精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上本设计为地处长江下游某城市经济开发区日处理量5万吨的污水处理厂初步设计。 本设计采用循环活性污泥法CASS(cyclic activated sludge system)处理工艺。该工艺是将序批式活性污泥法(SBR)的反直池沿长度方向分为两部分,前部为生物选择区也称预反应区,后部为主反应区,其后部安装可升降的滗水装置,CASS可在连续进水-间歇排水的周期循环方式下运行,集曝气-沉淀-排水于一体。该工艺是一个好氧缺氧厌氧交替运行的过程,具有一定脱氮除磷效果,废水以推流方式运行,而各反应区则以完全混合的形式运行以实现同步硝化一反硝化和生物除磷。对于一般城市污水,CASS工艺并不需要很高程度的预处理,只需设置粗格栅、细格栅和沉砂池,无需初沉池和二沉池,也不需要庞大的污泥回流系统(在CASS反应器内部有约2O的污泥回流)。 本工程设计两组CASS池,每组CASS池又分别设3个独立的反应池,每处理周期为4小时,经过进水、曝气、沉淀滗水四个阶段,达到连续出水的目的。经处理后的废水,出水水质需达到当地环保部门的要求:CODcr60mg/l,BOD520mg/l,T-N15mg/l,T-P3mg/l,NH4-N10mg/l。 本工程的曝气系统由鼓风机供气,由微孔膜式曝气头布气,有曝气均匀、空气利用率高的优势。 本设计剩余污泥处理方案根据CASS反应池的剩余污泥含磷量较高的特点,污泥经预处理后,采用机械脱水,最后焚烧处置。 本设计主要对污水厂工艺选择,各构筑物的设计与计算,设备的选型以及污水厂的总体布置进行初步设计。 关键词 CASS工艺;污水厂的初步设计;工艺 Abstract The design of a city located in the Changjiang River Economic Development Zone,this paper is preliminary design of the the capacity of 50,000 tons of sewage treatment plant . This design uses CASS (cyclic activated sludge system) processing technology.The process is the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) of anti-straight along the length of the pool is divided into two parts, the front of the selected area, also known as biological pre-reaction zone, the rear of the main reaction zone, then install to the Department ofmovements Decanter device, CASS in continuous water - water cycle of intermittent operation mode, set aeration - precipitation - water in one.The process is an aerobic / anoxic / anaerobic process alternately running, with some nitrogen and phosphorus removal, waste water flow to push run, but the reaction Region was completely mixed in the form of running in order to achieve simultaneous nitrification and denitrificationand biological phosphorus removal.For the average urban sawage,CASS process does not require a high degree of pretreantment,simply set the caorse grid and the grit chamber,without the primary sedimentation tank and secondary setting tank,do not need a huge sludge recycle system(in CASS reactor within about 2O% of the sludge return). The CASS project design two pools, each pool CASS has located three separate reaction cell, each processing cycle of 4 hours, after water, aeration, sedimentation Decanter four stages to achieve the purpose of continuous water.The treated wastewater effluent quality required to meet the requirements of the local environmental protection departments: CODcr 60mg / l, BOD5 20mg / l, TN 15mg / l, TP 3mg / l, NH4-N 10mg / l. The aeration system consists of the construction supply blower, first announced by the microporous membrane aeration gas, there is uniform aeration, high efficiency air superiority. The design of sludge treatment options remaninging under the cass reactor sludge characteristics of a high phosphorus content of sludge by pretreatment, mechanical dewatering, the final incineration. Keywords: CASS process ;Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Design ; Nitrogen and phosphorus removal 目 录摘要 IAbstract II目 录 I第一章:设计任务 11.1 设计的意义与要求 11.1.1 对社会的意义 11.1.2 对学生的意义 11.2 城市的概括和自然条件 21.3设计依据 2第二章 水厂的布置原则和设计规模 32.1 污水厂选址及原则 32.2 工程概况 32.3设计规模 42.4设计流量 4第三章 污水处理工艺选择 53.1 污水进出水质情况 53.2 污水处理工艺流程选择的原则 53.3污水处理工艺的选择 63.4 剩余污泥的处理 113.4.1 剩余污泥的特性 113.4.2 污泥处理可供选择的方案 11第四章 污水处理厂的工艺设计和计算 134.1中格栅及提升泵房 134.1.1 中格栅的计算 134.1.2.集水池尺寸计算 164.2泵后细格栅及旋流沉砂池: 204.2.1泵后细格栅: 204.2.2沉砂池 224.3 CASS池设计 254.4鼓风机曝气系统的设计 374.4.5曝气头的选择: 394.4.6曝气头的布置: 404.5剩余污泥的处置 41第五章:污水处理厂的总体设计 465.1厂址的选择与布置原则 465.2平面布置及总平面图原则 475.2.1.各处理单元构筑物的平面布置 475.2.2.管、渠的平面布置 475.3 该污水厂的平面布置的特点 485.4污水厂的高程布置 485.5 主要构筑物的设计 505.6 附属构筑物的设计 51第六章 环境保护、安全生产、社会经济效益 526.1环境保护 526.1.1气味和噪声控制 526.1.2 厂区废水、废渣处置 536.1.3防止事故性排放 536.2 安全生产 536.2.1 劳动保护 536.2.2 消防 546.3 社会效益 55致谢 56参考文献 57专心-专注-专业