尼克胡哲励志经典演讲稿(精选多篇)第一篇:尼克胡哲演讲稿i so tempted to look at myself,我当时真想看着自己and go like med up my life and thought,当我八岁时我便为一生下了定论i"m never going to get married, i"m not going to have a job,我永远不会结婚 永远不会找到工作i"m not going to have a life of purpose.永远不会找到人生目标s in life,就像生命中经历风浪and you don"t any girls have eating disorders. 患有饮食失调症的女孩子人多得惊人it is scary to an!而男孩子们你们是最棒的on this dvd,通过该dvdi share my experiences in life of y hands! 手都没知觉了 i love life. 我热爱生命you ay not have hands to hold my any people actually feel like they"re y life 分享重要的生命原则和态度that has given me the strength to conquer all that comes before me. 给以我力量去跨越一切逆境第四篇:尼克胡哲演讲稿周江龙202*级2班202*444182英文演讲初稿原著:尼克胡哲i have no arms and no legs, but im very thankful that i have my little chicken drumstick. there is to be thankful. its hard to be thankful ile sometimes in life. there are things that happen that you dont es get tough, its not the end. the question is “are you going to finish strong?” the definition of a disability is something that y passion is to encourage people, to inspire people to be all that they can be. i found my purpose, i found my strength, and i e back, leaving?” you any people think that i have only one foot, just because you cant see the other one. ive gone from a life without limbs, into a life without limits. what about you?第五篇:尼克·胡哲观后感尼克·胡哲观后感听了尼克·胡哲的演讲,心中一直荡漾着层层的波澜,久久不能平静。尼克·胡哲天生没有手脚,可是他却活的那么有意义。凭着他那坚强的意志,却获得了两个大学的学士学位!这不得不使我们正常人都佩服有加,他的演讲富有激情,也很有趣,他曾经说过:若上帝没有赐你一个你想要的奇迹,那么他其实是想你成为别人的奇迹!多么感人的一句话,正是这句话激发了许多残疾人的斗志。更感动了千千万万的正常人!尼克·胡哲曾被许多学校拒绝过,这使他连自杀的心都有了,好不容易有一个学校愿意接受他,可是他上学的第一天,居然有十二个人嘲笑他,他想:如果再有一个人嘲笑我,我就不活了。放学的路上,一个小女孩儿叫住他,尼克·胡哲心想:完了,我今天活不成了!可是小女孩儿说:“尼克,你今天很棒!”就是这简单的一句话,把他从绝望的边缘拉了回来。这件事让我懂得了一个道理:你的一句话可以拯救一个人,也可以毁掉一个人!做为我们教师,对学生的每一句话也是一样的,有的时候一句话可以使一个孩子拥有上进的决心,有时候一句话又可以影响一个孩子的一生。做为我们教师,一定要时时刻刻鼓励我们的学生,扬起他们生活的风帆。不要抱怨生活如何不尽人意,看看尼克·胡哲的人生经历和生活态度,我们还能说什么?记住:对生活充满希望,永不放弃,爱自己,爱他人!每个一个自己都是最独特的,最美的!我们所接触的学生形形色色,各样的家庭都有,这就需要我们用爱心为他们支撑起一片天空,让他们在蔚蓝的天空下自由幸福的翱翔,成为一只只雄鹰,搏击长空! 第 4 页 共 4 页