精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上教育研习个人总结 教育研习的时间很短,但是我学到了很多知识。给我感触最深的是各个学段的不同点和相通点。小学阶段教师考虑到学生的接受能力和心理发展阶段上课非常活泼生动,教学浅显易懂,并大量利用图片来帮助学生理解。初中阶段结合初中生的特点,在难度提高的同时又照顾到初中生抽象思维刚开始发展的特点,结合了高中教学的严谨和小学的一些辅助理解的活动,严肃与活泼并存。而高中除了内容难度提升,教学时更着重启发学生思考,提升学生的能力。我们小组分配到的是练习课。但是我在实习期间我的指导老师从没上过完整的练习课,讲解练习通常放在课堂的末尾几分钟或是在自习课等时间。因此我对于练习课一般怎么上知之甚少。结合我们小组组员的情况来看,大多教师也都并不重视练习课,即使有上也只是讲讲练习,以教师讲授为主。然而练习课既是学生练习语言技能的机会,也是学生完成练习后教师给予反馈的重要阶段,因此练习课对于学生理解和巩固所学知识是很重要的。因此我们小组决定把重点放在如何改进练习课,提高学生在练习课上的参与度和自主性,提高课堂学习效率和效果上。通过一段时间的讨论和资料查找,我们针对传统模式的练习课以教师为主,学生被动接受的缺点将合作学习模式作为我们研究和展示的重点。合作学习是将学生分成几个小组,课堂中的大部分活动在小组内完成,而学生不仅要对自己负责,还要对小组内的其他成员负责。在合作完成任务后,学生个体的成就也会得到嘉奖。我负责的内容是对合作学习的几个模式进行介绍。虽然我们的材料言之寥寥,但是我通过比较各个模式的特点和共同点,总结各个模式的长处并进行比较,得到了以下这个图表。图中有5个项目。每项满分5分,分数为各个模式相较而言的水平。研究性表示对所学知识的研究和了解程度。公平性则用于评估每个人对小组的付出是否均等,每个人的成就是否被正确评价。成就感则是学生在完成学习任务后的自我成就感。竞争性是用于评估小组之间的竞争激烈程度,和学生的学习动机有关联。自主性则是学生在学习过程中有无发挥主体性作用。而根据各个模式的特点我们可以得出以下五个图表。STAD:学生小组成就区分法A method that values the cooperation of the members within each team. Its purpose is to motivate the students to study hard and help each other in the process of learning. There are six stages:(a)form small learning groups with students who have various learning levels (b)present the teaching unit (c)assign each cooperative group to work on a worksheet(d)give a quiz to each student(e)compute all the students marks(f)announce the result of each group and reward the winning groupTGT: TeamsGamesTournaments(TGT) is less formal than STAD. It can be found randomly. There is no educational requirement for the members of each group. What they have to do is work together, do their best to help their own group members to learn the material which was given by their teacher' and to compete with other teams. As a result, every group member, no matter low achievers or high achiever, has the equal opportunity to contribute to their own team. At last, the team with high scores is publicly known. Jigsaw:拼图式perhaps the most widely known cooperative language learning activity, is developed by Aronson and colleagues (Aronson, 1978). It is different from other methods as it is used to create a real “information gap” in the classroom. Using Jigsaw, the first thing students should do is not share the information to complete the task together but to choose one from the group to work in an expert groups with others from other groups who are also responsible for this part to discuss the same topic. Not until they feel sure enough to explain the part to the rest of his group, can they return to their own group and act as the expert to help others to deal with this part, and then complete the whole task all together.GI:Group Investigation(GI) was invented by Sharan (1992)It is used in the classroom for academic inquiry. Students play an important role when they complete the class projects. They have to divide the whole task into subtopics and assign them to each member. Then the achievement made by the whole group will be presented to the whole class. At last, teacher and students all together choose the best one.Numbered Heads Together:Numbered Heads Together is proposed by Kagan(1989). It is an interesting learning method that the whole groups performance is determined by only one students answer. Since each one of the group has his own number, after the discussion, a certain number will be called to answer the question. So each group member shares the responsibility to help others in solving the problem.根据以上这些合作学习模式的特点,教师在采用合作学习模式的时候可以根据学习材料的性质、难度、要求和学生的掌握程度、活跃度等因素综合考量,采取或创造合适学生的合作学习模式,提高学生在练习课中的学习效果和学习的主体地位。例如拼图式就较为适合内容较多,需要深入研究的知识。而Numbered Heads Together可以提高学生的参与度,帮助教师检验学生的理解和掌握程度。GI有利于发展学生的自主学习能力和小组合作能力,在学生自主分配任务的同时,学生还可以锻炼领袖气质。在TGT模式中学生通过相互帮助来共同完成学习任务,就要求教师在学生分组时进行控制。但在我们鼓励学生相互帮助的同时,又要注意提醒学生相互帮助的界限。这些因素都会对教师教学产生影响,要求我们特别注意。 专心-专注-专业