红歌比赛中学部主持词“践行核心价值观,唱响美丽中国梦” 增城广外外校202*红歌比赛主持词 开场语: 甲:尊敬的领导,亲爱的老师和同学们,大家晚上好! 乙: Respected leaders, dear teachers and students!Good evening! 甲:今晚,我们齐聚礼堂,用旋律来表达梦想 乙: Tonight, we gather here to express our dreams through melody. 甲:今晚,我们敞开心扉,用音乐来互诉衷肠 乙: Tonight, we relate to each other with an open heart by music. 甲:迎着凉爽金秋 乙: In this cool and golden autumn, 甲:伴着动人的音乐 乙:With the beautiful music 甲:我们要放声高歌,唱出心中的祝福 乙:We are going to sing the blessing of our heart loudly, 甲:我们要放声高歌,唱出心中的期盼 已:We will sing the hope in our heart aloud. 甲:202*年“践行核心价值观,唱响美丽中国梦”红歌比赛现在开始! 乙:Now, the red song singing competition begins! 甲:请允许我介绍本次比赛的评委老师,他们是:李成副校长、刘万庆主任、吴玉其主任、潘春锦主任、何芳芳主任、程敦荣老师、彭之薇老师、李海滨老师,让我们再次用热烈掌声欢迎他们。 乙:Please allow me to introduce the judges, they are Mr Li, Mr Liu, Mr Wu, Miss Pan, Miss He, Mr Cheng, Miss Peng, Mr Li. 甲:现在,由我来宣布比赛规则:本次比赛遵循公开、公正的规则,评委为每班参赛曲目打分,评分实行100分制,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,取剩余分值平均分,并保留两位小数作为最后的比赛成绩,评委打分以80分为起点,只保留一位小数。最终评出一等奖1名、二等奖2名、三等奖5名。获得名次的班级会按学校的相关规定给予适当加分,此分数计入10月份文明班级班评比总分。 第一名加10分,第二名加5分,第三名加3分。 乙:The rules of the competition are :the judges score for each class, there are altogether 100 points ,take the rest of the average score without the highest and lowest points. And one class will get the first prize, two of the second place, and five of the third prize. 甲:接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎704班为我们带来长江之歌,请703班做好准备。 乙:It time to sing, lets welcome Class Four, Grade Seven. And Class Three, Grade Seven, please get ready. 甲:感谢704班为我们带来的动听的长江之歌,接下来让我用热烈的掌声欢迎703班带来的让我们荡起双桨,请803班作准备。 乙:Thanks very much for the good performance of you. Its time for Class Three, Grade Seven, and Class Three, Grade Eight, please get ready. 甲:感谢703班为我们带来温柔的歌曲,接下来有请803班为我们带来国家,请801班做准备,大家掌声欢迎。 乙:Class Three, Grade Seven did a good job. Now please welcome Class Three, Grade Eight to sing. Class One, Grade Eight, please get ready. 甲:感谢803班带来感人的国家,接下来让我们用热烈掌声欢迎801班为我们带来大中国,请702班做准备。 乙:Thanks for Class Three, Grade Eight. Now lets welcome Class One, Grade Eight. The next one will be Class Two, Grade Seven, please get ready. 甲:感谢801班带来的温暖人心的大中国,有请702班为我们带来军港之夜,请701班做准备。大家掌声欢迎! 乙:What a nice song! Class Two, Grade Seven, its time for you. And Class One, Grade Seven, get ready, please! 甲:感谢702班带来温柔动听的军港之夜,接下来有请701班为我们带来游击队之歌,请802班做准备,大家掌声欢迎 乙:Good performance! Thanks very much! Now, lets welcome Class One, Grade Seven. Class Two, Grade Eight will be the next, get ready! 甲:感谢701班为我们带来欢快的游击队之歌,接下来有请802班带来黄种人。请804班做准备,大家掌声欢迎。 乙:Well done! Thanks for your good performance. Its time for Class Two, Grade Eight. And Class Four, Grade Eight, please get ready! 甲:感谢802班带来的鼓舞人心的黄种人,接下来有请804为我们带来我爱你中国,大家掌声欢迎。 乙:They sang beautifully , right? Now, lets welcome the last one to sing for us! 甲:感谢804带来的深情款款的我爱你中国。到现在为止,全部班级已经演唱完毕,现在有请李成副校长为我们讲话。 乙:What a good performance! Thanks very much! So far, all the classes have finished their performance. Lets welcome Mr Li to give us a speech! 甲:感谢李校长的讲话,紧张的时刻终于到来了,让我们屏息等待,欢迎刘万庆主任为我们公布比赛结果,大家掌声欢迎! 乙:Thank you very much! I know you are looking forward to being announced the results of the competition, lets warmly welcome Miss Pan. 颁奖环节 甲:接下来,有请三等奖的获奖班级 派代表上台领奖,有请吴玉其主任、何芳芳主任为荣获三等奖的班级颁奖,大家掌声欢迎。 乙:Time for the awards! _ have got the third prize! Lets welcome Mr Wu and Miss He to give them the awards! 甲:让我们再次用掌声祝贺他们!接下来是二等奖,有请二等奖班级 派代表上台领奖,有请潘春锦主任、刘万庆主任颁奖为获奖班级颁奖,大家掌声欢迎! 乙:Lets give them big hands again! And the second prize goes to_ Lets welcome Miss Pan and Mr Liu to give them the awards! 甲:恭喜获奖班级,最后让我们有请李成副校长为今晚的一等奖班级 请派代表上台领奖,大家掌声欢迎,恭喜 ! 乙:Congratulations! The first prize goes to _, lets welcome Mr Li to give them the awards! 结束语: 甲:深情的歌声还在耳边回响 乙:Soulful songs are still ringing in the ear. 甲:精彩的演出印在我们心中 乙:The Wonderful performances have impressed us. 甲:经典的赞歌,谱出的是祖国66年来的光辉历程 乙:The classic songs sing for the 66 years of our motherland, 甲:雄壮的赞歌,抒发的是每一位中华儿女对祖国美好的祝愿 乙:The magnificent songs express the best wishes to our country. 甲:今夜红歌会即将结束,但唱在心中的歌不会停止 乙:The red song singing competition is coming to the end, but the sons singing in the heart will not stop. 甲:我们唱的是对祖国的祝福,是中华儿女对祖国美好未来的期盼,让我们继续前进,共筑“中国梦”! 乙:We sing for our country, we wish our motherland a splendid future. Lets keep moving, and the “China dream” will come true! 甲:增城广外外校“践行核心价值观,唱响美丽中国梦”红歌大赛到此结束! 乙:The red song singing competition completed! Thanks for your joining! 甲:老师、同学们,再见。祝大家晚安! 乙:Good night, dear teachers and students! 一等奖 :804 二等奖:802803702三等奖:701 703 704 801 第 7 页 共 7 页