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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上九年级上册词组Unit 11. 了解你自己2. 一篇有关性格的有趣的文章3. 吃光4. 使.保持井然有序5. 炫耀6. 向某人解释某东西7. 想出不同的观点8. 对.感到好奇9. 与某人争论10. 表现自我11. 不是.就是.12. 既不.也不.13. 成为一个好会计14. 一整天15. 一个天生的艺术家16. 给整个国家留下了印象17. 赢得好评18. 寻找一些更好或不同的东西19. 放弃20. 销售部21. 让我心烦意乱22. 处于领先地位23. 落后24. 接受新的挑战25. 与相连26. 和.几乎一样27. 犯错误28. 注意29. 高标准工作30. 把.贡献于.31. 尊重某人32. 给某人做手术33. 额外的时间34. 事实上35. 生肖36. 星座37. 出生在同一生肖下的人38. 取决39. 中国的农历40. 被分成41. 塑造你的生活42. 消遣.43. 在虎年44. 在某些方面45. 害怕面对很多人做演讲46. 帮助我们的班级项目47. 尽力做某事48. 做额外的工作49. 想出好主意50. 他需要做的事情51. 学习使用电脑52. 帮助他自己变得更有条理53. 给新学生展示如何使用图书馆54. 最合适的人选55. 推荐某人作为我们的新班长56. 同意我们的观点Unit 21. 一种女孩子的颜色2. 没什么毛病3. 穿在你身上很好看4. 天空中的彩虹5. 彩虹的颜色6. 想窗外望7. 你最喜欢的颜色8. 最喜欢9. 颜色和心情10. 影响我们的情绪11. 改变我们的情绪12. 使我们感到昏昏欲睡13. 感到放松14. 被漆成蓝色15. 给我们的大脑和身体带来宁静16. 一种纯洁的颜色17. 穿着白色18. 在他们婚礼的那一天19. 更喜欢暖色20. 创造一种暖和舒适感21. 使某人振奋22. 是你想起温暖而又阳光的一天23. 智慧得颜色24. 希望成功25. 大自然的颜色26. 代表新生命27. 需要体力28. 使采取措施更容易29. 做某事有困难30. 做决定31. 与有关32. 影响我们的日常生活33. 在很多方面34. 对有好处35. 适合36. 取决于个人的品味37. 由制成的38. 代替39. 注意你周围的颜色40. 代表好运41. 被用来庆祝42. 在古代的欧洲43. 颜色治疗44. 颜色的力量45. 改善你的生活46. 治疗中心47. 取回你的钱48. 不起作用49. 来自古印度50. 感到有压力51. 改变人们的心情52. 想起53. 给我们一些免费的书54. 为不同的人建议不同的颜色55. 力量与信任56. 智慧与成功57. 感到虚弱58. 使她自己看上去更有力量59. 帮助她平静下来60. 感到有一点压力61. 一个很好的搭配62. 一个好的果汁广告Unit 31. 有个问题2. 看看你的胃3. 多运动4. 处理,处置5. 有充分的睡眠6. 没有足够的时间做作业7. 使某人发疯8. 密友9. 考试得低分10. 整天工作11. 没有时间来陪我12. 更好地安排你的时间13. 别无选择,只能14. 保持清醒15. 准时上交16. 有一些空余时间17. 值得做某事18. 想象我没有爱好的生活19. 梦想做某事20. 提供我一些建议21. 对着迷22. 我问题的原因23. 允许某人做某事24. 在某方面严格要求某人25. 发展我们的爱好26. 使我们的生活更有趣27. 待在外面很晚28. 期待你宝贵的建议29. 根据30. 享受你的爱好31. 需要安静32. 需要有人分担我的烦恼33. 加入俱乐部34. 改善英语35. 寻求建议36. 写信给某人37. 做一份伟大的工作38. 得到回应39. 多运动40. 让你父母知道你需要他们41. 写信给某人42. 做一些有趣的事43. 放映44. 得到父母的同意45. 尖子生之一46. 考试中取得高分47. 擅长于48. 称呼某人为书呆子49. 不在意50. 嘲笑某人51. 因而自豪52. 使她感到悲伤53. 几乎没有取得进步54. 复习55. 发现运动很难56. 不客气57. 青少年中的压力58. 向某人大声呵斥59. 更仔细地安排时间60. 把秘而不宣61. 请求朋友的帮助62. 我们的同龄学生63. 值得采纳64. 对你的体重不满意65. 太注重分数66. 感到有压力Unit 41. 从我第一次看到你2. 不同时代和地方的人3. 惦念4. 做一份关于调查5. 叫醒我6. 通过因特网了解这个世界7. 为你自己建造另一间房8. 直到你建造完它9. 又快又简单10. 点击鼠标11. 一就12. 从书中学习这个世界13. 大量的信息14. 允许我做某事15. 成长16. 谈论不同的观点17. 从不放弃18. 一个退休的NBA篮球队员19. NBA最矮的球员20. 1963年出生在德克萨斯州21. 比矮小的多22. 有一个远大的梦想23. 进入初中24. 参加校队的选拔25. 泄气26. 起先被拒绝打球27. 从那时起28. 在他首次比赛中的了20分29. 由于他的身高30. 练习更刻苦31. 让教练改变主意32. 邀请他打篮球33. 决定在一所大专打篮球34. 结果35. 成功获得奖学金36. 对他不感兴趣37. 比他高出20多公分38. 被迫早另一个篮球联盟打球39. 在那儿逗留了近一年40. 注意到他41. 取得许多巨大成就42. 他最骄傲的时刻43. 通过努力44. 几乎能够做任何事45. 早上9点前46. 在他的第一次比赛47. 上初中48. 每天早晨慢跑49. 练习打篮球数小时50. 感到筋疲力尽51. 冲凉,洗淋浴52. 看电视新闻53. 准备上床睡觉54. 下班回来55. 实现,成真56. 从不放弃57. 直到才58. 把我唤醒59. 痴迷于打篮球60. 赢了五块奖牌61. 糟糕,可怕62. 天变黑63. 子本周一起64. 在公交站等了20分钟65. 看完我特别喜欢的电视节目66. 变得兴奋、激动67. 尽他所能买票68. 1980年出生于上海69. 对认真/当回事70. 加盟休斯顿火箭队71. 成为最好的中国球员72. 直到一点英语73. 他生涯最辉煌的时刻74. 返回中国75. 参加奥运会76. 作为其中一个中国运动员77. 结束他的篮球生涯78. 做大量的慈善工作79. 第二次世界大战80. 听电台广播81. 在欧洲爆发82. 包括妇女和孩子83. 由于战争84. 在战争期间丧生85. 一个名叫安妮.弗兰克的女孩86. 被翻译成20种语言87. 全世界的人们88. 记录了那个时代89. 成为人类精神胜利的一个象征90. 躲藏起来91. 被抓住并送到纳粹集中营92. 死于疾病93. 请人出版她的日记94. 德国纳粹分子95. 被迫搬到另外国家96. 在那段困难时期97. 不断写日记98. 被纳粹分子发现99. 几个月后100. 收集整理她的日记101. 记下她的看法,感情,希望和对未来的梦想102. 看过一些关于战争中孩子的其他故事103. 一个12岁的男孩104. 从纳粹集中营逃离105. 一个无家可归的年幼男孩106. 战争中存活107. 因他们的勇气而敬佩他们108. 像我们一样享受幸福生活109. 生活在和平年代110. 生活在恐惧之中111. 根据构造猜单词的意思112. 遇到生词113. 畅销114. 对我影响最大的人115. 每个九年级一班的学生116. 在他五十多岁时117. 在当地一家工厂工作数年118. 在他身上发现不同寻常的东西119. 既友好又乐于助人120. 愿意帮助任何人121. 买不起一台电视机122. 和孤儿玩耍123. 把钱给需要的人124. 献血多次125. 自1990年以来126. 挽救70多个人的生命127. 捐献血细胞给白血病人128. 使我感到惊讶的是129. 决定捐献遗体供医学研究130. 在他死后131. 对别人比对他自己家人似乎更好132. 有一颗充满爱的心灵133. 讲一个关于成长的故事134. 需要在花更多时间Unit 51. 艺术世界2. 喜爱艺术3. 令人愉快的事情4. 举办一个艺术节5. 更多地了解艺术6. 不同的艺术形式7. 谈论他们做喜欢的艺术形式8. 什么种类的音乐9. 最喜爱10. 更喜欢流行音乐11. 流行音乐之王12. 他的音乐天赋13. 音乐无国界14. 颁奖音乐15. 一位世界著名的作曲家16. 在湖南省的中部地区17. 长大,成长18. 在表现出兴趣19. 淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声20. 来自自然21. 没有乐器22. 用普通的物品制作音乐23. 拉二胡24. 继续25. 因而著名26. 天籁之音27. 通过控制水流的速度28. 传统中国音乐29. 以西方的风格30. 现代西方音乐31. 制作一种新型音乐32. 在重要的事件中33. 为北京奥运会作曲34. 对产生兴趣35. 高度赞扬36. 拉小提琴37. 在歌舞表演上38. 对所有学生和家长开放39. 歌剧的免费票40. 最好做某事41. 看见某人正在做某事42. 太多车辆43. 上气不接下气44. 匆忙进剧院45. 持续一个半小时46. 一点也不47. 各种各样的音乐48. 乡村音乐49. 古典音乐50. 美国黑人51. 以传统的风格52. 谱写乐曲53. 民间音乐54. 例如55. 有强烈的地方色彩56. 有持久的价值57. 因为而赞扬58. 对有真正的天赋59. 像往常一样60. 把和混合61. 拿走某物62. 把一些颜料滴到纸上63. 看着污点64. 向四面八方跑65. 鼓励某人做某事66. 不断地做某事67. 沉迷于68. 自那以来Unit 61. 厌倦2. 许多真实生活事件3. 整天呆在家4. 参加竞赛节目5. 无事可做6. 赢个大奖7. 需要点睡眠8. 讨论他们的生活9. 与一样精彩10. 看不同类型的电视节目11. 系列剧12. 学到许多关于自然地知识13. 一周要闻14. 许多最新消息15. 被实况转播16. 例如游泳17. 音乐录像带18. 发送短信19. 一位亚洲导演20. 写下21. 即将来临的考试22. 网上投票支持某人23. 轻易害怕24. 赢得免费的音乐会门票25. 充满神秘26. 在书的结尾处27. 自杀28. 一个动物爱好者29. 印度的景色30. 精湛的摄影技术31. 因为获奖32. 地球上极少数地方之一33. 面对危险34. 由他导演的一部恐怖片35. 一部两小时长的记录片36. 去参加读书俱乐部37. 到家晚38. 完成所有的家庭作业39. 参加电视竞赛节目40. 赢个大奖41. 把他介绍给我们42. 处于危险中43. 从河里抓鱼44. 生活在野外45. 生小孩46. 过着群居的生活47. 猎寻他们自己的食物48. 对不同的电视节目感兴趣49. 每天花2小时看电视50. 一名艺术俱乐部的成员51. 发现他们相当乏味52. 喜欢和猫玩53. 每天花在看电视上的时间54. 采访三个学生55. 不喜欢做某事56. 看电视的习惯57. 浪费时间58. 收到来自他的信息59. 看见三个穿警服的男士60. 请求帮助61. 被推进一辆小型中巴车62. 打电话报警63. 用一把小刀打开后门64. 立刻65. 阻止他们离开Unit 11. know yourself2. an interesting article about personality3. eat up4. keepin good order 5. show off6. explain sth.to sb.7. come up with different kinds of ideas8. be curious about9. argue with sb.10. express oneself11. eitheror12. neithernor13. make a good accountant 14. all day long15. a born artist 16. impress the whole country17. win high praise18. search for something better or different19. give up20. the sales department21. make me upset22. take the lead23. fall behind24. take on new challenges25. connectto26. as good as27. make mistakes28. pay attention to29. work to high standards30. devoteto31. respect sb.32. do operations on sb.33. extra hours 34. in fact35. animals signs36. star signs 37. people born in the same animal sign38. depend on39. the Chinese lunar calendar40. be divided into41. shape your life42. for fun 43. in the year of the Tiger 44. in some ways45. be afraid of making a speech in front of many people46. help with our class projects 47. try ones best to do sth48. do extra work49. come up with new ideas50. the things he need to do51. learn to use the computer52. get himself more organized53. show the new students how to use the library54. the most suitable person55. recommend sb as our new monitor56. agree with us Unit 21. a girls colour2. Theres nothing wrong with3. look good on you 4. a rainbow in the sky 5. colours fo the rainbow6. look out of the window7. your favourite colour8. likebest9. colours and moods10. influence our moods11. change our moods12. make us feel sleepy13. feel relaxed 14. be painted blue 15. bring peace to our mind and body16. the colour of purity17. be in white 18. on their wedding day19. prefer warm colours20. create a warm and comfortable feeling 21. cheer sb.up22. remind you of a warm and sunny day23. the colour of wisdom24. hope for success25. the colour of nature26. represent new life27. require strength28. make it easier to take action29. have difficulty in doing sth.30. make a decision31. have something to do with32. influence our everyday life33. in many ways34. be good for35. be suitable for36. depend on personal taste37. be made of 38. instead of 39. notice the colours around you 40. represent good luck41. be used for celebrations42. in ancient Europe43. colour therapy 44. the power of the colour45. improve your life46. therapy center47. get your money back48. It doesnt work49. come from ancient India50. feel stressed51. change peoples moods52. think of53. give us some free books54. suggest different colours for different people55. power and trust56. wisdom and success57. feel weak 58. make herself look more powerful59. help her clam down 60. feel a little bit stressed61. a good match 62. a good fruit juice advertisementUnit 31. have got a problem2. look at your stomach3. exercise more4. deal with5. have enough sleep6. dont have enough time to do homework7. drive sb mad8. a close friend9. get low marks in exams10. work all day11. dont have time for me 12. manage your time better13. have no choice but to do14. stay awake15. hand in on time16. have some free time17. be worth doing sth.18. imagine my life without hobbies19. dream of doing sth.20. offer me some suggestions21. be crazy about sth.22. the cause of my problems23. allow sb. to do sth24. be strict with sb in sth25. develop our hobbies26. make our lives more interesting27. say out late28. look forward to your valuable advice 29. according to 30. enjoy your hobby31. need silence 32. need someone to share my worries with33. join the club34. improve English35. ask sb for advice36. write to sb37. do a great job38. get replies39. exercise more40. let your parents know you need them41. write to sb42. do something fun 43. be on 44. get parents agreement45. one of the top students46. get high marks in exams47. be good at48. call sb a bookworm49. pay no attention to 50. laugh at sb51. be proud of 52. make her feel sad53. make little progress54. go over55. find it difficult to do sports56. Dont mention it57. stress among teenagers58. shout at sb59. plan time more carefully 60. keep sth to oneself61. ask for friends help62. students of our age63. be worth taking 64. be unhappy with your weight65. care too much about marks66. feel stressedUnit 41. since I first met you2. people in different times and places3. on ones mind 4. do a survey on 5. wake me up 6. learn about the world through the Internet7. build another room for yourselg8. until you finish building it9. quick and easy10. click the mouse11. as soon as12. learn about the world from books13. a great deal of information14. allow me to do sth15. grow up 16. talk about different ideas17. never give up18. a retired American NBA player19. the shortest player in the NBA20. be born in Texas in 196321. much smaller than22. have a big dream23. attend junior high24. try out for the school team 25. lose heart26. be refused to play at first27. from then on 28. score 20 points in his first game29. because of his height30. practice even harder31. get the coach to change his mind 32. invite him to play basketball33. decide to play basketball at a junior college34. as a result35. succeed in getting a scholarship36. be not interested in him 37. be more than 20 cm taller than he 38. be forced to play in another basketball league39. remain there for about a year40. take notice of him 41. have many great achievement 42. his proudest moment43. through hard work44. can do almost anything45. before 9 a.m.46. in his first game47. attend junior high48. go jogging every morning49. practice playing basketball for hours50. feel tired out51. take a shower52. watch the news on TV53. be ready to go to bed 54. come back from work55. come true56. never give up57. not until58. wake me up 59. be crazy about playing basketball60. win five medals61. be awful62. get dark63. since this Monday64. wait for 20 minutes at the bus stop65. finish watching my favourite TV programme66. get excited67. try his best to get a ticket68. be born in Shanghai in 198069. become serious about70. join the Houston Rockets71. become the best Chinese player72. know little English73. the best moment in his career74. return to China75. take part in the Olympics76. as one of the Chinese athletes77. end his basketball career78. do a lot of charity work79. World War 80. listen to a radio programme 81. break out in Europe82. including women and children83. because of war84. lose their lives during the war85. a girl named Anne Frank86. be translated into twenty languages87. people all over the world88. a record of that time 89. become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit90. go into hiding91. be caught and sent to a Nazi camp92. die of illness93. have her diary published94. the German Nazis95. be forced to move to another country 96. during that difficult time97. keep writing in her diary 98. be discovered by the Nazis99. a few months later100.collect here diary 101.write down her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her dreams for the future102.read some stories about children in the war103.a 12-year-old boy104.get away from a Nazi camp105.a young homeless boy106.survive the war107admire these children for their courage108.enjoy a happy life just as we do 109.live in peace110.live in fear of their lives111.guess the meaning of a word by its formatione across new words113.sell well 114.the person who has influence me most115.each of the Class 1, Grade 9 students116.in his fifties117.work in a local factory for years118.find something unusual about him119.be kind and helpful120.be willing to help anyone121.cant afford a TV set122.play with children without parents123.give money to someone in need124.donate blood many times125.since 1990126.save the lives of over 70 people127.donate blood cells to people with blood cancer128.to my surprise 129.decide to donate his body for medical research130.after his death131.seem to be kinder to others than to his own family132.have a heart full of love133.tell a story about growing up134.need to spend more time on Unit 51. art world2. love art3. something pleasant4. have an art festival5. know more about art6. different art forms7. talk about their favourite art forms8. what kind of music9. likebest10. prefer pop music11. the King of Pop12. his musical talent13. music without boundaries14. the award music 15. a world-famous composer16. in central Hunan17. grow up18. show an interest in19. the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind20. come from nature21. have no musical instruments22. make music with common objects23. play the erhu