狠抓词汇落实,培养语境意识,2015学业考试单项选择与完形填空试题分析及备考策略,文成中学高二英语备课组 叶雪微,一、学考地位,1.高中生毕业的基本依据2.高等院校招生录取和用人单位招聘的重要参考依据3.为高考做准备,不容小觑,师生高度重视,共同努力,二、题型分析-单项选择,附表一 2015年1月学考单选 考点分布,附表二 近三次学考单项选择考点分布对比,2015单选题正答率(目前高二学生),存在的主要问题:1)词汇量不够。2)基本语法、句法知识掌握不好。3)微语境意识不强。4)抛却一切常识去考试。,备考策略,狠抓词汇落;巧做语法复习;谨记语境于心;错题整理成集 a. 死记加活用 b. 回炉再利用 c. 旧貌换新颜 d. 精讲加多练 e. 语境记于心 f .整理错题集,三、题型分析-完形填 空,附表三 近三次学业考试完形填空考点分布对比,2015完形填空学生正答率,主要的问题,1) 词汇的缺乏2) 时常无法正确把握文章主题,以致偏离作者的意图,错误较多3) 无法充分利用语篇语境或对语篇理解有偏差4) 做题缺乏技巧备考策略若要完形分数高,基础知识掌握牢,语篇语境利用好,再加解题的技巧,备考策略在实践中运用语境,体验真题找感觉适当改编用处大模拟试题隔天练,集体个人大练兵英语美文隔天见,一起扩大知识面,备考策略在语境中运用技巧,关注首尾,看清主题 快速浏览,掌握大意 先易后难,逐层击破 理清逻辑,看清关系 上下联系,心存语境 通读检测,纠错确认,Thank you!,死记加活用,The beauty of the journey is found in the scenery a_the way.Many kids in Europe are a_ to swim when theyre young while the Chinese cantHe received a gift, but he didnt a_.I didnt mean to break it-it was an a_.The first a_skills are of great use when needed.When you get injured, you can slow the bleeding by a_pressure to the wound.Shelly had prepared carefully for the exam so that she could pass it at her first a_.Nicks singing performance didnt a_to me but I found Lucys quite amazing.The teacher a_ me to watch English movies and I found this suggestion quite helpful.,旧貌换新颜,With fresh memories of my high school life, hoping that every thing would be going on smoothly.1.U_, my first class day was marked with two mistakes. The first one I made was that I went to a wrong classroom-I should have 2. a_ a history class, but 3. _ _(最后处于) in a biology class. I knew everyone would stare at me if I got up and left in the middle of the lecture, so I remained 4.s_. I made the second mistake in the dining-room where I stepped in a puddle of ketchup. I dropped my food plate and 5. f_ to the ground. Feeling 6.a_, I avoided going to the dining-room for the following three days,