(优选)CognitivePsychologyII认知心理学2、知识的表征 2. o 陈述性知识的表征:语词、表象、命题陈述性知识的表征:语词、表象、命题Characterization of Declarative knowledge: phrases, presentation, prepositiono 程序性知识的表征:用条件和动作来表征程序性知识的表征:用条件和动作来表征(“如果如果那么那么”的产生式或产生式系统)的产生式或产生式系统)Characterization of procedural knowledge: Characterized by the use conditions and actions ( if. then. production or production system)三、认知在心理系统中的地位 o 1.认知与意识认知与意识 The Cognition & Consciousnesso 2.认知与智力、思维的关系认知与智力、思维的关系 The Relationship between Cognition, Intelligence, & thinking1.认知与意识 1. o 有意义的识记:有意义的识记:诸如,儿童所能记住的某个词列的诸如,儿童所能记住的某个词列的数量,儿童在辨认某些图片、字词时所花的时间或数量,儿童在辨认某些图片、字词时所花的时间或计算某道算术题的正确性等。计算某道算术题的正确性等。Meaningful Memorization: for example, whether children can remember a word list, the number of children identifying some pictures, words, or when the time or the validity of the a math problem, etc.o 但心理学家所真正感兴趣的并不是这些容易被观察但心理学家所真正感兴趣的并不是这些容易被观察到的内容,而是那些潜藏在这些行为下面的加工过到的内容,而是那些潜藏在这些行为下面的加工过程和技能。程和技能。But psychologists are not really interested in the content which can be easily observed, rather they are interested in the hidden processes and skills underlining the behavior.o6岁儿童和14岁少年在完成某项认知任务时,所使用的认知操作各是什么? What are the cognitive operations used by 6 years old children and 14 years old children, while performing on a cognitive task,? o对词义的辨别速度是如何反映主体对信息的不同贮存方式的?Does the difference in storing of the main body of information affect in identifying the difference between memory? o婴儿是如何利用其关于自己母亲的心理表象去区别其他形象的?How do babies use their mothers psychological representation to reflect between different images? o这种心理表象又是如何产生的?如何被不断精确化的?等等。How is this kind of psychological representation generated? How constantly accurate it is? And so on. o 简言之,认知发展心理学家所关心的问题是简言之,认知发展心理学家所关心的问题是,儿童进行认知活动的儿童进行认知活动的内在过程内在过程以及导致儿以及导致儿童认知发展的童认知发展的内在机制内在机制。In short, cognitive psychologists are concerned with the childrens Internal process of cognitive activities and the Internal mechanism of cognitive development in childreno 无意识的加工过程:认知不仅寓于我们意识水平之上的那些认识活动中,同时也寓于人们日常生活的某些非意识行为的过程中。Unconscious processes: cognition not only resides in day-to-day life at conscious level in activities, but also in unconscious through different involuntary processes.n 例如,当我们平时在听收音机和看报纸时,我们对每一个声音和字符的辨认都似乎是在不知不觉中进行的,其实,在这些活动中包含着非常复杂的认知机制。 Suppose, we are looking at the newspaper while listening to radio at the same time, we attend all the characters and sounds unconsciously, in fact, these activities contain very complex cognitive mechanism2.认知与智力、思维的关认知与智力、思维的关系系 2. o 智力(intelligence)、思维(thinking)、认知(cognition)这三个词之间具有很大的相似性,即都表示人在认识方面的特点和能力。Intelligence, thinking and cognition have a great deal of similarity, that is to say, through a persons aspect of knowledge and ability.o “智力”是指人认识、理解事物和现象并运用知识、经验解决问题能力的总和,它包括所有的与认识活动有关的能力;Intelligence means people know and understand the things and their manifestations and it includes all associated with cognitive activities like the total knowledge, experience, and ability to solve the problem.2.认知与智力、思维的关认知与智力、思维的关系系 2. n“思维”是人运用表象和概念进行分析、综合、判断、推理等认识活动的过程,是智力的最高级和核心的部分。Thinking consists of using the process of cognitive activities like the representation and conceptual analysis, creation, judgment and reasoning. The higher mental process are the core part of intelligence.n智力包含思维,思维是智力中的灵魂。Intelligence consists of thinking, while thinking is the soul in intelligencen从广义的角度使用“认知”这个概念时,其含义与“智力”的含义等同;当从狭义的角度使用时,其含义与“思维”更接近。From the angle of the generalized concept of cognition, the adequate implication of the meaning of “intelligence” is formed, and from a narrow concept of it, the meaning of intelligence to used for identification. o 为了建立一种理论来说明人的认知或某种认知活动,或者用计为了建立一种理论来说明人的认知或某种认知活动,或者用计算机从形式上来描述人的认知的结构过程,现代认知心理学特算机从形式上来描述人的认知的结构过程,现代认知心理学特别重视建构各种各样的认知模型。有些模型描述了从信息输入别重视建构各种各样的认知模型。有些模型描述了从信息输入内部加工内部加工信息输出的全部过程;有些模型则只是针对信息输出的全部过程;有些模型则只是针对个别认知活动的局部过程建构的。个别认知活动的局部过程建构的。In order to establish a kind of theory of cognition or cognitive activity, example of computer form is used to describe the structure of the human cognitive process. Modern cognitive psychology attaches great importance to the construction of all kinds of special cognitive model. Some models describe the information input, internal processing, information output of all processes; while others are only for individual cognitive activities of the local process of construction.o感觉过程、记忆过程、控制过程、反应过程感觉过程、记忆过程、控制过程、反应过程o Feeling process, memory process, control process, reaction process建构认知模型的方法 o 建构认知模型主要依据类比的原则,从观察到的事实出发,经过推理,而后得出一些抽象的有组织的概念,把各种事实、现象及其相互关系纳入到一个抽象的有组织的系统中。 o Construction Model is mainly based on the principles of resemblance, observed facts, reasoning, and then draws some theoretical concepts to organize all kinds of facts and phenomena and th e ir relationships into an abstract organized system. 举例:o “儿童解决数学应用题的认知结构模型”(见杨东.儿童解决学科问题认知模型的理论建构与实证研究.西南师范大学博士论文,2003年)o How children solve mathematic problems using Cognitive structure model (see Yang dong. Construction of theoretical and empirical studies of childrens cognitive model to solve discipline problems. Southwest Normal University doctoral thesis, 2003)什么才是好的认知模型?o能够表现认知的结构与过程;o能够说明各种中枢控制因素对认知系统的调节与控制;o能够容纳和解释已经观察到的事实或现象;o能够预测新的事实或现象的出现;o应该吸收临近学科的研究成果,特别是神经科学、脑科学和人工智能研究的成果。o Able to demonstrate knowledge of the structure and process of cognition;o Able to explain the various factors of the cognitive system of central control and regulation;o Able to accommodate and explain observed facts or phenomena;o Can predict the emergence of new facts or phenomena;oShould absorb near-disciplinary research, particularly neuroscience, brain science and artificial intelligence research results第二节 认知心理学的产生及影响 o一、认知心理学产生的外一、认知心理学产生的外部条件部条件n信息论、控制论和系统论l认知心理学把人的信息加工系统比作“通讯通道”;人的执行过程需要控制,过程需要监控;强调系统的作用,主要也是思想上的影响。n计算机科学l人的认知系统也可视为“符号运用系统”。n语言学oA) Cognitive psychologys external conditions oInformation theory, Control theory and system theoryCognitive psychology compares the human information processing system to different communication channels; People need to control the execution of the process, process needs to be monitored; Importance is given to the role of the system and the main ideological influence.oComputer scienceHuman information system can be treated as “information encoding system” qLanguage Learning二、认知心理学产生的内部条件o 早期实验心理学早期实验心理学o 行为主义行为主义o 格式塔学派格式塔学派o 二战后的发展二战后的发展o The early Experimental Psychologyo Behaviorismo The Gestalt Schoolo After the World War II早期实验心理学o Wundt使心理学脱离哲学而独立出来,开始了早期的实验心理学研究。认知心理学的产生受到早期实验心理学中心理分析的研究取向影响。o Wundt helped in establishing psychology as an independent discipline from philosophy, and began the early studies in experimental psychology. Cognitive psychology research orientation is generated by the impact of earlier experimental psychology and psychoanalysis. 讨论 o 有人认为认知心理学不过是回退到Wundt时期的实验心理学而矣,这种认识是错误的。二者的区别表现在以下几个问题上:n (1)高级心理过程能否用实验进行研究;n (2)是否研究无意识;n (3)方法的区别,注重实验还是依靠内省;n (4)概念、理论和技术手段的不同。Discussiono Some people consider cognitive psychology to the period of Wundts experimental psychology, this understanding is wrong. The following questions can prove it otherwise:o (1) Whether the higher mental processes be studied experimentally;o (2) Can we or can not study the unconscious;o (3) the method is different, should we pay attention to the experimental method or introspection?o (4) the concept, theory and techniques are different.o 心理学上的第一次革命。Watson高举行为主义大旗,提出只有外显的行为才是心理学研究的唯一对象,反对研究意识,S-R。o 认知心理学受到了行为主义,特别是新行为主义方法上的影响,用科学的方法去进行实证的心理学研究。如Tolman强调SOR。o 行为主义大约盛行了40年,它的影响至今仍在。由于它的极端性,孕育了新兴学派的诞生。 行为主义o The first revolution in psychology. Watson proposed the standard behavioristic theory, and puts forward the idea that only explicit (observable) behavior should be the object of psychological research, he opposed the research on consciousness, S - R.o Cognitive psychology welcomed behaviorism, especially that the impact of new research methods of behaviorism, used scientific methods to conduct empirical research in psychology. For example, Tolman emphasized the S-O-R concept.o Behaviorism was popular for about 40 years, and is still effective today. But due to its stubborn ideas, it gave way to neo-behaviorism.o 主要研究意识,试图揭露有别于生理机制的心理过程,对知觉、思维等研究的贡献最大。反对把人看成被动的刺激反应器,强调人组织和解释感觉信息的主动性,这与认知心理学的观点是一致的。 格式塔学派o Mainly concerned with consciousness research, trying to reveal different forms of the physiological mechanism of the mental process. Their biggest contribution include research on perception and thinking. They opposed the idea of people being passive stimulation reactors, and emphasized on the idea that the people organize and interpret sensory information, this view is consistent with cognitive psychology.o 认知心理学用实验的方法研究人脑中的认知过程,被称为心理学的第二次革命。o 1956年,几项重要的研究代表了心理学的信息加工观点。o 1967年Neisser发表了心理学史上第一部以认知心理学命名的专著。认知心理学迅速发展,其影响之大是任何一个心理学思潮或流派都无法相比的。 二战后心理学的发展o Cognitive psychology used experimental method to study the cognitive process of human brain, this is considered as the second revolution in psychology.o In 1956, Several important studies represent a psychological point of view of information processingo Neisser, in 1967 published the first the monograph in the history of psychology entitled: “Cognitive Psychology”. Rapid development took place in the field of cognitive psychology, an incomparable impact was witnessed in the cognitive school of thought.三、认知心理学的影响o 1、对普通心理学和实验心理学的影响 a)扩大了心理过程的研究领域; b)使研究从心理物理函数走向内部心理机制; c)从分析性研究转向综合性研究; d)开始重视个别差异和个案研究;o 1. The impact of General & Experimental Psychology:a) expanded the research field of psychological processes;b) from the psychophysical functions to study the psychological mechanism;c) from investigative research into comprehensive or broad studies;d) attaches great importance to the individual differences and case study;三、认知心理学的影响o 2、对研究范式的影响n 主张在高于生理机制的水平上来研究心理机制,力图以解释的观点来说明心理过程的规律,心理现象或心理过程的研究应在多层次基础而不应在同一水平或层次进行研究。o 3、对相邻学科的影响n 教育学、管理学、心理咨询和心理治疗、人工智能研究 o 2, the impact on the research modeln Tries to explain that the point of view to explain the process of psychological law of psychological phenomenon and process of research should be based on the multi-level and should not be at the same level or hierarchy.o 3, the influence on the similar disciplinesn Education, management, psychological counseling and psychotherapy, artificial intelligence research四、对认知心理学的评价o 进步性:进步性:n 具有较强的生命力,60年代至今仍在不断发展壮大。是当代科技的产物,迎合了时代的需要。理论贡献大。n 应用的前景十分广泛:个性心理(认知风格、图式)、社会认知(如人怎样认知自己和他人)、发展心理(认知、元认知是怎样发展的)、学习心理(问题解决、阅读与写作、概念学习)、动机理论(在奖励和惩罚的条件下人的认知变化)、情绪理论(沙赫特的情绪与认知的实验)、心理治疗(认知疗法)、人工智能(计算机模拟)等。o Progress:n Has strong life, introduced in 1960s still continues to grow. It is the product of modern science and technology, catering to the demands of the era. Great theoretical contributions.: it has application in the fields of personality psychology (cognitive style, schema), the social cognition (such as how people perceive themselves and others), developmental psychology (cognitive & metacognitive development), Educational psychology (problem solving, reading and writing, concept learning), motivation theory (cognitive changes under the condition of reward and punishment), emotional theory (Schachters emotional and cognitive experiment), psychotherapy (cognitive therapy), artificial intelligence (computer simulation), and the like.o 以认知为主要研究对象,对情绪、个性等其他心理现象的研究少得可怜。o 单纯的信息加工理论把人和计算机进行类比的思想方法具有缺陷。o 认知心理学缺乏较为统一的概念和理论。o 方法上的日益完善导致研究领域日益分裂,实验室效应大,生态学效度较低。 受到的批评o Cognition mainly focuses on the study of emotion and personality, while it doesnt put much emphasis on the other psychological phenomenon.o The idea of the information processing theory and computer analogy for thinking is too simple and has many drawbacks.o Cognitive psychology lacks more integrated concepts and theories.o Increasingly sophisticated methods in laboratory have lead to the increasingly disjointed research field, as a result has low ecological validityo 认知心理学的研究原认知心理学的研究原则则:o (一)经验性原则o (二)分解性原则o (三)过程性原则o The principles of cognitive psychology:o (a) empirical principleo (2) decomposition principleo (3) procedural principle第三节 认知心理学的研究方法o 认知心理学包含四种主要的研究方法:认知心理学包含四种主要的研究方法:n 实验认知心理学实验认知心理学以传统的实验控制手段研以传统的实验控制手段研究认知但不涉及计算建模;究认知但不涉及计算建模;n 认知科学认知科学开发各种计算模型来理解人类认开发各种计算模型来理解人类认知;知;n 认知神经心理学认知神经心理学通过研究脑损伤患者的认通过研究脑损伤患者的认知损害来为正常人类认知研究提供有价值的资知损害来为正常人类认知研究提供有价值的资料;料;n 认知神经科学认知神经科学通过运用一些技术手段(如通过运用一些技术手段(如脑功能成像)研究大脑功能以理解人类认知。脑功能成像)研究大脑功能以理解人类认知。o Cognitive psychology consists of four main research methods:o Experimental Cognitive Psychology, uses the traditional means of experimental control to study cognition but it does not involve the use of computational modeling;o Cognitive Science, development of various calculation models to understand human cognition;o Cognitive Neuropsychology, to provide valuable information for the study of human cognition through the study of cognitive impairment in patients with brain injuryo Cognitive Neuroscience, uses some techniques such as brain imaging study, to understand human cognition by studying brain functions.认知心理学的研究方法1实验认知心理学o (一)反应时记录法o (二)口语记录法o (a) Reaction time recordingo (2) Oral recording(一)反应时记录法 o 反应时间的相减法反应时间的相减法o 反应时间的相加因素反应时间的相加因素法法o 反应时间的反应时间的“开窗开窗”实验实验o Reaction time subtractiono The addition factor method of reaction timeo “Window“ experiment in Reaction time 1.反应时间的相减法o Donders的的3种不种不同的同的RT;o 减法法实验减法法实验o 减法法评价减法法评价o Donders Three different Reaction Time (RT) methods;o Subtraction method experimento Subtraction method evaluation A-反应时间简单反应时; B-反应时间简单反应时+辨别刺激的时间+选择反应的时间; C-反应时间简单反应时间和辨别反应时间;o A - reaction time-simple reaction time;o B - reaction time -simple reaction time + distinguishing stimulus + choice reaction time;o C - reaction time, simple reaction time and discrimination reaction time;减法法实验减法法实验o (1) Posner等的短时记忆编码实验o (2)句子-图画匹配o (1) Posner et al.s short-term memory encoding experimento (2) sentences - picture matching(1)Posner等的短时记忆编码实验o 某些短时记忆信息可以有视觉编码和听觉编码两个连续阶段 o Posner 等(1990)给被试并排呈现两个字母,这两个字母可以同时给被试者看,或者中间插进短暂的时间间隔,要被试者指出这一对字母是否相同并按键作出反应,记下反应时。 oSome short-term memory information can have two consecutive stages: a visual encoding and auditory encodingoPosner et al (1990) gave participants two letters side-by-side, the subjects could see the letters together, or in the middle after short time interval, participants were then asked to point out whether the two letters are the same or not, by reacting to press the buttons, reaction time is noted down.读音和书写方法一样读音和书写方法一样Same Pronunciation & Writing methodA AA A读音相同而写法不同读音相同而写法不同 Different Pronunciation & Writing method A aA a同时呈现同时呈现 Simultaneous Presentation继时呈现继时呈现 Successive PresentationA AA AA aA a结结果果 o 在两个字母同时呈现时,AA对的反应时小于Aa对;o 随着两个字母的时间间隔增加,AA对的反应时急剧增加,但Aa对的反应时则没有发生大的变化。并且AA对和Aa对的反应时的差也逐渐缩小,当时间间隔达到2秒,这个差别就很小。o In two letters appearing at the same time, the AAs reaction is no less than to Aa;o With the increase of interval between two letters, AAs reaction increased dramatically, but the reaction of Aa did not had that big change. And the reaction time of AA and Aa also gradually decreased, when the time interval was increased to 2 seconds, the difference is very small.