精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 外教聘请合同Contract聘方姓名(以下称甲方):Engager(part A) : 受聘方姓名(以下称乙方):Employee(part B) : 聘请双方本着友好合作精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。 The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fufil conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it. 一、合同期自_起至_止。(法定节假日及寒暑假除外) Contract time:from _to_.(except Legal Holidays and Summer And Winter Vacation) 二、甲乙双方合作内容: Cooperation contents: 甲方聘请乙方为教师进行英文授课。 Employee employed by engager as a teacher to teach English. 三、乙方工作时间 The work time of part B 1、根据学校的作息时间表,一般每周工作日为5天(节假日除外),如遇节假日学校调换课程时间则按学校要求安排授课。 According to schools teaching schedule,teacher usually work 5 days each week(except holidays).If the school change the time in holidays,teacher should teach according to schools arrangement. 2、遇甲方在合作学校有特殊活动时,乙方应该参加,如庆祝日、教研活动及一些重要的英语活动等,甲方对此给予乙方一定的交通补助,但不再支付其他费用。 If part A have some special activities in cooperation school,part B should attend ,for example,celebration day, teaching research activities and some important english activities, part A will give part B some transport fee for these,but no extra payment. 五、授课地点 Teaching address 甲方根据乙方的实际情况,为乙方安排的课程在主城区内,如有其他变化,双方协商解决。 According to practical situation of part B,part A will arrange the course for part B in Main Town.If have some change,the two parties should discuss to solve. 六、课时安排 Class arrangement 一般每周课时为_课时亲自面授学生课(一课时的时间长短合作单位的课程表为准)。遇特殊情况,如学校课程调整等情况双方协商解决。 Usually,_classes for a week(the time of each class according to school schedule).If have some urgent situation, for example, school schedule adjusted, the two parties should discuss to solve. 七、薪酬标准 Salary criterion 1、双方协商达成一致,按课时费的方式计算工资 The two parties agree with each other 。 2、双方协商达成一致,甲方不负责乙方寒、暑假的工作和生活,即甲方不支付工资给乙方,乙方可自行安排假期生活。但是甲方若为乙方安排了课程,乙方应首先满足甲方的要求,甲方按实际课时付费给乙方。 The two parties agree with each other ,at summer and winter vacation, part A will not pay part B,part B can do other things by themselves.But if part A arrange class for part B,part B should satisfy part A firstly ,and part A will pay part B. 3、双方合作期间,甲方为乙方提供住房一套,乙方使用房屋所产生的费用由乙方自行负责,甲方每月第一周将当月房屋租赁费以现金方式支付给乙方。双方合作结束,甲方不再为乙方提供住房。 八、其他事项 Other things 1、乙方在合作期间的健康及医疗由乙方自行解决。 The Accommodation,health and illness should solve by themselves. 2、病假及事假: Sick leave and private affair leave (1)如果乙方因患病并经医院证明确不能工作,可以向甲方提出请假,乙方在病假期间无工资。如果乙方连续7天请病假,甲方可以按照国家外专局合同有关规定中止与受聘方的合同。 If part B was sick and have certificate from hospital to can not work, part B can apply leave,but no salary in these period.If part B apply leave 7 days continuous,part A can terminate the contract according to the contract issued by state administration of foreign experts affairs. (2)如果乙方在工作时间内需请事假,须得到甲方的批准;如果乙方未向甲方提出请假,而旷工不上课,甲方有权在其旷工期间按双倍罚扣其工资 If part B apply leave in work time,it must be confirmed by part A. If part B absent from class and no apply leave ,part A have right to discount the double salary. 以上情况给合作学校造成损失的,乙方应积极给予弥补。 If all situation above make loss to the cooperation school,part B should make up active. 九、机密 secret 1、未经允许,双方均不可将工资数额及合同内容透露给第三方。 The two parties can not tell others about salary and contracts. 2、未经甲方允许,乙方不可将授课学校情况透露给第三方。 Part B can not tell others about school situation. 由此造成的损失,由造成损失方自行负责,另一方保留追加法律责任的权利。 The loss who worked have responsibility for the loss,and other one retain the right to superadd the law liability. 十、合同的变更、解除和终止 Contract change, relief and termination 本合同自双方开始合作之日起生效,合同期满即自行终止。如一方需要解除合同,需提前20天通知另一方,否则视为违约。合同期满后,甲、乙双方聘用关系解除,乙方在华的一切事务自理。 This contract will take effect begin the two parties cooperation and terminate when contract expired.If one part want to relieve , should tell other part befor 20 days,otherwise, it means breach of contract. When contract expired,two parties have no employ relationship. 十一、 本合同于_年_月_日在_(地点)签订,一式两份,每份都有用中文和英文写成,两种文本同等作准。 This contract in duplicate signed in _on _. . 甲方: 乙方:Part A: Part B: 专心-专注-专业