精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上环艺 毕设开题报告例一、选题的目的、意义建筑仿生已成为一种新时代潮流,也是建筑文化的新课题。为了启发建筑合理创新,以及使城市环境达到生态平衡和持续发展,建筑仿生学是一种重要手段。从人与自然界的关系来说,建筑可谓是人的第3层皮肤 (第1层是人的自身皮肤,第2层是衣服), 它是人与自然界之间的中介,如何使建筑能适应环境的自然规律,又能适合人类不断发展的需要,这的确是现代文明所提出的新课题。正因为如此,有效寻找和利用自然界生物的成长规律来适应人类社会发展对建筑的需要,这就是建筑仿生学的主要任务。仿生建筑在国建筑类别里面是一个开发中的亮点,也是未来建筑的一个良好走势,将人与自然更完美、和谐的统一,是人的自然回归性的一种表现。而在建筑本身的结构方面来讲,仿生建筑正是吸取了自然界优势来更好的改善人们的生活环境。其实,人类在建筑技术上所遇到的许多难题,自然界中早已有了类似的解答,因为生物在千万年进化的过程中,为了适应自然界的规律需要不断完善自身的性能与组织,它需要获得高效低耗、自觉应变、新代谢、肌体完整的保障系统,从而生物才能得以生存与繁衍。只有这样,自然界才能成为一个整体,才能保持生物链的平衡与延续。当然,人也是大自然中的一员,人类为了生存与发展不仅需要建筑,而建筑也需要适应自然界的规律,否则不仅会破坏自然环境,而且也会毁灭人类自身。仿生的倾向在近几十年来也在不断发展,它的研究意义既是为了建筑应用类比的方法从自然界中吸取灵感进行创新,同时也是为了与自然生态环境相协调,保持生态平衡。自然界是人类最好的老师,人们无时无刻不在从自然界中获得启发而进行有益的创造。本课题是对办公空间的仿生性进行研究,办公是酿造文化、孵化成果的过程,孵化这一自然现象便为设计提供了灵感来源。本课题将生物孵化器如蛋的形态进行小型建筑设计,并结合生物孵化的原理对建筑的生态设计进行研究。仿生并不是单纯地模仿照抄,它是吸收动物、植物的生长肌理以及一切自然生态的规律,结合建筑的自身特点而适应新环境的一种创作方法,它无疑是最具有生命力的,也是可持续发展的保证。本选题从建筑仿生的综合性角度出发,围绕生物孵化的原理,尝试创造出新颖和适应环境生态的建筑形式,从中观察吸收一切有用的因素作为创作灵感,同时学习生物科学的肌理并结合现代建筑技术来为建筑创新服务。希望通过本题及今后对建筑仿生的研究为人们创造良好的生活和工作环境,为使城市环境达到生态平衡和持续发展的提供一种新的可能性。二、本题的基本容绪论1.概念1.1 仿生建筑的定义1.2 仿生建筑的表现形式及实现手法1.2.1建筑的形式仿生1.2.2建筑的功能仿生1.3 仿生建筑存在的意义2.仿生建筑的调研分析2.1 国实例分析2.2 国外实例分析2.3 分析结果2.3.1 借鉴的地方2.3.2 存在问题一些作品设计的时候经常会出现简单模仿某一形象的问题,这种做法背离了建筑仿生的意义,只是一种单纯追求新奇噱头的效果,既无创新的价值,也不能与周围生态环境取得协调。3.空间形态仿生设计实践3.1设计灵感来源3.2设计方案4.结论建筑仿生可以是多方面的,也可以是综合性的,要应用仿生原理创造出新颖和适应环境生态的建筑形式。要有效的利用有限资源,使建筑更贴近大自然更适合人类居住;还应从材料的选择、结构功能、制造过程、使用和等诸方面,全方位考虑资源利用和环境影响及解决方法。在设计过程中把降低能耗、美观实用、使材料和部件最大限度的发挥,把人性化设计列入的设计指标,使建筑向自然回归。建筑仿生学是新时代的一种潮流,今后也仍然会成为建筑创新的源泉和保证环境生态平衡的重要手段。三、完成期限和主要措施第1周:进行实地和书面调研,确定毕业设计和论文的题目。第2周:对资料进行整理和再收集,在此基础上进行开题报告的撰写。第3周:在草稿纸上绘制设计的草图,对小型办公空间建筑的大体外型进行整体把握并考虑外型中存在的仿生问题。第4周:在外型设计完成的基础上对空间划分和布局在草稿纸上绘制草图。第5周:开始绘制CAD的总平面和各层平面,寻找与论文相关的英文资料。第6周:SketchUP创建小型建筑外部场景和办公空间部建模,对毕业论文提纲进行详细补充。第7周:对查找的英文资料进行英译汉,SketchUP建模进行部分渲染。第8周:SketchUP建模完成3,CAD图完成5,毕业论文、英译汉完成50%。第9周:CAD图进行细部完善,绘制办公空间室的立面和剖面。第10周:SketchUP建模进行办公空间室的建模和渲染。第11周:把毕业论文进行完善,把CAD图标注尺寸和材料。第12周:对剩余的英文资料进行完成,SketchUP效果图进行调整。第13周:完成5000字的论文,英译汉5000英文字符。完成设计效果图5、CAD10、A3的设计报告书。第14周:打印报告书、论文打印和装订,制作ppt。第15周:刻盘上交导师(效果图5、CAD10、A3的设计报告书,ppt15)。第16周:布置毕业设计展第17周:毕业答辩四、预期达到的目标完成5000字的论文,参考文献不少于10部,英译汉不少于5000英文字符。完成展板两和图纸(设计效果图5、CAD10、A3的设计报告书,ppt15页)。通过毕业设计和对毕业论文的撰写,希望对空间形态仿生这一课题有更深刻的理解,对中外的仿生建筑状况有较全面的了解,在现有的研究成果的基础上对我国仿生建筑问题做进一步的研究和分析,通过自己的调研和老师的指导对我国现在的仿生建筑有一个全新的认识,在认识问题的基础上找到一种解决问题的合适方法。通过这次毕业设计和毕业论文能使自己的能力得到全面地提高,培养逻辑思维与形象思维的融合渗透,以产生独特的思考力和创造性,使自己的设计思维更加的成熟,为自己今后的设计生涯做好充分的准备。知识拓展【如何写开题报告】一、如何写开题报告如何选择问题我一起萦绕于怀的,是在写博士论文开题报告的一年多时间里,导师薛澜教授反复追问的一个问题:“你的 puzzle 是什么?”多少次我不假思索地回答“我的问题就是,中国的半导体产业为什么发展不起来。”薛老师问题以其特有的储蓄,笑而不答。我在心中既恼火又懊丧:这么简单的道理,这么明显的答案,到底哪儿不对了?!奥妙就在于提出问题的“层次”。不同于政策研究报告,学术文章聚集理论层面、解决理论问题。理论是由一系列前设和术语构造的逻辑体系。特定领域的理论有其特定的概念、畴和研究式。只有在相同的概念、视角和式下,理论才能够对话;只有通过对话,理论才能够发展。极少有硕博论文是创造新理论的,能这样当然最好,但难度很大。我们多数是在既有理论的基础上加以发展,因此,在提出问题时,要以“行”看得懂的术语和明确的逻辑来表述。审视我最初提出的问题“中国半导体产业为什么发展不起来”,这仅仅是对现象的探询,而非有待求证的理论命题。我的理论命题是:“中国产业政策过程是精英主导的共识过程吗?”在这个命题中,“政策过程”、“精英政治”、“共识诉求”三个术语勾勒出研究的理论大体围和视角。其次,选择问题是一个“剥笋”的过程。理论问题总是深深地隐藏在纷繁复杂的现实背后,而发现理论问题,则需要运用理论思维的能力。理论思维的训练是一个长期积累的过程。不过初学者也不必望而却步,大体上可以分“三步走”:第一步,先划定一个“兴趣围”,如半导体产业、信息产业、农村医疗、高等教育体制等,广泛浏览相关的媒体报道、政府文献和学术文章,找到其中的“症结”或“热点”。第二步,总结以往的研究者大体从哪些理论视角来分析“症结”或“热点”、运用了哪些理论工具,如公共财政的视角、社会冲突式等。第三步,考察问题的可研究性,也就是我们自己的研究空间和研究的可行性。例如,西方的理论是否无法解释中国的问题?或者同一个问题能否用不同的理论来解释?或者理论本身的前提假设、逻辑推演是否存在缺陷?通过回答这些问题,我们找到自己研究的立足点。不过还要注意我们研究在规定的一到两年时间,是否可能完成?资料获取是否可行?等等。最后,如何述问题?述问题实质上就是凝练核心观点的过程。观点应当来自对现实问题的思考和总结,而不是为了套理论而“削足适履”。中国的政治、经济和社会发展充满动态的、丰富的景象,如何才能用恰当的术语、准确的逻辑表述出来呢?雄心勃勃的初学者往往提出宏伟的概念或框架,但我的建议是尽可能缩小研究围、明确研究对象,从而理清对象的存逻辑,保证能在有限的时间完成规的学术论文。如“中国半导体产业政策研究”就是一个非常含糊的述,我们可以从几个方面来收缩话题:( 1 )时间:从 1980 年到 XX 年;( 2 )对象:政府的叛乱者和决策行为,而不是市场、企业、治理结构等;( 3 )视角:政治和政府理论中的精英研究;( 4 )案例: 908 工程、 909 工程、 13 号文件和电子振兴,这是发生在 1980 - XX 年间半导体政策领域的两个重大工程和两个重要文件。通过这样的明确界定,我们将目光集中在“政策过程”、“精英”、“共识”几个显而易见的概念上,问题也就水落石出了。同时,问题清楚了,我们在筛选信息和资料时也就有了明确的标准,在这个“信息冗余”的时代,能够大大提高研究效率。Ring art project examples opening reportOne, the purpose of the selected topic, significanceArchitectural bionics has become a new trend of The Times, and is a new subject of architectural culture. In order to inspire reasonable construction innovation, urban environment, and achieve the ecological balance and sustainable development, architectural bionics is a kind of important means.From the relationship between human and nature, architecture is the third layer of the skin of people (level 1 is a person's own skin, the second layer is the clothes), it is the intermediary between man and nature, how to make the laws of nature, architecture can adapt to the environment and can fit the need of human development, it is a new topic put forward by modern civilization. Because of this, the effective finding and using natural biological growth pattern to adapt to the needs of human social development on the building, this is the main task of the architectural bionics.Bionic building in domestic construction category is a bright spot in the development, also is the future construction of a good situation, will be more perfect, human and nature harmonious unification, is a manifestation of the natural regression of sex. In respect of the structure of the building itself, the bionic architecture is learned the nature advantage to better improve people's living environment. Actually, human encountered many technical difficulties in the building, already had a similar answer, in the nature in the process of biological evolution in ten million, in order to adapt to the laws of nature to improve their own performance and organization, it needs to achieve high efficiency low, strain, metabolism, complete security system of the body, thus creatures to survive and reproduce. Only in this way can the natural world as a whole, in order to keep the balance of the food chain and continuation. People, of course, is also a member of the nature, human beings for survival and development needs not only building, the building also need to adapt to the laws of nature, otherwise will not only destroy the natural environment, but also will destroy ourselves.The tendency of bionic also has a growing in recent decades, it is very important to study for building the application of analogy method to draw inspiration from nature to innovate, is also in order to in harmony with the natural ecological environment, maintain the ecological balance. Is the best teacher in .gu6e. the human nature, people ever-present gain inspiration from nature and create a beneficial. This topic is the imitation of natural disposition is for office space, office is brewing culture process and results of incubation, hatching the natural phenomenon and provides inspiration for the design. This topic will be small incubator such as egg shape design, and combined with the principle of biological incubation study of construction of ecological design. Bionics is not simply imitate the copy, it is to absorb the growth of animals, plants, texture and the law of natural ecology, combined with the characteristics of construction and a creative method to adapt to the new environment, it is undoubtedly the most has the vitality, is also the guarantee of sustainable development.This selected topic from the perspective of architectural bionics comprehensive, around the principle of biological incubation, try to create a new form and adapt to the ecological environment construction, and to observe from absorbing all useful factors as inspiration, study biological sciences at the same time the skin texture and combined with modern architectural technology for innovative .qdvacuum. .vdesignco. services. Hope that through ontology and the future study of architectural bionics to create a good living and working environment for people, for the balance of urban environment to achieve the ecological and sustainable development provides a new possibility.Second, the basic content of ontologyThe introduction1. The concept1.1 definition of bionic architecture1.2 bionic building forms and implementation methods1.2.1 architecture form bionics1.2.2 the function of the bionic building1.3 bionic building existence2. The research analysis of bionic architecture2.1 the domestic case analysis2.2 foreign example analysis2.3 the results of the analysis2.3.1 for reference2.3.2 problemsSome works design often simple imitation of an image problem, this kind of practice deviated from the meaning of architectural bionics, is just a pure pursuit of novel stunt effect, neither the value of innovation, also can't get in coordination with the surrounding ecological environment.3. The space form bionics design practice3.1 design inspiration3.2 design scheme4. ConclusionArchitectural bionics is various, also can be integrated, to application of bionic principle to create novel and adapt to the environment ecological architectural form. To use limited resources effectively, make the building more close to nature is more suitable for human habitation; Also should be the choice of material, structure, function, manufacturing process, from various aspects, such as the use and comprehensive resource utilization and environmental influence and the solution. To reduce the energy consumption in the process of design, beautiful and practical, and make the most material and components, include the humanized design in the design of the indicators, make the building to return to nature. Architectural bionics is a trend of the new era, and it will still be the source of building innovation and important means to assure the environmental ecology balance.Three, deadlines, and main measuresWeek 1: written and field investigation, to determine the topic of graduation design and thesis.Week 2: to organize data and collect again, on the basis of the opening report writing.Week 3: on the draft paper draw sketch design, the gross appearance of a small office space construction overall understanding and consider bionic problems in appearance.Week 4: on the basis of the exterior design of space partition and layout in the sketch of the draft drawn on the paper.Week 5: began to draw the general layout of CAD and the layers of plane, looking for paper related information in English.Week 6: SketchUP to create small building external scenario and internal model of office space, supplement the graduation thesis outline in detail.Week 7: to find the English materials in english-chinese translation, SketchUP modeling partial rendering.8 weeks: SketchUP model complete 3, CAD drawings completed five tickets, graduation thesis, english-chinese translation done by 50%.Week 9: CAD drawing for detail perfect, draw the elevation and section office space indoor.Week 10: SketchUP model for office space indoor modeling and rendering.Week 11: the graduation thesis is perfect, the CAD drawing dimension and material.Week 12: to complete the rest of the information in English, to adjust the SketchUP rendering.13 weeks: finish the 5000 - word paper, english-chinese translation, 5000 English letters. Complete design cad drawings five, ten, the design of the A3 report.Week 14: print reports, paper printing and binding, and making PPT.15 weeks: a disc to mentor (five, 10 cad rendering, the design of the A3 report, ppt15).Week 16: graduation design exhibitionWeek of 17: graduation replyFour, is expected to achieve goalsFinish the 5000 - word paper, references not less than 10, english-chinese translation not less than 5000 characters in English.Complete two zhang and panel drawing (design cad drawings five, 10 copies and A3 design report, page ppt15).Through the graduation design and graduation thesis writing, hope to the space form bionic have a more profound understanding of the subject of the Chinese and foreign bionic building condition have more comprehensive understanding, on the basis of existing research results of bionic architecture in our country to do further research and analysis, through their own research and teacher's guidance to our country of bionic architecture now have a new understanding, on the basis of the understanding question to find a suitable method to solve the problem. Through this graduation design and graduation thesis can comprehensively improve their abilities, and cultivate logical thinking with image thinking in the fusion penetration, to produce a unique and creative thinking, make their own design thinking is more mature, to be prepared for the future design career.knowledge expansion"How to write a dissertation proposal"A, how to write the opening report, how to choose the problemWith me in the bosom, was written in the doctoral thesis opening report more than a year of time, tutor professor xue repeatedly asked a question: "what is your puzzle?" How many times I answer without thinking "my question is, why China's semiconductor industry." Xue teacher problem by its unique savings, just laughed. My in the mind is angry and regret: such a simple truth, so obvious answer, what's wrong? !The secret lies in the question of "level". Different from policy research report, academic articles to gather theory, solve the problem of theory. Before the theory is that consists of a series of set and term structure of logic system. Specific domain theory has its specific concept, category and research paradigm. Only under the same concept, perspectives and paradigm theory to talk. Only through dialogue, theory to development. Very few people paper is creating new theory, can do this, of course, the best, but very difficult. Most of us are on the basis of the existing theory development, therefore, when asking questions, to understand the term "expert" and clear logic to express. Look at my original question "why China's semiconductor industry development up," this is just the explore of phenomenon, rather than a theoretical proposition needs to be clarified. My theory proposition is: "China's industrial policy process is dominated by the elite consensus?" In this thesis, "the policy process", "elite politics", "consensus appeal" three terms the outline of the theory of research range and perspectives.Second, the selection is a process of "peeling bamboo shoots. Theoretical problem always deeply hidden behind the complicated reality, and found the theory problem, requires the ability to apply the theoretical thinking. The training of the thinking theory is a long-term process of accumulation. But beginners don't flinch, generally can be in "three steps" : the first step is to draw a "interest", the first such as the semiconductor industry, information industry, rural health, higher education system, etc., widely browse related media reports, government documents