精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上红色字为我的注解O(_)OWalt Whitman (1819-1892)1.简介 A part of the transition between Transcendentalism and Realism The father of free verseFree verse is a form of poetry that refrains from meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern. Although free verse requires no meter, rhyme, or other traditional poetic techniques, a poet can still utilize them to create some sense of structure. For example, Walt Whitman repeats certain phrases and uses commas to create both a rhythm and structure. Contribution1. He believes the American poets would create both new forms and new subjects matter for poetry.2. In terms of poetic form, he advocated a completely new and completely American form of expression-free verse.3. In terms of contents, most of his poems are about man and nature, especially common people and ordinary Americans. He wanted his poetry to be for the common people Features of Whitmans poetry1. The use of a certain pronoun “I”2. Two principlesA. Parallelism or a rhyme of thoughtB. Phonetic recurrence ( the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of the line, in the middle or at the end)3. The adopt of “free verse”-poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme4. The use of colorful words and vivid images (example) Major worksLeaves of GrassSong of Myself I hear America Singing 2. 草叶集课文中出现的 ONES-SELF I SING, Among the Multitude, When I Peruse the Conquerd Fame, A Noiseless Patient Spider 都是出自草叶集。Leaves of Grass: A collection of Whitmans poems and his lifelong achievementWhitman experimented in his works with new poetic form of free verse and oral lg. Thus, Leaves of Grass has become landmark in American literary history, which represents the poet, the people, and the nation in the 19th America and celebrates the future of the nation and the ideals of equality, democracy, dignity, self-reliant spirit and joy of common people. It marked the birth of truly American poetry, which changed Whitman from a conventional, undistinguished man into one of Americans greatest and most original poets. It has attained almost universal acceptance as Americas greatest book of poems. It has been praised as “Democratic Bible”(共和圣经) and as American Epic.The most famous pieces are: Song of myself, there was a child went fort, etc.3. 赏析ONES-SELF I SING当时他对处于上升阶段的资本主义美国充满信心, 对美国的民主抱有幻想。他所体现的主旨和基本内容就是“个性”和“自我”。诗人认为一切之“中心”的个性及其代表者就是“我自己”, 是像“草叶”一样平凡的人和事物。诗人一方面把自己描写成为一个普通的美国人, 另一方面又赋予自己超人的能力。选自草叶集,主题中心思想参照草叶集即可Alliteration 头韵(simple & separate; passion & pulse & power; free & formd)Phonetic recurrence 重复(“I sing”四次; “alone”两次; “of”两次; “worthy”和“worthier”)突出主题的关键词的头一个字母大写 (Self; Democratic; En-masse; Form; Female; Male; Life; Modern Man)翻译:我歌唱人本身我歌唱人本身, 一个独特的、纯粹的人,不过要说出“民主的”这个词, 道出“大众”这个词的声音。我全心全意地歌唱人的生成,不仅容貌, 不仅头脑, 而整个形体更值得歌颂。我歌唱男性, 同样也歌唱女性。我歌唱现代的人,那饱含激情、生命旺盛和活力无限的巨大生命,快乐地采取天赋权利的自由行动。I Hear America SingingA: Diction (the choice and use of words in literature) Nouns such as: mechanics, mason, work, deckhand, shoemaker, hatter, woodcutter, ploughboy, and mother. - Images of the working class society Verbs: measure, make, singing, sit, stand, sewing, washing - a moving picture of people performing their different jobs B: Main idea It presents the picture of the Americans who from all occupations are singing for their cheerful and creative work and their dream through out American. Themes:An eulogy (颂词) to thriving American nation, the laboring people, the poets optimistic attitude toward the world and life. C: Tone Cheerful, happy, optimistic D: Language Simple and even rather crude; Have a tendency to oral EnglishE: Parallelism and phonetic recurrenceEdwin Arlington Robinson (1860-1935)1. 简介Edwin Arlington Robinson was regarded as the leading American poet-the equal of Frost and Stevens. Robinson was a major poet and a pivotal figure in the course of modern American literature.Edwin Arlington Robinson was a poet of transition. He lived at the time following the Civil War when America was rebuilding and changing rapidly and when the dominant values of the country seemed to be growing increasingly materialistic. Robinson's poetry was transitional, evaluating the present by using traditional forms and by including elements of transcendentalism and puritanism.He was the first to write about ordinary people and events-an honest butcher consumed by grief, a miser with "eyes like little dollars in the dark," ancient clerks in a dry goods store measuring out their days like bolts of cloth. In simple yet powerful rhetoric, he explored the interior worlds of the people around him.Major Themes: Historical Perspectives, and Personal Issues1. God is no longer caring.2. Men suffer from frustrations and want of mutual understanding.3. Life is in general futile and meaningless.4. By demonstrating the tragic vision in step with the modern spirit, he suggests a despairing courage to seek out the meaning of life. 悲观下的执着Robinson is a "people poet," writing almost exclusively about individuals or individual relationships rather than on more common themes of the nineteenth century. He exhibits a curious mixture of irony and compassion toward his subjects-most of whom are failures-that allows him to be called a romantic existentialist.Significant Form, Style, or Artistic Conventions:Although Robinson's subject matter and philosophical stance differ markedly from that of his predecessors', his form is unremittingly traditional. He considered movies, prohibition, and free verse "a triumvirate from hell," and said that if free verse were as easy to write as it was difficult to read, he was not surprised there was so much of it.Some commentsl pessimistic philosophy and a pessimistic poetl Realistic viewl Story-telling methodl Simplicity of style and languagel Intricacy and subtlety of thoughtStyle1. Realistic point of view2. simple and plain depiction3. intricate and subtle thought2.赏析Miniver Cheevy"Miniver Cheevy" is marked by a broad, hyperbolic humor. The character that the poem displays is a figure of fun. However, the humor is wry; we can laugh at the drunkard who drinks to escape, only as long as we ignore his plight. There is more than a him of self-portraiture in Miniver's deluded enchantment with a past that never was. The poem suggests, in a comic way, what Eugene O'Neill portrays in The Iceman Cometh; the survival value for the unsuccessful of delusion plus drink; for those who, like Cory, face up to the truth of things, a bullet may be inevitable. 他早期有许多诗,写孤独、任性、无所适从、缺乏安全感的人,行文极其细致,有时能够恰如其分地获得新英格兰那种淳朴口语的真趣。这样的诗如艾萨克与阿奇博尔德('Isaac and Archibald'),米尼弗·契维('Miniver Cheevy'),爱罗斯·特兰诺斯('Eros Turannos')和弗洛德先生的酒会('Mr. Flood's Party')表现了机智和问题的关键,蕴藏著对於"徒然"的深切领悟。他显示了人类的处境表面尽管光润,其实复杂而乏味。甚至在米尼弗·契维里(从某些方面看,这是一首滑稽诗)米尼弗爱上了梅迪奇家里的人,虽然他从来没有看见过一个;如果他能够做其中一个,他大概会不断犯罪。即使在这里,最后的调子也是失败的调子米尼弗·契维,出生过迟抓抓头皮,继续思维;米尼弗咳了一声,说一切是命,喝得他大醉酩酊。Richard CoryThis poem is basically an extended description of a man, a very rich, gentle, clean, and successful man, named Richard Cory.Corys social standing, in the narrators eyes, Cory continues to be the perfect, polite gentleman, as he was “always human when he talked.” Cory was certainly not the picture of a snobbish or rude man. Cory was also a very popular fellow, as he “fluttered pulses” with a simple “Good-morning”.Add that he “glittered when he walked”, and Cory is an impressive social figure indeed. The poem doesnt tell the readers why Richard Cory dies the way he dies. It is anybodys guess. The poem is thus also an illustration of Robinsons fascination with “psychological enigmas”(解谜), enigmas that were the product of modern life.Theme: 1.Wealth and PovertyThe poems last line is pivotal and surprising because Richard Cory is powerful and in control, and such a man would seem to have no reason to kill himself. The reason his wealth is important is that it is thought to have made him a better person than most other people. With Corys suicide, it becomes clear that happiness has escaped him. Because he had material success, everyone just assumed he had attained a spiritual peace and emotional fulfillment. They misjudged him because of superficial appearances. Like the narrator, readers are left wondering what money really buys, other than material goods. It turns out that the rich are afflicted with the same despair and spiritual bankruptcy as the rest of the population.2. Success and FailureAs this poem shows, success is relative. Richard Cory evidently was not satisfied with what he had accomplished in his life. Many people admired him and envied his life. The “light” in the 9th line is a mixture of the actual means to pay for gas or electric lighting, of enlightenment, and of Gods grace. The people want some sort of approval that would let them feel that they are not failures, that their lives had attained some level of success. However, with the suicide of Richard Cory, they are completely at a loss, not knowing the differences between success and failure. Style“Richard Cory” is a dramatic monologue, meaning that the speaker is assumed to be speaking to an audience. It is divided into four stanzas of four lines. Each line is in iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme for “Richard Cory” is abab cdcd efef ghgh. This scheme with the last two lines repeating the rhythmical and rhyme pattern of the first two lines creates balance between these pairs of lines, which Robinson uses effectively to give a sense of control to the poems tone. William Carlos Williams1.简介Williams was a devoted, practicing physician during most of his literary career, and much of his work demonstrates his respect and concern for his patients and their life situations. The poverty, suffering, and means of survival among the ordinary, poor people of his native New Jersey inform most of Williams short fiction. His term for the vernacular language is essential to shaping his vision of the American experience. Unconventional in form and episodic(插话式的) in construction, his realistic, and sometimes graphic, stories often juxtapose(并列,并置) vivid imaged from life to convey their messages. Although Williams wrote a significant amount of prose, his poetry is his marking point. He experimented with many different styles, including terza rima(,t:tsri:m三行体诗) and free verse. Stylistically, Williams preferred the line over the sentence. Williams was also influenced by many "-isms," two which effected him greatly are dadaism (达达主义:崇尚虚无的艺术派别)and cubism(立体主义). He was a major writer in the modernist movement, helping to create a clear American voice. In his work, he wished to speak like an American within an American context of small cities, immigrants, and workers. He wanted his poetic line to reflect the rhythm of everyday speech and drew his subject matter from ordinary surroundings - a painting, a red wheelbarrow, a dish of plums. Poetic ideasPoetry was, for Williams, a crucial and necessary yet something ignored means of communicating. Williamss ideas were basically humanistic respect yourself and others, love those you can, and try to make the world a better place.One quality that Williams admired greatly was persistence. He loved old people who kept their vigorous response to life, just as he admired artists who kept improving and perfecting their work. Four qualities for new poetry:1. The use of commonplace subjects and themes. The poet must write about things people can respond to, things people have seen and know. Otherwise, literature stands separate from its readers.2. The poets duty to write about real events or objects in a language that all people could understand, with an ear for the way people actually speak.3. Specificity. Williams objects to traditional poetry that talked in generalities, such as poems that treated love, death, anger, and friendship as abstractions rather than as real things. 4. Made the point by focusing attention on concrete reality. Also, Williams paid attention to simple objects, like the read wheel barrows, that other poet ignored, and he found poetic qualities in these everyday objects. 2. 赏析The Red WheelbarrowIt is a poem by and often considered the masterwork of American 20th-century writer William Carlos Williams. The 1923 poem exemplifies the Imagist-influenced philosophy of “no ideas but in things”. This provides another layer of meaning beneath the surface reading. The style of the poem forgoes摒弃 traditional British stress patterns to create a typical “American” image.The subject matter of The Red Wheelbarrow is what makes it the most distinctive and important. He lifts a brazier to an artistic level, exemplifying the importance of the ordinary; as he says, a poem “must be real, not 'realism', but reality itself." In this way, it holds more in common with the haiku of Bash(松尾 芭蕉) than with the verse of T. S. Eliot.注释: “那么多东西”这个意象和漫无边际的雨水相对应,正如“红色手推车”与作者所在的房屋相对应。 这首诗的色彩丰富,像一幅水彩画。其中红色是主调,白色是映衬。 “晶亮”也是一种颜色,是一种可由读者自由想象的颜色。 设想一下这辆手推车是一个轮子的,它摇晃着前行的样子,与小鸡的步态十分相似。旁白: 一这首诗的场景是在雨中,每一节的第一行和第二行之间的折断(注意到第二行更短促一些)令人想起了“雨滴”。二威廉斯后来曾谈到,写这首诗歌的时候,他坐在一个生病的儿童旁边,这个孩子正抬头望着窗外。这一点对我们理解这首诗应该有所帮助。三这首诗并没有什么暗示或象征,它只是一幅清新、具体的画面。它告诉我们,一首诗有时可以纯粹表达喜悦和美,而不要任何深刻的含意。红色手推车那么多东西依靠一辆红色手推车雨水淋得它晶亮旁边是一群白鸡The Red WheelbarrowSo much depends upon a red wheelbarrow glazed with rainwater beside the whitechickens Much attention has been given to the word “glazed” in the fifth line of the poem. It is the only word in the poem that can be said to carry an aesthetic meaning. This word is “the real agent of the poems efficacy”, because it transforms the wheelbarrow into an object of aesthetic contemplation.注: The Young Housewife 找不到赏析Wallace Stevens1. 简介Wallace Stevens is one of America's most respected poets. He was a master stylist, employing an extraordinary vocabulary and a rigorous precision in crafting his poems. But he was also a philosopher of aesthetics, vigorously exploring the notion of poetry as the supreme fusion of the creative imagination and objective reality. In Stevens view, the world outside is inevitably transformed within each persons mind into something apart from the real world, into something different from “things as they are”.Stevens Philosophical Thoughts and Writing Style1. Main topic: the relationship between reality and poetry, nature and imagination2. 2 kinds of reality: a. The objective reality: the perceptions by the five sensesb. The subjective reality: mental world dominated by imagination (to arrange the chaotic information from the sensual perception)3. Hedonism: the significance on the enjoyment of sensua