精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语谜语大全1.What month do soldiers hate? 2.How many feet are there in a yard?3.Why is an empty purse always the same? 4.What book has the most stirring chapters? 5.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? 6.What is the smallest room in the world? 7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? 8.How do we know the ocean is friendly? 9.Which can move faster, heat or cold? 10.Why is the library the highest building?What month do soldiers hate? March (三月,行军) How many feet are there in a yard? It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)Why is an empty purse always the same? There is no change in it. (零钱,变化) What book has the most stirring chapters? A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的) What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? Hot dog. (热狗) What is the smallest room in the world? Mushroom. (蘑菇) What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?Drink well water. (井水,健康的) How do we know the ocean is friendly? It waves. (起波浪,招手致意) Which can move faster, heat or cold? Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒) Why is the library the highest building? It has the most stories. (故事,(楼)层) 1. What table is in the field? 2. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name? 3. What is there in your house that ought to be looked into? 4. What is that which you have never seen, heard or felt, which never existed and still has a name? 5. What changes a pear into a pearl? 6. What question can never be answered by 'Yes'? 7. What ship has two mates but no captain? 8. What is the most difficult key to turn? 9. Where can you always find money? 10. What is the surest way to double your money? 11. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? 12. What is the smallest bridge in the world? 13. What letter makes a road broad? 14. What letter sounds like a vegetable? 15. Why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world? 16. What match can't be put in a match-box? 17. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4? 18. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I? 19. I am something that has teeth but can't eat. What am I? 20. What is a sick man a controdiction? Key: 1Vegetable 2.silence 3.mirror 4.nothing 5.the letter “l”6. Are you asleep? 7.courtship 8.a donkey 9.In the dictionary 10. Fold it.11.In the dictionary 12.the bridge of a nose 13.letter B 14.letter P 15.Because it is killed before it is cured (烧烤待处理) 16.Football match, basketball match, etc.17.When they make 22.18.A map19.A comb20.When he is an impatient patient. Q: What are two things people never eat before breakfast? A: Lunch and supper. Q: Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window? A: He wanted to see the waterfall. Q: Why did the man throw the butter out the window? A: He wanted to see the butterfly. Q: Why did the man put the clock in the safe? A: He wanted to save time. Q: What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs? A: A clock. Q: What has a neck, but no head? A: A bottle. Q: Where is the ocean the deepest? A: On the bottom. Q: Why did the man throw his watch out of the window? A: He wanted to see time fly. Q: What State in the United States is High in the middle and round at the ends? A: Ohio. Q: "There were some twins. One was twenty, the other was twenty 2. One married the other. How can be this ?" A: "One was twenty, the other twenty too. One was a priest so he married the other" Q: How do you spell mousetrap? A: C-A-T. Q: How many legs does an ant have? A: Two, the same as an uncle. (HINT: ant = aunt) Q: How many people are buried in that cemetery? A: All of them. Q: What can't be used until it's broken? A: An egg. Q: What do tigers have that no other animals have? A: Baby tigers. Q: What is Black and white and read (red) all over? A: A newspaper Submitted by: Ashley Q: Why is number six afraid ? A: Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine) Submitted by MR Engelsman Q: How do you know when a motorcycle policeman is happy? A: He has bugs on his teeth! Submitted by Judy Snoke Q: What did zero say to eight? A: Nice belt. (The 8 looks like a 0 with a belt around its waist.) Q: What did number 1 say to 7? A: Nice hair In the alphabet. Q: Which is the most self-centered letter of the alphabet? A: "i" (I) Q: Which letter is always trying to find reasons? "y" (Why?") Q: Which letter is not me? A: U. Q: What letter can do the work in one day that you can do in two days? A: W (Double u- Double you) Q: Why don't we need a compass at the North Pole? A: Because every direction is south. Submitted by Cüneyt ARAS Q: Why is the A like a flower? A: Because the B is after it. Why is the letter "A" like noon? Because it's in the middle of the day. Q: "What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?" A: "The C" Submitted by Susana P. Varona Q: "What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order?" A: "The Q. (queue) Submitted by José Mª Pérez Q: What has two heads, four eyes, six legs and a tail? A: A horse and its rider. Q: What is as big as a horse but doesn't weigh anything? A: The horse's shadow. Q. Why was the hearse horse hoarse? A. Because of the coffin Submitted by Ciaran P. McCarthy Q: Why are man with pierced ears better suited for marriage? Q: Because they have suffered and bought jewelry. Q: What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? A: A teapot. Q: Do you know why birds fly to south in the winter? A: Because it's too far to walk there. Submitted by Yang Q: Why do birds fly south in the fall? A: Because it's too far to walk! Submitted by Michèle Larouche Q: Which letters do Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday have in common? A: None! None of them have "c", "o","m" or "n" in them. Submitted by Paulo José L. do Amaral I tried this one with Japanese university students. They understood all the words and enjoyed it. Q: What are the 3 important rings in life? A: Engagement ring, Wedding ring, and suffering. Q: Which room has no doors, no windows. A: A mushroom. Submitted by LUZ Q: What gets wetter as it dries? A: A towel Q: A man rode into town on Tuesday. Two days later he rode home on Tuesday. How is this possible? A: His horse's name is Tuesday. Q: Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? A: He didn't have anybody to take. (any BODY) Submitted by Toni Allen (from daughter) Q: A father and his son were in a car accident. The father died. The son was taken to the hospital. The doctor came in and said: I can't do surgery on him, because he's my son. Who was the doctor? A: The doctor was his mother. It's an old riddle that is more difficult in some countries than in others. Q: Why did the student take a ladder to school? A: Because he/she was going to high school! Q: Why did the tomato blush? A: Beacuse it saw the salad dressing! Submitted by: Dave Williams Q: What are the two strongest days of the week? A: They are Saturday and Sunday. All the others are weak (week) days. Submitted by both Motoko Hashimoto & Alfredo Bilopolsky Q: How far can a dog run into the forest? A: Halfway, after that he is running out of the forest. Submitted by: Rabi'a Q: What do you call a bear without an "ear"? A: BBBBBBB Submitted by: Drew Bassett Q: Which is faster, heat or cold? A: Heat, because you can catch a cold. A: How many apples can you eat if your stomach is empty? B: 4 or 5 A: No, that's wrong, because after eating one apple your stomach isn't empty. Submitted by: Mirali If you are doing a discussion about space, then students will like this one. Q: Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space? A: To find Pluto. Submitted by: Elisa-SN Argentina Q: What is the differnce between the capital of Russia and a calf's mother? A: One is Moscow, the other is a cow's Ma. (It needs to be spoken to understand it.) Q: What do you call a Spaniard who can't find his car? A: Carlos It's pronounced "carless" (meaning without a car) Submitted by Laurence Whiteside Q: What's the difference between electricity and lightening? A: You don't have to pay for lightening. This riddle may be used when teaching a lesson on occupations. Q: What's the difference between a TEACHER and a CONDUCTOR ? A: A teacher TRAINS the MIND and a conductor MINDS the TRAIN. Submitted by: Tania Mello (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Q: What part of your body disappears when you stand up? A: Your lap. (good for phrasal 'stand up', and 'laptop', lap-dog, etc.) Submitted by: Richard Q: What do you call a witch at the beach? A: A sandwich. Submitted by Tinour Q: Why did the trafic signal turn red? A: You would too if you had to change in the middle of the street. Submitted by: Drew Hinds Q: What's the difference between a lion with toothache and a wet day? A: One's roaring with pain the other's pouring with rain Submitted by: Eileen Dwyer Q: Why are baseball stadiums so cool? A: There is a fan in every seat. My Spanish-speaking students got a kick out of this one. Q: What do you call a person who speaks 3 languages? A: (Try to elicit responses.) Tri-Lingual. Q: What do you call a person who speaks two languages? A: (Many of them know this one) Bi-Lingual. Q: What do you call a person who speaks one language? A: An American! Submitted by: Sarah Q: What do you call a fish without an eye? A: Fsh. (Hint: No "eye" = No "i") Submitted by: Kristi Swarbrick, Edmonton, AB, Canada Q: What has thirteen hearts but no body and no soul? A: A pack of playing cards. Q: What do you call a fish that only cares about himself? A: Selfish. Submitted by Cüneyt Aras, Turkey Q: Why couldn't Mozart find his teacher? A: Because the teacher was Hayden. (Hayden -> Hidin' -> Hiding) Submitted by Sheila S. and Judy R. Q. What's a minimum? A. A very small mother! (mini-mom) Submitted by Thierry A. Q: Why can't a bicycle stand on its own? A: Because it's two-tired (too tired) Submitted by Shir Noy Q: What do you get if you cross a pig with a karate fighter? A: Pork chops. Q: What's got a head and a tail, but no body? A: A coin. Q: What's got a wave but no sea? A: My hair. Submitted by Nadia, age 7 Q: What has three feet but no legs or arms? A: A yard. Submitted by Dobbin Pelagius Q: Where does a boxer who weighs 135 kilograms sit on a bus? A: Wherever he wants to. Submitted by François Falardeau What makes "oom" and gives milk? A cow walking backwards. Submitted by Fernando Q: What does a man say when he walks into a bar? A: Ouch! Submitted by Miguel M. Llop Díaz-Cano Q: Where does Dracula stay when he goes to New York City? A: The Vampire State building. Q: What d