精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -07( A )I first went to Harrow in the summer term. The school had the biggest swimming pool I had ever seen. It was a good joke to come up behind a naked boy, and push him into the pool. I made quite a habit ofthis with boys of my own size or less.One day I saw a boy wrapped in a towel on the side of the pool. He was no bigger than I was, so I thought hima fair game. Coming secretly behind,I pushed him in, holding on to his towel sothat itwould not get wet,I was surprised to see an angry face come out fromthe water, and abeing of great strength masking its way by face strokes 猛力的划 to the shore. I fled, but in vain. He overtok me, seized me violently,and threw me into the deepest part of ther pool. I soon climbed out on the other side, and found myself surrounded by a crowd of younger boys.“ Do you know what you have done. ”they said,“ It s Amery; he is in Grade Six. He is champion at gym,he has got his football honor. ”I was frightened and felt ashamed. How could I tell his position when be was wrapped in a bath towel and so small.” He didn t seem pleased at all, so I added in a most brilli“anMt wy ofardth, er, who is a great man, is also small. ”At this be laughed, and after some general words about my rudebehavior and how I had better be careful in the future, signified the incident was closed.56. The writer thought Amery “a fair game” because the boy.A. looked like an animalB.was fond of games C.was of similar sizeD.was good at sports 57.The writer felt “ ashamed” because.A.he was laughted at by other boysB.Amery turned out to be in the same grade C.he pushed Amery hard and hurt himD.he played a joke on an outstanding athlete 58.By saying“ My father, who is a great man, is also small ” , the write .A.tried to please AmeryB.challenged Amery C.threatened AmeryD.admired his father 59.Which of the following is TRUE.A.The writer could run faster than Amery.B.The writer liked playing on boys of all sizes. C.Amery was a student in Grade Four.D.Amery forgave the writer for his rude behavior.BRead the advertisements carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.LNTERESTED IN CHILDCARE.Qualified person or preschool teacher needed for busy childcare center, south of the river. Full-time workguaranteed. Immediate start necessary. The candidate must be able to workas a co-operative team member. Phone 6345 2345 for an interview and fax resume to 6345 2345.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -WE NEED OFFICE CLRANERS.Three people are required for professional cleaning in the CBD area. Working hours from 5:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. Appcoximately five hours per shift. A good record is necessary. Experience preferred. Phone 6345 7843 now.WANT TO WORK AS A DENTAL NURSE.This is an excitingopportunityfor a qualifieddental nurse with a confident and cheerful personality to work in the School Dental Health Schemae. You must be able to getalongwellwithchildrenbecause wrokinvolves talking to groupe about dental health practices. For furtget information,visitourwebsitea:schooledntalservices gov. sg. And fax your resume to 6234 4567.FLORLST WANTED.Areyouacreativeand trainedfloristwithatleast twoyearsofexperience. Then this may be justwhatyou are seeking. The city sleading Florist Artist Studio needs another part-time member on their wedding team. Please phone 6098 7888 now.60. You may find the above advertisements.A. in a store windowB.in a school magazine C.in a newspaperD.on a company notice-board 61.The position of anis a part-time job.A.floristB.artistC.preschool teacherD.dental nurse62. Which of the following is the most important for the childcare job. A.Cooking skills.B.Childcare experience.C.The ability to start work in two weeks.D.D.The ability to work well with other people.63. The office eleaners will be required to work abouthours a week.A.5B.10C.15D.20CAs a professor at a large American university, there is a phrase that I hear often from students:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -“ I m only a 1050”.The unlucky students are speaking of the score on the Seholastic AptitudeTest SAT, which is used to determine whether they will be admitted to the college or universityof their choice, or even have a chance to get a higher education at all. The SAT score, whether it is 800, 1 100 or 1550, has becomes the focus at this time of their life.It is obvious that if students value highlytheir test scores, then a great amount of theirself-respect is put in the number. Students who perform poorly on the exam are left feeling that itis all over. The low test score, they think, willmake it impossible for them to get into a good college. And without a degree from a prestigious university, they fear thatmany of life s doors will remain forever closed.According to a study done in the 1990s, the SAT is only a reliable indicator of a studentfuture performance in most cases. Interestingly,it becomes much more accurate when it is set together with other indicatorn like a student s high school grades. Even if standardieed tests like the SAT could show a steudnt s academic(pr学ofi业eie水n平cy) ,they will never be able totest things like confidence, efforts and willpower, and are unable to give us the full picture of astudent s potentiali(tie潜s 力) .This is not to suggest that we should stop using SAT scores in ourcollege admission process. The SAT is an excellent test in many ways, and the score is still a useful means of testing students. However, it should be only one of many methods used.64. The purpose of the SAT is to test students. A. strong willB.academic abilityC. full potentialitiesD.confidence in school work 65.Students-rseeslpf ect is influeneed by their.A. seores in the SATB.achievements in mathematic C.job opportunitiesD.money spent on education 66.“ A prestigious university ” is most probablyA.a famous universityB.a technical universtiyC.a traditional universityD.an expensive university 67.This passage is mainly about.A. how to prepare for the SATB.stress caused by the SATC.American higher educationD.the SAT and its effectsDBrian Walker chews pens. He bites them so hard that his boss has warned him to stop or buy his own.Kate sweakness is more acceptable-she is unalbe to walkpast a cake shop without可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结overeating Sophin Cartier finds her cigarette habit a headache, while Alice-sucking drives s thumb可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结her boy friend crazy. Four people with very different habits, but they all share a common problem anxiety disorder or, in serious cases. Obessive Compulisive Disorder OCD.From nail-biting to too much hand-washing, overeating and internet addiction(上瘾) ,OCD iswidespread in almost every workplace and countless home.“It is a relatively common form of nxiety, ” says Dr. Mootee.“ Tbe main feature of OCD is the repetitin of unwanted bosersive(过度的)thoughts such as worries that doors are left unlocked , gas or electrical appliances are lefton.” In order to fight against the an esasy chedcking door locks and gas or electrical appliandces. Dr. Mootee says that repetitive washing, particularlu of the hands, is the most common type ofOCD. She hastreated manypatients who wash their hands up to 30 times a day. The technique Mootee uses to treat people with OCD is called cognitive-behavioral therapy(认知行为疗法).可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -“ It is based on the general idea that people have the ability to change the way they think and behave,” says Mootee.Butwhen does a haibt become a problem. “ It psersonal,” says Mootee. “ Everyone hassomethingunusual,but ifyou can ptut up withit,then itas problemand you need to do something to change it. ” Mootee says many people reaist for treatmet because they fear they are “ crazy” . But as people become more knoledgeable about these problems they will go and gethelp. The only way to coure is to coqnuer.68. If a person suffers from OCD, be is likely to keep doing any of the following EXCEPT. A.chewing pensB.hurting himselfC.sucking fingersD.biting nails69. According to the passage, a person suffering from OCD. A.reduces his/her anxiety by taking drugsB.gets into unwanted hagbits to relieve stress C.has unwanted thoughts about habitsD.has unwanted thoughts because of illness70. Dr. M ootee s treating lechnique is based ont eh idea that.A. everyong has something different B.people can put up with their problemsC.people can chag their way of thinking and action D.people tend to repeat their obsessive actions71. Bysaying“ Theonlywayto cure is toconquer.” DMr. ooteesuggests that an OCDsufferer.A. has to be an extraordinary person B.must cure his illness by himselfC. must overcome many physical illnessesD. should have a right attitude towards the problem EThe literal meaning of philosophy is“ love of wisdom ”. But this meaning does not tell us verymuch . Unlike the other discilines (学科) ,philosopjy cannot e defined by what you study ,because itsiactuallyunlimited.Anythingcan be the subject matter ofphilosophy:are,history,law, language, literature, mathematics, and in fact, the other academic disciplines are directly related to philosopkhy.For this reason you get a Doctorate (博士学位)ofPhilosoophyPh. D.in biochemisty, or computer science, or psychology.Two broad sub-fields of philosophy are logic and the history of philosophy. Logic is the science of argument and eritical thinkging . It provides sound methods for distinguishing good from bad reasonign .The history of philosopjy involives the study of major philosophers and perrsiad in the development of philosophy.Of what use is philosophy. First itis useful in educational advancemet . Itis necessary for undesrtanding otherdisciplines. Only philosopjyquestiong the nature ofthe concepts used in a discipline, and its relatin to other disco;omes. And throught the stdy of philosophy, one develops sound methods of research and analysis that can be applied to any field.There are a numberof gengral uses of philosophy.It strengthens one sabilityto solveproblesm, to communieate, to organize ideas and issues, to presuade, and to takewhat is the most important form a large quamity of data. These general uses are of great benefit in the career firld,可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -not necessarily ofr boutaining onej s first job aifotenr,gbruatdfuoar tpreparing for posttions of responsibility, managemetn and leadershin later on. It is very shor sihte after all, to take a courseof studies only for the purpose of getting one s first job. The useful skills developed throught thestudyofphilosophyhav significanglong-termbenefitsincanreer advancement. Noother discipline systematically follows the ideals of wisdom, leadership, and capacity to reasolve human conflict.72. Accprdomg to Paragraph 1. philosophy can best be described as the study of. A.social sciencesB.natural sciencesC.both social and natural sciencesD.the subject matter of politics 73.With the study of philosophy, you can.A.become a great leaderB.succeed in everythingC.find a good job soon after graduationD.make progress in your career development 74.According to the passage, which of the follwing statements is TRUE.A.Philosophy is an independent discipline.B.Logic helps you to become a better thinker.C.The study of philosophy brings you immediate benefits. D.The meaning of philosophy is too limited to define.75. From the passage, we can concludeA. not all the subjects have to do with philosophyB.a person will get a Ph. D.if he/she studies philosophy C.philosophy can be helpful for the study of any other subjects D.philosophy is the only solution to all the probleras in the world08AAfter the Summer Olympics are over, when all the athletics have gone home and the television audience has switched off,another group of athletics and fans willarrive at the host city, and another competition will begin. These are the Paralympics, the games for athletes with a disability.But in Beijing in 2021, for the first time, one of the greatest Paralympics will not be taking part.She is a British athlete by the name of Tanni Grey-Thormpson. Born with spine hifida 脊椎裂 which left her paralysed from the waist Bown. Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7. atfirst, she was not keen on sport, apart from horse-riding, which gave her a sense of freedom. But in her teens, she started taking sports more seriously. She tried swimming, basketball and tennis. Eventually she found athletics, and never looked back.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Indeed, Tanni s athletic career took off. In 1984, when she was 15, she pleudlvictory in the 100metres at the Junior National Wheelchair Games.off a surprise可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结In 1998, Tanni went to her first Paralympic Games in Seoul. She won bronze in the 400 metres. Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelonn. Paralympics. Tanni won gold in the 100, 200, 400 and 800 metres relay, setting two world records in the process. In the same year she achieved she first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.Tanni s enduring success had been part motivation动 机 , part preparation,he trai“ninTg I dothat enables me to be a good sprinter短跑运动员 enables me to be good at a marathon too. Itrain 50 weeks of the year and thatkeeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to see. I am可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 15 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -still competing at a very high lever, but as I get older things get harder and I want to