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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上江苏牛津高中英语 课本中出现的习语谚语M1U21. a piece of cake 简单的事2. a wet blanket 扫兴的人3. be all ears 洗耳恭听4. pull my leg 开某人玩笑5. have green fingers 园艺能手6. the top dog 组织中重要的人7. give sb a cold shoulder 对某人不友好8. rain cats and dogs 下大雨9. not my cup of tea 不是我喜欢的M6U110. laugh ones head off 大笑不止11. (luck) smile on sb 垂青,带来好运M6U212. hot under the collar 愤怒13. fly off the handle 大发雷霆14. over the moon 欣喜若狂15. on cloud nine 非常幸福16. in seventh heaven 乐不可支17. feel blue 感到忧郁18. down in the dumps 非常沮丧M6U319. as strong as a horse 20. as busy as a bee21. as poor as a church mouse22. as cool as a cucumber 镇定自若23. sleep like a log(圆木) 睡得很沉M9U324. white as a sheet (因害怕)面色惨白25. be tickled pink 非常开心,逗乐26. be in the red 财政赤字,负债27. be in the black 有盈利,有盈余28. feel blue 感到忧郁29. be green with envy 非常嫉妒M9U430. by and by = before long 不久31. feet of clay 泥足巨人,隐藏的致命弱点32. see the handwriting on the wall 看见危险预兆33. kill the fatted calf 设宴款待34. you reap what you sow 种豆得豆35. the apple ones eye 掌上明珠;情人眼里出西施36. The early bird catches the worm. 勤奋努力是成功的关键37. Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. 英雄所见略同38. Dont count your chickens until they are hatched. 别过早打如意算盘39. Make hay while the sun shines. 趁热打铁M10U240. ones (own) flesh and blood 亲骨肉,亲人41. brain drain (国家的)人才流失42. word of mouth 口口相传,口碑M11U1 (这单元的看看就好,不重要)43. as cool as a cucumber 非常冷静,泰然自若44. as sly as a fox 非常狡猾45. as hungry as a lion 渴望成功,非常贪婪46. eat like a bird 吃得少47. be a weed 懦弱,不勇敢48. as white as a sheet = very pale像纸一样煞白 出自workbook49. as black as coal = very dark 像碳一样黑50. as clear as day = very obvious 一清二楚,显而易见51. as mad as a wet hen = very angry52. as good as gold = well behaved (小孩)很乖,规规矩矩53. as sick as a dog = very sick54. as light as feather = very light55. as dry as a bone = very dry 非常干燥;口渴56. the best fish = the best person57. One mans meat is another mans poison. 萝卜青菜各有所爱。甲之砒霜,乙之蜜糖。=Different strokes for different folks.58. be ones rock = support sb= back sb up 是某人的靠山,可依赖的人M11U2 (本单元后半部分看看即可)59. as easy as pie/ABC 十分容易,轻而易举60. a piece of cake61. childs play 轻而易举62. every point of the compass 罗盘的每一度,四面八方63. off the top of ones head 不假思索地,脱口而出地64. have butterflies in your stomach心慌,紧张65. on paper 仅照字面看,理论上66. do ones homework 做准备工作67. as plain as day68. as cool as a cucumber69. rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨70. not ones cup of tea71. cost an arm and a leg72. hold firm 坚持,坚信73. be all ears 74. sink or swim 自己努力,以求生存 ,自生自灭75. burn the midnight oil 熬夜76. a square meal 一顿丰盛的大餐77. safe and sound 安然无恙78. shop around (for sth) 货比三家(后买某物)79. be at a loss for words 无语凝噎80. be in the same boat 处境相同81. as happy as Larry 很开心82. be up and about 起床走动(指病情好转)83. leading light (某范围内的)重要而活跃的/受敬重的人物84. a pack of lies 一派胡言85. play it safe 谨慎行事86. be at odds with sb/sth 与有矛盾、差异、分歧87. lose heart 丧失信心M11U3(后半部分看看即可)88. scratch the surface 隔靴搔痒,只触及问题的表面或一小部分89. be economical with the truth 有所隐瞒 90. a correctional facility 监狱91. body count 死亡人数统计92. senior citizens 老年人93. between jobs失业94. job seekers 失业者95. on its last legs几乎要崩溃;濒临死亡96. a roof over ones head 有栖身之所97. be physically challenged 身体有残疾的人 98. be visually challenged 视力不好的人99. sanitary workers 环卫工人100. the man in the street 普通人101. wash ones hand 上厕所102. colour the truth 撒谎103. golden years 退休时期;黄金时期104. a confidential source 提供信息者105. not all there 呆头呆脑106. negative profits 损失107. job flexibility 缺少工作安全感108. person of interest 嫌疑犯M11U4109. scrooge 吝啬鬼110. a sacred cow 神圣不可侵犯,不容批评的事物111. be over the moon 欣喜若狂112. Pandora's box 灾难之源113. Waterloo 惨败114. Mother Teresa 无私奉献的人115. Mickey Mouse course 简易的课程116. dark house 黑马,出乎意料的获胜者117. Daniel in the lion's den 处于困境之人118. a catch-22 situation 让人左右为难的处境119. a good Samaritan 善良的人,乐善好施者120. Achilles' heel 致命弱点121. Jonah 灾星122. a Herculean task 艰巨的任务123. a good Samaritan 善良的撒玛利亚人124. land on ones feet 安然脱困,化险为夷专心-专注-专业