Main contents:1.)definition of hyponymy2. ) superordinate and hyponym3. ) relationship between superordinate and hyponym4. ) use of superordinate and hyponym5. ) meronymy semantic field theory semantic field theory 语义场理论语义场理论 vocab. of a language is not just a listing of independent items, but organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common semantic component. ( Jost Trier / German 1930s) words of a semantic field are not synonyms but are joined together by some common semantic component words in the same semantic field may have a number of collocations in common pork /beef -fry,stew, roast,raw3. Hyponymy 词与词之间的上下义关系词与词之间的上下义关系 (hierarchical classifications) 3.1.Hyponymy-semantic inclusion语义内包)语义内包) - relationship which obtains between general and specific lexical items (between the genus(类概念(类概念) and the species(种概念(种概念).Note:*-grammatical structure: He likes dogs and other animals. There is no flower more beautiful than a rose. I like all fruits except bananas. She reads books all day-mostly novels. Move Walk run jog swim fly3.2. superordinate and hyponym 上义词上义词/下义词下义词 superordinate or upper term: -the more inclusive words hyponym, lower term or subordinate: -the more specific words kinship: father /mother/brother/cousin process of cooking: roast, boil, cook, grill 下义词)下义词) -set of terms which are hyponyms of the same superordinate term.3.3. relationship between superordinate and hyponym: relativeLiving (plant ) (animal ) (tree flower bush ) (tiger wolf sheep ) (pine oak maple ) ram ewe lamb (white pine/ yellow pine ) 3.4. use of superordinate and hyponym General terms : vague / trite ( thing, go)-Specific words - add force , clarity,and evoke vivid pictures. walk * meronymy(局部与整体关系)局部与整体关系) Meronymy-a term used to describe a part-whole relationship between lexical items. cover/page book X is part of Y. A page is part of a book. Y has X. A book has pages. (hierarchical classifications.) 代表整体的词:代表整体的词:holonym 代表局部的词:代表局部的词:meronym 属于局部的词属于局部的词: co-meronyms共局部词共局部词 e.g: book: holonym cover/page: co-meronyms 共局部词共局部词 Plant leaf, bud, stem, root, flower, shoot Petal stamen 4. synonymy 词与词之间的同义关系词与词之间的同义关系 Main contents:4.1.definition of synonymy4.2. sources of synonyms 4. 3. kinds of synonyms # differences between relative synonyms4.4. effects of synonyms4.1. definition of synonymy synonymy : -refers to the sameness relation between words. Synonym: -a word that is equivalent in sense to another word.4.1. definition of synonymy synonymy : -refers to the sameness relation between words. Synonym: -a word that is equivalent in sense to another word.4.2. Sources of synonyms A. historical reason: a) Anglo-Saxon (native) b) French, Latin, Greek (foreign elements) Patterns: doublets: native words / borrowed 成对同义词成对同义词 homely domestic house mansiontriplets: Anglo-Saxon French Latin rise mount ascendB. geographical reason American/British English dialect: girl lassC. linguistic phenomenon pick up choose fall out quarrelD. figurative meaning star-gazer day dreamer walk of life occupation/profession e) euphemism /vulgarism to lie-to distort the fact poor-needy, deprived, underprivileged, disadvantaged strike-industrial action4.3. Kinds of synonyms plete (absolute/total) synonym b. relative synonym quasi-synonym loose synonym a. complete (absolute/total) synonym (rare) -two words identical in meaning, i.e. interchangeable in all contexts and with identical connotation. e.g.: word-building word formation fricative spirant摩擦音摩擦音 b. Relative synonyms -those that denote different shades of meaning or different degrees of given quality. Differences between relative synonyms: A) different in degrees of given quality, semantic intensity - I hate people who tell lies. - I detest people who tell lies. B)-different in emotional color -economical/stingy -intellectual/eggheadC) different in stylistic meaning (level of formality ): fearful / afraid /yellowD)different in collocation or distribution (syntagmatic relation) accuseof charge with reproachwith (for)F) different in local color lift/elevator4.4. effect of synonymsa. avoid repetition/achieve precisionThey hide out on the illegal journey in the smugglers, cars, trucks and vans, sometimes stowing away in cardboxes or disappearing behind the loads of watermelons and sacks of potatoes.b. satisfy stylistic purpose: cease to think gone to sleep foreverc. emphasis setbacks and reversed. explanationHe was cashiered, that is to say, dismissed.He was murdered, or rather executed. Exercises:1. Comment on the differences between relative synonyms.2.Why do writers often use synonyms in their writing? Give one example.5. Antonymy词与词之间的反义关系词与词之间的反义关系 Main contents:5.1.definition of antonymy5.2. kinds of antonyms5. 3. use of antonyms 5.1. definition of antonymy antonymy : -oppositeness of meaning between words antonym: -words that re in opposition 5.2. kinds of antonyms a. (classified according to morphological structure) * -root antonyms clear/vague large/small *-derivational antonyms: prewar/ postwar code/decode * b. (classified according to semantic contrast) a) contraries (相对反义词)相对反义词) b) complementary (互补反义词)(互补反义词) c) conversives (换位反义词(换位反义词) d) semantic incompatible/multiple incompatible antonym (多项不兼容反义词)(多项不兼容反义词)a).contraries(相对反义词)相对反义词) gradable /graded (可分级反义词)(可分级反义词) - illustrated by such pairs as old/young, big/small, etc. - can be seen in terms of degrees of the quality involved., showing the semantic polarity is relative and the opposition is gradual. radical moderate-conservative loveattachment-liking-indifferenceantipathy-hate 特点:特点:-a.-comparative/superlative/adverbs wider widest very wide b.- relative /intermediate terms / gradual wetmoistdampish-dryc. One is marked, the other is unmarked (oldyoung) How old is he? How young is he? How tall is he? How big is it? How wide is the road? 无标记的词比有标记的词用处广泛无标记的词比有标记的词用处广泛 There is a lion there. There is a lioness there.b) complementary/contradictory antonyms (互补反义词)互补反义词) ungradable antonyms不可分级反义词不可分级反义词 binary antonyms二元反义词二元反义词 - a pair of words whose meanings are entirely contradictory. - mutually exclusive and admit no intermediate terms between them. -The assertion of one is the denial of the other. male/female true/false on/off win/lose sloth/diligent go/stay float/sink dead/alive * shut/open ajar *有时也不绝对有时也不绝对 He is more female than male. He is more dead than alive. bisexual person present /past / future ?c). conversives / converse antonyms对立反义词对立反义词 (relational opposites关系对立词关系对立词) - pairs of words so related that either one presupposes the other. masterservant doctorpatient buysell husband-wife in front ofbehind host-guest d) semantic incompatible multiple incompatible antonym (多项不兼容反义词)(多项不兼容反义词) 反义词彼此反义词彼此对立对立,形成多元对立关系形成多元对立关系 spring summer autumn winter north south east west Monday Tuesday Wednesday. January February* in the same semantic field*different antonyms different circumstances fresh- polysemant fresh breadstale bread fresh air-stuffy air fresh flower-faded flower You looked fresh. You looked tired. backwardforward backward- advanced a handsome boyan ugly boy a handsome income-a meagre income 快快慢、钝慢、钝 The prices are declining. The prices are rising. His health is declining. His health is _. *I am not satisfied with your teaching. I am unsatisfied with your teaching. 5.3. use of antonyms a. form contrast first and last / Light come ,light go.oxy moron矛盾修饰法矛盾修饰法 visible darkness audible stillness cruel kindness b. achieve cohesive粘着的粘着的effect He fell asleep. What woke him was a loud crash. Exercise: Give the antonyms of the following words. Hard Thin Light Loose Cold Accept Joy