武汉大学 重点学科建设项目汇报.ppt
自助自助Self-service: moving to self-sufficiency 满足满足Satisfaction 无缝无缝SeamlessnessWhat does a visit to a U.S. public library cost?What does a visit to a U.S. public library cost?$50,000 $85,000 Estimates Minutes Annual income Annual income Travel time 20 $ 8.00 $13.60 Time in library 30 $12.00 $20.40 Return travel time 20 $ 8.00 $13.60 Per capita library expenditures1 -$ 6.43 $ 6.43 TOTAL $26.43 $40.43 1. Public Libraries in the United States:Fiscal Year 2001, U.S. Dept. of Education. NCES 2003-399. 1,5002,6004,5009,500 20,0006,50015,00012,00005,00010,00015,00020,00019971998199920002001200220032004distribute (in any form, including, but not limited to: printed, electronically relayed, posted to user restricted list services or user restricted bulletin boards, or magnetically stored). Whether licensee is allowed to download the complete database for digital preservation purposes.