme ofpractical activities, through study and practice, the city's forest allpolice and public security organs, to further improve thethinking and understanding, to identify the postresponsibility,people-orientedconceptoflawenforcementto further strengthen the quality of service. To further enhancethestandardizationoflaw enforcementrequirementstofurther improve public relations more harmonious, with practicalactionstopromote economic and socialdevelopment ofHuangshan City.The two istoadhere tothe"trafficpolice",improvethe professional quality. According to the requirements of theProvincial Forest Public Security Bureau to carry out policebusinesstrainingactivities,withtheHuangshanCitypeople's police schoolplatform,strengthenthebusiness training, and actively carry out training activities, from the city court,procuratorate, Public Security Bureau, Huangshan University and the grass-roots law enforcement can hire hands, set up a large rotation instructor 10 people, including 3 by the Provincial Bureau appointed instructor, the city invested a total of 500 thousand yuan of funds, two counties in batchesof 237 police training, two counties with 5 times to check the first large rotation were carried out supervision, engendering special briefing 15 large rotation. Shexian and Qimen County,可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结which also organized under 45 forest police, to carry out the closure of the training for a period of 15 days, from close to the actual needs, carefully organized, targeted to carry out military training courses, queue, wrestling, pistol shootingsubjectssuch as combat training,lectures,and "criminallaw" the"CriminalProcedureLaw" relevantcontent,and "forestfire prevention regulations" "forest law" relevant content on.Throughouttheyear,thecitysent26 peopletoparticipatein the two city and county levels of Government LegislativeAffairs Office held the administrative law classes, 24 police officers in the new police training and police promotion training. The police may actively explore the performance appraisal system, branch assessment of all civilian policethroughthepolicetrainingactivitiesofeach quarter,tourge the police into the legal system. Qimen County Bureau policeLing Yongming to participate in the province's forest policeknowledge competition,wonthetwo prize.The threeistoadhere to the "ruling". Further, the implementation of the "FiveProhibitions" "ruling" has always been our city forest policeunremitting work, the city's forest public security organsorganizeregularpolice,learnthepeople'spoliceregulations and a variety of "Five Prohibitions" to strengthenself-discipline, strengthen self-discipline and self management, consciously abide by the strict requirements of their words and deeds. The system of discipline,Enhance the consciousnessofthe police law-abiding.Continue to strengthen the system of management, strengthen the implementation of the system, the implementation of regularpolice inspector system, ensure the system management implement, special inspectors to increase efforts throughout可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结the year to the holidays, focus on the time period and eight hours outside after sent 3 batches of 16 people into the line of inspectors. The city's forest police guns and ammunition, combined with the need to work, can focus on the local public security organs for firearms storage unified storagemanagement, branch 2 timesinvestigationinspection,toensure thesafemanagementoffirearmsand ammunition.The policedid notoccurwiththeviolationofdisciplineproblems,establish a good image of the people's police. Two, strengthen the standardization construction of forest public security tofurtherenhance thelevelofstandardizationconstruction.The forest public security organs based on the previous two yearsto carry out the "three basic" construction, to unify the national Ministry of public security to carry out the "three building" as an opportunity to regulate the behavior of lawenforcement,improvelaw enforcementlevelas thegoal,inthe forestry departments at all levels of care and support, tofurther improve the basic infrastructure construction, vigorously strengthen the standardization the construction, efforts to improve the level of regularization. One is thestandardofmanagement, improvethequalityoflawenforcement investigators. Branch with daily grassroots inspection andannual records check, not check regularly for handling the grass-roots police law enforcement problems, mainly find public security business in the construction of a unifiednationalstandardtopromote theuse ofthe"forestpolicebased business accounting" with complete registration, change theaccount is not complete, non-standard and incomplete registration the phenomenon of forest police public security services to standardize management, to further promote themanagementofthecity'sgrass-rootspublicsecuritybusiness.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Organize the city's law enforcement quality evaluation work, held a law enforcement records check, 3 times the annual organization of forest police station on forestryadministrativecases forseriousself-examination,tofindout theproblemoffiles,timelyrectification,fillup,tofurther standardize the handling procedures, to ensure that each casesubject legality, clear facts and sufficient evidence, the applicable law is accurate legal procedures. The two is to increase investment, improve the grass-roots law enforcementenvironment.Conscientiouslysumup experienceand practicein thecity'sforestpolicestationinfrastructureconstruction, according to the actual problems of hardware construction,using the opportunity of personnel funding into the budget, actively seek financial departments and competent forestryforestpublicsecurityofcapitalconstructioninvestment.The assessment of the forest public security 10 level one or two,guide County branch strengthen police station building. The transformation of Qimen county and Shexian port, the village calendar completed the overall appearance of unified logo andtheinternalpublicsecurityofficeenvironment.Forestpublic securityorgans County ofQimenand Shexian toachievea "Golden Shield network access security", from the people, places andthings,units,Lin,mount and organizationofinformationwith a comprehensive collection of the area "three", "four nets"system integration of social conditions prevention fornetwork,network,networkboundary defensecase investigation and information network information, most of the policestation is rich in forest resources and farther away from the police station of the township, establishment of policing, effectively improve the quick response ability and work efficiency, facilitate the masses and serve the masses.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结According to statistics, this year the city's new police cars4,7 setsofdigitalcameras,computer18.Three,increaselaw enforcement efforts, the functions of forest public securityto further play. The forest public security authorities tofocus on the construction of Huangshan City modern international tourism city, carry out the forest industry, to the police for the wing "requirements, and actively carry outthespecialactionofpublicsecurity,timelycrackdownon all kindsofforestrelatedcriminalactivities,givefullplayto the role of forest public security in the construction ofharmonious society.Oneistofurthercarryoutvisits,improve thegovernance ofForestPublicSecurityorder.The cityforest police to strengthen the protection of forest resources andwildliferesources,faithfullyfulfilltheirlegalfunctions. The city'sforestpolicestation,deep forest,walked intothe forest,tocarryoutresearchon forestpublicsecuritydynamic, anatomy,Master of forest resources within the jurisdiction of thestaticand dynamic changes, includingcuttingquota,theannual timber production plan, area distribution, wood flow, fullyunderstandthewishesofthemassesand requirements,graspthe mountainconditionsand forestconditionand publicopinionin differentregions,differenteconomic conditionsand different status of forest resources, forest to understand before andafter the majority of farmers ideological situation, timely detection of security problems and contradictions, take theinitiativeforward,toexplainthework,resolveconflictsand disputesmediation,some securityriskshave been effectively rectification. Forest public security authorities insist onduty patrol and guard system, strengthen the prevention and可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结control of forest public security, strengthen forestcomprehensivemanagementofsocialorder,toprotecttheforest public security and social stability. The two is to activelycarry out the special action to crack down on various illegaland criminal activities involving forest. In accordance with the unified arrangements of the provincial forest publicsecuritybureau.Has organizedthe"forestfirecase detection and checkthe"Green ShieldNo. three"greenaction"todefend thesixaction"specialaction,specialaction,a totalof1330 people, out of police vehicles 430 times, and a number of themasses, have a greater impact on the city's serious harm to forest public security the typical case. According to statistics, 1-12 months, the city's forest public security organs shall accept all kinds of forest case 626, cracked 594cases,investigatetherateof95.Amongthem: 30 criminalcases, tosolvethecase 29,detained34 people;madepublicsecurity case 9, investigated 9 cases of law and order; legislativeadministrative cases 587, investigated 556 cases, the punishment of illegal personnel 777 times; the collection of trees, 3626.48 cubic meters of timber, bamboo trees collected 629 strains, collect 13 wild plants the wild animal strains,551 only, a fine of 497 thousand and 507 yuan, for the stateof direct economic losses of 1 million 877 thousand and 86 yuan. Four, insist on playing defense of forest fire prevention work has achieved remarkable results. Because of Huangshan City'sforest fire prevention and forest public security offices, coupled with rich forest resources in Huangshan City, thepositionof specialgeographicregion,forestfire prevention work is veryimportantand special.CityOfficeintimetothe pragmatic style,graspthe implementationof variousmeasures of forest fire prevention, minimizing forest fires, to ensure可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结the safety of forest resources. A forest fire is extensive and in-depth publicity and education. In the city to carry out the new "forest fire prevention regulations" for a period of onemonth's campaign activities, to the people of the city wide publicity "Forest Fire Prevention Ordinance", "Regulations"were reprintedin65 thousandand 130 volumes,hanging banners,posters, bulletin 178 thousand and 465 Zhang, refresh the billboard 3175, propaganda vehicles dispatched 1745 times.Recordingtape,CDmore than100 disc,carryoutvariousformsof training, consulting, teaching, preaching 448 times, advertising investment funds 280 thousand and 800 yuan. By carrying out propaganda, enhance national fire protectionconsciousness,strengthenthefireresponsibilityand urgency, to create a good atmosphere for everyone everyone talk aboutfire prevention, fire prevention attention. Two is the forestfirepreventionteam playingability.The cityhas a forestfire in 6 teams of 268 people, professional and semi professionalteam 68 2272 people, amateur team 53 2718 people, each team is equipped with two tool 50, flashlight 50, Chai 50 knives, high fire weather fire fighting team personnel is relativelyconcentrated on standby, the backbone of firefighting team in accordance with the "one of the six requirements for fire fighters equipped with firefighting team clothing, shoes, machetes, kettle, flashlight, towel, protect and improve theforestfireprevention