高考英语阅读理解技巧讲义高考英语阅读理解技巧讲义1 1高考阅读概况分析高考阅读概况分析1 1)内容)内容五大类:五大类:人物事物名人传记、趣闻轶事、重大历史事件等科普自然科学(新科技、新发现)的解释或者幻想未来等方面的内容社会社会上的热点现象或者揭露存在的不良问题为主应用说明主要是以新闻、广告、产品说明等内容为主,题材新颖多变第五篇文章体裁不限,命题方式新颖,解题方法另类,自成一派2)2) 题型题型四大类:四大类:明示细节题细节题暗示细节题递推型推理题条件型文章发展方向判断全文主旨主旨题段落主旨排序题(只出现在第 5 篇阅读)代词词汇题生词深深入入统统计计分分析析二二(题题型型分分类类)1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 20061细节细节细节细节细节细节细节细节细节2细节推理细节细节细节推理细节细节细节3细节细节细节细节细节细节细节细节细节4细节细节细节推理主旨细节细节细节主旨5主旨推理推理词汇细节细节细节细节词汇6细节细节推理词汇推理词汇细节词汇细节7细节细节推理词汇推理推理推理推理细节8细节细节词汇细节推理细节词汇推理主旨9细节细节推理细节细节词汇推理推理词汇10主旨主旨推理词汇细节细节推理主旨主旨11推理推理细节主旨细节主旨主旨推理推理12细节细节推理细节推理细节细节词汇细节13细节细节细节细节推理细节细节细节细节14推理细节词汇推理词汇细节主旨细节细节15词汇主旨推理细节推理主旨推理主旨主旨16细节主旨细节主旨主旨17细节推理词汇主旨主旨18推理细节主旨主旨主旨19推理推理细节主旨主旨20细节细节主旨主旨主旨小计总计百分比细节121388798788050%推理5472624413522%主旨3221122792918%词汇0134121221610%第 1 页 共 23 页2 2阅读体系介绍阅读体系介绍范文:(2000 年 D 篇文章)Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for yeas. Now researchers say there are three different types of loneliness.The first kind of loneliness is temporary(暂时的). This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation-for example, family problem, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic(长期的)usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a persons social contacts, e.g. friends, family members, co-workers, etc. we depend on various people for different reasons. For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share similar interests and activities. However, psychologists have found that, though lonely people may have many social contacts, they sometimes feel they should have more. They question their popularity.Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons: they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease. While temporary and situational loneliness can be normal, healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a very sad, and sometimes dangerous condition.101.How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?(细)A. Talk to friends B. Just ignore itC. Go to see a doctor D. Ask your teachers for guidance102.It in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to _.(词)A. temporary lonelinessB. situational lonelinessC. a new placeD sleeplessness103.The topic of the 4th paragraph is that_.(主)A. one problem of loneliness is a persons social contacts第 2 页 共 23 页B. we depend on various person for different reasonsC. lonely people dont have many social problemsD. lonely people dont have many friends104. Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people? (细)A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problemsB. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illnessC. Chronic loneliness can not be overcomeD. A, B and C are all correct105 What is the best title for the passage? (主)A. Three Kinds of LonelinessB. Loneliness and DiseasesC. Loneliness and Social ContactsD. Chronic Loneliness先进的阅读体系先进的阅读体系流氓阅读法流氓阅读法篇章结构段落结构句子结构细节由顶及下 由粗至精篇章结构:注重行文脉络、文章框架,段落之间的联系段落结构:注重段落层次划分,Topic sentence 的把握句子结构:注重句子间的信息结构,逻辑关系细节:留心上下文中的举例补充说明,同位语,定语从句等帮助解释词汇3 3阅读提速阅读提速1)1) 纠正错误习惯纠正错误习惯读文章:读文章:a. 出声读b. 指读(手、笔)c回读做题目:做题目:全部做完一起对2)2) 加强做题节奏感加强做题节奏感时间分配:时间分配:根据文章难易程度,时间分配有侧重,基本上每篇文章时间控制在 78 分钟内第 3 页 共 23 页7=3 (看)+4 (做)永远“看文章时间” “做题时间”8=3 (看)+5 (做)读文章遍数:读文章遍数:推荐遍数 1.51.52 2 遍第 1 遍:采用扫读法通读全文一遍后 0.51 遍:带着问题,到文中定位,局部细读,再求正解第 4 页 共 23 页4 4量变量变质变质变1)1)量的积累量的积累阅读靠平时的积累,所以建议每天限时完成 5 篇阅读(全真模拟)好处:a戒除对阅读的恐惧心理b消除懒惰心理c培养阅读节奏、良好的阅读习惯2)2)质的腾飞质的腾飞完成“量的积累”的每天的工作量后,其实只完成了一半,需要对错误的题目进行总结如何总结:a 分析错误原因b 搞清生词c 语法点第 5 页 共 23 页各类文章的阅读法各类文章的阅读法一、区分文章类别一、区分文章类别不同类型的文章会有不同的篇章结构。对应每种类型文章的篇章结构往往都会有固定的写法,所以要学会一上来就迅速判定所读文章的类型,然后把固有篇章模式在脑海中展开,使得我们有备而来。其实,往往在读完第一段后就能判断出来,最多不会超过第二段。二、对应篇章结构二、对应篇章结构1 1)人物事物类文章)人物事物类文章:由于该类文章往往是按照事情发展顺序,或者时间先后顺序来写的,所以对于事件、人物类文章,牢牢记住抓三点,牢牢记住抓三点, “时间点、特殊点、专用名词点时间点、特殊点、专用名词点”对于时间点的把握就能很好的给全文划分段落特殊点的标注是因为往往这些部分就是考点专用名词的标注帮助我们快速定位具体操作:具体操作:1. 时间点:具体年月日、today、every year、on the third Tuesday in April、at the age of 14 等 When、While、During、As 等引导的时间状语从句2专用名词:大写的都划下来,注意出现多遍的只划最早出现的那个注意出现多遍的只划最早出现的那个3. 特殊点:But、However、While、Whereas 等引导的强转折 After all, In fact, Actually 等词也可表示强转折 与原情况不同之处也算作特殊点(在第一遍扫读文章时可能区分不出来) 比较级、最高级和用于表达比较或最高级含义的形容词也算特殊点: 例:As much as, Than, XX times greater, more than(程度), the morethe more,Significant,Important,Superior to,Inferior to 等。 Despite, although 等是让步关系,一律不算作特殊点技巧:技巧:1. 用自己习惯的三种标记进行划分,方便做题时迅速定位2. 题目中出现的人名可作为搜索关键词,直接从已划线部分中的对应句的上下 12 句中找答案(2004.A)3. 一般而言,人物事物类文章往往可以通过三点法迅速扫描完全文,帮助定位。但是这类文章有一种特例,如果读了两三段后,发现可以划的三点很少,果断放弃三点法,说明这类文章不适合用三点法,只能通过全面看文章,以及抓问题中的关键词来定位解题。(2002.A)第 6 页 共 23 页2 2)科普类文章)科普类文章:惯用手法:引出中心,说明中心引出中心,说明中心1 1引出中心内容的方法引出中心内容的方法1)1) A A butbut B B文中第一段出现这种结构的话,只关注后面的 B 部分,因为那才是文章的中心。类似的结构包括:In fact,Actually 等2)2) 用熟悉的事物做类比用熟悉的事物做类比A like B A as adj as B一般而言,英语里面后出现的往往是重点,但这类结构是特例,重点在但这类结构是特例,重点在 A A 部分部分A means BA contribute to B(还是表示因果关系)not unlikelike 平方,双重否定2 2说明中心内容的方法说明中心内容的方法1)1) 举例说明举例说明这种形式最常见,标志性词组:For example,for instance,such as2)2) 讲原理讲原理从科学的角度给你分析,为什么会这样3)3) 讲好处(讲好处(advantageadvantage)4)4) 讲问题(讲问题(disadvantagedisadvantage)5)5) 讲应用讲应用6)6) 分类说明:中心的两个侧面分类说明:中心的两个侧面主旨句也可能是复数概念,文章围绕主旨展开,说明主旨的各个方面7)7) 强对比说明强对比说明A A & & 非非 A A,截然相反,截然相反例:One mistaken idea of business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite the reverse. Business is the game which we must play with imperfect information.类似的常用表达方式还有 on the contrary of,opposite,reverse,反义词等第 7 页 共 23 页3 3)社会类文章)社会类文章:1 1社会问题社会问题1. 引出问题2. 解决问题的重要性3. 如何解决问题2 2社会现象社会现象具体的例子,话语,奇特之处,A 影响 B引出抽象现象说明的方法:说明的方法:1)举例2) 中心的一个侧面3) 解释原因4) 评价5) 存在的问题6) 排比说明4 4)应用说明类)应用说明类:这类文章比较特殊,以广告、产品介绍、新闻、日程安排等方面为主,鉴于考察点是部分的,以及因为文章的题材所限定,本身的脉络就很清晰,所以篇章结构的角度就不做归纳了。唯一要提醒大家的就是做题顺序,推荐如下:做题顺序,推荐如下:1) 扫读全文 23 秒,研究每个段落布局、粗体字、共同点等信息2) 读题干(边读边抓题干中的关键词)3) 分析题干(哪些部分可以省去不读)4) 定位后结合选项细读内容5) 做题(边读边做)第 8 页 共 23 页各类题型的解法各类题型的解法1)1) 细节题:细节题:可以分为明示细节题和暗示细节题两种a 明示细节题 1就是在文中已经给出明确的描述,要求你去找出具体是哪个,或者哪个不是(出题的形式为在选项中选择一个 paraphrase,换句话说的形式,作为与原文对应的答案)例 范101.How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?(细)A. Talk to friends B. Just ignore itC. Go to see a doctor D. Ask your teachers for guidance79Which of the following statements is NOT true ? (细)AAt her supervisors criticism , Martha lost her temper .BMr. Petri felt Martha was not valued in her present job .CMarthas interview with the director was on her lunch hour .DMartha got the name of the director through her cousin .b 暗示细节题 1/2文中并没有完全,但是已经半正面的给出了描述或者选项中并非完全给出但是已经半正面的给出了描述或者选项中并非完全给出 ParaphraseParaphrase的备选项,而是仅截取一部分的备选项,而是仅截取一部分,需要自己根据文章和选项进行一定的分析,和推理题有一些相近,注意不要混淆78Martha is unhappy in her job because . (细)Ashe has not advanced Bthe work in not significant Cher supervisor is younger than she Dthere is too much work with little payment 2)2) 推理题:推理题:0 0推理题就是文章已经告诉我们部分条件,但是并没有正面告诉我们具体会怎么样,需要我们根据逻辑情况,结合文章和选项做出推理例81What does Maria think of Marthas decision ? (推)AMartha has handled the matter properly .BMartha shouldnt have set the bridge on fire .CMartha should have found a new job before leaving .DMartha shouldnt have lost her temper with her supervisor .另外常见的推理题有这么三种类型:a 递推型:(AB,BC,AC)b 条件型:满足条件 A 就可以推断出发生了 B当然也会采用逆否命题的形式来发问,比如用一些 until,till,unlessc 文章发展方向推断例 2004 上海卷 D 篇89. What will the author probably discuss after the last paragraph?第 9 页 共 23 页A. More advantages of franchising.B. Risks of investment besides franchising.C. The standard of consumer acceptance.D. Negative aspects related to franchising三部曲解法:(按照顺序走下来定能找出答案)三部曲解法:(按照顺序走下来定能找出答案)1. 首段首句或末句2. 末段首句3. 末段末句或末句后半部3)3) 主旨题主旨题主旨题顾名思义就是归纳全文意思的一类题型,英语文章的阅读对主旨的把握来的更加简洁,只要把握好 Topic Sentence 就 Ok 了。全文主旨句往往出现在第一段的首句或末全文主旨句往往出现在第一段的首句或末句,段落的主旨句出现在每个段落的首句或末句。句,段落的主旨句出现在每个段落的首句或末句。这么说是有事实依据的,因为它和英文文章强调逻辑性以及老外习惯思维方式不无关系。主旨题又可以细分为全文主旨题和段落主旨题全文主旨题:全文主旨题:对整篇文章的大意作归纳,当然有时候也会出现一些变体形式,比如选个最合适的标题。只需找到 Topic Sentence,再从对应的选项中找到即可。小心一些变异情况(第二段升级为首段;末段综合等)(第二段升级为首段;末段综合等)段落主旨题:段落主旨题:答案到每个段落的首句和末句去找,很少情况下是需要两者综合的。答案到每个段落的首句和末句去找,很少情况下是需要两者综合的。研究段落结构的目的有二:1. 概括主旨 2. 划分层次(相比较而言,1 更重要)常见段落结构及划分标志:常见段落结构及划分标志:1. 引子主题型2. 总分结构(最普遍)首句 Topic Sentence,后面说明3. 分总结构(中国人的习惯,在英文文章中很少)4. 其他语法关系强对比、分类说明排序题:排序题:本质上这类题目属于段落主旨题,但是由于都是比较短的段落,很可能就 12 句话组成,之前的段落主旨题解法此处不适用,建议用下面的针对解法第五篇文章解题步骤:1)先看选项,知道重点、标志性词汇;2) 看一段落做一题,做完标上记号划去(能够对上标志性词汇的就是答案)3) 遇找不到或吃不准最后处理,先看下一段落第 10 页 共 23 页4) 做到最后发现备选项都很勉强,一定回头检查,很可能之前已经出现错误,千万不能放过,不然可能引起灾难性连锁错误。第 11 页 共 23 页4)4)词汇题词汇题词汇题分两类:考代词到底指代什么 所谓的生词一、考代词一、考代词把代词前夹杂的没有用的干扰东东全部去掉,然后重新构建句子结构,就能去肉存骨去肉存骨,迅速找到具体指代的内容E.g.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.102.It in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to _.(词)二、考生词二、考生词可能这个单词你背到过,但是切莫想当然的把生词的解释选上去,因为很可能考查的是第二、三义,所以一定要结合上下文语境,找到符合文章的意思。E.g.scale,resume,minute正解:正解:找到词汇所在句,以它为中心上下一两句内必有突破口。推荐先下后上先下后上的顺序,原因:后面可能性更大;时间上不吃亏八大突破口:八大突破口:1定语从句2解释3补充说明4举例5对比6 6基调基调7总括8标点符号(参看十三点句式之四)另外,这类题除了考查具体某个生词,还会考查 phrase 甚至是短语,or whatever,解法一致。第 12 页 共 23 页例 1:(2004 年上海卷 C 篇)Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to thema form of favourtismfavourtism will replace equality. At the moment, the bright child from an illrespected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a wellrespected school. This defend of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child form a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her schools reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favoured school.82. The word “favouritism” in paragraph 3 is used to describe the phenomenon that_.A. bright children also need certificates go get satisfying jobs.B. children from wellrespected schools tend to have good jobsC. poor children with certificates are favoured in job markets D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success例 2:(2003 年上海卷 B 篇)This was thethe lastlast strawstraw. She could not take another insult. Besides, Mr. Petri was right: she was being wasted in this job.80The phrase “ the last straw” in the middle of the passage probably refers to .Athe last opportunity Bthe straw that saves Marthas life Cthe last reminder Dthe final unpleasant thing 例 3:(2003 年上海卷 C 篇)More than anyone else, children are on the receiving end of their parents improved circumstances. “In the past , people had four or more children now , they have one or two , so they tend to spoil them ,” says Chwang . “The easiest way is to give them qualityquality foodfood . Parents think feeding them well is showing their love. They feel bad when their children look thin.”83According to this passage, the qualityquality foodfood fed by some parents is actually .Ahealthful food Bqualified food Cagreeable food Dhigh-calorie food 第 13 页 共 23 页十三点句式结构十三点句式结构一、一、各类逻辑关系各类逻辑关系是我们得以对文章、段落结构推测的重要标志,帮助确定重点,省去细节。1)1) 因果因果重点在果果上,实战中只关注只关注果部分Cause、make 等表示使动含义的动词(后面是果)A contribute to B(果)A(果) rest on/rest in/based on B In order to,So that,One result is that,Therefore,For this purposeaccording to,consequently2)2) 转折转折重点在转折后转折后上,实战中只关注只关注转折后部分But,However,While,WhereasIn fact,ActuallyUnfortunately/Fortunately3)3) 递进递进重点在递进前递进前,实战中重点关注重点关注递进前部分What is more,Furthermore,To make it worse/better,moreover,4)4) 让步让步前半句与后半句的推测是相反的关系,建议看后半句前半句与后半句的推测是相反的关系,建议看后半句Although, WhileE.g. While most people use white lies to make life easier, the majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life.二、二、举例(直接舍弃不读)举例(直接舍弃不读)In some cases, in particular (从一个侧面), sometimes标点符号:():,and(如果超过三个以上的并列,很可能会有一个细节题的考点)三、三、亮观点(放慢速度,重点看观点部分)亮观点(放慢速度,重点看观点部分)Show, prove, argue(提出结论), propose, conclude, considerSuggest (文章:提出;题干:推理题)Frequently, Often, In many ways第 14 页 共 23 页四、四、标点符号(取重舍轻方向标)标点符号(取重舍轻方向标)逗号:举例,并列作用;两逗号间同位语括号:举例,补充说明冒号:举例说明,因果(冒号前因后果)破折号:同位语,对前文的总结、概述分号:引出与前文对立或截然不同的观点五、五、并列并列1)1) 重要性的区分重要性的区分a. Business people, foreigners and families alike are making profits.b. A bathing machine was used for changing in, and for taking down to the sea.表达逻辑关系的并列不能省略不读表达逻辑关系的并列不能省略不读2)2) 分析长句作为划分小句子的依据分析长句作为划分小句子的依据How is it that he can leave B and J sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame, come back three hours later, and they are still sitting on the sofa?(如果时间紧张的话,直接看动词抓主干)3)3) 注意注意平行平行结构的省略结构的省略Those under 13 are limited to 40 days while those over 18 do 80 days.(Do 万能动词)六、六、类比(重点在类比(重点在 A A)Like, asas, not unlike, the same, Similarly七、七、强对比(只需理解一个,另外一个就是它的取非,重点在后)强对比(只需理解一个,另外一个就是它的取非,重点在后)On the contrary of, opposite, quite the reverse, reverse,反义词八、八、极端(出现在选项中可以直接排除)极端(出现在选项中可以直接排除)Nothing, best, worst, only, sole, Unique, merely,hardly,rare,few,little九、九、不定式不定式可做主语,也可做宾语,长句拆分的时候要注意合并To表示目的的不定式,关注的是逗号后面的如何实现十、十、不是而是不是而是Rather, B 翻译为“而是” ,关注后面的 BA instead of B,关注前面 A,因为新事物替换旧事物,肯定是重点讨论新事物 More / less than:It may seem more like a survival test than a break. (关注 Break,因为它才是本质的东西)第 15 页 共 23 页十一、十一、各类从句各类从句1) If 从句:As if/though, even if, unless=if not, Provided/Providing(细节中出现,可以跳过)2)2) 各类从句各类从句 定语从句在阅读中,处理方法如下:宾语从句1) 篇章结构阅读时,跳过状语从句2) 细读时,如是长句视为“大闷包” ,帮助进一步拆分多重从句3) 过去、现在分词引导的从句关注所对应的主语,不要在逻辑上犯低级错误十二、十二、倒装及颠序倒装及颠序Only if 等起强调作用,重点关注后面被倒装部分颠倒正常语序,关注后半部分十三、十三、特殊句式特殊句式(1)She is more clever than to have done such a foolish thing.(2)His long speech left me less than satisfied. (3)I never thought of it, much less than did. (4)It is a kind man that has his shortcoming.(5)Ive not heard from her since she worked there.(6)We will live up to the expectation of our teacher.(7)We own you an apology.(8)He is the last man to accept others advice.(9)There wasnt a day but it rained this month.(10) There is no rule but has some exceptions.(11) She would have fallen but that I caught her.(12) But for the rain, we should have had a pleasant trip.(13) Some large cities are anything but beautiful.(14) She is everywhere but in Beijing.(15) Are you happy here?No, far from it. Ive never been so miserable in my life.第 16 页 共 23 页(16) “No! You dont understand! Not before or after meals: instead of them.”(17)As if anyone would believe that story!(17)I would rather that I could believe it!第 17 页 共 23 页长句突破长句突破1. You are what you eat and fats are a main food for Asias fast-food generation. (2003 C)2. Regional or national advertising that might be financiall