精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上目录第一章 开发信篇,1.1不同国家开发信模板1.2询盘式开发信模板1.3开门见山式开发信模板1.4新产品开发信模板1.5市场信息动态分享型开发信模板1.6客户鉴证式开发信模板1.7问卷式开发信模板1.8邮件群式开发信模板1.9催眠式开发信模板1.10事件营销邮件模板1.11邮件营销模板-了解部分.第二篇 回盘篇2.1句式简单回盘邮件2.2准式回盘模板2.3模棱两可不详询盘的回复第三章 报价篇第四章3.1范围报价3.2精准报价3.3报价单式报价3.4成本报价第四篇 失联客户篇4.1邮件追踪小工具4.2客户未看邮件如何跟进4.3客户看了邮件未回复,如何跟进第五章 样品篇5.1样品详情5.2请客户支付样品费的小技巧5.3样品派送详情5.4测样跟进小技巧第六章 谈价篇6.1重心转移式谈价6.2价值主导型谈价模板6.3间接让步式谈价模板6.4直接让步式谈价模板6.5折中法谈价模板6.6二选一式谈价模板6.7客户鉴证式谈价模板6.8借力or换身份谈价模板第七章 收款篇7.1做PI后确认账号7.2间接式催款7.3迂回式间接式催款第八章 运输篇8.1告知客户船期8.2告知客户已发货加分小技巧8.3和客户确认单据8.4单据派送8.5单据送达确认8.6货到港提醒第九章 售后篇9.1询问产品销售情况9.2了解最新市场动态9.3返单跟进9.4老客户的二次开发第十章 客诉篇10.1第一时间回复10.2道歉井寻求客户的配合10.3再次跟踪实际解决效果第十一章 节假日祝福篇11.1周月未祝福/分享11.2圣诞祝福11.3新年问候11.4感恩节祝福11.5万圣节日问候11.6中国传统佳节的分第一章 开发信篇1.1不同国家开发信模板北美国家 (美国,加拿大,墨西哥等)1. 开门见山2. 认真+时间概念3. 简单4. PayPal5. 企业邮箱not免费邮箱6. We not IHi Mr XX,Good Day!QUALITY IS OUR CULTUREABC Co., Ltd. ( one of the grey hair for LED more than 16 years. Our core competencies is A and B, our market is USA. Our sales pitch is WITH US YOUR MONEY IN SAFE YOUR BUSINESS IN SAFE.Hopefully to be (your honest dealer and trustworthy supplier in China)Blow is some of our best seller M/N 产品for your reference. We can accept payment by PAYPAL ( The easy way to pay money for American customers)Pls don't hesitate to contact me anytime.Tks &B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)欧洲人(英,法,德,意等)1. 追求质量2. 时间很重要3. 安全感4. 证书和销售后服务Hi XXXX,ABC Co., Ltd. is LED Business Model in China. We had the honor to serve the 2nd big distributor/XXX公司in UK; XX公司in USA; XXX公司in Dubai; All our items are coming with certification and we have special team work for after sales service. We are ready for signing contract with you in case you need it, as honest dealer we never crook our customers.(安全感)(TIME IS GOLD) for you and for us. So we have professional production line and staff who are making nice quality in short time. (质量,时间)Below/Attachment is new items and some information about our best seller, our factory and certificate, hope we can have long term business with you in near future.Tks&B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)中东客户1. 喜欢大写+简单英文2. 喜欢细节详尽一点邮件3. 细节介绍公司和产品4. 最好有直接插入产品图片和规格尺寸5. 价格低6. 慢热型7. 品牌Dear XXX,BEFORE READING MY EMAIL, PLS BE SURE THAT AM REALLY HOPE WE CAN BE FRIENDS EVEN WE DO NOT HAVE ANY BUSINES.(用一种舒缓感觉拉近客户间的距离) We ABC Silicone 10 years Professional with Middle EAST Market, We Have served many of biggest company around the world such as A公司, B公司, C公司etc.(客户鉴证显示公司实力和产品质量)and we are top in condensation and addition cured silicone filed.We trust you will like our quality and our service. We can offer you very perfect price with very nice quality. And also we can sign contract with you to be more safe. And we can full refund money back to you if there is any quality problem. We trust that with us your money will be in safe and your business will be in safe. As quality is our culture, so hope you give us a chance to serve you and we believe that you will be happy with us. I send you some of our best seller data sheet. Pls check it as follows-Contact me if you need any help in China, and pls remember I am really hope we can be good friends even you don 't do business with us, pls remember this is Smartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索).Ths & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)南美(巴四,阿根廷,哥伦比亚,委内瑞拉等)1. 英文不是很厉害,写简单一点单词2. 喜欢提问的方式3. 喜欢免费样品4. 喜欢OEMH, Dear x×x,Are you interested in saving some money? Are you interesting in good quality with nice price? And are you interested in small order with fast delivery?(提问的方式投其所好)So pls let you know we can offer all these for you, ABC Silicone is the TOP rtv liquid silicone factory in China more than 10 years. Below is our best seller, pls check it. Any interested, more information & FREE SAMPLE(免费样品投其所好)will be provided for your reference.Hope to hear from you soon. Good Business Start Here!Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)澳洲客户(澳大利亚,新西兰等)1. 认真爽快,乐于交朋友,对陌生人也经常一见如故2. 价格:运抵澳大利亚并已完税的产品价格应比当地生产的同类产品或其它来源的产品价格低。3. 可靠性:供货商必须能长期保证产品的质量,交货及时并保持联络。4. 灵活性:供货商能接受小批量订货Dear Mr. XXX,It's really my pleasure to write this email and I hope even we dont do business we can be good friend, as we realty like Australian people so much, as you are very nice, friendly and honest in your life and business, so hope we can be friend, my name is Smartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索) from ABC Silicone, RTV Liquid silicone professional manufacture in China. And we got your information from Alibaba.We trust that our quality and price will give you an edge over your competitors, So hope we can have long term business with you. Below is the our best seller RTV-123, pls check it hope you like any of them, and feel free to contact me if there is any help I can do for you here in China as really hope we can be friend even without business.Hope to hear from you soon.Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.2询盘式开发信模板1. 如何写询盘式开发信?a. 问明知故问的问题b. 问二选一的问题,三选一的问题2. 询盘式开发信的好处?a. 回复率高b. 比较容易找到负责人C. 可以了解更多的目标客户信息, 为后面给客户推荐最适合的产品做铺垫贸易商:Hi,Do you sell rtv silicone for molding? just like Wacker4503?Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)使用商:HiDo you sell artificial stone? Are you a manufacturer or distributor?Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.3 开门见山式开发信模板This is Smartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索) from ABC Silicone, Glad to know you from my friend Alex(客户一种真实亲切的感觉,是朋友介绍的)that you are a wonderful artist sculpture in Mexico. We are leading professional manufacture of rtv liquid silicone in China more than 16 years.As we know you use a lot of smooth-on silicone for sculptures casting, right?Here Im glad to tell you that our silicone RTV-123 is very similar to MM25, but price is much cheaper than it(产品亮点); and the 2nd distributor CBD in UK have always bought us 3-5tons/ month instead of Smooth-on Silicone.(客户鉴证我司产品的价值魅力)so, we are 100% confident(百分之百的相信)that you will quite happy with it. Would you like to have a try? If so, Free Sample & quotation will be sent for your evaluation(用免费样品吸引)Sincerely & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.4 新产品开发信模板Warm Tips:1. 新产品最好也是有针对性的发给不同客户的市场;2特色卖点也要结合当地市场的喜好,特色卖点一般最多不超过4个,以3个最佳,如果罗列太多的特色卖点就相当于没有重点突出,也会让客户感觉产品的真实性;3. 最好附上图文并茂的图片,让客户更加直观的了解;4. 如果产品款式很多,可以做成彩页以附件的形式发送,多角度的展示产品。Hello Dear Igor,This is Smartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索) from xxx Silicone rubber Manufacturer more than 16 years.Glad to know your information from website and know that you are a distributor of Wacker, right?We are happy to share you our New hot selling Silicone A and B in UK, which are wonderful for climbing holds casting. As we know, more and more Americans love sports climbing. So, we are wondering if this kind silicone will be a good market in USA soon.(新产品作为一种市场信息的分享给客户)Competitive Advantage-1.)2.)3.)Data Sheet-(产品参数)XXXXXXXXXAny interested, free sample & price will be sent for evaluation.1.5 市场信息动态分享型开发信模板此类件的作用:1. 老客户的二次开发2. 贸易商的开发3. 客户维护Hello Dear Peter,Long time no contact. How are you? and how is your business market going?Hope Beautiful!We just came back a EU Molds Exhibition/ visit(展会或拜访)in Korea, Im so happy to share some useful information with you as follows-1. Dow-Corning vs Smooth-on SiliconeXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxx2. 1: 1 Silicone will be trend of the marketXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxx3. Our New research productsNever being thicker silicone within 1. 5 years silicone become to our top star products.We are wondering if your customer will also like it ?Any interested, free sample & price will be sent for evaluation.Ths & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.6客户鉴证式开发信模板Warm Tips:1. 客户鉴证如果是贸易商同一个市场的不要用2. 和此客户签了协议的不能用3. 有关系往来的客户可以用,但不能无中生有Dear Tom,We are the gold rtv molding silicone supplier of the biggest artificial stone in Malaysia.(开门见山告诉客户自己的双重身份)As we know you are also a wonderful manufacturer of artificial stone in Malaysia. So, we are wondering if you use rtv silicone for its molds?If so, attached is our silicone TDS, pls check it.Any interested, quotation & free sample will be sent for your evaluation.Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.7问卷式开发信模板Warm Tips:此类开发信要求对客户市场或是具体用途中出现的问题有专门的研究分析,有针对性的问卷式开发信能真正帮客户解决问题,回复率一般都非常高。延生拓展:你们产品的某些独特卖点刚好能击中客户的某些痛点,能帮到客户解决实际问题,有可能是某项技术的图片,也有可能是某些证书,也可能是融资性的付款方式等都可以这类问题去写这种开发信。Hi Mark,Have you always suffered these problems during your mold making of silicone1. Oily?2. White Stains in the artificial stones?3. xxxxxxxxxx4. xxxxxxxxxxIf so, congratulations to you to find a good supplier!We XXX Silicone can just help you solve all the problems above.If any interested, more products specification as well as price, sample will be sent for your reference.Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)活学活用双向主动/被动语态If so, congratulations to you to find a good supplier!We XXX Silicone can just help you solve all the problems aboveVSWe are glad to tell you that we XXX Silicone can just help you solve all the problems above.(生意是双向的,作为供应商我们希望找到开发优质的3A客户,同样的客户也希望找到稳定又有保障,能为客户解决问题的供应商,所以希望大家多用一些这类双向被动语态)Eg. You will quite happy with it。We think you will also don't want to miss this opportunity, will you?Since you are such wise businessman, we believe you will make the best choice.1.8邮件群式开发信模板目的:1. 开发信群可以全面的让客户了解你的产品、公司、服务、现有的大卖家、现有的市场构成、现有的新产品等等2主题的多变,能大大提升邮件被点击的概率3显示你的专业第一封:1. Re: RTV Silicone Vendor for AmyHello, dear Amy,This is Smartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索) from XXX Co., Ltd, I know you from my friend Jim that you are the distributor of rtv liquid silicone rubber, right?As I know you are in marketing for more competitive advantage silicone in currently financial crisis. Here, we have some star products whose quality are very similar to Wacker, Dow-corning but price are half much lower than it, would you like to have a try?Pls contact me for any more information.Tks & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)第二封:2. Re: Re: Company profile-xxx Companyxxx,We are the leading professional manufacture of rtv liquid silicone rubber more than 16 years.Attached is our Company profile for your reference, thanks!RegardsSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)第三封:3. Re: Factory Audit report-xxx CompanyDear XXX,We have already passed the factory audit from SGS, REACH, RHOS, FDA ,MSDS, UL etc.Pls find audit reports in attachment.Im sure that our factory & products are good enough for your program in Italy!Any comments will be appreciated!Ths & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)第四封:4. Re: Video of factoryDear xxx,Yutube: Facebook: for our factory for your reviewIf you have time, pls pay a visit to us, we are so confident that some of our products will help you win more makets.Sincerely hope we can do something for you and your company!Kindly RegardsSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)第五封:5. Re: Recommended Items for ItalyAccording to my experience, here attached products which suitable for Italyyoure your review as follows!sheetIf any demand, Ill provide quotation samples immediately!Ths & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)第六封:6. Re:xxx(客户名字)XXX,It's me again.Do you have interested in our current models? Free samples could be sent for evaluation.BTW, if you have any idea about your best seller hardness of silicone, pls keep us posted.We also can recommend you the best suitable products for your reference.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Ths & B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.9催眠式开发信模板如何催眠?1. 新工厂:暗示价格优势2. 好的市场反馈:暗示质量优势3. 邀请客户一起讨论本土市场的合作机会好处:此开发信虽未直接告诉客户,我们的产品物美价廉,但是采用这种迂回的催眠术让客户更容易接受这种分享又开发的开发信。I'm glad to inform you that our new factory xxx Silicone Co., Ltd. Has been successfully started up in Jan of 2014.The 2nd distributor xxx in UK is quite happy with us, and who have bought silicone 3-5tons from us every month instead of smooth-on Silicone.We are very interested to discuss with you possibility to develop your market together.Sincerely &B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.10事件营销邮件模板Hi Michael,First of all, Congratulations on your country win the champion of World Cup2014, it's really fantastic!事件营销让客户心情开朗As know from your website, you are a distributor of some famous brand silicone like Wacker, smooth-on, ACC, right?Actually, we are a leading professional manufacture of rtv liquid silicone in China more than 10 years and we are top in condensation and addition cured silicone filed.介绍主打市场Germany market covers more 50% sales of Wacker, 10% of smooth-on for life casting industry, also ACC silicone was the main role of electronic potting silicone. But now as the Europe economic crisis, all the sales go down. And customers always ask more competitive silicone located in Munich and Hamburger etc., especial in some construction industry and electronic filed.市场分析加上城市虚实结合,吊一下客户胃口Today we XXX Silicone can just provide you this kind of silicone which is similar to Wacker4503 and ACC M928, would you like to catch this opportunity and get more beautiful market pls?千呼万唤使出来Any interested, we are happy to discuss it with you about more details.Ths &B.RSmartsousou(外贸人的智慧搜索)1.11邮件营销模版-了解部分【图片】【图片】第二篇 回盘篇2.1一句式简单回盘邮件Warm Tips:对于一句式询价询盘的回复可以采取逆向抓住主动权的回复方式,先反问客户具体需求,了解清楚再报价!但是切记,巧妙的逆转话题in order to的妙用I want to buy 200kgs, How much is this silicone?Hello Dear xxx,Tks for your inquiry from Alibaba, we are glad to know that you are interested in liquid rubber for molding, right?Congratulations on you to find the right supplier, We are a leading manufacturer of this kind silicone more than 16 years.I'd like to give you the price right now, however we have thousands products, in order to recommend you the best suitable products. May I confirm some information with you as follows1. What's the hardness do you want? 20shore A, 30shore A, 40shore A?2. What's the mixing ratio do you want? 100: 4: 1: 1 or 10: 1?3. What's the application do you want to use for, gypsum, resin, concrete or others?As soon as confirm information above. We'll provide more details information for you as well as the quotation, shipment etc. Waiting for yo