实训17进口业务善后操作实训17 进口业务善后操作参考答案:【任务1】处理争议Dear Mr. YamaWith reference to our order No. LX10900, we found that the spare parts of the numerically controlled sharpen machines which reaching in APR. 26, 2019 were rust. But the equipment reaches here in good conditions. So we have to guess the rust may happened before the transport.As you know, the rusting parts involved us in a large trouble. Our customer is worry about the productivity. So we must claim for you to send the new spare parts immediately. The expense about this are all for your account.We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.Yours sincerely,Feng CaiNanjing Lixia Import and Export Co., Ltd.No. 3108 Renmin Rd. Nanjing, China0086-25-48251131 Fax: 0086-25-48251201【任务2】办理国内收款交货妥善解决争议后,蔡锋按照国内销售合同规定,通知南京历玛机械股份有限公司HS1122数控刃磨机床及备件已到,备齐余款686000元(980000元-294000元),到南京丽霞进出口有限公司南京仓库办理验货、付款并提货手续。南京历玛机械股份有限公司到南京丽霞进出口有限公司南京仓库验货。验货合格后,用汇票支付686000元余款后把货提走。1 / 1