精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上4.1手册、书籍、记录簿Manual, book and record book4.1.1每月的救生、消防演习的记录Monthly boat drills and fire drill entered4.1.2灭火设备的定期检查记录Record/report of periodical inspection records for fire fighting appliances三副应参照交接班确认表严格检查消防救生设备.4.1.3泡沫系统及灭火器药剂检查或换药记录保存在船上Record/report of checking and recharging medium of foam type fire extinguisher要求每年进行一次4.1.4船上救生/消防设备保养手册Records of maintenance for the life-saving/ fire-fighting appliances4.1.5救生/消防演习每月一次记录Boat drill and fire drill held once a month record三副和大副分别记入演习记录簿和航海日志,轮机长计入轮机日志4.1.6救生艇每季度降至水面脱钩一次记录Each lifeboat lowered onto water and unhook every three (3) months record三副记录簿和航海日志4.1.7干粉灭火器每年记录Dry powder fire extinguisher every year, record打开检查粉的状态,无结块现象opened for inspection no agglomeration found4.1.8泡沫灭火器每年更换药液一次记录Foam fire-extinguishers recharged once a year4.1.9救生设施的维护保养说明书存放于船且符合要求,文字易于被船员看懂。Are instruction Manual for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances available and understood by all crewmembers?4.1.10救生设施定期进行保养并及时做好纪录life-saving appliances: Regular maintenance being carried and recorded4.1.11应变部署表Muster Lists4.1.11.1保证最新的版本和信息,使用易于被所有船员读懂的文字编写。Up-to-date muster lists are written in a language understood by the crew members.表内要明确携带应急电台设备进入救生阀的相关责任人Duties about carrying emergency radio equipment into the survival crafts are included.部署表要分别张贴于驾驶台、生活区和机舱控制室。They are posted on the bridge, engine control room and accommodation spaces.4.2应急演习及测试Test and Drills4.2.1对救生阀、救生艇和放艇装置进行外观检查,确保它们随时可用。Visual inspection of all survival crafts、rescue boats and launching appliances to ensure that they are ready for use.每个星期检查和试验,要记入专用的记录本中Weekly inspections and tests4.2.2通用应急警报试验Test of general emergency alarm每个星期检查和试验,要记入专用的记录本中Weekly inspections and tests4.3救生设施LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES4.3.1救生艇和救助艇LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES一般性的检查,每星期进行一次。检察艇体/内外观情况Checking the condition of hull inside and outside 艇体情况良好,无破裂、受损、变形,钢结构(特别是艇钩及坐板)无过度腐蚀Hull of lifeboats in good condition, no cracks, damage, deformation, steel structures no excessive corrosion, special attention to bed plate of boat hooks4.3.1.2艇两侧的拉绳状况良好Check that grab lines on both side are in order.舭部扶正把手,扶正索连接情况良好Bilge righting rails and righting lines connection in good condition4.3.1.4反光带已按规定张贴Retro-reflective tapes posted in compliance with IMO resolution4.3.1.5检查横坐板、两侧座椅、桨/桨架和船舷上缘状况良好。Checking thwarts , side benches, crutch/rowlock holes and gunwales in good orders.救生艇外的标志清楚、完整Lifeboat marking clear and complete开敞式救生艇应在艇的外部标有船名、艇号、尺度、定员数(按实际属具配备);对于封闭式救生艇还要求在气顶棚的上部标有船名或呼号或IMO No.及艇编号4.3.1.7相应的位置已粘贴IMO标志IMO symbols of operation instructions posted in adjacent position4.3.1.8检查艇低塞及相连接的指示艇塞位置的链条的情况Checking the plugs with packing and a chain with indication of position.检查排污泵和排污管的状况Checking the bilge pump with hose.检查艇上的物品摆放情况Checking the visual condition of stowage.检查艇上放艇装置的状况Checking the onboard release4.3.1.12检查艇外部浮力绳的配备情况Is buoyant line properly becketed around the outside of lifeboats?4.3.2艇的配备情况LIFEBOAT INVENTORY每三个月检查确认Check and identify every 3 months.是否按要求配艇?Is the inventory as required stored in the boat?特别注意食品、烟雾信号、降落伞信号和灭火器的有效期Especially pay attention to food rations、smoke signals、parachute signals and fire extinguisher4.3.3救生阀及其存放情况Life rafts and stowage arrangements每个月检查确认Check and identify monthly4.3.3.1救生阀均保持在有效的使用期内(不超过12月)Check that inflatable life rafts are serviced at intervals not exceeding 12 month.下一个检验时间:Next survey date:静力释放装置均保持在有效的使用期内(不超过12月)Checking that hydrostatic release gear has serviced at intervals not exceeding 12 months.下一个检验时间:Next survey date:已粘贴反光带、有效、无被油漆覆盖Retro-reflective tapes in good condition, no painted4.3.3.4易断绳正确安装并节能保证12个月可靠有效。Is the weak line installed correctly? Has it been serviced within the last 12 months?救生阀的设置是否适于自由飘浮?(如没有捆绑等)Is life rafts arranged so that it floats free?(e.g. not tied up)是否在救生筏附近张贴了释放说明标示?Are launching instruction posted for life rafts at life rafts station?救生筏的数量及成员数与设备安全证书记录簿(FORM E)所列的数量一致Number provided the same as indicated in the Record of cargo ship safety equipment (Form E)4.3.4个人救生设备Personal lifesaving appliances每个月检查确认Check and identify monthly4.3.4.1检查每位船员的救生衣上的反光带,哨子和信号灯Check that there is a lifejacket for every person on board with retr-reflective tapes, lights and whistles.检查救生衣闪光灯电池的有效期Checking the validity of lifejackets lights batteries.自闪灯的有效期:Validity date of self-igniting lights:检查是否有备用的救生衣供值班人员使用。Checking that there are additional lifejackets for persons on watch and for use at survival craft stations.检查救生衣的标识情况Checking the marking of lifejackets4.3.4.5检查浸水服侍是否能随时可用,并且每个救生艇上最少要备3套浸水服。数量与设备安全证书记录簿(FORM E)所列的数量一致Number provide the same as indicated in the Record of cargo ship safety equipment (Form E)Checking that immersion suits are ready for immediate use and that there are at least 3 sets for each lifeboat on boat the ship. Number provide the same as indicated in the Record of cargo ship safety equipment (Form E)船上每人都要配有保温服而且随时可用。(浸水服不包括在内)Checking that thermal protective aids for persons on board are not provided with immersion suits ,and are ready for immediate use.4.3.5船舶救生设备存放位置已张贴了按IMO决议案推荐的符号,如救生衣、烟火信号、抛绳器、EPIRB、手持电台、保温救生服、双向无线电话等The operation instruction symbol according to IMO resolution posted in adjacent to storage positions of life-saving appliances, such as lifejackets, pyrotechnic signals, line throwing apparatus, EPIRB, portable radio, thermal protective aid and two way radio telephone apparatus, etc.4.3.6存放位置附近已张贴了IMO使用说明标志IMO symbols of operation instructions posted in adjacent position4.3.7救生圈LIFEBUOYS一般性的检查(每月一次)GENERAL INSPECTION OF LIFEBUOYS AND ANCILLARIES(MONTHLY)最少要有8只带有标识和翻光带的救生圈Checking that there are at least 8 lifebuoys with marking and reflective tapes.船的每舷要配有一只带有自闪灯的救生圈Checking that there is one buoy with self igniting lights on each side.检查自闪灯上的标识 ,烟雾信号和快速释放机构的有效期Checking the illumination of self lighting lights. 左: 右:有效期:Validity:Port:船的每舷要有一只备有27.5米长的浮力绳的救生圈Checking that there is one buoy with buoyant line of 27.5m in length on one side.每舷要有一只无任何附件的救生圈Checking that there is one buoy without attachment on each side.驾驶台上两翼上要有两只配有自闪灯、烟雾信号和快速释放器的救生圈(最小重量为4.5公斤)Checking that there are two buoys with self igniting light and smoke signal on bridge wings with quick release gear.(at least4- 4.5kg)确认带有标识和反光带的救生圈的数量Checking the proper number of buoys with marking and retro-reflective tapes.Shiplength<100m : 8100m< Shiplength<150m:10150m< Shiplength<200m:12Shiplength>200m最少保持半数的救生圈上要有自闪灯Checking that at least half of the total number of buoys are provided with self igniting lights.专心-专注-专业