精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上用电安全管理规定Electrical Safety Regulations3.1 营地用电设施配置 Electricity configuration of camp 3.1.1 营地使用发电机发电,通过配电箱分路控制营地电路,发电机及配电箱需安全接地,安装断路保护器。In case generators are used in the base camp, the network is controlled by the distribution box. Every facility should to be earthed well, and the circuit breaker shall be installed properly.3.1.2 配电箱、配电板、按钮开关、插座以及导线等,必须保持完好、安全,不得有破损,并张贴安全警示标示。在室外的应有防雨措施,并离地距离不少于30厘米,并牢靠关闭。每个配电柜内安装断路保护器。The distribution boxes, switchboards, push-button switches, sockets and wires shall be kept intact, safe, undamaged, and be marked with safety warnings. In the outdoors, rain-proof measures should be taken for these electricity facilities, and keep distance not less than 30cm from the ground, also firmly locked. Circuit breaker should be installed in all the distributors.3.1.3 选择符合室外安装施工的标准电缆,带保护外套的多股铜芯电缆。电缆与电缆的连接采用防水电缆连接器进行连接。所有电缆进行挖地50厘米埋置,并安插安全警示标示。Qualified cable, multi-strand copper cable with protective jacket, must to be used outdoor. Waterproof cable connector should be used for cables link. All cables should be buried 50 centimetres under the ground and planted with safety warning signs.3.1.4 野外营房车包括制冰室、食堂、仓库、盥洗间、卫生间、洗衣房等安装接地棒,室内安装断路保护器。室内线路进行防水防高温处理,铺设PVC线槽。Trailers, which include ice rooms, canteens, warehouses, toilets, bathrooms, laundry and so on, should be installed with grounding rods and indoor circuit breakers. Indoor cable should be waterproofed and high temperature resistance covered with PVC wire trunking.3.1.5 空调安装选择符合规定的电缆线连接电源,有牢固可靠的接地。室内机器安装牢固,加装固定卡。插座电源单独连接室内配电箱。As for the air conditioner installation, specified cables should be considered, with earth solid and fixed. Indoor unit should be installed with fixed clip firmly. The power supply should be separated by indoor distribution box.3.1.6 露天场地照明灯具、开关、插座安装要用防水灯头和防水灯具,采用带有保护外套的电缆。Lamps, switches, and sockets, etc. in the outdoor should be waterproofed, and with jacket cable.3.1.7 油库、民爆物品库需安装专业防爆电器。Special explosion-proof electrical appliances should be used in fuel depots, and magazine area.3.2 接地装置要求 Grounding device specification3.2.1 接地装置外观应当良好,不应有松动、脱焊、损伤、严重锈蚀和脱漆。Grounding device should be in good condition and not in loose, off welding, damaged, severe corrosion and stripping.3.2.2 接地棒采用直径1厘米的铜棒长度为1.5米,连接线为10平方毫米多股铜芯电缆。As for grounding rods, it prefer copper bar with diameter of 1 cm and length of 1.5 meters, the connection cable should be used by 10mm² multi-strand copper cables.3.2.3 在有腐蚀性的土壤中,对接地装置应采取防腐措施。In the corrosive soil area, anti-corrosion measure should be taken for the grounding device.3.3 营地用电安全管理Electricity management at camp3.3.1 电工需持有当地政府认可的从业资格证书。Qualified certification which issued by local government are required for the electricians. 3.3.2 电工作业时需按规定穿戴劳动保护用品,所有临时用电作业,需按照作业许可制度的要求获得作业许可、执行作业;作业期间,需严格执行上锁/挂牌制度。The electricians must wear PPE and obey permit to work schedule. In the process of the work, the lock-out and tag-out procedure shall be strictly implemented.3.3.3 严禁用水冲洗或用湿布擦拭电气设施,以防发生短路和触电事故。To avoid circuit short and electric shock, do not flush with water or clean with a damp cloth.3.3.4 电器在使用过程中,发生打火、异味、高热、怪声等异常情况时,必须立即停止操作,关闭电源,并及时找电工检查、修理,确认能安全运行时,才能继续使用。In the process of using electrical appliances, when sparking, odour, high temperature, and strange sound occurred, the operation must be stop immediately, the power must be turned off. Then ask electricians to check, repair in time until the problem is fixed.3.3.5 所有人员接受安全用电培训。All personnel needed to be trained of safety course about working with electricity.3.3.6 人员离开工作场所要随手关灯及其它所有用电设备。Turn off the lights and other electrical equipments when personnel leave.3.3.7 固定场所使用所有电气设备,必须由专业电工进行安装、维修及保养。配电线路要满足负荷要求,严禁私自改变电源铺设线路、私自增减电气设备、私拉乱接。All electrical devices shall be handled by qualified electrician for installation, repair and maintenance. Power cable should meet the requirement of load. It is strictly forbidden to change the power supply cable without permission, and privately increase or decrease the electrical devices.3.3.8 各班组必须经常监督检查本部门所管辖的电气线路、用电设备,防止因绝缘老化、侵蚀、机械损伤、被虫害咬破等原因导致短路起火及触电事故。Each crew must regularly inspect electrical cables and devices so as to prevent circuit short and electric shock accident due to insulation aging, erosion, mechanical damage and insect biting.3.3.9 搬运可移动的电气设备时要先切断电源,不允许拖拉电源线来搬移电气设备。Cutting off power supply in advance when mobilize portable electrical and pulling cable directly is forbidden. 3.3.10 不准在带电的导线上晒衣服、挂东西。Forbid to hang out clothes and other things on the live wire. 3.3.11 每月组织营地经理、HSE部门、电工对营地安全用电进行检查,杜绝宿舍使用超过线路负载的电器设备。Organize camp managers, HSE departments, electricians to inspect electricity usage safety monthly, forbid to use electrical devices which cause overload in the dormitory.3.3.12 所有用电设施、漏电保护器需由专业电工每月进行测试,并保留测试记录。 All electric power facilities and leakage protection devices shall be tested and filed by electricians monthly.专心-专注-专业