精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上初中英语阅读教学设计Unit 2:I used to be afraid of the darkTime of Lesson: 45 minutesStudents: The junior middle school students of grade nine一教材依据:本课是新目标英语九年级英语第二单元阅读。二设计思想:1. 指导思想:新概念理论突出“以人为本”,注重学生能力的培养。强调外语教学不仅要向学生传授语言知识,更要注重培养学生的语言技能,重视学生的情感和态度,激发学生的学习兴趣。培养学生的自信心。最终达到所制定的三维目标。本节课教学设计由简到繁,由易到难,以学生为主体,以任务为基础。创设情境鼓励学生合作,在做种学,在做中练。2. 教材分析:本单元通过人物外貌及性格变化的描写,以be afraid of 结构为框架,以used to 结构的表达为主要内容,主要采用了对比的手法来反映人的成长方面的日常交际用语进行反复地实践和练习。教学内容与学生的实际密切相关,容易引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。本节课主要是在听说的基础上进行阅读教学,进一步培养学生的阅读能力和技巧。3. 学生分析:我校学生都来自农村,这里的学生天性纯朴,但知识面非常狭窄,缺少与外界交流,语言表达能力不强,尤其是用英语表达对他们来说确实困难,但经过两年的英语学习,部分同学已有一定的英语自学能力,当然还有部分学生学习不积极,还有待老师的进一步的引导。4. 设计理念:本节课结合教材的实际,尽量用英语教学,为学生创造英语氛围,利用图书和网络,制作课件,增加直观性,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂密度,让学生在自主,合作,探究的氛围中进行讨论和学习。同时在教学过程中使他们的情感,态度和价值观得到升华。三教学目标:1知识与技能:(1)Let students master new vocabulary, phrases and sentences of the lesson.(2)Eight percent students are able to use the vocabulary , phrases and sentences to make sentences and simple retelling.(3)sixty percent students are able to use the vocabulary , phrases and sentences to retell the passage and clarify his views.2. 过程与方法:(1) Multimedia aided teaching method(2) Communicative Approach(3) Build-up the reading ability(4) Learning by doing and doing by learning3. 情感,态度与价值观:Through appreciating the music, enhance students' cultural accomplishment, inspire students to thank their parents and love their parents, pay close attention to the people around.四教学重点:1. The structure “use to”.2. New vocabulary, phrases and sentences 3. Reading ability五教学难点:Make the students get the information from the skimming and scanning六教学准备:Multi-media recorder and library books.七教学过程:Step1. Prereading1. Get the students to describe their parents.T: Parents are the most familiar and loved person to you. Can you give a brief description of them? You can describe what they used to be like and they are like now. (Students may describe their age, appearance, personality and hobbies they used to be and now.Ask students to collect the Thanksgiving parents saying, poetry, articles, stories online or in the library.Ss: Show the results of the collections.a) 看着孩子一天天长大,知识一天天丰富,仿佛农民看见自己的庄稼日渐成熟,母亲的心里是充满幸福、喜悦的。b) 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。c) 母爱,你如春天里温暖的阳光,也像婆裟的大树,让我淋浴在明媚的春光之中,借着大树的绿荫庇护,如小草一样茁壮成长。2. T: If there is “a problem child ”beside you . How is going to help him?Ss:answer.设计意图:通过谈论母亲以前和现在的外貌,个性,爱好等,既复习了本单元的语言功能项目,又能成功地引进本课要谈论和阅读的内容:父母的爱。同时充分利用了网络资源和图书,开阔他们的视野,拓展了他们的知识。3. LeadinT: Play English the song“You Raise Me Up”. Use multimedia to play the song and lyrics.Ss:Students listen , sing and cheer.T: Its great. You know much about father or mother. Do you know when Mothers Day and Fathers Day are?S1:Mothers Day is the second Sunday of May and Fathers Day is the third Sunday of June.T:Great. There two holidays are taken for us to thank our parents. Now lets remember them.Ss:Enjoy the beautiful music , answer the questions and learn new words.设计意图:播放关于感恩父母的英文歌曲设计既吸引学生的注意力,激发学生学习英语的积极性,又引起学生深思,营造一种对父母无限感激的氛围。同时对学生进行了情感教育。4. Pair workT:Dont you think the festival is important? I think so. Its remind me think of my father. He has done so much for me. When I was a middle school student I used to be a shy person. I didnt use to dare to speak in front of class or facing a crowd of people. My father encouraged me to believe in myself. And Im outgoing. Im grateful to my father. He is so patient and helpful. Im sure your parents are the same. Would you like to share the stories and make notes on the context?Ask some students to tell his own stories.设计意图:通过回顾父母对自己的帮助和爱,再一次进行情感教育,使学生创造性的灵活运用目标语言,提高了学生的口语表达能力。Step2:Whilereading1. Skimming:Introduce the title of the passage. He used to cause a lot of trouble. T:Your stories really moved me. Today well read a connected story. He used to cause lots of troubles, according to the title, what might be talked about in the passage? The students may give such answers: What trouble he used to cause? The reason he used to cause so much trouble. What made him change he is a good person.设计意图:通过让学生根据文章标题猜测文章内容,目的就是培养其预测文章大意的能力。并在下一阶段的阅读来检验学生对标题的预测是否正确。2. Scanning:1)Read silently and quickly the passage,fine out the words “death、afford、cause、necessary、attention、waste”. Reading their sentences, testing their reading ability设计意图:培养学生利用上下文的信息猜词和学习新词汇的能力。2)Let the students read the passage fast. Think about the questions in the group:a) What is the passage mainly about?b) And give the main idea of each paragraph in group and report to class.Paragraph1:After fathers death, Martins life became difficult.Paragraph2:The troubles Martin used to cause.Paragraph3:A conversation with his mother on the phone changes his life.Paragraph4:What is Martin now like.设计意图:通过快速阅读,概括段落大意,帮助学生把握课文脉络,培养他们快速阅读能力和概括能力。3. Read carefully:1) Read paragraph1 carefully in the group, answer the question. “Why did his mother have to work?” Then read carefully again, then try to retell this paragraph according to the key vocabularies.2) Read paragraph2 carefully in the group, answer the question. “What did she make a decision?”Then read carefully again, then try to retell this paragraph together according to the phrases mentioned.3) Read paragraph3 carefully in the group, answer the question “ “Did the conversation with his mother change his life?”Then read carefully again, then try to retell this paragraph together according to the phrases mentioned.4) Read paragraph4 carefully in the group, answer the question “What is very important for parents?”Then read carefully again, then try to retell this paragraph together according to the phrases mentioned.5) Detailed-reading, Students read the passage again. Finish the following tasks.a) Finish section 3, 3a. Put the missing sentences back in the correct place in the passage.b) Finish section3, 3b. Read the sentences below. Circle “True”, “False” or “Dont know” according to the reading.设计意图:让同学们带着问题仔细读课文,加深对文章的理解,提高他们的阅读能力,让他们复述段落,培养了他们的口语表达能力4. Let students design questions according to the text and answer the questions in pairs. Read loudly ( 小组内自主疏通文意,合作解决疑难。) Discuss these questions in the group or among the groups. Help each other to solve them. Judge others answers.设计意图:培养学生自主学习和合作精神。5. Further reading: 1) Look at the slides, retell the whole text in group according to the sentences mentioned.2) Look at the computer, fill in the blank according to the passage.3) Discuss in group: Why did the author write the passage?S1: The author wants to tell us: Mothers love is great.S2: He wants to tell us: Communication between children and parents can help them understand each other better. 设计意图:通过让同学们对课文的复述,短文填空及小组讨论问题,进一步提高学生获取课文细节的能力,培养了他们的思维能力及口语表达能力。Step3. Post-reading:1. Explain some difficult phrases and sentences in the text and help them solve the problems.2. Do some exercises.3. Discuss in group:What are nice feelings and love to your parents?T:We cant imagine what would happen to Martin without his mothers love and help. We can say parents are the most unselfish persons. They are the givers but not expect your repay. We cant only receive but not give. We should do something to make them happy and let them know we love them.设计意图:这个过程,通过教师点拨语言要点,主要是帮助他们解决遗留下来的问题,做练习巩固所学的知识。通过举例向父母表达爱的方式,在学生心中树立爱的概念,让他们明白爱是互相的,并让他们付之于行动。同时又进一步进行了情感教育。Step4. Homework: WritingWrite a passage of stories happened between you and your parents. The passage may include:1. Whats your comment or feeling on your father or mother.2. Give some examples of your father or mother helped you solve problems you met.3. What you have done or want to do to show your love to your father or mother. 设计意图:在课堂上已经有了大量的语言输入,为学生的于洋输出做好了准备,对父母强烈的爱和感恩之情,使他们有了学做的欲望,同过写作,让他们再一次的懂得关注父母,关注周围的人,学会爱人。Let students sing“Thanksgiving parents”together in the end. 再一次对学生进行情感教育。教师寄语:A mother's love is like a circle. It has no beginning and no ending. (母爱就像一个圆。没有起点,也没有终点)。板书设计:Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the darkPeriod 51. New words and phrases: 1) New words: die-died-dying-death2) New phrases: in the end; make a decision; to ones surprise; even though; no longer; take pride in; pay attention to; give up; head teacher; afford to do sth.2. Sentences: 1) His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education.2) The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.3) She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he wan watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.4) I realize that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.教学反思:1. 本节课的阅读内容与学生的生活密切相关,同学们学习起来积极性高,课堂气氛活跃。2. 本节课主要运用自主、合作、探究的学习方式,整节课始终是学生主动学习,教师只是组织、引导和点拨,学生通过读,自己或小组讨论解决问题,能够较好地完成了教学目标。3. 本节课的突出亮点是导入新颖,让学生们听歌,唱歌,激发了同学们的学习兴趣,调动了学习的欲望。其次,在快要结束时,大家一起唱“感恩父母”,掀起了一个高潮。再次,通过运用网络和图书拓展了学生的知识面,同时也大大地提高了他们的学习热情。4. 题型设计,循循渐进,由浅入深,由易到难,始终以“读”贯穿教学过程,以“情”贯穿全文。本着“以人为本”, “为用而学,在用中学,学了就用”的原则。从而学生能较好地完成三维目标。 作者简介:自毕业于河北师大外语系以来,一直担任班主任并从事英语教学工作,兢兢业业,教学成绩优异,多次讲优质课,曾有多篇获奖论文,曾几次被评为优秀教师。不断参加骨干教师的培训,致力于英语教学方法的探究。通讯地址:河北省唐山市迁安镇丁官营中学联系电话:专心-专注-专业