精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 课 题 类 型: 设计 实验研究 论文 学 生 姓 名: 王欣 学 号: 专 业 班 级: 工程101 学 院: 建筑工程学院 指 导 教 师: 何菲 开 题 时 间: 2014.3.1 2014年 3 月 1 日一、 本课题的研究意义、研究现状和发展趋势(文献综述)1、 研究意义 工程项目造价的确定与控制是工程建设项目管理的重要组成部分,它能够在工程建设项目的全过程(投资决策、设计、招投标、施工阶段)中采取有效措施,把工程项目建设发生的全部费用控制在批准的限额内,并随时纠正发生的偏差,以保证投资估算、设计概预算和竣工决算等管理目标的实现,达到合理使用人力、物力、财力,获得最大投资效益的目的。基于工程项目投资运动的特点和运动规律,工程项目投资的控制涉及到方方面面,其基本控制原理为:全过程、全方位的控制;不同投资主体的控制;合理设置控制目标;以主动控制为主、技术与经济相结合的控制。 应用科学管理方式,合理有效的制定和控制造价,最大限度的提升经营效益和实现投资目标,工程投资商收获投资效果,承包商修定盈利,是实施工程造价管理的根本意义。工程建设项目管理中的重要组成部分即是工程造价管理,包括工程投资费用的管理和工程价格的管理两部分根据所指定的管理目标的情况不同,而选择不同的管理方式,有效的区分两种管理职能,已经成为当今工程建设造价管理发展的必然工程建设的投资费用管理属于工程建设的投资管理范围 为达到投资的预期收益,进行计划预测组织指挥监控等活动的工程建设投资行为,从而进行投资管理工程价格管理属于价格管理的范围,在宏观和微观层面,都有着重要体现宏观上,政府为社会注意经济建设的发展要求,发挥对一般价格的调控职能,对价格通过法律经济和行政手段进行调控和管理,以工程建设市场的管理规范对市场主体价格进行管理 微观层面上,工程建设企业通过了解市场价格信息的规律,从而通过对成本进行计价定价和竞价的控制,来实现其管理目标。2、研究现状 在传统的计划经济时期建筑业不被视为是独立的物质生产部门,在建筑工程造价管理上,采用行政管理计划定价方式,因此,人们对工程造价管理没有足够的重视,建筑工程造价的确定往往是依据计划价格和行政规定进行编制。随着我国改革开放的发展和社会主义市场经济体制的建立,建筑工程的管理受到了极大的冲击,打开国门走出去,引进先进科学的管理模式,人们开始重新认识有关工程造价管理问题。由于我国实行的是概预算定额管理模式,普遍存在的问题是建筑工程造价难以客观真实地得到反映,概算超估算,预算超概算,决算超预算,突破计划投资的项目比比皆是。由于工程投资的确定缺乏科学合理性,导致工程实施中存在诸多问题。 党的十一届三中全会以来,随着经济体制改革的深入和对外开放政策的实施,以及社会主义市场经济体制的建立,开始建立健全适合于社会主义市场经济发展的工程造价管理体系与模式,使工程造价的管理趋于科学合理。但是,我国的工程造价管理体制一直沿用前苏联模式,是适应计划经济模式下的管理体制,目前已经不适应市场经济的发展,与西方发达国家相比还有很大差距。工程造价管理改革的目的是为了建立适应我国社会主义市场经济体制所需的,具有中国特色的新的工程造价管理体制,目前还有许多问题有待解决,影响建设工程造价管理正常发挥作用的主要因素有以下几个方面:一是忽视价格机制,行政干预过多。二是长期计划经济体制和单一财政投资渠道。三是割断工程造价和流通领域价格的联系。四是缺乏信息加工和传递。五是投资主体责任制未完全建成。六是领域内的从业人员严重缺乏。所有这些都造成了我国工程造价管理人才素质较低,严重阻碍了我国工程造价管理的发展。 3、 发展趋势 加入 WTO,我国经济进入了世界经济一体化的轨道,这可以说是我国的第二次对外开放。其发展趋势有 2 个方面,一是工程造价管理的国际化,二是工程造价管理的信息化。 1.工程造价管理的国际化趋势 随着加入 WTO 中国经济日益深刻融入全球市场,跨国公司和跨国项目越来越多,许多项目要通过国际招标、咨询或 BOT 方式运作。同时,我国企业走出过国门在海外投资和经营项目也在增加。随着国内市场国际化,国内外市场全面融合,外国企业必定利用其在资本、技术、管理、人才、服务等方面的优势,挤占我国国内市场,尤其是工程总承包市场。工程造价管理国际化趋势的另一个表现在于国际间的学术交流日益频繁。 2. 工程造价管理的信息化趋势伴随着 Internet 走进千家万户,知识经济时代的供应链管理、客户关系管理、知识管理、企业资源计划管理在工程管理中形成的协同办公模式,推动了工程造价管理的信息化发展趋势。工程造价管理的信息化发展趋势给工程造价管理带来很多新的特点,工程造价管理越来越依赖于电脑手段,其竞争从某种意义上讲已成为信息战。目前西方发达国家己经在工程造价管理中运用了计算机网络技术,通过网上招投标,开始实现了工程造价管理网络化、虚拟化。另外,工程造价管理软件也开始被大量使用,同时还有专门从事工程造价管理软件开发研究工作的软件公司。种种迹象表明工程造价管理将更多的依靠电脑技术和网络技术,未来的工程造价管理必将成为信息化管理。 二、研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点及难点及拟采用的途径) 研究方案 1、准备资料。在编制预算之前,要准备好施工图纸、施工方案或施工组织设计,工程预算定额、施工管理费和其他费用定额、材料、设备价格表、各种标准图册、预算调价文件和有关技术经济资料等编制施工图预算所需的资料。2、熟悉施工图纸。认真阅读和熟悉施工图纸,将建筑施工图,结构施工图等各种专业施工图相互对照,认真核对图纸是否齐全。3、计算工程量(工作难点)。 (1)根据工程内容和定额项目,列出计算工程量的分部分项工程。 (2)列出计算式。预算项目确定后,就可根据施工图纸所示的部位、尺寸和数量,按照一定的顺序,列出工程量计算式,并列出工程量计算表。(3)进行计算。 (4)对计算结果的计量单位进行调整,使之与定额中相应的分部分项工程的计量单位保持一致。4、综合单价的编制(工作重点)。计价规范中的工程量清单综合单价是指完成一个规定计量单位的分部分项工程量清单项目或措施清单项目所需的人工费、材料费、施工机械使用费和企业管理费与利润,以及一定范围内的风险费用。 5、计算分部分项工程费。 6、措施项目费计算。 应包括除规费、税金外的全部费用。措施项目清单中的安全文明施工费应按照国家或省级、行业建设主管部门的规定计价,不得作为竞争性费用。7、规费与税金的计算。8、 确定单位工程招标控制价。 将以上各项费用相加,即可得出单位工程招标控制价。 拟采用的途径 1.通过查阅书本和网络深入了解工程量清单和招投标的概念 。 2.依据国家颁布的统一工程项目划分,统一计量单位和统一的工程量计算规则。 3.运用广联达、天正建筑、Autocad等其他造价辅助软件。 工作计划 第1-2 周 查阅文献及其他相关资料,完成开题报告 第3-3 周 施工图纸及资料熟悉,图纸会审 第4-8 周 分部分项工程量计算,编制分部分项工程量清单 第9-10周 套用相关定额,进行工程量定额预算 第11-12周 编制工程量定额预算书与分部分项工程量清单报价 第13-13周 编制措施项目清单、其他项目措施清单报价 第14-14周 清单报价文件汇总,编制成册,准备答辩 参考文献 1.钱伟.国内外建筑工程造价管理分析J.建筑管理现代化 ,2005,(04):50-53 2.项纯.国内外工程造价管理情况分析与借鉴J.铁道工程学报,2009,(03): 105-109 3.孙莉.工程造价管理模式和计价方式改革研究J.价格月刊,2014,(01):27-31 4.朱晓楠.关于建设工程造价管理存在的问题及对策分析J.科技创新与应用,2014,(04):222-222 5.许峰.房屋工程造价的动态管理与控制J.价值工程,2014,(02):66-67 6.余远希.分析建筑工程造价管理现状及完善对策J,经营管理者,2014,(04): 343-343 7.王兰红.浅析工程造价管理J,科技创新与应用,2014,(03):274-274 8.韩孝贤.浅议影响工程造价的因素与工程造价的全过程控制J.中国外资,2014,(01):108-108 9.黄春丽.浅谈建筑项目工程造价的不确定因素及其控制J.经营管理者,2014,(01):316-316 10. Hailing Su. Project Cost Prediction Model Based on Fuzzy TheoryJ.Journal of Networks, 2013,(07):1595-1600 11.Perrie.Life cycle costs vital for road-building decisionsJ.Civil Engineering,2013,(09):46-47 外文文献 Project Cost Management and Control Abstract:Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost. Described the current stage of the project cost management situation on the strengthening of the various stages of construction cost management of the importance of and raised a number of key initiatives. Keywords:project cost; management status investment decision phase of the design ;phase of the implementation ;phase of the cost management in a market economy.Even under the WTO and China's accession to the world community, China's construction industry how to effectively control construction cost of the construction and management of an important component part. However, the current budget for the construction projects - estimate, budget, Super budget accounts for the "super three" is still widespread and that eventually led to a serious loss of control of project investment. Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost. As the project cost to the project runs through the entire process, stage by stage can be divided into Investment Decision stage, the design and implementation phases. The so-called Project Cost effective control is the optimization of the construction plans and design programs on the basis of in the building process at all stages, use of certain methods and measures to reduce the cost of the projects have a reasonable control on the scope and cost of the approved limits. Engineering and cost management work of the current status of project cost management system was formed in the 1950s, 1980s perfect together. Performance of the country and directly involved in the management of economic activities. Provisions in the design stage to different estimates or budget preparation as well as government; Nothing relevant departments to formulate a budget, content, methods and approval, the budget will provide the fixed cost of equipment and materials and fixed price of the budget preparation, approval, management authority, and so on. With the historical process, after recovery, reform and development, formed a relatively complete budget estimate of quota management system. However, as the socialist market economic development, the system's many problems have also exposed. Generally speaking, the budget estimate is based on direct participation in the management of national economic activity as a precondition. enterprise is not the actual economic entities. Due to the characteristics of the planned economy, and, at the time under the conditions of productivity, will inevitably become a shortage in the economy. In severe shortage of commodities under the conditions, as long as a certain level of investment, will be certain outputs. In this environment, the project planning and technical argumentation there can be no economic analysis. State control of the project cost constitute key factors equipment and materials prices, wages and taxes of artificial distribution. In this relatively stable economic environment, the budget estimate for the system approved project cost, help the government to carry out investment plans to play a major role. As the socialist market economic system established, requires us to predict project investment and control. In recent years, international investment project developed to the requirements of prior pre-control and in the middle of control. China, the traditional practice in an objective light on the cause decision-making, implementation heavy, light the economy and technology.Our task now is to be modern and cost management in line with China's national conditions of the market economy system goal, learn from the advanced experience of the developed countries, and establish sound market economic laws of project cost management system, efforts to increase the project cost levels. An investment decision-making phase of the project cost management construction project investment decision-making stage is proposed project proposals; conduct a feasibility study to determine investment estimation and the final preparation of design task. At this stage, the project's technical and economic decision-making, of the construction project cost of the project after the completion of the economic benefits have a decisive influence, The construction cost is an important stage control. China's current stage of the project cost for the project management for the purpose of clearing price, and focusing only on the construction process of cost control, neglected before the start of the project investment decision-making stage of cost control. Investment decision-making phase of investment projects is estimated an important basis for decision-making. It has a direct impact on national economic and financial analysis of the results of the reliability and accuracy. Because of this phase is the preliminary work of projects, the information can not be fully, comparable works more or less that information accumulated relatively small, estimated inadequate and unscientific. Makes project cost management and cost workers is difficult at this stage do something. The various stages of the project cost control in the decision-making phase project cost control. Right project planning phase of the cost, many owners have the wrong understanding that the lower the cost the better. Cost control is not a unilateral issue, and should be a number of factors, a combination of practical, comprehensive consideration. The construction project investment decision-making stage, the project's technical and economic decision-making, Cost of the project after the completion of the project and the economic benefits, with a decisive role in project cost control is an important stage, rationally define and control the direction of the project cost of accurate positioning and building Optimization guiding role. In the decision-making phase of the most important is to do a good job feasibility study, the work is done well, returns on investment and can form a good proportion. Otherwise, invest more, less effective, resulting in loss of control and waste of investment. At present, some of the projects planned the owners of departure from the subjective desires of a feasibility study on the lack of scientific proof. Feasibility Study untrue, false or engineering functions obtaining the approval of their superiors, actually put into the feasibility study will be awarded in the study for the project after the smooth functioning buried a lot of hidden problems, lead to insufficient follow-up funds for the project and had to extend the time limit so that the project could not have planned the use of cost-effective, even become hopeless completion of the beard works. Therefore, in order to phase in the investment decision-making effectively control construction costs, we must do the following aspects: Implementation of the construction project and corporate accountability, Construction of the project from planning to implementation of the entire process and the use of the funds to repay responsibilities to the people. in addition to establishing a legal system and the project supervision matching mechanism by the departments in charge of the industry and supervision departments for setting up a monitoring group to oversee the use of funds. A realistic approach to market analysis, to avoid the blindness of the project decision-making, reduces and reduces investment risk. Fully consider building projects in the future market competitiveness, design task more scientific and reliability. Capital financing must have a formal commitment document, the parties must do investment funds in place, and funds must have documents to ensure that the project can be approved after the scheduled implementation. To the various loan conditions should be carefully analyzed to minimize the burden of interest and repayment pressure. To strengthen the engineering geology, hydrology, geology and land, water, electricity, transport, environmental projects such as external conditions for the work of depth to make the investment estimate there are sufficient grounds. Taking extensive investigation and research, comparison of similar projects, seriously functional analysis, multi-program comparison and choice. After full technical appraisal and economic evaluation, and the final technologically advanced, functional and reliable. Reasonable economic projects, thus calculate a more accurate and realistic estimation of the amount of investment, so that the project cost from the start positioning in a more reasonable level. The design phase of the project cost control for a long time, China's building control very effective, - investment projects is not uncommon, this will affect owners of investment returns, it adds to the owners and within budget, as well as difficulties in fund owners, the impact on the future management or the owners make payments in arrears, and so on. Hence, the control of the project cost is of great significance, however the project cost is the primary means of control design, Currently most of the property owners in the design stage seldom works on cost control, and they found that the cost of the design will not have a great impact, it is wrong, on the contrary, Design phase of the project cost control is the most important step. Because it determines engineering design, construction methods, materials and equipment types, models of the project cost is of critical significance, design optimization phase of the program or minor changes, project cost will have a significant impact, Design phase of the project cost control of the total project cost of 70%. Following is how to control the project from design to create the Law: As the owners must design, the design selected on the quality level is a direct impact on the quality of product design level, and the design quality products in the level of direct influence on the pricing of the works. Different design units on the same project design are different. the same item of different design institute works between certain aspects of the project cost on the existence of differences between, We assume that with a design from two different design institute to design, Construction plans after the completion of a requested advisory unit cost to do the budget, certainly different design institute the total cost of the project is absolutely not the same, and most of the difference between the two over 10% even more than 30%, and not necessarily high cost than the design of low cost, and good design is often low cost, We all know that differ