8D问题解决培训课件(PPT 71页).pptx
ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 20128D Problem Solving 8D问题解决ZF Friedrichshafen AG2 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingAgendaIntroduction 介绍介绍Presentation Round 自我介绍Work Guidelines 工作指南Objectives of the Seminar 研讨会的目标ZF specific Requirements 采埃孚特殊要求The 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview 简明概述The single Steps in Detail 每一步骤详述Workshops 课堂练习Conclusion and Feedback 结论和反馈3 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍 Presentation Round自我介绍 Where are you from (company/ location)? 你来自哪里(公司/地点)? In which department do you work? 在哪个部门工作? What are your expectations for today? 今天期望学到什么?4 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍Objectives of the Seminar研讨会目标 You understand the importance of the zero defect strategy 理解零缺陷策略的重要性 You acquired/ refreshed existing knowledge of the ZFspecific problem-solving requirements and form sheets 了解或回顾采埃孚关于问题解决的要求和相关工作表单uYou know how to identify customer requirements了解如何识别客户的要求 uYou know a method which helps you to sustainably improve and maintain customer satisfaction了解有助于持续改善和提高客户满意度的方法 You understand the 8D problem solving method and are capable to implement it了解8D问题解决的方法并能够实施5 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍Objectives of the Seminar研讨会目标The mere formulation of a problem is often far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions and explore new possibilities requires us to regard old problems from a new angle. This requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.”“对一个问题的清晰简洁的表述,往往比其解决方对一个问题的清晰简洁的表述,往往比其解决方案案更更为重要,解决方案可为重要,解决方案可能能仅仅是数学结论或仅仅是数学结论或实验技巧实验技巧。为了提出新的问题和探索新的可能为了提出新的问题和探索新的可能性,性,需要需要我们从新的角度去关注旧有的问题,这要求有创造性的想象力,并标我们从新的角度去关注旧有的问题,这要求有创造性的想象力,并标志真正志真正的科学进步。的科学进步。”Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate6 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍Necessity and Benefits of 8D实施8D的必要性和益处 Understanding the importance of the zero defect strategy理解零缺陷策略的重要性 Each mistake is one mistake too much不能放过任何一个错误 Every product or process failure costs每个产品或过程的失效成本uTime 时间时间uMoney 金钱金钱 Quality is a competitive factor 质量是一个竞争因素。uImage 形象形象100%100%100%7 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍Necessity and Benefits of 8D实施8D的必要性和益处 99,9 % adherence to the requirements lead to 99,9%符合标准会导致 1 hour of impure water per month 每月1小时不纯净的水 1 insecure landing at Munich Airport per week每周在慕尼黑机场有1次不安全的着陆 16.000 wrongly delivered mailings per hour 每小时16000封发错的邮件 20.000 wrongly issued medical prescriptions per year 每年20000个错误的医疗处方 32.000 missing heartbeats per year 每人每年少了32,000 次心跳8 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍Necessity and Benefits of 8D实施8D的必要性和益处 8D provides a standardized, systematic and simple tool for the solving of problems and the documentation of results 8D为问题解决和相关证明文件,提供了标准化的、系统化的、简明化的工具The effective implementation of 8D means有效实行8D意味着: Elimination of the real root cause 消除真正的根源原因 Prevention of recurring failures 防止失效的重复发生 More time for essential issues 将更多的时间花在关键事情上 Less failure costs (internal and external) 较少的失效成本(内部和外部) Advantages over competitors 超越竞争对手的优势 Higher degree of satisfaction for you and your customer较高的满意度 - 组织内部以及客户 and leads to 导致9 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍The 1:10:100 Rule of Failure Prevention1: 10: 100的失效预防规则Failure Costs in EUR Failure Prevention 失效预防 Discovery of Failures失效发现The costs for failure prevention or the discovery of failures, respectively, increase exponentially from phase to phase预防失效,还是发现失效,其失效成本将指数级递增10 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingZF specific requirements can be found in the QR83 (Quality Directive ZF Group) 采埃孚的特殊参见QR83Introduction介绍ZF specific Requirements采埃孚的特殊要求“质量是成功的关键。在当前的竞争环境中,质量不在是差异性因素,而是基本要求。ZF的客户要求可靠的、零缺陷的产品和服务。11 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingIntroduction介绍ZF specific Requirements采埃孚的特殊要求Excerpt from the seminar ZF Impulse Days in line with the QR83:摘自采埃孚摘自采埃孚 QR83 Impulse Days:Root cause analyses have to be carried out using appropriate methods (Ishikawa, 5 Whys, photos, etc.)必须用适当的方法( Ishikawa, 5 Whys, photos, etc)开展根本原因分析 If required, immediate measures have to be reported and must be sent via 8D report within one day 如需要,必须要在在1天之内天之内,以8D报告的形式报告所采取的立即措施 Other affected ZF plants are to be informed 通知其它受影响的工厂通知其它受影响的工厂 The effectiveness of the corrective measures has to be communicated to ZF 必须同采埃孚沟通沟通纠正措施的有效性 If demanded, further analyses must be conducted 如果有要求,必须开展进一步分析 Marking after previous claim 投诉后标记标记 Transmission of the 8D report via Supply On (Problem Solver) or email通过 Supply On(Problem Solver)上传或 通过Email传递8D报告报告12 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem Solving8D Report at ZFIntroduction介绍ZF specific Requirements采埃孚的特殊要求After a complaint made by the ZF purchasing plant, corrective actions must be introduced immediately, documented, and if requested by ZF, submitted punctually in a structured manner using form F06 8-D Report“ (QR83, 2011, p.13)Excerpt Form Sheet F06 8-D Report“ QR83, 2011, p. 52当收到ZF采购工厂提出的投诉后,供应商应立即采取纠正措施,该纠正措施必须以ZF规定的表格形式加以记录和组织,如表F06“8D报告”的结构格式,表格应在规定期限内递交给ZF的采购工厂。13 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingAgendaIntroduction 介绍Presentation Round 自我介绍Work Guidelines 工作指南Objectives of the Seminar 研讨会的目标ZF specific Requirements 采埃孚特殊要求The 8D Process 8D程序程序Brief Overview 简明概述The single Steps in Detail 每一步骤详述Workshops 课堂练习Conclusion and Feedback 结论和反馈14 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview History 简要概述-历史 In the end of the 1960s, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) developed the 4D method in the USA on behalf of the NASA. These were the 4 Dos :在60代末,JPL在美国代表NASA开发了4D法,这就是4 Dos 时代uDo: Describe the problem 问题描述 uDo: Initiate immediate actions 立即措施 uDo: Analyze the problem cause 问题分析uDo: Take corrective actions 纠正措施 In the beginning of the 70s: Adoption of the method by Ford and many other automotive companies从70年代的开始,福特和很多其它汽车公司开始采用该方法 1978: Development of the 8D method by Ford 1978年福特开发了8D法 1981: 8D has become standard for Ford, its subsidiaries as well as for all Ford suppliers 1981年8D 成为福特、其子公司以及其供应商的标准15 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem Solving 1981: Do” was replaced by Discipline” 1981 “Do”被by “Discipline” 代替 End of the 80s: Adoption of the method by many European OEMs, systems suppliers as well as many non-automotive companies in the USA80年代末:8D被很多欧洲整车厂采用,在美国整车供应商包括很多非汽车行业也采用8D Examples of further problem solving techniques/ methods 其它的问题解决工具/方法的例子:uXerox 6 Step 施乐 6 步法uProcter & Gamble 8 Step P&G 8步法uGM 5-Phase 通用5步法uKepner & Tregoe Problem Solving & Decision Making KT法uShainin 夏宁法uSix Sigma 六西格玛8D is the Standard of the Automotive Industry The 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview History 简要概述-历史16 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview Definition 简要概述-定义 Team-oriented procedure/ process for the solving of problems 以团队合作为导向的问题解决的程序/过程 Fulfills three standardized and complementary functions 实现3个标准化和补充的功能uFunction 1: Problem identification 问题识别uFunction 2: Problem solving 问题解决uFunction 3: Documentation 文件化17 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview Scope of Application简要概述-适用范围8DSuitable for technical and non-technical problems适用技术非技术的问题Non-technical 非技术性的 Customer is not satisfied 顾客不满意 Delayed delivery 发运延迟Technical 技术性的 Construction failure 结构失效 Defective product 不良产品 7 Quality tools 7大工具 3 x 5 WhySupport by 8D Root cause analysis during series production对于量产件根本原因分析Support by 8DDuring the product evolution process or during re-engineering在产品开发和再设计过程中 Local distribution 局部分布 Variable comparison 变量比较 Component comparison 零件比较 Check sheet for concept comparison 设计比较 Taguchi 田口法 Etc. 等等18 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview Purpose 简要概述-目的8D is suitable for the solving of internal problems and the handling of external customer complaints 8D适用解决适用解决内部问题内部问题和外部客户投诉和外部客户投诉 Suitable for the in-depth analysis of problems as well as for the elimination of the root causes of failures 适合深入的问题分析并能消除根本的失效原因消除根本的失效原因 Used for the preparation of information within the company in order to prevent the recurrence of failures用于公司内部信息预备,以便预防失效的重复发生预防失效的重复发生 Customers are informed fast and on a regular basis and are thereby always updated as to the newest information and knowledge available 快速并定期通知客户快速并定期通知客户,及时更新信息 Reveals multiple root causes and systematic failures 揭示多重根本原因和系统性失效19 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Demings Rule of Thumb戴明的经验法则 85% of all failures are system-induced 85%的失效是系统所造成的系统所造成的 It is of crucial importance to separate the problem from the person 把问题和人分开问题和人分开,这非常重要 Troubleshooting“ is principally not supposed to be a search for the person responsible for the failure“解决问题”的重要的是不试图寻找造成失效的人员不试图寻找造成失效的人员 First question: Why has the system not been able to prevent/ discover the failure?“ and not Who made the failure?”第一个问题:为什么系统没有能够阻止为什么系统没有能够阻止/发现问题发现问题?“ 而不是,谁造成了问题?”20 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Brief Overview 总览8D and the tools in context 8D和工具和工具Description of the Problem问题描述Immediate Actions临时措施Problem Solving问题解决Corrective Measures纠正措施Prevention预防Zero Defects零缺陷Incident事故8D Process8D过程过程Other Tools 其它工具7 Quality Tools 7 大质量工具Lessons Learned经验教训Transfer to the next generation and similar proceedings将经验教训传递给下一代产品或相似的过程上21 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Trigger 触发源 Incident = undiscovered mistake (failure, inconsistency) which turns into a problem at the time that it is discovered; like for example product failures, audit results, field errors, customer complaints, etc. 事故=未发现的错误(失效,不一致),当被发现时就成为一个问题,比如产品失效、审核结果、现场失效、客户抱怨等等 The incident triggers the 8D process 事故触发8D Once the problem has been identified, the following information has to be gathered 一旦问题已经被确认,以下的信息必须被收集uTime of the discovery? 发现的时间uHow many parts are affected? 有多少产品受到影响uWhere has the problem been discovered?发现的地方uPart number? 零件号uWording of the problem message? 发出问题消息uEtc. 等等22 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序Trigger 触发源Target目标Time时间PerformanceTarget目标Time时间PerformanceTarget目标Time时间PerformanceTarget目标Time时间PerformanceActual实际Actual实际Actual实际Actual实际Gradually from the beginning逐渐的从一开始就背离Gradually after a stable period 逐渐的在一个稳定的时期之后才背离All of a sudden所有出乎意料23 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序The single Steps in Detail每一步骤详解Improvement until full satisfaction is reached 持续改进一直到完全满意Problem Solving Team 问题解决小组D1Problem Description 问题描述D2Containment Action(s) 遏制措施D3Root Causes 根本原因D4Corrective Actions 纠正措施D5Type of Effectiveness Review and Result验证措施的有效性和结果D6Preventive Measures 防止重复发生措施D7Lessons Learned 经验教训D824 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序The single Steps in Detail每一步骤详解 D1:Installation of a problem solving team 建立问题解决小组 D2: Problem description 问题描述 D3:Implementation and verification of containment actions 实施和验证遏制措施 D4: Determination and analysis of possible root causes决定和分析可能的根本原因 D5: Review of possible procedures and planning of corrective measures 评审和策划纠正措施 D6:Implementation and verification of the planned corrective actions实施和验证纠正措施 D7:Initiation of actions to prevent recurrence 采取行动防止再发生 D8:Final talks/ lessons learned 最终交流/经验教训D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D825 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序D1 Installation of a Team建立小组 Build-up of a core team“ with persons who 建立包括以下成员的核心小组:uDispose of the required process and product knowledge (experts)了解过程及产品的专家了解过程及产品的专家uBring in time and commitment 有时间和承诺uDispose of the competencies as well as the internal authorization to solve the problem, take decisions and to initiate measures 有能力有能力以及內部以及內部授权的人授权的人,能够解决问题、做决定和实施相应措施 The team must not consist merely of members from the quality department小组不可以仅仅只由质量人员不可以仅仅只由质量人员组成 The causer“ of the problem should be a part of the team小组需包含问题的“引发者引发者” Nomination of an internal champion“ 需任命一个小组的负责人小组的负责人 If required, invite experts as extended team members 如果需要,可以邀请外部的专家外部的专家作为小组成员D126 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序D1 Check Sheet 检查清单 Are all relevant documents available? 是否有所有的文件 Are the right persons in the team? (professional and technical experience) 团队中人员是否合适(专业和技术经验)? Are the members of the core team trained accordingly?核心团队的人员是否经过相应的培训? Is every team member acquainted with the respective task/ responsibility? 是否团队的每个成员都熟悉自己的任务/责任? Should customers/ suppliers participate at the meeting?客户和供应商应该参加会议吗? Are all participants informed as to the venue and the date of the meeting? 会议的时间和地点,通知了所有参加的人员吗? Have all team members confirmed their attendance?所有参会人员是否确认到会? Are both the documentation and the reporting ensured? 文件和报告是否准备好? Has the problem been sufficiently defined? 问题是否被充分定义?D127 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序D2 Problem Description问题描述 Verification of the reported information 确认被通报的信息 Identification and quantification of the problem source 问题的识别和量化(Where/ when/ how did the problem occur?) 哪里/什么时候/问题是怎么发生的 Determine how many parts are concerned: 确定涉及多少零件uAt the customer level 在客户方的uIn circulation/ transport在流通/运输过程的uIn the production/ goods issue 在生产环节的 Analysis of the problems consequences (affected parts, versions, vehicles, etc.) 分析问题的后果(受到影响的零件,版本,车型等等)D228 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序D2 Problem Description问题描述 Describe the problem as precise as possible 尽可能精确精确描述问题 Describe the problem as simple as possible 尽可能简单简单描述问题 If the situation is difficult to describe: indication that there is more than just one problem which needs to be resolved 如果情况很难描述:表明有可能不止一个需要解决的问题 Add pictures or sketches (e.g. technical drawings, photos, process flow charts) 附图片或者示意图附图片或者示意图(如技术图纸,相片,过程流程图) Check if you are dealing with a recurrent failure 检查你是否在处理重复发生的失效 Analyze the team structure once more: Are all required persons in the team?再一次分析团队结构:是否所有需要的人都在团队中 Review the problem description from the internal/ external customer point of view: Is the description factual, clear and comprehensible? 从内部 / 外部客户的角度审视描述问题:是否是具体的、清楚的、可理解的D229 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序D2 Problem Description问题描述D2IS是是IS NOT不是不是What? 什么什么Unbalance不平衡Crack 断裂Transmission ring 3rd gear 传动环 第3号齿轮All other gears 所有其它齿轮When? 什么时什么时候候发现问题时间:March 1-7 3月1号到7发生问题时间:xx xxPreviously or afterwards 在这之前或之后Where?什么地什么地方方Inner side内侧Exterior side外测At customer客户处At quality assurance 质量保证部How? 如何如何Discovered during production inspection 在生产检验时Discovered through incoming goods inspection 在来料检验时How often?/ 频频率率 How many? 有多少有多少5 parts 5个零件More or less parts 其它数量30 ZF Friedrichshafen AG, 2012 8D Problem SolvingThe 8D Process 8D程序D2 Check Sheet检查清单 Have defective products been inspected?否检查过了有缺陷的产品(实物)否检查过了有缺陷的产品(实物) Is it expedient to sub-divide the problem? 是否细分了问题 Are all relevant numbers/ facts/ data