farmerI am a farmer.I have a farm.Look at my farm.Big and nice.chant toybHello, boy. What do you see?I see _. I can help you.Oh, boy. Im hot. Im tired. I want to sleep.Now I go to sleep.Z ZZZ?wolfwolves Wheres the wolf?Ha!Ha! No wolves.A wolf! A wolf! Farmer, help, help!Wheres the wolf?Haha. No wolves.Say and act Z ZZZWheres the _?Ha!Ha! No wolves.wolf( ) You are a good boy!( ) You are a bad boy!Judge You are a bad boy!A wolf! A wolf! Farmer, help, help!Wheres the wolf?Haha. No wolves.You are a bad boy!Say and act Wolf! Wolf!Go! Go! Go!I can help you!Wolf! Wolf!No wolves!I cant help you!Help!Dont help!Think and ChooseA wolf! A wolf! Farmer, help, help! Im sorry. Im sorry.Dont tell a lie. I can help you. Say and act Im sorry.Dont tell alie.A wolf! A wolf! Farmer, help, help!Wheres the wolf?Haha. No wolves.Say and act A wolf! A wolf! Farmer, help, help!Wheres the wolf?Haha. No wolves.You are a bad boy!A wolf! A wolf! Farmer, help, help! Dont tell a lie. I can help you. Im sorry.Dont tell alie.Tell a lie,Bad, bad, bad,Tell a lie,No,no,no 撒谎Dont tell a lie.(不要撒谎) 第第2课课 古古代代两两河河流流域域地理位置:亚洲西部两条河流:幼幼发发拉拉底底河河和和底底格格里里斯斯河河 气候特点:干旱少雨一、古代两河流域文明一、古代两河流域文明二、二、古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国:国:1、时时间:间:公公元元前前18世世纪纪 2、人人物:物:汉汉谟谟拉拉比比 3、建建立立的的国国家:家:古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国国4、汉汉谟谟拉拉比比实实行行君君主主专专制制制制度,度,加加强强中中央央集集权,权,还还制制定定了了一一部部较较为为系系统统和和完完善善的的法法典。典。使使古古巴巴比比伦伦王王国国达达到到鼎鼎盛盛时时期。期。