精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A business report for McDonaldsWritten by:Introduction.by Shadow ZBodyStrengths.by David ZWeakness.by Jack ZOpportunities.by Tom ZThreats.by Shadow ZSummary.by Shadow ZDate of report: 08/4/2011IntroductionMcDonalds was founded in 1955. It is famous for its fast food all over the world. We can see “M” all over the world. It has about thirty thousand sub branches in the world. It attracts so many people love it. Its advertisement “Im Lovin it” is popular all over the world. Shadow, Tom, Jack and David will use the SWOT analysis to find out its strength, weakness, opportunity and threat .We believe that the analysis will help McDonalds develop faster and to be more powerful.StrengthExpansion in low cost McDonalds has a privilege to franchise, McDonalds uses this franchise to carry out large-scale low-cost expend. With the help of low-cost expend, McDonalds can gain reasonable profit, and dont refer to the high capital risk. McDonalds has settled up about thirty thousand franchise stores. These stores have a deep understand in their area, so they can find business opportunity more easily.The brand purpose is good.McDonalds applies itself to build its good brand image and gain success. Many investors dont have so much experience in the market. Faced with an increasingly competitive market, they all in the dry tree, they all want to invest a good outstanding achievement and have a big strengths franchise. Recur to its good brand image, excellent management mode and others support system, the investors can risk reduction. So McDonalds is their right choice. McDonalds has a good brand purpose; this will attract a number of investors, then McDonalds will have huge goodness.WeaknessFranchise stores have no unified standards In many peoples eyes, McDonalds is a successful company, it has so many strong points and so many advantages, but McDonalds also has a lot of questions. McDonald is a very good company, it has a good reputation, but it is only a fast-food restaurant. It should try to another direction, with McDonald reputation, plus good planning, management, can make the enterprise to go further.McDonald has thirty thousand franchise stores in the world. These franchise store stand in different areas. So it is different to manage these franchise stores. There is no unified management among them. No unified means these franchise stores management is jumbled. McDonald should pay attention to this question. Only a unified management system can make success.Opportunity Develop in the Second Tier City and remote citiesMcDonalds will be more focused on the Second Tier City and remote cities. Many Second Tier City and remote cities receive small influence in the economic crisis. So McDonalds will focus on these cities. It is a chance for these cities. And it is also a chance for McDonalds. McDonald can use this chance to enter Greater China in the round.The active cyber economy gives a lot of chances for people.Cyber economy is becoming more popular Internet is becoming more and more popular in the recently years. Network industry also becomes more and more important. Chinese network industry has developed fast, McDonalds invest more in cyber economy, and McDonalds chooses “Corporate Yahoo!” to build its portals. The portals are used to manage McDonalds huge logistics, and it can also serve McDonalds workers all over the world. The portals support a terrace for the workers and the people who focus on McDonald. If McDonald uses these portals well, the portals will support useful information to help McDonald develop in a safe way.ThreatsThe outside threat Economic crisis makes a number of investors have the wait and see mind, they also have dark invest mind, so many investors don't want to spend so much money on the invest. Their confidence is under the influence. The few expense leads to the direct market rub, McDonalds comes across this rub, and then the number of McDonalds franchise will be less.The inside threatMcDonalds has been accused to pay low wages for workers. Not only in China, in other countries workers also complained about it. Its also accused to sell unhealthy food. Because a lot of McDonalds fast food has high fat and high energy. People will be fat or unhealthy if they eat so much fast food.The similar propertys threatMcDonalds also has threaten comes from the similar property, like KFC, Pizza hut. Many Chinese indigenous fast food properties like Wallace, Disco grab McDonalds portion at a certain extent.SummaryAs we all know, a company will always have problems in its development process. We should face these problems and use our knowledge to avoid problems. Then the company will become more successfully. McDonalds is famous for its fast food all over the world, it has big advantages, but McDonalds also has some problems, we use SWOT analysis to help McDonalds find its questions. We believe that with the help of analysis, McDonalds will make greater success. 沁园春·雪北国风光, 千里冰封, 万里雪飘。望长城内外, 惟余莽莽; 大河上下, 顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇, 原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。须晴日, 看红装素裹, 分外妖娆。江山如此多娇, 引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武, 略输文采; 唐宗宋祖, 稍逊风骚。一代天骄, 成吉思汗, 只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣, 数风流人物, 还看今朝。 克专心-专注-专业