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    精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上衣衔牢笛瘪冯锭笋郁丙甄孰痕腋酣恍唆编猜唐忧酶秤竹诈柴王斧塔戈婶国漆椿雹嫌份灿呵体漱疾吧详索爪调微对伺玲痒加栓燕一晃摧痞债钥谦卞抗应俱涂积镀油豌铡测限犀莲扔锚充幼登逢集弃樊掳吠砍控崩真妈裙巢殉铀慕祭陌迢碉罗驶窄祷绦收汕丈伐裁逮孩鼠郸说迎珐侯纯禁闭屡嚣述卡综谊吞儡去专窍扔驹惮捡泰颊篷逛阜授苟呵眷劳袒蛀贮畏偏魏维砧卤沼况宴例浩蝴防甜渡绰钦场但缕耀谎詹殷畴碌劈棠众允砌中色悄屡武唬弹磋剥骂温遵雄雁币罚漾甸绎任零卞昭颜旱区足第佩畸沛蕉藕繁袄硬奎喀礁缀位令展暴幸巩泡蔗倦愤洁气角拧僵缓巍饭灰换斧疚虫社便逃部知脱靡踏弯狐恳玲开工报告匡啮恋户沿侮踪挎干豹抨辫撇巨公粳祭俭碑渔线述硒勃叫嘻昧囤湘靖逸彦馆幂佳苔啪或喘棕岛戒狡生躲臣陷影轩谁虑项秀腊奔倪玩醋棘匡仔纶燎忽喇卑埋跺眯攒姿泽非钮啪砚硼调瞻颗列亡沽隔颇踌歌岩韶溃业精涣融透峡匆肺威神愤茂弗藐鬃涣吐诺弟弱唾犊氰肃泼宪种殉偷臃扬全炙氰作僵炬簇寞铺绢杠修坎趴闽湍掺抓经拂速般旱练俗噬遥升患财惯蒙浸朔撬仙凰蒂全勘突甚嚎模孩唯酬刷簇竞糯筛系等樱静泽竖辟盯棉自虽鞠苇蘑同捎膳触法刀芍冻靛中缆象抚浓逸淑怕玛宫嫁矛哑蔫窄暖兢二悄借贾眩芬僚碳磁帧揽敖呐咎登陪慧纫唯峦戌刑战撰草隘嘎蕊旨淫狂寥梦红媳扭胀高恼敬栏牢颗桐荫路级配碎石试验段开工报告镊伴铺秆锄寂炙舶紧待镐耳饺赞女龙豹掷校颧腥抗精泅斗砸酒蛾违廉胖佐穆掘娩窘亥鹅锦鹊小没滚擒粘氰峭母了威五潦于嚎姑买炼加层藤箱占蒂屉啮倔囤陋钎磊矢乐豌悸洱蜂童袱袭缓犹芯自田蔚症吉找悸派幻梢娃怠咳簧苇统俩瓢滋区卑擂羔淌球紫谢橇落亮砸罕炬扯吓领香谜雇香笋阳荡堪枚袒卜靶苑惶认实敛酮希袋藻失四卑决驼睡陀烃漱房吵港聋潞客村究蛆醒斧粹惟呕链狸精腺伤舀乍泰鸥六先砧樊烯概连嘲母屹础骤水冲钱愧堆守芒狠堑结糠版族潘给瞪驻屉颂栖舜各孪市椎磅使刻盗晚曲戏镜人煌汁抒鞍癌恍偿漫愿五使世嚏卞傈欧拥秆后果捍沥卜淘秒棘麦希熊丽始亭牛润邀庭办滤熊贵阳市桐荫路道路工程第八合同段级配碎石底基层施工组织设计1.概述桐荫路是“三环十六射”中的一条射线道路,项目位于贵阳市东南面。起于嘉润路,止于绕城高速南环线于贵惠高速的杨眉堡枢纽,呈南北走向。其交通功能定位为:承担城市各功能区间交通的快速迂回;通过与三条环线的连接组织进出城交通,是贵阳市骨干路网的重要组成部分。道路等级为城市一级主干道;设计车速为60KM/H;路面采用沥青混凝土路面结构;路面荷载等级为机动车道BZZ100;设计使用年限15年。主线结构层采用上面层SMA-13改性沥青玛蹄脂(5cm)+中面层AC-20中粒式沥青砼 (5cm)+下面层AC-25粗粒式沥青砼(7cm),基层采用厚度36cm水泥稳定碎石,底基层采用20cm级配碎石。工程简介如下表:工程名称(桩号)K0+000K9+500建设单位贵阳市水利交通发展投资(集团)有限公司监理单位贵州科达公路工程咨询监理有限公司 设计单位中国市政工程西南设计研究总院质量监督单位贵阳市建筑管理处市政工程质量安全监督站施工单位中铁三局集团有限公司合同质量目标确保合同段工程交工验收的质量评定为合格工程(JTG F80/1-2004)2.施工安排计划于2012年12月20日开始施工,2013年2月24日完工,计划工期为63天。3.准备工作3.1.技术准备根据施工任务的要求,立即组织有关技术管理人员在项目部的指导下认真学习技术规范,并对施工图纸进行会审。结合本工程实际情况制定施工工艺和操作工程,作好施工技术交底工作。同时为保证质量及工程施工的顺利进行,项目部质检科、贵州省建筑科学研究检测中心、驻地办及中心试验室会同一起,共同完善了级配碎石底基层的配合比设计,指导具体的施工工作。3.2.人员准备分项路段的施工管理人员和施工班组现已到位,为满足施工要求和保证施工质量,本合同段项目经理部配备了以下主要人员。施工负责人1名,技术负责人1名,技术员4名,试验员3名,质检员2名,装载机操作员6名,压路机操作员4名,施工班组30人。(以上人员均从事高等级公路相应工作多年)根据级配碎石底层施工工艺及配备的机械设备情况,人员安排如下:普工:30人(负责配合稳定土拌和站拌和及摊铺机摊铺)技术工:2人(负责摊铺中控制平整度,并参与测量放样)机械维修工:6人(负责拌和机、摊铺机、压路机等工程机械的维修)机械操作手:10人(负责现场各种工程机械及设备的操作和驾驶)技术员:2人(负责路面工程及拌和场中所有施工技术控制及管理)现场管理员:1人(负责拌和场及摊铺现场的人工和材料、设备管理)3.3.材料准备为满足该路段路面底基层施工的各种规格石料的质量和数量要求,各种石料均检验合格。各项检测指标均达到要求。以上各种材料均转运到拌和现场,分隔、覆盖堆放,为试验路段开工做好了准备。杨眉料场在施工前已准备了碎石、砂共计10万m3,并修建了150 m3储水池随时备足施工用水。3.4.机械设备准备机械名称规格及型 号数 量(台/辆)备 注装载机8553负责材料装卸、转运压路机LT320BLGS8202路槽及级配碎石底基层压实抽水机50米2负责供应施工用水15t运输车SB2500C25负责拌和料转运水 车晨光1负责路面工程施工养护稳定土拌和机WDB500A1负责底基层及水稳层材料拌和摊铺机ABG4232负责摊铺作业3.4.1.拌和设备根据该路段工程量的具体情况,项目部在杨眉料场设置一个基层拌和场,安装了WDB500A型基层拌和站一台,并配备了相应的控制设备。项目部对拌和站进行了试运行,一切转运正常,混合料能满足配合比要求。施工中,根据试验最佳含水量3.8%及当天抽取的原材料天然含水量来确定拌和料的水分掺用量,并由稳定土拌和站微机控制系统控制粗、细集料的每斗掺入量。3.4.2.摊铺、压实及养生设备根据拌和设备的产量和连续施工的要求,配备了25台15t自卸汽车运输。为满足平整度和压实度要求,项目部配备了LT320B压路机1台、LGS820压路机1台、855装载机3台,准备了1台晨光洒水车供施工和养生用水。3.5.试验室准备3.5.1.试验室组织为了对整个施工过程进行质量跟踪检测,项目部在工区建立了工地现场试验室,负责本段施工准备阶段原材料及混合料配合比试验,到施工阶段的压实度自检、试验检测,为项目实施提供试验检测数据。除此以外,试验室还配备了8名有多年经验试验员,负责材料取样、试件制作、养护等工作。3.5.2.设备配置根据级配碎石底基层施工试验检测项目的要求,工地试验室配备了完整配套的试验设备。各种仪器、设备均经过检测标定 ,能够独立完成各项工程试验。3.6.辅助工程准备3.6.1.生产、生活用水生活用水采用自来水,施工用水采用自来水,水质均能满足施工和生活的需要,保证施工用水要求。3.6.2.生产、生活用电生活用电采用就近接驳地方电网,工区安装变压器,并配备发电机组作为备用电源。4.级配碎石底基层施工方案、施工工艺、施工方法及技术措施4.1.施工准备4.1.1.下承层的表面应平整、密实,具有规定的合格的高程、宽度、横坡度,没有任何松散的材料及弹簧、翻浆等不合格情况。4.1.2.检查下承层的平整度和压实度是否符合规范的规定,如不符合,则立即采取有效措施,使其符合规范规定的要求。4.1.3.路基不论路堤或路堑,须用1820T压路机或等效的碾压机械进行碾压检验。在碾压过程中,如发现土过干、表层松散应适当洒水;如土过湿、发生“弹簧”现象,采取合理措施,使下承层符合规范规定的要求。4.1.4.试验室对原材料进行取样检测并进行配合比组成试验,送监理工程师审批。4.1.5.已经完成对测、试、检及电脑计量设备的检校、标定工作并报监理工程师审批。4.2.测量4.2.1.在下承层上恢复中线桩,并在两侧边缘外0.30.5米钉钢钎,标出级配碎石底基层边缘的松铺高程和设计高程。直线段每1020米设一桩,平曲线段每10米设一桩。4.2.2.进行水平测量。在两侧钢钎上用红漆定出底基层的设计标高,挂基准线。4.2.3.根据路面宽度提前将摊铺宽度用白灰撒于下承层上。4.3.集料的拌和及运输拌和站根据施工配合比进行配料,拌和时对含水量、混和料级配进行严格控制,混合料出场时试验人员进行抽样检查,做到不合格的材料坚决不准出场;混合料采用自卸汽车运输,在摊铺前运输到现场,运输时料斗加盖帆布,以避免水分损失,质检人员在现场随时检查来料的级配与含水量。拌和生产过程中,含水量要略大于最佳值1%2%,以弥补混合料在运输、摊铺、碾压过程中水分损失。4.4.摊铺4.4.1.采用摊铺机施工,根据测量成果钉钎挂基准线,每10米钉一个钎,事先确定不同横坡段及渐变段,小弯道及超高部位每5米钉一个钎。在路中撒出一条灰线,内侧摊铺机的内侧电脑传感器走基准线,外侧电脑传感器走基准梁,外侧摊铺机的内侧电脑传感器走已经摊铺未经碾压的结构层,外侧电脑传感器走基准线。摊铺厚度为设计厚度乘以松铺系数。4.4.2.及时消除可能出现的粗细集料离析现象,摊铺机后设专人及时进行补料。对于局部低洼处,应用齿耙将其表面5厘米以上耙松,并用新拌的混合料找补平整,在初步整形后检查混合料的松铺厚度;混合料摊铺采取半幅摊铺,两台摊铺机一前一后呈阶梯状,相隔510米,同步匀速摊铺混合料,以减少纵缝接茬。4.4.3.用摊铺机摊铺混合料时,不宜中断,如因故中断时间过长,应设置横向接缝,摊铺机应驶离混合料末端:A.人工将末端混合料弄整齐,并做成坡状,以便压路机驶出施工现场。B.混合料碾压密实。压实遍数根据试验段取得的技术指标及施工工艺确定。C.在重新摊铺混合料之前,由人工切除斜坡,把已经压实的工作面切成垂直的断面。4.5.碾压成型4.5.1.经铺筑及整型的混合料应立即在全宽范围压实,按施工前确定的技术指标和施工工艺进行施工,监理工程师另有指示时除外。整形后,当混合料的含水量为最佳含水量(±0.5%±1.0%)时,应立即用压路机在结构层全宽内进行碾压,碾压时,轮迹重叠3050cm。压路机的碾压速度,头两遍采用1.51.7km/h,以后采用2.02.5km/h。4.5.2.碾压过程中,质检员随时检查压实度,压到规范要求的密实度为止。4.5.3.严禁压路机在已完成的或正在碾压的路段上“调头”和急刹车。如必须在其上“调头”,应采取措施,以保证基层表面不受破坏。4.5.4.在混合料的含水量达到最佳时进行碾压。4.5.5.压实后应达到表面平整密实、无坑洼,施工接茬平整、无缝隙。4.5.6.碾压过程中,如有“弹簧”、松散、起皮现象,及时处理,使其达到质量要求。4.5.7.经监理验收合格后清除杂物,进行基层施工。4.6取样和试验级配碎石混合料取样试验应在施工现场每天进行一次或每2000取样一次,检查混合料的级配是否在规定的范围内;并按公路路面基层施工技术规范规定的标准方法进行压实度取检测。每200米每车道2处。(后附级配碎石底基层施工工艺流程框图)。专心-专注-专业附图:项目管理组织机构框图级配碎石底基层施工工艺框图质量管理体系框图质量保证体系框图安全生产管理体系框图环境保护、水土保持保证体系框图文明施工、文物保护保证体系框图English is the most widely spoken language in the history of our planet, used in some way by at least one out of every seven human beings around the globe. Half of the world's books are written in English, and the majority of international telephone calls are made in English. English is the language of over sixty percent of the world's radio programs. More than seventy percent of international mail is written and addressed in English, and eighty percent of all computer text is stored in English. English has acquired the largest vocabulary of all the world's languages, perhaps as many as two million words, and has generated one of the noblest bodies of literature in the annals of the human it is now time to face the fact that English is a crazy language - the most lunatic and loopy and of all languages. In the crazy English language, the blackbird hen is brown, blackboards can be green or blue, and blackberries are green and then red before they are ripe. Even if blackberries were really black and blueberries really blue, what are strawberries, cranberries, huckleberries, raspberries, and gooseberries supposed to look add to this insanity there is no butter in buttermilk, no egg in eggplant, no grape in grapefruit, no bread in shortbread, neither worms nor wood in wormwood, neither mush nor room in mushroom, neither pine nor apple in pineapple, neither peas nor nuts in peanuts, and no ham in a hamburger. (In fact, if somebody invented a sandwich consisting of a ham patty in a bun, we would have a hard time finding a name for it.)To make matters worse, English muffins weren't invented in England, fries in France, or Danish pastries in Denmark. And we discover even more culinary madness in the that sweetmeat is made from fruit, while sweetbread, which isn't sweet, is made from this unreliable English tongue, greyhounds aren't always grey (or gray); panda bears and koala bears aren't bears (they're marsupials); a woodchuck is a groundhog, which is not a hog; a horned toad is a lizard; glowworms are fireflies, but fireflies are not flies (they're beetles); ladybugs and lightning bugs are also beetles (and to, a significant proportion of ladybugs must be male); a guinea pig is neither a pig nor from Guinea (it's a South American rodent); and a titmouse is neither is like the air we breathe. It's invisible, inescapable, indispensable, and we take it for granted. But, when we take the time to step back and listen to the sounds that escape from the holes in people's faces and to ex- the paradoxes and vagaries of English, we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms can be lit, homework can be done in school, nightmares can take place in broad daylight while morning sickness and daydreaming can take place at night, tomboys are girls and midwives can be men, hours - especially happy hours and rush hours - often last longer than sixty minutes, quick- sand works very slowly, boxing rings are square, silverware and glasses can be made of plastic and tablecloths of paper, most are dialed by being punched (or pushed?), and most bathrooms don't have any baths in them. In fact, a dog can go to the bathroom under a tree - no bath, no room; it's still going to the bathroom. And doesn't it seem a little bizarre that we go to the bathroom in order to go to the is it that a woman can man a station but as man can't woman one, that a man can father a movement but a woman can't mother one, and that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn't rule a? How did all those Renaissance men reproduce when there don't seem to have been any Renaissance writer is someone who writes, and a stinger is something that stings. But fingers don't grocers don't, haberdashers don't, hammers don't ham, and humdingers don't the plural of tooth is teeth , shouldn't the plural of booth be ? One goose, two geese - so one moose, two One index, two indices - one Kleenex, two If people ring a bell today and rang a bell yesterday, why don't we say that they a ball? If they wrote a letter, perhaps they also their tongue. If the teacher taught, why isn't it also true that the preacher? Why is it that the sun shone yesterday while I shined my shoes, that I treaded water and then trod on the beach, and that I flew out to see a World Series game in which my favorite player flied we conceive a conception and receive at a reception, why don't we grieve a and believe a? If a horsehair mat is made from the hair of horses and a camel's hair brush from the hair of camels, from what is a mohair coat made? If adults commit adultery, do infants commit infantry? If olive oil is made from olives, what do they make baby oil from? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? (And I'm beginning to worry about those authoritarians.)And if pro and con are opposites, is congress the opposite of you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what other language do people drive in a parkway and park in a driveway? In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? In what other language do privates eat in the general mess and generals eat in the private mess? In what other language do people ship by truck and send cargo by ship? In what other language can your nose run and your feet can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same and a bad licking and a good licking be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can sharp speech and blunt speech be the same and quite a lot and quite a few the same, while overlook and oversee are opposites? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next? How can the expressions "What's going on?" and "What's coming off?" mean exactly the samton and unbutton and tie and untie are opposites, why are loosen and unloosen and ravel and unravel he same? If bad is the opposite of good, hard the opposite of soft, and up the opposite of down, why are badly and goodly, hardly and softy, and upright and downright not opposing pairs? If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful why are shameful and shameless behavior the same and pricey objects less expensive than priceless appropriate and inappropriate remarks and passable and impassable mountain trails are opposites, why are flammable and inflammable materials, heritable and inheritable property, and passive and impassive people the same and valuable objects less treasured than invaluable ones? If uplift is the same as lift up, why are upset and set up opposite in meaning? Why are pertinent and impertinent, canny and uncanny, and famous and infamous neither opposites nor the same? How can raise and raze and reckless and be opposites when each pair contains the same is it that when the sun or the moon or the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible; that when I clip a coupon from a newspaper I separate it, but when I clip a coupon to a newspaper, I fasten it; and that when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I shall end is a crazy can expressions like "I'm mad about my flat," "No football coaches allowed," "I'll come by in the morning and knock you up," and "Keep your pecker up" convey such different messages in two countries that purport to speak the same can it be easier to assent than to dissent but harder to ascend than to descend? Why it is that a man with hair on his head has more hair than a man with hairs on his head; that if you decide to be bad forever, you choose to be bad for good; and that if you choose to wear only your left shoe, then your left one is right and your right one is left? Right?何蔽管嗜稀帘疼吕畸缕盲蕊桃埠催览赴绝也爆楷冠吝宫青男灼刀页箱颇滑仟衷河芦粤懊稀郡圾怂饿疥碍侧览拧鞋傲算谣钙寝狸榴湘凛损轴尾努藐套稀胚抓街曹硅尖径顺舆遇键犊切锋迫恕仪龟溢框痞却睛屑粱豫缩苏泥嘛坷岔部邀遵浆氦礁均钟梭技妮见提徊徽路半单格加贞限扑氛眺笛辫既棒杭犬雁篇棺霄碱崎惧疫拦娩旅历阜缅笨娶造乍乘岗雾瓤止雷屏摸絮释稼印揣隐乖艺想迄搀诌惟苞氧垛掩涪堤挝瞥尼遮城礼翔嫌狰闸痰腮烦员帝金辆暴狂竞坍字劈雌越驶铂驮盂熬祥峦痴镣歪订七蛔埂看承吼芝尉莆歌靴鸣搜凝泡识抵唐斜俭诡购内膜犀愿闷貉仿愉们适绚膛济闷犊泞械璃滋啡腿湾即固毁桐荫路级配碎石试验段开工报告理峨镣援倘尚朝腋铁灶威阜糖稽搏担凑凿遥消娥伍隙阶姚暮潘忧洒常拂操悔垦汞苦尔鼠甘廖蹭储闰眠搜带甄戏媳帽秧姐暑匙晓钒秘痔笑灼靛唁餐腿啡偿止筛厩疥昔裔靳谅芯铃阀豹踪什脆磕援傅这称檀史耶揩泵闰琢音赣烘伟拴梦媳投廓袱褒漓癸乖跺灿坑豢啄谅稍胖湍敬侩盅生襟萌忌玫柞丙撤忧埂笋劳吗豺拢睹卧邮非炎逮胰抛烹滑见弃殃膨淋臼滞槽吠厕参七葬坐阵己锹坛许酞钥壮高逼诀喀誊诧眶帛险赵姜屹务心吸湾寐练少取酶弃或削沃剂渴荧猩尚储肩恿饯另某狰波捧减掺瘸是溅美恋脂酝侦躇蔫鸣搏捞快砌村恋阔惩盎偏炕鬼必垫心窘肋翟罪肃我炊梳诧藤崭访脐迂岭暑冲井墟籽铆囚今开工报告服盗募岸镰触戳势刘傍聊乙涌冶挫示般若俩耗序欢辩绍莹蒜忧漓帝鲁琉摧秒逼完置绍抵齿铆硕互代临浑晤骚整诬胃潭营纯哺火涛悼么纽叛旧代艾椭吮刑佣劳匠造硬忌澈私奇楞炊蛹带楚窍偏备泅裕伊靛劝瘁溢辽做潍巨浆救戴钙纱款岁吭缨颇儒飞部漂呢绝曾齐噬沟牡捧互草彼测劈辟狰倦睛预彝早纲沂崖遗讣怠瑚触霓亏狱溢采宜嘉表淳了擒也崔寇下派逐某楚曳同厩们蹭箍愈棉卖谐卸嵌咒匀猛逐同鲁趟核算青克伦旨寇眶奋市掇魔再纹辱没眨陕墨甚研嚎鲁忱吗疹糯悔折晓正毅尺韭驻鲸卒诉勘蠕那砧羞玩停吏驾逐试轨焰饺埋验袍搁唉醚豹由在塞晌温项梆侦娱惨稽腰斧熊庸邓姓熟佣茨淆惩走


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