Inspecting,F&B,outlets检查餐饮区域STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 标准操作程序 INSPECTING F&B OUTLETS 检查餐饮区域 Task Number: 任务号: PA-0021 Department: 部门: Housekeeping 客房部 Date Issued: 制定日期: August 20_ 20_年8月 Guest Expectation: 客人期望: I expect Restaurants to be clean. I want to enjoy my food and beverage in the fort of hygienic and sanitized environments. 我希望餐厅非常的干净.我希望在一个卫生,清洁的环境中用餐. Time to Train: 培训时间: 25 minutes 25分钟 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项任务对您和客人如此重要? Answers: 回答: 1. I understand the importance of having clean restaurants. 我明白干净的餐厅的重要性. 2. It is important for us to take good care of our restaurants, as this keeps our image high. 很好的维护餐厅的卫生,会提升客人对我们酒店的印象. 3. We can show our professionalism. 体现了我们的专业 4. We can increase our GSTS score. 增进客人的满意度. WHAT/ STEPS 什么/步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS 怎样/标准 TRAINING QUESTIONS 培训问题 1) Entrance 入口 Check to ensure that doors are clean and working properly particularly doors into the kitchen. Ensure that hinges and handle are clean and there are no scratches on the surface. 检查门的清洁状况,是否工作正常,特别是通往厨房的门,检查门的合页和把手是否清洁,门的表面是否有刮痕. Check the ceiling to ensure it is free of cobwebs and that the light is working. 检查天花板的清洁,是否有蜘蛛网,顶灯的工作是否正常. Why do I have to check if the door is working? 为什么我需要检查门是否可以正常工作? How can I check the ceiling? 我如何检查天花板? 2) Wall 墙面 Check the wall to ensure it is clean and stain free. 检查墙面是否清洁,有没有污迹. Check the pictures on the wall to ensure that they are dust free. 检查壁画是否清洁. Check the light switches and sockets to ensure that they are clean. 检查开关和插座的清洁. Why do I need to check the wall? 为什么我需要检查墙面? What happens if pictures are not hanging straight? 如果壁画没有挂正,我需要做什么? What do I have to check about the switches? 我需要怎样检查开关? 3) Floor 地面 Check the floor skirting to ensure it is clean and not damaged. 检查地角线的清洁,是否有破裂. Check the floor to ensure it is clean and free of debris and stains. Deep cleaning of floors in busy outlets such as the Breakfast area should be periodically deep cleaned. 检查地面是否有碎片或者污迹.使用频繁区域需要做大清洁,特别是早餐区域需要定期大清洁. What do I need to do when the skirting is damaged? 如果踢脚板有破裂,我应该怎么办? Why should the floor be stained? How frequently should be outlets be deep-cleaned? 为什么地面会有污迹?多久需要做一次大清洁? 4) Furniture 家具 Check upholstery to ensure it is clean and free from stains. Remove cushions to check underneath and ensure there is no hidden rubbish. Do I have to check as below cushions? 我需要检查垫子底下的清洁吗? WHAT/ STEPS 什么/步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS 怎样/标准 TRAINING QUESTIONS 培训问题 Check tables and chairs including the legs to ensure they are clean. 检查室内装饰品的清洁,是否有污迹,将坐垫挪开,检查底部的清洁状况. 检查桌椅的清洁状况. Do I have to check table by table and chair by chair? 我需要一个一个地检查桌椅的清洁吗? 5) Buffet counter 自助台 Check around buffet counter area. Ensure it is free of food droppings and stains. 围绕布菲台检查,确认没有食品污迹. Why is this often a particularly stained location? 为什么这里是非常容易产生污迹的地方? 6) Plants/flowers 植物/鲜花 Check the pots/vases to ensure they are clean and free form cigarette butts. 检查花钵的清洁,确认里面没有烟头. Why are cigarettes found in plant pots? 为什么花钵里会有烟头? 7) Windows 窗户 Check windows and curtains to ensure they are clean. Always pull curtains and check behind them to ensure that area has been cleaned 检查窗户和窗帘的清洁,注意检查窗帘的背面区域的清洁. How should I clean the window? 我如何清洁窗帘? 8) Fire prevention facilities 消防器材 Check exit signs to ensure it is clean and working. 检查安全逃生指示的清洁,工作是否正常. Check fire hose and extinguisher to ensure they are clean. 检查消火栓和灭火器的清洁. Why do Emergency signs need to be clean? 为什么紧急出口指示需要清洁? 9) Exit and entrance to the kitchen 厨房的出,入口 Check the floor and mat to ensure that they are clean and properly placed. Lift up the mat to ensure it is clean underneath. 检查地板和垫子的清洁,垫子是否正确放置,将垫子拿起来检查底部的清洁. Why is it important to clean the entrance to the kitchen? 为什么检查厨房的出,入口处很重要? 10) Report defects 问题报告 Report immediately any maintenance problems found while cleaning. 清洁期间有任何问题立即报告. Why do I have to report them immediately? 为什么我需要立即报告? Summary questions: 问题概述: 1. Why is it important to ensure F&B outlets are clean? 为什么确保餐饮区域的清洁很重要? 2. What points must you check? 你需要检查什么地方? 3. When should you check? 你需要在什么时候检查? 4. Why is the floor particularly important? 为什么地板的清洁特别重要? 5. Do you need your work checked? 你需要检查你的工作吗? 6. What do you do if you see maintenance problems? Do I need to report defects to HK or can I report this defect immediately to POMEC? 如果有维修上的问题你要怎么办?是报告客房部还是工程部? Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test petency. 现在由培训生按照步骤从头到位进行实践操作并做测试。 第 6 页 共 6 页